Mosquitoes are common flying insects in the family Culicidae that are found around the world. The pupa is comma-shaped in Anopheles when viewed from the side. The head and thorax are merged into a cephalothorax with the abdomen curving around underneath.

Metamorphosis of a Mosquito

Mosquitoes are common flying insects in the family Culicidae that are found around the world. The pupa…

The Five-Spotted Hawkmoth (Manduca quinquemaculata) is a brown and gray hawk moth of the Sphingidae family. The caterpillar is often referred to as the tomato hornworm and can be a major pest in gardens. The tomato hornworm larva is a green caterpillar, with eight, v-shaped markings on its side and has a black horn on its rear just as other hornworms.

Tomato Worm

The Five-Spotted Hawkmoth (Manduca quinquemaculata) is a brown and gray hawk moth of the Sphingidae…

The Puss Moth (Cerura vinula) is a lepidoptera from the family Notodontidae. The puss moth is stinging caterpillar, Megalopyge opercularis, commonly called an asp. This is one of the most toxic caterpillars in North America. The mature larva is 1 to 1½ inches long with seven pairs of prolegs (suction-cup like claspers on the rear of the body). This larva of the puss moth shows as it appears when undisturbed.

Puss Moth

The Puss Moth (Cerura vinula) is a lepidoptera from the family Notodontidae. The puss moth is stinging…

The Puss Moth (Cerura vinula) is a lepidoptera from the family Notodontidae. The puss moth is stinging caterpillar, Megalopyge opercularis, commonly called an asp. This is one of the most toxic caterpillars in North America. The mature larva is 1 to 1½ inches long with seven pairs of prolegs (suction-cup like claspers on the rear of the body). This larva of the puss moth shows as it appears when disturbed and ready to sting. Intense, throbbing pain develops almost immediately witnin contact with the caterpillar.

Puss Moth

The Puss Moth (Cerura vinula) is a lepidoptera from the family Notodontidae. The puss moth is stinging…

The Browning M1919 is a .30 caliber medium machine gun family widely used during the 20th century. It was used as a light infantry, coaxial, mounted, aircraft, and anti-aircraft machine gun by the U.S. and many other countries, especially during World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. Although it began to be superseded by newer designs in the later half of the century (such as by the M60 machine gun), it remained in use in many North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries and elsewhere for much longer. It is very similar in design to the larger .50-caliber M2 Machine Gun, which is also a Browning-designed weapon and is still in NATO service.

Browning Machine Gun

The Browning M1919 is a .30 caliber medium machine gun family widely used during the 20th century. It…

An illustration of the bust of Seneca the Elder. Lucius or Marcus Annaeus Seneca, known as Seneca the Elder and Seneca the Rhetorician (ca. 54 BC – ca. 39 AD), was a Roman rhetorician and writer, born of a wealthy equestrian family of Cordoba, Hispania.

Bust of Seneca the Elder

An illustration of the bust of Seneca the Elder. Lucius or Marcus Annaeus Seneca, known as Seneca the…

An illustration of the sarcophagus of Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus. Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus (died c. 280 BC) was one of the two elected Roman consuls in 298 BC. He led the Roman army to victory against the Etruscans near Volterra. A member of the noble Roman family of Scipiones, he was the father of Lucius Cornelius Scipio and Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Asina and great-grandfather of Scipio Africanus.

Sarcophagus of Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus

An illustration of the sarcophagus of Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus. Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus…

The Cape Mole Rat (Georychus capensis) is a rodent in the Bathyergidae family of blesmols and was also known as the Cape Sand-mole.

Cape Mole Rat

The Cape Mole Rat (Georychus capensis) is a rodent in the Bathyergidae family of blesmols and was also…

The Common Miner (Geositta cunicularia) is a passerine bird in the Furnariidae family of ovenbirds.

Common Miner

The Common Miner (Geositta cunicularia) is a passerine bird in the Furnariidae family of ovenbirds.

The Olive-Backed Quail-Dove (Geotrygon veraguensis) is a bird in the Columbidae family of pigeons and doves. It was also known as the Veraguan Partridge-dove.

Olive-Backed Quail-Dove

The Olive-Backed Quail-Dove (Geotrygon veraguensis) is a bird in the Columbidae family of pigeons and…

"Drone-beetle (Geotrypes splendidus). GEOTRYPES. A Fabrician genus of beetles typical of the family Geotrypidae." -Whitney, 1911

Drone Beetle

"Drone-beetle (Geotrypes splendidus). GEOTRYPES. A Fabrician genus of beetles typical of the family…

The Common Yellowthroat or Maryland Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas) is a bird in the Parulidae family of New World warblers.

Common Yellowthroat

The Common Yellowthroat or Maryland Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas) is a bird in the Parulidae family…

The Yellow-Throated Plated Lizard (Gerrhosaurus flavigularis) is a reptile in the Gerrhosauridae family of plated lizards.

Yellow-Throated Plated Lizard

The Yellow-Throated Plated Lizard (Gerrhosaurus flavigularis) is a reptile in the Gerrhosauridae family…

The Northern Alligator Lizard (Elgaria coerulea) is a lizard in the Anguidae family that was also known as the synonym Gerrhonotus coeruleus.

Northern Alligator Lizard

The Northern Alligator Lizard (Elgaria coerulea) is a lizard in the Anguidae family that was also known…

The Lar Gibbon (Hylobates lar) is a primate in the Hylobatidae family of gibbons. It is also known as the White-Handed Gibbon.

Lar Gibbon

The Lar Gibbon (Hylobates lar) is a primate in the Hylobatidae family of gibbons. It is also known as…

The Bowman's Root (Gillenia trifoliata) is an ornamental plant in the rose family, Rosaceae.

Bowman's Root

The Bowman's Root (Gillenia trifoliata) is an ornamental plant in the rose family, Rosaceae.

The Longjaw Mudsucker (Gillichthys mirabilis) is a fish in the Gobiidae family of gobies.

Longjaw Mudsucker

The Longjaw Mudsucker (Gillichthys mirabilis) is a fish in the Gobiidae family of gobies.

The Ginger plant (Zingiber officinale) is a flowering plant in the Zingiberaceae family.

Ginger Plant

The Ginger plant (Zingiber officinale) is a flowering plant in the Zingiberaceae family.

"The camelopard, Giraffa camelopardalis or Camelopardalis giraffa, a ruminant animal inhabiting various parts of Africa, and constituting the only species of its genus and family." -Whitney, 1911


"The camelopard, Giraffa camelopardalis or Camelopardalis giraffa, a ruminant animal inhabiting various…

The American Gizzard Shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) is a fish in the Clupeidae family of herrings.

American Gizzard Shad

The American Gizzard Shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) is a fish in the Clupeidae family of herrings.

The Rosy Wolf Snail (Euglandina rosea) is a predatory snail in the Spiraxidae family of air-breathing land snails and was also known as the synonym Glandina truncata.

Rosy Wolf Snail

The Rosy Wolf Snail (Euglandina rosea) is a predatory snail in the Spiraxidae family of air-breathing…

"Common Glareole or Pratincole (Glareola pratincola). GLAREOLA. A remarkable genus of birds, typical of the family Glareolidae." -Whitney, 1911

Collared Pratincole

"Common Glareole or Pratincole (Glareola pratincola). GLAREOLA. A remarkable genus of birds, typical…

The Eastern Glass Lizard (Ophisaurus ventralis) is a legless lizard in the Anguidae family.

Eastern Glass Lizard

The Eastern Glass Lizard (Ophisaurus ventralis) is a legless lizard in the Anguidae family.

The Northern Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium gnoma) is an owl in the Strigidae family of true owls.

Northern Pygmy Owl

The Northern Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium gnoma) is an owl in the Strigidae family of true owls.

"The Sea Lizard (Glaucus atlanticus) is a blue sea slug in the Glaucidae family of colorful sea slugs." -Whitney, 1911

Sea Lizard

"The Sea Lizard (Glaucus atlanticus) is a blue sea slug in the Glaucidae family of colorful sea slugs."…

The Long-Finned Pilot Whale (Globicephala melas) is a mammal in the Delphinidae family of oceanic dolphins.

Long-Finned Pilot Whale

The Long-Finned Pilot Whale (Globicephala melas) is a mammal in the Delphinidae family of oceanic dolphins.

"Globigerina bulloides. GLOBIGERINIDAE. A family of chiefly pelagic foraminiferous rhizopods, with the perforate test free and calcareous, its several chambers inflated or globose and arranged in a turbinate spiral, the aperture simple or multiple and conspicuous, opening into an umbilical depression, and no supplementary skeleton or canal system." -Whitney, 1911


"Globigerina bulloides. GLOBIGERINIDAE. A family of chiefly pelagic foraminiferous rhizopods, with the…

"Globigerina bulloides. GLOBIGERINIDAE. A family of chiefly pelagic foraminiferous rhizopods, with the perforate test free and calcareous, its several chambers inflated or globose and arranged in a turbinate spiral, the aperture simple or multiple and conspicuous, opening into an umbilical depression, and no supplementary skeleton or canal system." -Whitney, 1911


"Globigerina bulloides. GLOBIGERINIDAE. A family of chiefly pelagic foraminiferous rhizopods, with the…

"Glyptodon (Glyptodon clavipes). The typical and best-known genus of the family Glyptodontidae; the long-tailed fossil armadillos or glyptodons, with 5 toes on the hind feet and 4 on the fore, the fifth digit of which is wanting." -Whitney, 1911


"Glyptodon (Glyptodon clavipes). The typical and best-known genus of the family Glyptodontidae; the…

"A small two-winged fly, Culex pipiens, of the family Culicidae, suborder Nemocera, and order Diptera, called in America mosquito." -Whitney, 1911


"A small two-winged fly, Culex pipiens, of the family Culicidae, suborder Nemocera, and order Diptera,…

The Black Wildebeest or White-tailed gnu (Connochaetes gnou) is an African mammal in the Bovidae family.

Black Wildebeest

The Black Wildebeest or White-tailed gnu (Connochaetes gnou) is an African mammal in the Bovidae family.

The European Nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus) is a bird in the Caprimulgidae family of nightjars.

European Nightjar

The European Nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus) is a bird in the Caprimulgidae family of nightjars.

Gobio fluviatilis is a species of gudgeons, a ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family.


Gobio fluviatilis is a species of gudgeons, a ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family.

The Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) is a large shorebird in the Scolopacidae family of waders.

Marbled Godwit

The Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) is a large shorebird in the Scolopacidae family of waders.

The Goldcrest (Regulus regulus) is a small bird in the Regulidae family of kinglets. It was also known as the synonym Regulus cristatus.


The Goldcrest (Regulus regulus) is a small bird in the Regulidae family of kinglets. It was also known…

The American Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis) is a North American bird in the Fringillidae family of finches.

American Goldfinch

The American Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis) is a North American bird in the Fringillidae family of finches.

"Goldfish (Carassius auratus). A fish of the carp family Cyprinidae, Cyprinus or Carassius auratus, originally a Chinese species, now domesticated and bred everywhere for ornament in ponds, tanks, and aquariums." -Whitney, 1911


"Goldfish (Carassius auratus). A fish of the carp family Cyprinidae, Cyprinus or Carassius auratus,…

"Gonatopus contortulus. A genus of ichneumon-flies of the family Proctotrupidae and subfamily Dryininae, having raptorial fore tarsi and no wings." -Whitney, 1911

Ichneumon Fly

"Gonatopus contortulus. A genus of ichneumon-flies of the family Proctotrupidae and subfamily Dryininae,…

"Sea-lemon (Goniodoris nodosa). GONIODORIDIDAE. A family of nudibranchiate gastropods, typified by the genus Goniodoris, having a sessile or petiolated suctorial pharyngeal bulb." -Whitney, 1911

Sea Lemon

"Sea-lemon (Goniodoris nodosa). GONIODORIDIDAE. A family of nudibranchiate gastropods, typified by the…

"Goniatites henslowi. GONIOTITES. A genus of fossil ammonites, giving name to the family Goniatitidae, having a discoid shell with angulated lobed sutures." -Whitney, 1911


"Goniatites henslowi. GONIOTITES. A genus of fossil ammonites, giving name to the family Goniatitidae,…

The Himalayan Goral (Naemorhedus goral) is a ruminant in the Bovidae family.

Himalayan Goral

The Himalayan Goral (Naemorhedus goral) is a ruminant in the Bovidae family.

The Western Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) is a great ape in the Hominidae family and was once known as the synonyms Troglodytes gorilla or Gorilla savagei.

Western Gorilla

The Western Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) is a great ape in the Hominidae family and was once known as the…

The Repose of the Holy Family in Egypt is a woodcut that is part of a series "Life of the Virgin" by Albrecht Dürer between 1504 and 1505. It depicts Mary and Jesus resting after a long journey. The woodcut is created by carving an image on a wooden block and rolling ink over that surface and then printing it on paper.

Repose of the Holy Family in Egypt

The Repose of the Holy Family in Egypt is a woodcut that is part of a series "Life of the Virgin" by…

The Holy Family is a woodcut that was creates by Albrecht Dürer in 1511. It depicts Mary and Jesus with other people. A woodcut was created by carving an image on a wooden block and rolling ink over that surface and then printing it on paper.

The Holy Family

The Holy Family is a woodcut that was creates by Albrecht Dürer in 1511. It depicts Mary and Jesus…

The head and leg of the stork, a bird in the Ciconiidae family of storks, herons, and egrets.

Stork Head and Leg

The head and leg of the stork, a bird in the Ciconiidae family of storks, herons, and egrets.

The head and leg of the heron, a bird in the Ardeidae family of wading birds.

Heron Head and Leg

The head and leg of the heron, a bird in the Ardeidae family of wading birds.

The head and leg of the crane, a bird in the Gruidae family of cranes.

Crane Head and Leg

The head and leg of the crane, a bird in the Gruidae family of cranes.

The European Grapevine Moth (Lobesia botrana) is an insect in the Tortricidae family of tortrix moths.

European Grapevine Moth

The European Grapevine Moth (Lobesia botrana) is an insect in the Tortricidae family of tortrix moths.

The Vesper Sparrow (Pooecetes gramineus) is a bird in the Emberizidae family of American sparrows. It was known as the synonym common name, Grassfinch.

Vesper Sparrow

The Vesper Sparrow (Pooecetes gramineus) is a bird in the Emberizidae family of American sparrows. It…

A female Red-Legged Grasshopper. Melanoplus femurrubrum is an insect in the Acrididae family of grasshoppers.

Red-Legged Grasshopper

A female Red-Legged Grasshopper. Melanoplus femurrubrum is an insect in the Acrididae family of grasshoppers.

The Greylag Goose (Anser anser) is a bird in the Anatidae family of ducks, geese, and swans. It was also known as the synonym Anser cinereus.

Greylag Goose

The Greylag Goose (Anser anser) is a bird in the Anatidae family of ducks, geese, and swans. It was…

The Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) is a freshwater fish in the Salmonidae family of salmon. It was also known as the synonym Alaskan Grayling (Thymallus signifer).

Arctic Grayling

The Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) is a freshwater fish in the Salmonidae family of salmon. It…

The Horned Grebe (Podiceps cornutus) is a freshwater diving bird in the Podicipedidae family of grebes.

Horned Grebe

The Horned Grebe (Podiceps cornutus) is a freshwater diving bird in the Podicipedidae family of grebes.

The Red-Eyed Vireo or Greenlet (Vireo olivaceus) is a small American songbird in the Vireonidae family of vireos.

Red-Eyed Vireo

The Red-Eyed Vireo or Greenlet (Vireo olivaceus) is a small American songbird in the Vireonidae family…

The Green Sandpiper (Tringa ochropus) is a small shorebird in the Scolopacidae family of waders. It was once known as the synonym Greenshank (Totanus glottis).

Green Sandpiper

The Green Sandpiper (Tringa ochropus) is a small shorebird in the Scolopacidae family of waders. It…

"Gregarina of Earthworm. GREGARINIDAE. A family or other major group of endoplastic protozoans, having spheroidal, ovoid, or elongated bodies, sometimes with a segmental constriction, and occasionally one end of the body beaked with an epimerite bearing curved horny spines." -Whitney, 1911

Gregarina of Earthworm

"Gregarina of Earthworm. GREGARINIDAE. A family or other major group of endoplastic protozoans, having…

"Gregarina of Earthworm, encysted. GREGARINIDAE. A family or other major group of endoplastic protozoans, having spheroidal, ovoid, or elongated bodies, sometimes with a segmental constriction, and occasionally one end of the body beaked with an epimerite bearing curved horny spines." -Whitney, 1911

Gregarina Encysted

"Gregarina of Earthworm, encysted. GREGARINIDAE. A family or other major group of endoplastic protozoans,…

"Gregarina, contents divided into pseudo-navicellae. GREGARINIDAE. A family or other major group of endoplastic protozoans, having spheroidal, ovoid, or elongated bodies, sometimes with a segmental constriction, and occasionally one end of the body beaked with an epimerite bearing curved horny spines." -Whitney, 1911


"Gregarina, contents divided into pseudo-navicellae. GREGARINIDAE. A family or other major group of…

"Gregarina, contents divided into pseudo-navicellae. GREGARINIDAE. A family or other major group of endoplastic protozoans, having spheroidal, ovoid, or elongated bodies, sometimes with a segmental constriction, and occasionally one end of the body beaked with an epimerite bearing curved horny spines." -Whitney, 1911


"Gregarina, contents divided into pseudo-navicellae. GREGARINIDAE. A family or other major group of…

"Gregarina, free pseudo-navicellae. GREGARINIDAE. A family or other major group of endoplastic protozoans, having spheroidal, ovoid, or elongated bodies, sometimes with a segmental constriction, and occasionally one end of the body beaked with an epimerite bearing curved horny spines." -Whitney, 1911


"Gregarina, free pseudo-navicellae. GREGARINIDAE. A family or other major group of endoplastic protozoans,…