The base of the skull viewed from above. Three Fossae are recognized -the Anterior, Middle, and Posterior…
The skull and spinal canal of a child from behind with the Dura Mater slit open and ribs with the transverse…
A diagram of the bones of the head. Label: 1, frontal lobe; 2, parietal bone; 3, temporal bone; 4, occipital…
The human skull. Labels: 1, frontal lobe; 2, parietal lobe; 3, temporal lobe; 4, the sphenoid bone;…
The olfactory system. Labels: a, b, c, d, interior of the nose, which is lined by a mucous membrane;…
View of the cerebrospinal axis of the nervous system. The right half of the cranium and trunk of the…
Brain of dog, viewed from above and in profile. F, frontal fissure sometimes termed crucial sulcus,…
Showing the lines which indicate the position of the principal fissures of the brain.
The convolutionary projections of the precentral gyrus, and their relationship to motor areas.
"The skull in reptiles is flat, and the cerebral cavity is not filled with brains. There are no ribs."
The outer surface of the temporal bone. The dotted lines indicate the lines of suture between squamous,…
Side view of a fetal skull. The coronal suture extends from the top of the head downwards on either…
Median section of the skull and mandible, viewed from the left.
Exposure of the Gasserian ganglion and middle meningeal artery though a flap incision of the scalp and…
Front section of skull through plane of outer border of orbits. Arrows pass through communication between…
Portion of right half of skull, showing posterior wall of sphenomaxillary fossa. The superior maxilla,…