Glides are only transitional sounds. They are intermediate to Consonants and Vowels, combining the characteristics of certain central-aperature consonants with the wide or expanded quality of vowels, but differing from vowels in not having a fixed configuration. representing glides the peculiarities of consonants and vowels are blended: the accented fingers, by being straightened, contribute a consonant characteristic; while the second phalanx of the thumb, by being held at an angle to the plane of the palm, imparts to the glide positions the wide, without giving them the firm, quality of vowel positions. <p> Glides-Indicated positions are distinguished by having the accent finger straightened, and the accented voice phalanx of the thumb in contact with that finger's second phalanx. They are adapted to illustrate the easy transition from Vowel to Glide. Glides-Indicated possess exactly the same phonetic value and significance as the Glides which they respectively replace. When used with a High Vowel, have the third finger accented. Primary glides-indicated have closed unaccented fingers. Back Glide-Indicated positions, being posterior, have the palm held laterally at an angle to the arm.

Indicated High Primary Back Glide

Glides are only transitional sounds. They are intermediate to Consonants and Vowels, combining the characteristics…

Glides are only transitional sounds. They are intermediate to Consonants and Vowels, combining the characteristics of certain central-aperature consonants with the wide or expanded quality of vowels, but differing from vowels in not having a fixed configuration. representing glides the peculiarities of consonants and vowels are blended: the accented fingers, by being straightened, contribute a consonant characteristic; while the second phalanx of the thumb, by being held at an angle to the plane of the palm, imparts to the glide positions the wide, without giving them the firm, quality of vowel positions. <p> Glides-Indicated positions are distinguished by having the accent finger straightened, and the accented voice phalanx of the thumb in contact with that finger's second phalanx. They are adapted to illustrate the easy transition from Vowel to Glide. Glides-Indicated possess exactly the same phonetic value and significance as the Glides which they respectively replace. When used with a High Vowel, have the third finger accented.  Straightened unaccented fingers should be employed only to indicate "Wide".  Back Glide-Indicated positions, being posterior, have the palm held laterally at an angle to the arm.

Indicated High Wide Back Glide

Glides are only transitional sounds. They are intermediate to Consonants and Vowels, combining the characteristics…

Glides are only transitional sounds. They are intermediate to Consonants and Vowels, combining the characteristics of certain central-aperature consonants with the wide or expanded quality of vowels, but differing from vowels in not having a fixed configuration. representing glides the peculiarities of consonants and vowels are blended: the accented fingers, by being straightened, contribute a consonant characteristic; while the second phalanx of the thumb, by being held at an angle to the plane of the palm, imparts to the glide positions the wide, without giving them the firm, quality of vowel positions. <p> Glides-Indicated positions are distinguished by having the accent finger straightened, and the accented voice phalanx of the thumb in contact with that finger's second phalanx. They are adapted to illustrate the easy transition from Vowel to Glide. Glides-Indicated possess exactly the same phonetic value and significance as the Glides which they respectively replace. When used with a Mid, have the center finger accented.  Primary glides-indicated have closed unaccented fingers.  Back Glide-Indicated positions, being posterior, have the palm held laterally at an angle to the arm.

Indicated Mid Primary Back Glide

Glides are only transitional sounds. They are intermediate to Consonants and Vowels, combining the characteristics…

Glides are only transitional sounds. They are intermediate to Consonants and Vowels, combining the characteristics of certain central-aperature consonants with the wide or expanded quality of vowels, but differing from vowels in not having a fixed configuration. representing glides the peculiarities of consonants and vowels are blended: the accented fingers, by being straightened, contribute a consonant characteristic; while the second phalanx of the thumb, by being held at an angle to the plane of the palm, imparts to the glide positions the wide, without giving them the firm, quality of vowel positions. <p> Glides-Indicated positions are distinguished by having the accent finger straightened, and the accented voice phalanx of the thumb in contact with that finger's second phalanx. They are adapted to illustrate the easy transition from Vowel to Glide. Glides-Indicated possess exactly the same phonetic value and significance as the Glides which they respectively replace. When used with a Mid, have the center finger accented.  Straightened unaccented fingers should be employed only to indicate "Wide".  Back Glide-Indicated positions, being posterior, have the palm held laterally at an angle to the arm.

Indicated Mid Wide Back Glide

Glides are only transitional sounds. They are intermediate to Consonants and Vowels, combining the characteristics…

Glides are only transitional sounds. They are intermediate to Consonants and Vowels, combining the characteristics of certain central-aperature consonants with the wide or expanded quality of vowels, but differing from vowels in not having a fixed configuration. representing glides the peculiarities of consonants and vowels are blended: the accented fingers, by being straightened, contribute a consonant characteristic; while the second phalanx of the thumb, by being held at an angle to the plane of the palm, imparts to the glide positions the wide, without giving them the firm, quality of vowel positions. <p> Glides-Indicated positions are distinguished by having the accent finger straightened, and the accented voice phalanx of the thumb in contact with that finger's second phalanx. They are adapted to illustrate the easy transition from Vowel to Glide. Glides-Indicated possess exactly the same phonetic value and significance as the Glides which they respectively replace. When used with a Low, have the first finger accented.  Primary glides-indicated have closed unaccented fingers.  Back Glide-Indicated positions, being posterior, have the palm held laterally at an angle to the arm.

Indicated Low Primary Back Glide

Glides are only transitional sounds. They are intermediate to Consonants and Vowels, combining the characteristics…

Glides are only transitional sounds. They are intermediate to Consonants and Vowels, combining the characteristics of certain central-aperature consonants with the wide or expanded quality of vowels, but differing from vowels in not having a fixed configuration. representing glides the peculiarities of consonants and vowels are blended: the accented fingers, by being straightened, contribute a consonant characteristic; while the second phalanx of the thumb, by being held at an angle to the plane of the palm, imparts to the glide positions the wide, without giving them the firm, quality of vowel positions. <p> Glides-Indicated positions are distinguished by having the accent finger straightened, and the accented voice phalanx of the thumb in contact with that finger's second phalanx. They are adapted to illustrate the easy transition from Vowel to Glide. Glides-Indicated possess exactly the same phonetic value and significance as the Glides which they respectively replace. When used with a Low, have the first finger accented.  Straightened unaccented fingers should be employed only to indicate "Wide".  Back Glide-Indicated positions, being posterior, have the palm held laterally at an angle to the arm.

Indicated Low Wide Back Glide

Glides are only transitional sounds. They are intermediate to Consonants and Vowels, combining the characteristics…

"Then said Boaz unto his servant that was set over the reapers, Whose damsel is this?And the servant that was set over the reapers answered and said, It is the Moabitish damsel that came back with Naomi out of the country of Moab: And she said, Let me glean, I pray you, and gather after the reapers among the sheaves. So she came, and hath continued even from the morning until now, save that she tarried a little in the house. Then said Boaz unto Ruth, Hearest thou not, my daughter? Go not to glean in another field, neither pass from hence, but abide here fast by my maidens. Let thine eyes be on the field that they do reap, and go thou after them: have I not charged the young men that they shall not touch thee? and when thou art athirst, go unto the vessels, and drink of that which the young men have drawn." Ruth 2:5-9
<p>Boaz and his servant speak with Ruth who is gleaning in his field.

Ruth Gleaning in the Fields of Boaz

"Then said Boaz unto his servant that was set over the reapers, Whose damsel is this?And the servant…

The Meadow Foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis) has an erect, smooth stem, two or three feet high with swelling sheaths. The spikes are cylindrical and obtuse. The awn is twisted and twice the length of the blossom. It has only one palea. The spike or head of the Meadow Foxtail is soft. There are few light stems and leaves. It thrives best in rich, moist strong soil.

Meadow Foxtail Grass

The Meadow Foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis) has an erect, smooth stem, two or three feet high with swelling…

The Meadow Foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis)has an erect, smooth stem, two or three feet high with swelling sheaths. The spikes are cylindrical and obtuse. The awn is twisted and twice the length of the blossom. It has only one palea. The spike or head of the Meadow Foxtail is soft. There are few light stems and leaves. It thrives best in rich, moist strong soil, and flowers from late spring to early summer.

Meadow Foxtail Grass

The Meadow Foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis)has an erect, smooth stem, two or three feet high with swelling…

The Many-flowered Darnel (Lolium multiflorum) is the most showy species of rye grass cultvated. Three to several flowered, compressed spikelets with the flat side toward the rachis. Glumes nearly equal and opposite, nerved. The lower palea like the glumes, convex on the back, awned from the tip, upper flattened. Three stamens. Mostly annuals but some are perennials.

Many-flowered Darnel

The Many-flowered Darnel (Lolium multiflorum) is the most showy species of rye grass cultvated. Three…

The Many-flowered Darnel (Lolium multiflorum) is the most showy species of rye grass cultvated. Three to several flowered, compressed spikelets with the flat side toward the rachis. Glumes nearly equal and opposite, nerved. The lower palea like the glumes, convex on the back, awned from the tip, upper flattened. Three stamens. Mostly annuals but some are perennials. A magnified spikelet is shown here.

Many-flowered Darnel

The Many-flowered Darnel (Lolium multiflorum) is the most showy species of rye grass cultvated. Three…

Wild Oat Grass (Danthonia spicata), also referred to as White Top grass, and Old Fog grass, is common in dry, sunny pastures, with a stem one foot high, slender with short leaves. Narrow sheaths, bearded. The panicle is simple and there are seven flowered spikelets. The lower palea broadly ovate, loosely hairy on the back, longer than its awl-shaped teeth. Perennial and flowers in June.

Wild Oat Grass

Wild Oat Grass (Danthonia spicata), also referred to as White Top grass, and Old Fog grass, is common…

Wild Oat Grass (Danthonia spicata), also referred to as White Top grass, and Old Fog grass, is common in dry, sunny pastures, with a stem one foot high, slender with short leaves. Narrow sheaths, bearded. The panicle is simple and there are seven flowered spikelets. The lower palea broadly ovate, loosely hairy on the back, longer than its awl-shaped teeth. Perennial and flowers in June. Shown is a magnified spikelet.

Wild Oat Grass

Wild Oat Grass (Danthonia spicata), also referred to as White Top grass, and Old Fog grass, is common…

Wild Oat Grass (Danthonia spicata), also referred to as White Top grass, and Old Fog grass, is common in dry, sunny pastures, with a stem one foot high, slender with short leaves. Narrow sheaths, bearded. The panicle is simple and there are seven flowered spikelets. The lower palea broadly ovate, loosely hairy on the back, longer than its awl-shaped teeth. Perennial and flowers in June. Shown is a magnified spikelet. Shown is the upper pale.

Wild Oat Grass

Wild Oat Grass (Danthonia spicata), also referred to as White Top grass, and Old Fog grass, is common…

Tall Meadow Oat Grass (Arrhenatherum avenaceum), or Tall Oat Grass is the avena elatior of Linnaeus. It has open panicled spikelets. The grass is two-flowered, the lower flower staminate, bearing a long bent awn below the middle of the back. The leaves are flat, acute and roughish on both sides. The panicle leans slightly to one side and the glumes are very unequal. The stems grow from two to three feet high with a perennial fibrous root that is sometimes bulbous. It is distinguished from other grasses by having two florets, the lower one having a long awn rising from a little above the base of the base of the outer palea. The grass flowers from May to July.

Tall Meadow Oat Grass

Tall Meadow Oat Grass (Arrhenatherum avenaceum), or Tall Oat Grass is the avena elatior of Linnaeus.…

Tall Meadow Oat Grass (Arrhenatherum avenaceum), or Tall Oat Grass is the avena elatior of Linnaeus. It has open panicled spikelets. The grass is two-flowered, the lower flower staminate, bearing a long bent awn below the middle of the back. The leaves are flat, acute and roughish on both sides. The panicle leans slightly to one side and the glumes are very unequal. The stems grow from two to three feet high with a perennial fibrous root that is sometimes bulbous. It is distinguished from other grasses by having two florets, the lower one having a long awn rising from a little above the base of the base of the outer palea. The grass flowers from May to July. A magnified spikelet is shown here.

Tall Meadow Oat Grass

Tall Meadow Oat Grass (Arrhenatherum avenaceum), or Tall Oat Grass is the avena elatior of Linnaeus.…

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) has three-flowered spreading spikelets. The lateral flowers are neutral with one palea, hairy on the outside, and awned on the back. The glumes are thin, acute, keeled, the upper twice as long as the lower. The seed is ovate and adhearing to the palea which encloses it. The stem is from one and a half to two feet high. The root is perennial and flowers in May and June. This is one of the earliest spring grasses and one of the latest in autumn, and is almost the only grass that is fragrant.

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) has three-flowered spreading spikelets. The lateral…

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) has three-flowered spreading spikelets. The lateral flowers are neutral with one palea, hairy on the outside, and awned on the back. The glumes are thin, acute, keeled, the upper twice as long as the lower. The seed is ovate and adhearing to the palea which encloses it. The stem is from one and a half to two feet high. The root is perennial and flowers in May and June. This is one of the earliest spring grasses and one of the latest in autumn, and is almost the only grass that is fragrant. A flower is seen here.

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) has three-flowered spreading spikelets. The lateral…

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) has three-flowered spreading spikelets. The lateral flowers are neutral with one palea, hairy on the outside, and awned on the back. The glumes are thin, acute, keeled, the upper twice as long as the lower. The seed is ovate and adhearing to the palea which encloses it. The stem is from one and a half to two feet high. The root is perennial and flowers in May and June. This is one of the earliest spring grasses and one of the latest in autumn, and is almost the only grass that is fragrant.  A flower is seen here.

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) has three-flowered spreading spikelets. The lateral…

The First Battle of Bull Run is also known as the First Battle of Manassas and was the first major land battle of the Civil War fought on July 21, 1861 near Manassas, Virginia. Brig. Gen. Irvin McDowell advanced his Union Army troops across Bull Run against the Confederate Army under Brig. Gens. Joseph E. Johnston and P.G.T. Buearegard. The Union was forced to retreat back to Washington, D.C.

First Battle of Bull Run

The First Battle of Bull Run is also known as the First Battle of Manassas and was the first major land…

Horace Greeley's past editorials come back to haunt him.

Greeley's Past Editorials Haunt

Horace Greeley's past editorials come back to haunt him.

"Peculiar position of some members when asked to refund the back-pay grab."

Back-Pay Grab

"Peculiar position of some members when asked to refund the back-pay grab."

The 1880 Presidential Elections with the Democratic Donkey being pulled back from the brink.

1880 Presidential Elections

The 1880 Presidential Elections with the Democratic Donkey being pulled back from the brink.

Roscoe Conkling and Thomas Platt lost their heads as Grant tries to put their heads back on.

Conkling and Platt Lost Their Heads

Roscoe Conkling and Thomas Platt lost their heads as Grant tries to put their heads back on.

An illustration of a man in prison resting his head on arm.

Man in Prison Resting Head

An illustration of a man in prison resting his head on arm.

An illustration of the face of a man with a bandaged hand.

Man with Bandaged Head

An illustration of the face of a man with a bandaged hand.

"Argent, a stag lodged, proper, attired, or. ATTIRED. When the horns of a stag are of a different tincture to its head, it is said to be attired." -Hall, 1862

Stag Attired

"Argent, a stag lodged, proper, attired, or. ATTIRED. When the horns of a stag are of a different tincture…

"An eagle's head erased, beaked, or. BEAKED. The beak of a bird being of a different tint from the body is said to be beaked." -Hall, 1862

Eagle Beaked

"An eagle's head erased, beaked, or. BEAKED. The beak of a bird being of a different tint from the body…

"Argent, a stag's head caboshed, proper. CABOCHED or CABOSHED. Beasts' heads borne without any part of the neck, and full faced." -Hall, 1862

Stag Caboshed

"Argent, a stag's head caboshed, proper. CABOCHED or CABOSHED. Beasts' heads borne without any part…

"Argent, a chaplet proper. CHAPLET. An ancient ornament for the head, granted to gallant knights for acts of courtesy. It is frequently borne as a charge in a shield of arms, and always tinted in its natural colours." -Hall, 1862


"Argent, a chaplet proper. CHAPLET. An ancient ornament for the head, granted to gallant knights for…

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal roadway alignment changes. This sign indicates that the road ahead curves to the left and then immediately curves back to the right.

Reverse Curve, Black and White

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal…

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal roadway alignment changes. This sign indicates that the road ahead curves to the left and then immediately curves back to the right.

Reverse Curve, Color

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal…

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal roadway alignment changes. This sign indicates that the road ahead curves to the left and then immediately curves back to the right.

Reverse Curve, Outline

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal…

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal roadway alignment changes. This sign indicates that the road ahead curves to the left and then immediately curves back to the right.

Reverse Curve, Silhouette

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal…

A Side Road symbol sign may be used in advance of an intersection to indicate the presence of an intersection and the possibility of turning or entering traffic. The relative importance of the intersecting roadways may be shown by different widths of lines in the symbol. An advance street name plaque may be installed above or below an Intersection Warning sign.

Side Road, Black and White

A Side Road symbol sign may be used in advance of an intersection to indicate the presence of an intersection…

A Side Road symbol sign may be used in advance of an intersection to indicate the presence of an intersection and the possibility of turning or entering traffic. The relative importance of the intersecting roadways may be shown by different widths of lines in the symbol. An advance street name plaque may be installed above or below an Intersection Warning sign.

Side Road, Color

A Side Road symbol sign may be used in advance of an intersection to indicate the presence of an intersection…

A Side Road symbol sign may be used in advance of an intersection to indicate the presence of an intersection and the possibility of turning or entering traffic. The relative importance of the intersecting roadways may be shown by different widths of lines in the symbol. An advance street name plaque may be installed above or below an Intersection Warning sign.

Side Road, Outline

A Side Road symbol sign may be used in advance of an intersection to indicate the presence of an intersection…

A Side Road symbol sign may be used in advance of an intersection to indicate the presence of an intersection and the possibility of turning or entering traffic. The relative importance of the intersecting roadways may be shown by different widths of lines in the symbol. An advance street name plaque may be installed above or below an Intersection Warning sign.

Side Road, Silhouette

A Side Road symbol sign may be used in advance of an intersection to indicate the presence of an intersection…

A Side Road symbol sign may be used in advance of an intersection to indicate the presence of an intersection and the possibility of turning or entering traffic. The relative importance of the intersecting roadways may be shown by different widths of lines in the symbol. An advance street name plaque may be installed above or below an Intersection Warning sign.

Side Road, Black and White

A Side Road symbol sign may be used in advance of an intersection to indicate the presence of an intersection…

A Side Road symbol sign may be used in advance of an intersection to indicate the presence of an intersection and the possibility of turning or entering traffic. The relative importance of the intersecting roadways may be shown by different widths of lines in the symbol. An advance street name plaque may be installed above or below an Intersection Warning sign.

Side Road, Color

A Side Road symbol sign may be used in advance of an intersection to indicate the presence of an intersection…

A Side Road symbol sign may be used in advance of an intersection to indicate the presence of an intersection and the possibility of turning or entering traffic. The relative importance of the intersecting roadways may be shown by different widths of lines in the symbol. An advance street name plaque may be installed above or below an Intersection Warning sign.

Side Road, Outline

A Side Road symbol sign may be used in advance of an intersection to indicate the presence of an intersection…

A Side Road symbol sign may be used in advance of an intersection to indicate the presence of an intersection and the possibility of turning or entering traffic. The relative importance of the intersecting roadways may be shown by different widths of lines in the symbol. An advance street name plaque may be installed above or below an Intersection Warning sign.

Side Road, Silhouette

A Side Road symbol sign may be used in advance of an intersection to indicate the presence of an intersection…

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal roadway alignment changes. This sign indicates that the road ahead curves to the right and then immediately curves back to the left.

Reverse Curve, Black and White

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal…

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal roadway alignment changes. This sign indicates that the road ahead curves to the right and then immediately curves back to the left.

Reverse Curve, Color

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal…

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal roadway alignment changes. This sign indicates that the road ahead curves to the right and then immediately curves back to the left.

Reverse Curve, Outline

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal…

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal roadway alignment changes. This sign indicates that the road ahead curves to the right and then immediately curves back to the left.

Reverse Curve, Silhouette

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal…

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal roadway alignment changes. This sign indicates that two lanes in the road ahead curve to the right and then immediately curve back to the left.

Double Reverse Curve, Black and White

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal…

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal roadway alignment changes. This sign indicates that two lanes in the road ahead curve to the right and then immediately curve back to the left.

Double Reverse Curve, Color

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal…

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal roadway alignment changes. This sign indicates that two lanes in the road ahead curve to the right and then immediately curve back to the left.

Double Reverse Curve, Outline

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal…

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal roadway alignment changes. This sign indicates that two lanes in the road ahead curve to the right and then immediately curve back to the left.

Double Reverse Curve, Silhouette

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal…

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal roadway alignment changes. This sign indicates that three lanes in the road ahead curve to the right and then immediately curve back to the left.

Triple Reverse Curve, Black and White

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal…

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal roadway alignment changes. This sign indicates that three lanes in the road ahead curve to the right and then immediately curve back to the left.

Triple Reverse Curve, Color

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal…

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal roadway alignment changes. This sign indicates that three lanes in the road ahead curve to the right and then immediately curve back to the left.

Triple Reverse Curve, Outline

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal…

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal roadway alignment changes. This sign indicates that three lanes in the road ahead curve to the right and then immediately curve back to the left.

Triple Reverse Curve, Silhouette

The horizontal alignment Reverse Curve signs may be used in advance of situations where the horizontal…

Each detour shall be adequately marked with standard temporary route signs and destination signs. Detour signs in TTC incident management situations may have a black legend and border on a fluorescent pink background. The DETOUR sign should be used for unnumbered highways, for emergency situations, for periods of short durations, or where, over relatively short distances, road users are guided along the detour and back to the desired highway without route signs. A Street Name sign should be placed above, or the street name should be incorporated into, a DETOUR sign to indicate the name of the street being detoured.

Detour, Black and White

Each detour shall be adequately marked with standard temporary route signs and destination signs. Detour…

Each detour shall be adequately marked with standard temporary route signs and destination signs. Detour signs in TTC incident management situations may have a black legend and border on a fluorescent pink background. The DETOUR sign should be used for unnumbered highways, for emergency situations, for periods of short durations, or where, over relatively short distances, road users are guided along the detour and back to the desired highway without route signs. A Street Name sign should be placed above, or the street name should be incorporated into, a DETOUR sign to indicate the name of the street being detoured.

Detour, Color

Each detour shall be adequately marked with standard temporary route signs and destination signs. Detour…

Each detour shall be adequately marked with standard temporary route signs and destination signs. Detour signs in TTC incident management situations may have a black legend and border on a fluorescent pink background. The DETOUR sign should be used for unnumbered highways, for emergency situations, for periods of short durations, or where, over relatively short distances, road users are guided along the detour and back to the desired highway without route signs. A Street Name sign should be placed above, or the street name should be incorporated into, a DETOUR sign to indicate the name of the street being detoured.

Detour, Outline

Each detour shall be adequately marked with standard temporary route signs and destination signs. Detour…

"Argent, a boar's head proper couped. COUPED. The head or limbs of any animal cut close is called couped." -Hall, 1862

Boar Couped

"Argent, a boar's head proper couped. COUPED. The head or limbs of any animal cut close is called couped."…

Paradoxides was a genus of relatively large trilobites, extinct marine arthropods, that form the class Trilobita found throughout the world during the Mid Cambrian period (540 million years ago). It was a moderately large trilobite with a semicircular head, free cheeks each ending with a long, narrow, recurved spine, and relatively large eyes. Its elongated trunk was composed of 20 segments and again was adorned with longish, recurved lateral spines. Its pygidium(caudal shield) was comparatively small and had one or two pairs of long spines on the posterior margin.

Paradoxides Harlani

Paradoxides was a genus of relatively large trilobites, extinct marine arthropods, that form the class…

The Lingula prima is a little bivalve shell belonging at the bottom of the class Brachiopoda. The inarticulate brachiopod genus Lingula is the oldest, relatively unchanged animal known. The oldest lingulid fossils are found in Lower Cambrian rocks dating to roughly 550 million years ago. The origin of brachiopods is unknown. A possible ancestor is a sort of ancient "armored slug" known as Halkieria that had small brachiopod-like shields on its head and tail.

Lingula Prima

The Lingula prima is a little bivalve shell belonging at the bottom of the class Brachiopoda. The inarticulate…