Two diagrams to illustrate the development of the intestinal canal. The figure to the right shows the rotation of the intestinal loop round the superior mesenteric artery. In both figures the parts are supposed to be viewed from the left side.

Development of the Intestinal Canal

Two diagrams to illustrate the development of the intestinal canal. The figure to the right shows the…

Diagram to illustrate the development of the great omentum. A, shows the beginning of the great omentum and its independence of the transverse mesocolon; in B, the two come in contact; and in C, they have fused along the line of contact. Labels: A, stomach; B, transverse colon; C, small intestine; D, duodenum; E, pancreas; F, great omentum; G, placed in great sac; H, in small sac of peritoneum.

Development of the Great Omentum

Diagram to illustrate the development of the great omentum. A, shows the beginning of the great omentum…

The digestive apparatus of the horse. Labels: a, mouth; 2, pharynx; 3, esophagus; 4, diaphragm; 5, spleen; 6, stomach (left sac); 7, duodenum; 8, liver (upper extremity); 9, great colon; 10, caecum; 11, small intestine; 12, floating colon; 13, rectum; 14, anus; 15, left kidney and ureter; 16, bladder; 17, urethra; a, hard palate; b, tongue; c, soft palate; d, trachea; e, pulmonary artery (divided); f, heart; g, posterior aorta.

Digestive Apparatus of the Horse

The digestive apparatus of the horse. Labels: a, mouth; 2, pharynx; 3, esophagus; 4, diaphragm; 5, spleen;…

Posterior view of the stomach of a horse. Labels: a, left cul-de-sac; b, right cul-de-sac; c, greater curvature; d, lesser curvature; e, esophagus; f, duodenum.

Horse Stomach

Posterior view of the stomach of a horse. Labels: a, left cul-de-sac; b, right cul-de-sac; c, greater…

Internal aspect of a horse stomach, opened from below. Labels: a, cuticular mucous membrane; b, villous mucous membrane; c, line of demarcation between the two portions; d, cardiac orifice; e, pyloric orifice and valve.

Horse Stomach

Internal aspect of a horse stomach, opened from below. Labels: a, cuticular mucous membrane; b, villous…

The relation of anterior abdominal digestive organs- left antero-lateral view. Labels: 1, liver; 2, stomach; 3, spleen; 4, colon; a, gastro-hepatic omentum; b, gastro-splenic omentum; c, great omentum; c', its free portion.

Digestive Organs of a Horse

The relation of anterior abdominal digestive organs- left antero-lateral view. Labels: 1, liver; 2,…

Stomach of an ox inflated-viewed from the right side. Labels: A, rumen; a, left sac; a', its anterior extremity; a", left conical sac; b, right sac; b', its anterior extremity; b", right conical sac; f, its dilated extremity entering rumen; h, spleen; B, reticulum; i, its greater curvature; k, its left extremity; l, its right extremity; C, psalterium; m, its greater curvature; n, its lesser curvature; o, its anterior extremity; p, its posterior extremity; D, abomasum; q, its greater curvature; r, its lesser curvature; s, its anterior extremity; t, its posterior extremity; u, pylorus; v, duodenum.

Stomach of an Ox

Stomach of an ox inflated-viewed from the right side. Labels: A, rumen; a, left sac; a', its anterior…

Stomach of an sheep seen from the left side- the last three compartments are laid open and reflected forwards. Labels: a, esophagus; Ru., rumen; Ret., reticulum; Ps., psalterium; A., abomasum; Du., duodeum. The esophageal canal is seen traversing the lesser curvature of the reticulum.

Stomach of a Sheep

Stomach of an sheep seen from the left side- the last three compartments are laid open and reflected…

Compartments of a ruminant stomach, laid open. A, rumen- a, pillars; b, papilla; c, esophageal orifice. B, reticulum- a, alveoli; b, esophageal canal. C, psalterium- a, hooked papillae; b, valve at orifice leading to abomasum; c, d, e, f, leaves graduated from large to small. D, abomasum- a, folds of mucous membrane; b, pyloric orifice; c, duodenum.

Stomach of a Sheep

Compartments of a ruminant stomach, laid open. A, rumen- a, pillars; b, papilla; c, esophageal orifice.…

Stomach of a musk deer, left aspect- the last three compartments opened and reflected forwards. Rn, rumen; Rt, reticulum; Ab, abomasum; Py, pylorus; ae, esophagus; X, opening of the tube which represents the psalterium; Spl, spleen.

Stomach of a Deer

Stomach of a musk deer, left aspect- the last three compartments opened and reflected forwards. Rn,…

Stomach of a hog- inflated. Labels: a, cardiac portion; b, its accessory cul-de-sac; c, pyloric portion; d, lesser curvature; c, greater curvature; f, esophagus; g, pyloric orifice.

Stomach of a Hog

Stomach of a hog- inflated. Labels: a, cardiac portion; b, its accessory cul-de-sac; c, pyloric portion;…

Stomach of a dog-inflated. Labels: a, cardiac portion; b, pyloric portion; c, esophageal orifice; d, duodenum.

Stomach of a Dog

Stomach of a dog-inflated. Labels: a, cardiac portion; b, pyloric portion; c, esophageal orifice; d,…

Stomach, liver, pancreas, and duodenum of a dog. Labels: a, liver; b, gall bladder; c, biliary canals; d, cystic duct; e, ductus choledocus; f, pancreas; g, pancreatic ducts.

Digestive Organs of a Dog

Stomach, liver, pancreas, and duodenum of a dog. Labels: a, liver; b, gall bladder; c, biliary canals;…

Echinopaedia is the name for the early or larval stages of echinoderms like sea stars and sea urchins. "A, common primitive form of Echinodermata, whence B, B', a vermiform holothurid, and C, C', a pluteiform ophiurid or echinid (pluteus) larva are derived: a, mouth; b, stomach; c, intestine; d, anus; e, ciliated band." -Whitney, 1911


Echinopaedia is the name for the early or larval stages of echinoderms like sea stars and sea urchins.…

Crayfish, crawfish, or crawdads are freshwater crustaceans resembling small lobsters, to which they are related. They breathe through feather-like gills and are found in bodies of water that do not freeze to the bottom; they are also mostly found in brooks and streams where there is fresh water running, and which have shelter against predators. This disscetion of a crayfish shows the following: (b) brain, (h) heart, (i) intestine, (k) kidney, (l) liver, (n) nerve cord, (r) reproductive organ, (s) stomach.


Crayfish, crawfish, or crawdads are freshwater crustaceans resembling small lobsters, to which they…

An illustration of a girl laying on her stomach and reading a book.

Girl Laying on Stomach & Reading a Book

An illustration of a girl laying on her stomach and reading a book.

Reynard the Fox bets Bruin the Bear that he cannot eat a lot of honey without getting an upset stomach. The bet is really a trick to get Bruin caught stealing honey from a carpenter's tree.

Reynard the Fox: Tricking Bruin

Reynard the Fox bets Bruin the Bear that he cannot eat a lot of honey without getting an upset stomach.…

Reynard the Fox bets Bruin the Bear that he cannot eat a lot of honey without getting an upset stomach. He takes him to a tree outside of a carpenter's house. Bruin gets his head stuck in the tree while the village is after the bear.

Reynard the Fox: Bruin is Stuck

Reynard the Fox bets Bruin the Bear that he cannot eat a lot of honey without getting an upset stomach.…

An illustration of a black seadevil with a fish in its stomach. Black seadevils are small, deep-sea lophiiform fish comprising the family Melanocetidae. There are five known species (with only two given common names), all within the genus Melanocetus. They are found in tropical to temperate waters of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean, with one species known only from the Ross Sea.

Black Sea Devil with Fish in Stomach

An illustration of a black seadevil with a fish in its stomach. Black seadevils are small, deep-sea…

"Resipratory and vocal organs of the Rook, Corvus frugilegusm an Oscine Passerine bird; 1 a, tongue; b, basi-branchial, commonly called uro-hyal; c, c, horns of hyoid bone; d, d, genio-hyoid muscles; e, e, stylo-hyoid muscles; f, f, cleido-hyoid muscles; g, h, i, aesophagus; j, proventriculus; or secretory stomach; k, gizzard, or gigerium, the muscular stomach; l, m, n, n, intestine, duodenum to rectum; o, p, trachea, or windpipe; q, inferior larynx, or syrinx; r, r, right and left bronchus; ss, ss, contractor muscles or trachea; t, t, lungs with u, u, apertures communicating with thoracic air-cells; v, v, v, three pairs of muscular slips answering to a rudimentary diaphragm; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, as many ribs. Elliot Coues, 1884

The Respiratory and Vocal Organs of a Rook

"Resipratory and vocal organs of the Rook, Corvus frugilegusm an Oscine Passerine bird; 1 a, tongue;…

Patrick Henry, born in 1736, was an active figure in the American Revolution, known and remembered for his "Give me Liberty, or give me Death!" speech. He was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Along with Samuel Adams and Thomas Paine, he is remembered as one of the most influential and radical advocates of the American Revolution and the republic. He was strong in his denunciations of corruption in government officials and his defense of historic rights June 6, 1799. In 1798 President John Adams nominated Henry special emissary to France, but he had to decline because of failing health. At the urging of Washington was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates as a Federalist. Three months prior to taking his seat in the state legislature, he died of stomach cancer on June 6, 1799, while at Red Hill, his family's large plantation.

Patrick Henry

Patrick Henry, born in 1736, was an active figure in the American Revolution, known and remembered for…

"He's had his fill, when he the banquet leaves; / He's eat too much - his stomach heaves: / His rich and dainty food, how much he loathes, / The monstrous load now from his stomach flowers; / Nature's relieved - she teaches thus quite plain, / To eat too much of good things, brings much pain."—Barber, 1857

Too Much of a Good Thing, is Worse than Nothing

"He's had his fill, when he the banquet leaves; / He's eat too much - his stomach heaves: / His rich…

An Image of an esophagus showing how a mass of food, or bolus, passes through the esophagus into the stomach. The tissue in front is relaxed, while the tissue behind the bolus is in contraction. When food is not going through it, the esophagus looks like the wave of contraction in the picture.

Human Esophagus

An Image of an esophagus showing how a mass of food, or bolus, passes through the esophagus into the…

The Great Kangaroo, or 'boomer', or 'old man' (Macropus giganteus), attains a height of about five feet when standing upright. The fore limbs are very short, the hind long, with powerful, elongated feet. The fore limbs bear five digits armed with strong claws; the hind have only four. The head is small, with pointed muzzle and large ears. In accordance with its purely vegetarian habits, canine teeth are absent in the adult. The incisors are powerful, with a cutting edge. The fur is soft and woolly, and lighter in tint below than above. In the female there is a large pouch, in which the young are placed at birth, and become attached by their immature months to the nipples. At this time they are minute -- not more than an inch in length -- and, being to immature to suck, have milk pumped into them by their mother. They remain withing the pouch until able to run by the side of the parent. Not until some eight or nine months after birth are they left to shift entirely for themselves. Only one young one is produced at a birth. As regards internal organs, the stomach is large and complex, and the characteristic marsupial or epipubic bones are present.

Great Kangaroo

The Great Kangaroo, or 'boomer', or 'old man' (Macropus giganteus), attains a height of about five feet…

A langur is a monkey of the genus Semnopithicus, which contains Asiatic forms characterized by slender build, very long tail, absence of cheek pouches, and the fact that the hind limbs are longer than the fore. The stomach is peculiar, for it is furnished with sacs or pouches; and the animals are largely herbivorous in diet, living chiefly upon leaves and young shoots. The true langur, or hanuman (S. entellus) is common throughout the greater part of India, and is in most places regarded as sacred by the Hindus.


A langur is a monkey of the genus Semnopithicus, which contains Asiatic forms characterized by slender…