Shown is the inner aspect of the left half of the skull sagittally divided. Labels: 1, suture between…
Shown is a coronal section passing inferiorly through interval between between the first and second…
Development of the spinal nerves. A, Formation of nerve roots. B, Formation of nerve trunk (N).C, Formation…
During the reign of Queen Anne a valuable communion set was presented by her Majesty to the Mohawk chapel…
Longitudinal section of a horse's skull. Labels: 1, supraoccipital bone and crest; 2, parietal bone;…
"A handle for holding the threaded die by which the thread is cut on a bar, a nut, or a pipe; a die-stock;…
Tetraodontidae is a family of primarily marine and estuarine fish. The family includes many familiar…
With the growth in size of the windows and the progressive suppression of the lateral walls of vaulted…
A sundial is a device that measures time by the position of the Sun. In common designs such as the horizontal…
"Singer sewing-machine. a is the frame and cloth-plate or bed-plate; b, arm; c, treadle; e, pitman;…
"Singer sewing-machine. a is the frame and cloth-plate or bed-plate; b, arm; ... g, small driving-wheel…
An illustration of various sea urchin fossils. "1, Palaeechinus; Carboniferous; 2, A plate and radiole…
An illustration of the plan of a strike fault. The fault surface is usually near vertical and the footwall…
"Rocaille coquille, book-plate ornamentation in varying forms of the scallop-shell upon rockwork." -Whitney,…
The left war symbol has a border made of a copper plate engraving, designed by Heinrich Goltzius (1558-1617).
The right war symbol has a border made of a copper plate engraving, designed by Heinrich Goltzius (1558-1617).
The wrought-iron tomb cross was designed during the 18th century. Found in Thiengen, Germany, the center…
The wrought-iron tomb cross was designed during the 18th century. Found in Thiengen, Germany, the center…
The Antique candelabrum capital has a plate or cup like form on the top where a lamp or candle can be…
The Antique candelabrum capital has a plate or cup like form on the top where a lamp or candle can be…
The Antique candelabrum capital has a plate or cup like form on the top where a lamp or candle can be…
The Antique candelabrum capital has a plate or cup like form on the top where a lamp or candle can be…
The Antique candelabrum capital has a plate or cup like form on the top where a lamp or candle can be…
The Antique candelabrum capital has a plate or cup like form on the top where a lamp or candle can be…
The Roman candelabrum capital is made out of marble and terminates with a plate or table on top.
The Renaissance candelabrum capital is made out of marble and terminates with a plate or table on top.…
"A, a, Cephalic plate; b, Tergum of segment bearing first pair of legs (d); c, Tip of palpognath; e,…
An illustration of a female nautilus without the shell. "m, The dorsal "hood" formed by the enlargement…
In Wollaston's battery, the wooden box was replaced with an earthenware vessel, and a copper plate was…
In Wollaston's battery, the wooden box was replaced with an earthenware vessel, and a copper plate was…
The cell was set up in a glass, or glazed earthenware, pot. This contained the chromic acid solution,…
Now known as electrostatic generators, the Frictional electric machine produces static electricity at…
"An instrument for observing or detecting the existence of free electricity, and, in general, for determining…
An illustration showing the vibration of plates be using a rosined bow and a steel plate.
"A pipe of this nature fitted with a piece of glass so as to exhibit the reed (which is a "free reed")…
"Fifth wheel, a horizontal plate, bent to form a whole or part of a circle, placed on the forward axle…
"Fifth wheel, a horizontal plate, bent to form a whole or part of a circle, placed on the forward axle…
Apparatus for breaking a plate of glass by torsion, with an example of results produced.
Arrangement of fractures in a large plate of glass which was broken by torsion.
"Wire-gage, a gage for measuring the thickness of wire and sheet-metal. It is usually a plate of steel…
"Gauntlet of plate, early 14th century. In medieval armor, a glove of defense." -Whitney, 1911
"Gauntlet of plate, later 14th century. In medieval armor, a glove of defense." -Whitney, 1911
"There were on the breakfast table only a cornstarch pudding, a puny corn-ball, a muffin, some dandelions,…
"Plate, Argent. In addition to the foregoing tinctures, there are nine roundlets or balls used in Armory,…
"Gun. A, breech; B, barrel; C, band; D, breech-block; E, butt; F, butt- or heel-plate; G, front sight…
"Field-gun Carriage. A, stock. B, cheek. a, lunette; b, trail-plate; c, c, pointing-rings; d, handle;…
This sideboard is inlaid with fine plate glass, and enriched by floral carvings in an Italian style.…
This chandelier is made out of brass. It has an elongated design with chains holding a plate at the…
"In the gold-leaf electroscope (invented by Bennet in 1787), two light strips of gold-leaf hang from…
The Wimshurst Machine is an electrostatic device to generate high voltages. "It consists of two circular…