The common name of phygelius capensis is cape figwort. The flowers are scarlet and bloom in summer. The plant grows three feet tall.

Phygelius Capensis

The common name of phygelius capensis is cape figwort. The flowers are scarlet and bloom in summer.…

Phyllanthus angustifolius flowers are red and bloom in July. The stem is two feet high.

Branch of Phyllanthus Angustifolius

Phyllanthus angustifolius flowers are red and bloom in July. The stem is two feet high.

Phyllanthus chantrieri flowers are brick-red with pale yellow hairs. The flowers bloom in summer. Branches form a right angle with the stem.

Phyllanthus Chantrieri

Phyllanthus chantrieri flowers are brick-red with pale yellow hairs. The flowers bloom in summer. Branches…

The male flowers of phyllanthus salviaefolius are small and greenish. The female flowers are larger and tinted with red. The branches are much spreading.

Phyllanthus Salviaefolius

The male flowers of phyllanthus salviaefolius are small and greenish. The female flowers are larger…

Phyllocactus ackermanni flowers are rich crimson with shining petals. The flowers are six to eight inches in diameter.

Branch of Phyllocactus Ackermanni

Phyllocactus ackermanni flowers are rich crimson with shining petals. The flowers are six to eight inches…

The flowers of phyllocactus anguliger are three to five inches in diameter. The petals are white and the sepals are orange or yellowish. The stems are deeply angled.

Phyllocactus Anguliger

The flowers of phyllocactus anguliger are three to five inches in diameter. The petals are white and…

The petals of phyllocactus biformis flowers are narrow and about two or three inches long. The flowers are a pale, rosy pink color. The plant branches freely and is three feet tall.

Phyllocactus Biformis

The petals of phyllocactus biformis flowers are narrow and about two or three inches long. The flowers…

The common name of physianthus albens is white bladder flower. The flower is white with a tinge of red. The flowers bloom in July.

Physianthus Albens

The common name of physianthus albens is white bladder flower. The flower is white with a tinge of red.…

The common name of phyteuma is horned rampion. The charmelii variety has blue flowers in spherical heads. The flowers bloom May to August. The plant grows between six and twelve inches tall.

Phyteuma Charmelii

The common name of phyteuma is horned rampion. The charmelii variety has blue flowers in spherical heads.…

The common name of phyteuma is horned rampion. The humile variety has blue flowers in globose heads. The flowers bloom in July. The plant grows three inches tall.

Habit and Detached Flower of Phyteuma Humile

The common name of phyteuma is horned rampion. The humile variety has blue flowers in globose heads.…

The common names of phytolacca decandra are Virginian poke weed, pigeon-berry and red-ink plant. The flowers are white. In the autumn dark purple berries appear that are filled with crimson juice. The roots are large, fleshy, and poisonous.

Racemose Inflorescence of Phytolacca Decandra

The common names of phytolacca decandra are Virginian poke weed, pigeon-berry and red-ink plant. The…

Picotee flowers are similar to carnations. They are distinguished by their ground color and are edged by a second color.


Picotee flowers are similar to carnations. They are distinguished by their ground color and are edged…

The flowers of pilocereus houlletii are violet with hints of red and yellow. The stem is strong and gray-green. The prickles are straw colored.

Pilocereus Houlletii

The flowers of pilocereus houlletii are violet with hints of red and yellow. The stem is strong and…

The common name of pimelea is rice flower. The ligustrina hypericina variety has white flowers in round heads. The plant grows between five and six feet tall.

Pimelea Ligustrina Hypericina

The common name of pimelea is rice flower. The ligustrina hypericina variety has white flowers in round…

Smooth-leaved cayenne pineapple plants have purple flowers. The fruit is very large, cylindrical, and dark orange yellow. The flesh is pale yellow and highly flavored.

Smooth-Leaved Cayenne Pineapple

Smooth-leaved cayenne pineapple plants have purple flowers. The fruit is very large, cylindrical, and…

The common names of pinguicula vulgaris are bog violet and butter root. The flowers are violet and bloom May to July. The leaves are one to three inches long.

Pinguicula Vulgaris

The common names of pinguicula vulgaris are bog violet and butter root. The flowers are violet and bloom…

Alismaceae is an order of herbaceous marsh plants with milky juice. Butomaceae is an order of aquatic or marsh herbs. Hydrocharitaceae is an order of submerged aquatic herbs. Pictured are various parts of flowers of those orders.

Alismaceae, Butomaceae, and Hydrocharitaceae Orders

Alismaceae is an order of herbaceous marsh plants with milky juice. Butomaceae is an order of aquatic…

Pictured from the araceae order are (1) arisaema, spathe and spadix, and (2) arum spadix with male and female flowers. Pictured from the lemnaceae order are (3) lemna, (3a) whole plants, and (3b) male and female flowers, and spathe. Pictured from the bromeliaceae order is (4) bromelia flower, (5) ananas, (5a) fruiting inflorescence, and (5b) floral diagram. Pictured from the commelinaceae order is (6) commelina flower and (7) tradescantia flower.

Araceae, Lemnaceae, Bromeliaceae, and Commelinaceae Orders

Pictured from the araceae order are (1) arisaema, spathe and spadix, and (2) arum spadix with male and…

Shown are flowers of the pontederiaceae, juncaceae, liliaceae, and amaryllidaceae orders. These flowers include (1) pontederia, (2) luzula, (3) juncus, (4) dracaena, (5) fritillaria, (6) leucoium, and (7) narcissus.

Pontederiaceae, Juncaceae, Liliaceae, and Amaryllidaceae Orders

Shown are flowers of the pontederiaceae, juncaceae, liliaceae, and amaryllidaceae orders. These flowers…

Pictured are the Taccaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Iridaceae, Musaceae, and Zingiberaceae orders. Pictured are various flowers and flower parts of these orders.

Taccaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Iridaceae, Musaceae, and Zingiberaceae Orders

Pictured are the Taccaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Iridaceae, Musaceae, and Zingiberaceae orders. Pictured are…

Pictured are the orders of Cannaceae, Marantaceae, and Orchidaceae. Illustrated are various flowers of these orders including canna, maranta, lycastee, and cypripedium.

Cannaceae, Marantaceae, and Orchidaceae Orders

Pictured are the orders of Cannaceae, Marantaceae, and Orchidaceae. Illustrated are various flowers…

Shown are the orders of Casuarinaceae, Saururaceaem, Oiperaceae, and Chloranthaceae. Pictured are various flowers and fruits of these order including casuarina, saururus, piper, and chlorantus.

Casuarinaceae, Saururaceaem, Oiperaceae, and Chloranthaceae Orders

Shown are the orders of Casuarinaceae, Saururaceaem, Oiperaceae, and Chloranthaceae. Pictured are various…

Shown are the orders of Salicaceae, Myricaceae, Juglandaceae, and Betulaceae. Illustrated are various flowers of those orders.

Salicaceae, Myricaceae, Juglandaceae, and Betulaceae Orders

Shown are the orders of Salicaceae, Myricaceae, Juglandaceae, and Betulaceae. Illustrated are various…

Shown are the orders of Fagaceae, Ulmaceae, and Moraceae. Illustrated are various flowers and flower parts of these orders. These flower are quercus, castanea, ulmus, morus, humulus, cudrania, and ficus.

Fagaceae, Ulmaceae, and Moraceae Orders

Shown are the orders of Fagaceae, Ulmaceae, and Moraceae. Illustrated are various flowers and flower…

Shown are the Urticaceae, Loranthaceae, and Olacaceae orders. Urtica, banksia, protea, phoradendron, and liriosma are flowers of these orders that are illustrated here.

Urticaceae, Loranthaceae, and Olacaceae Orders

Shown are the Urticaceae, Loranthaceae, and Olacaceae orders. Urtica, banksia, protea, phoradendron,…

Shown are the Aristolochiaceae, Polygonaceae, Chenopodiaceae, and Amarantaceae orders. Also illustrated are the asarum, aristolochia, fagopyrum, chenopodium, and achyranthes flowers of these orders.

Aristolochiaceae, Polygonaceae, Chenopodiaceae, and Amarantaceae Orders

Shown are the Aristolochiaceae, Polygonaceae, Chenopodiaceae, and Amarantaceae orders. Also illustrated…

Pictured are the orders of Nyctanginaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Aizoaceae, and Portulacaceae. Flowers of those orders include: (1) mirabilis, (2) neea, (3) phytolacca, (4) molluga, (5) aizoon, (6) mesembryanthemum, and (7) calandrinia.

Nyctanginaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Aizoaceae, and Portulacaceae

Pictured are the orders of Nyctanginaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Aizoaceae, and Portulacaceae. Flowers of…

Pictured are the orders of Bassellaceae and Caryophyllaceae. The flower pictured belong to the Bassellaceae order is (1) boussingaultia. The flowers pictured that belong to the order of Caryophyllaceae are (2) silene, (3) agrostemma, (4) arenaria, (5) sagina, (6) spergula, and (7) paronychia.

Bassellaceae and Caryophyllaceae Order

Pictured are the orders of Bassellaceae and Caryophyllaceae. The flower pictured belong to the Bassellaceae…

Nymphaeaceae is an order of aquatic herbs including the water lily family. This order has eight genera and about sixty species. Pictured are various flowers belonging to the order.

Order of Nymphaeaceae

Nymphaeaceae is an order of aquatic herbs including the water lily family. This order has eight genera…

Shown are the orders of berberidaceae, menispermaceae, magnoliaceae, and calycanthaceae. The illustrated flowers of these orders are (1) berberis, (2) menispermum, (3) magnolia, and (4) calycanthus.

Berberidaceae, Menispermaceae, Mahnoliaceae, and Calycanthaceae Orders

Shown are the orders of berberidaceae, menispermaceae, magnoliaceae, and calycanthaceae. The illustrated…

The orders of Annonaceae, Myristicaceae, Monimiaceae, and Lauraceae are pictured. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated are (1) asimina, (2) annona, (3) myristica, (4) monimia, (5) cinnamomum, and (6) benzoin.

Annonaceae, Myristicaceae, Monimiaceae, and Lauraceae Orders

The orders of Annonaceae, Myristicaceae, Monimiaceae, and Lauraceae are pictured. The flowers of these…

Pictured are the orders of papaveraceae, fumariaceae, cruciferae, and capparidaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated are (1) papaver, (2) chelidonium, (3) dicentra, (4) fumaria, and (8) cleome.

Orders of Papaveraceae, Fumariaceae, Cruciferae, and Capparidaceae

Pictured are the orders of papaveraceae, fumariaceae, cruciferae, and capparidaceae. The flowers of…

The orders pictured are sarraceniaceae, nepenthaceae, and droseraceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated are (1) sarracenia, (2) nepenthes, (3) drosera, (4) dionaea, and (5) aldrovanda.

Orders of Sarraceniaceae, Nepenthaceae, and Droseraceae

The orders pictured are sarraceniaceae, nepenthaceae, and droseraceae. The flowers of these orders that…

Pictured are the orders of crassulaceae, saxifragaceae, and cephalotacea. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated are (1) sedum, (2) saxifraga, (3) ribes, (4) parnassia, and (5) cephalotus.

Orders of Crassulaceae, Saxifragaceae, and Cephalotaceae

Pictured are the orders of crassulaceae, saxifragaceae, and cephalotacea. The flowers of these orders…

The orders of cunoniaceae, bruniaceae, and hamamelidaceae are pictured. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated are (1) cunonia, (2) brunia, (3) hamamelis, and (4) liquidambar.

Orders of Cunoniaceae, Bruniaceae, and Hamamelidaceae

The orders of cunoniaceae, bruniaceae, and hamamelidaceae are pictured. The flowers of these orders…

Pictured are the orders of plantanceae, rosaceae, and leguminosae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated are (1) platanus, (2) fragaria, (3) geum, (4) rosa, (5) spiraea, (6) prunus, (7) pyrus, (8) pisum, (9) desmodium, (10) cassia, and (11) acacia.

Orders of Plantanceae, Rosaceae, and Leguminosae

Pictured are the orders of plantanceae, rosaceae, and leguminosae. The flowers of these orders that…

Pictured are the orders of geraniacea, tropaeolaceae, and linaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated are (1) geranium, (2) tropaeolum, and (3) linum.

Orders of Geraniaceae, Tropaeolaceae, and Linaceae

Pictured are the orders of geraniacea, tropaeolaceae, and linaceae. The flowers of these orders that…

Pictured are the orders of erythroxylaceae, zygophyllaceae, and rutaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated are (1) erythroxylon, (2) zygophyllum, and (3) ruta.

Orders of Erythroxylaceae, Zygophyllaceae, and Rutaceae

Pictured are the orders of erythroxylaceae, zygophyllaceae, and rutaceae. The flowers of these orders…

The orders of simarubaceae, burseraceae, meliaceae, and malpighiaceae are pictured. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated are (1) ailanthus, (2) bursera, (3) swietenia, (4) cedrela, (5) melia, (6) camera, and (7) malpighia.

Orders of Simarubaceae, Burseraceae, Meliaceae, and Malpighiaceae

The orders of simarubaceae, burseraceae, meliaceae, and malpighiaceae are pictured. The flowers of these…

The orders pictured are tremandraceae, polygalaceae, and euphorbiaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated are (1) platytheca, (2) polygala, (3) euphorbia, and (4) croton.

Orders of Tremandraceae, Polygalaceae, and Euphorbiaceae

The orders pictured are tremandraceae, polygalaceae, and euphorbiaceae. The flowers of these orders…

The orders pictured are empetraceae, coriariaceae, anacaridaceae, and cyrillaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated include (1) empetrum, (2) coriaria, (3) rhus, (4) anacardium, and (5) cyrilla.

Orders of Empetraceae, Coriariaceae, Anacaridaceae, and Cyrillaceae

The orders pictured are empetraceae, coriariaceae, anacaridaceae, and cyrillaceae. The flowers of these…

The orders pictured are aquifoliaceae, celastraceae, stackhousiaceae, and staphyleaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated include (1) ilex, (2) euonymus, (3) stackhousia, and (4) staphylea.

Orders of Aquifoliaceae, Celastraceae, Stackhousiaceae, and Staphyleaceae

The orders pictured are aquifoliaceae, celastraceae, stackhousiaceae, and staphyleaceae. The flowers…

The orders of aceraceae, hippocastanaceae, and sapindaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated are (1) acer, (2) aesculus, (3) sapindus, and (4) koelreuteria.

Orders of Aceraceae, Hippocastanaceae, and Sapindaceae

The orders of aceraceae, hippocastanaceae, and sapindaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated…

The orders pictured are balsaminaceae, rhamnaceae, vitaceae, and tiliaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated include (1) impatiens, (2) rhamnus, (3) vitis, and (4) tilia.

Orders of Balsaminaceae, Rhamnaceae, Vitaceae, and Tiliaceae

The orders pictured are balsaminaceae, rhamnaceae, vitaceae, and tiliaceae. The flowers of these orders…

The orders pictured are malvaceae, bombacaceae, and dilleniaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated include (1) malva, (2) hibiscus, (3) adansonia, (4) theobroma, and (5) dillenia.

Orders of Malvaceae, Bombacaceae, and Dilleniaceae

The orders pictured are malvaceae, bombacaceae, and dilleniaceae. The flowers of these orders that are…

Pictured are flowers from the order of ochnaceae. The flowers pictured are (1) ochna, (2) gordonia, and (3) thea.

Order of Ochnaceae

Pictured are flowers from the order of ochnaceae. The flowers pictured are (1) ochna, (2) gordonia,…

The orders of hypericacea, guttiferae, and tamaricaceae are pictured. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated include (1) hypericum, (2) vismia, (3) garcinia, and (4) tamarix.

Orders of Hypericaceae, Guttiferae, and Tamaricaceae

The orders of hypericacea, guttiferae, and tamaricaceae are pictured. The flowers of these orders that…

Flowers of the orders of cistaceae, bixaceae, violaceae, and passifloraceae are pictured. These flowers include (1) helianthemum, (2) cistus, (3) bixa, and (4) viola.

Orders of Cistaceae, Bixaceae, Violaceae, and Passifloraceae

Flowers of the orders of cistaceae, bixaceae, violaceae, and passifloraceae are pictured. These flowers…

Represented are the orders of caricaceae, loasaceae, begoniaceae, and cactaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated include (1) carica, (2) loasa, (3) mentzelia, (4) begonia, (5) pilocereus, and (6) opuntia.

Orders of Caricaceae, Loasceae, Begoniaceae, and Cactaceae

Represented are the orders of caricaceae, loasaceae, begoniaceae, and cactaceae. The flowers of these…

Pictured are the orders of thymelaeaceae, elaeagnaceae, lythraceae, and punicaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated include (1) daphne, (2) elaegnus, (3) lythrum, and (4) punica.

Orders of Thymelaeaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Lythraceae, and Punicaceae

Pictured are the orders of thymelaeaceae, elaeagnaceae, lythraceae, and punicaceae. The flowers of these…

Pictured are the orders of Lecythidaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Combretaceae, Myrtaceae, and Melastomaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated include (1) lecythis, (2) rhizophora, (3) combretum, (4) jambosa, (5) eucalyptus, and (6) melastoma.

Orders of Lecythidaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Combretaceae, Myrtaceae, and Melastomaceae

Pictured are the orders of Lecythidaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Combretaceae, Myrtaceae, and Melastomaceae.…

Pictured are flowers from the orders onagraceae and haloragidaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated are (1) oenothera, (2) epilobium, (3) circaea, and (4) myriophyllum.

Orders of Onagraceae and Haloragidaceae

Pictured are flowers from the orders onagraceae and haloragidaceae. The flowers of these orders that…

Pictured are flowers of the orders araliaceae and umbelliferae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated include (1) aralia, (2) hedera, (3) cicutat, (4) foeniculum, (5) artedia, and (6) apium. (7) represents the fruits of umbelliferae.

Orders of Araliaceae and Umbelliferae

Pictured are flowers of the orders araliaceae and umbelliferae. The flowers of these orders that are…

Pictured are the orders of clethraceae, pyrolaceae, and ericaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated include (1) clethra, (2) pyrola, (andromeda, (4) kalmia, (5) rhododendron, (6) erica, and (7) vaccinium.

Orders of Clethraceae, Pyrolaceae, and Ericaceae

Pictured are the orders of clethraceae, pyrolaceae, and ericaceae. The flowers of these orders that…

Pictured are flowers of the orders diapensiaceae, primulaceae, and plumbaginaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated include (1) diapensia, (2) primula, (3) armeria, (4) statice, and (5) plumbago.

Orders of Diapensiaceae, Primulaceae, and Plumbaginaceae

Pictured are flowers of the orders diapensiaceae, primulaceae, and plumbaginaceae. The flowers of these…

Pictured are flowers of the orders sapotaceae, ebenaceae, styracaceae, and symplocaceae. The flowers that are illustrated are (1) lucuma, (2) sideroxylon, (3) diospyros, (4) styrax, and (5) symplocos.

Orders of Sapotaceae, Ebenaceae, Styracaceae, and Symplocaceae

Pictured are flowers of the orders sapotaceae, ebenaceae, styracaceae, and symplocaceae. The flowers…

Pictured are the flowers and fruits of the orders oleaceae, loganiaceae, gentianaceae, and apocynaceae. The flowers and fruits illustrated are (1) olea, (2) fraxinus, (3) logania, (4) gentiana, (5) apocynum, and (6) vinca.

Orders of Oleaceae, Loganiaceae, Gentianaceae, and Apocynaceae

Pictured are the flowers and fruits of the orders oleaceae, loganiaceae, gentianaceae, and apocynaceae.…

Pictured are flowers of the orders asclepiadaceae, convolvulaceae, polemoniaceae, and hydrophyllaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated are (1) asclepias, (2) convolvulus, (3) phlox, (4) polemonium, (5) hydrophyllum, and (6) phacelia.

Orders of Asclepiadaceae, Convolvulaceae, Polemoniaceae, and Hydrophyllaceae

Pictured are flowers of the orders asclepiadaceae, convolvulaceae, polemoniaceae, and hydrophyllaceae.…

Pictured are flowers of the order boraginaceae, verbenaceae, labiatae, and nolanaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated are (1) borago, (2) symphytum, (3) cynoglosum, (4) omphalodes, (5) verbena, (6) lantana, (7) mentha, (8) thymus, (9) salvia, (10) lamium, and (11) nolana.

Orders of Boraginaceae, Verbenaceae, Labiatae, and Nolanaceae

Pictured are flowers of the order boraginaceae, verbenaceae, labiatae, and nolanaceae. The flowers of…

Pictured are flowers of the orders solanaceae, scrophulariaceae, bignoiaceae, and pedaliaceae. The flowers illustrated are (1) solanum, (2) nicotiana, (3) verbascum, (4) antirrhinum, (5) scrophularia, (6) campsis, and (7) sesamum.

Orders of Solanaceae, Scrophylariaceae, Bignoniaceae, and Pedaliaceae.

Pictured are flowers of the orders solanaceae, scrophulariaceae, bignoiaceae, and pedaliaceae. The flowers…