"The comb is single, of medium size, perfectly straight and upright upon the head, free from side sprigs, deeply serrated with five or six points, and bright red in color. The comb should extend well back over the head, with no tendency to follow the shape of the neck."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Head of Single-Comb Brown Leghorn Cock

"The comb is single, of medium size, perfectly straight and upright upon the head, free from side sprigs,…

"The Rose-comb White and Rose-comb Brown Leghorns have a small rose comb, square in front, firm and even upon the head, tapering evenly from front to rear, without inclining to one side, the top comparatively flat and covered with small points or corrugations, terminating in a well-developed spike in the rear."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Rose-Combed White Leghorn Cockerel

"The Rose-comb White and Rose-comb Brown Leghorns have a small rose comb, square in front, firm and…

"These [upright] systems are sometimes referred to as the "goblet" systems, since when the shoots are tied together the plant bears a certain resemblance to such a glass. As a rule, these vines make comparatively little growth, and the canes are severely cut back each year."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Upright System of Grape Training

"These [upright] systems are sometimes referred to as the "goblet" systems, since when the shoots are…

"When a grapevine is first set in a vineyard, it closely resembles the plant shown in [the image]. Such a rooted cutting may be one or two years old, the former being preferable in the majority of cases. The cane is cut back to two buds, and during the first season its shoots are allowed to lie prone upon the surface of the soil."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Rooted Grape Cutting

"When a grapevine is first set in a vineyard, it closely resembles the plant shown in [the image]. Such…

This insect is easily identified by the vaguely human skull-shaped pattern of markings on the thorax.

Death's-Head Hawkmoth

This insect is easily identified by the vaguely human skull-shaped pattern of markings on the thorax.

"The [potato beetle larva] is pale yellow, or, rather, dusky-yellow, or freckled with minute black dots on the back; and there are two rows of larger black dots along each side; the legs are black."—Nicholson, 1884

Larva of Potato Beetle

"The [potato beetle larva] is pale yellow, or, rather, dusky-yellow, or freckled with minute black dots…

A leaf that resembles an arrow-head in shape.

Saggitate Leaf

A leaf that resembles an arrow-head in shape.

"When Howe reached that place he found General Sullivan confronting him, and the fishermen of Marblehead, under Colonel Glover; but the British greatly outnumbered the Americans, and Howe was able to push inland to the hills south of New Rochelle. The country was thickly covered with woods; but Howe found a small house in which he established his head-quarters."—Coffin, 1879

Howe's Headquarters

"When Howe reached that place he found General Sullivan confronting him, and the fishermen of Marblehead,…

"Marion and Lee could see the light of his camp-fires on the hills in the west. Whatever was done must be done quickly. But what could they do? They had no cannon; and even if they had, they could not batter down the fort; but a bright thought came to Colonel Mahan - to build a tower which would overlook the fortification. As soon as night came, all the axes in the camp were in use. The British could hear the choppers, and wondered what was going on; but they were astonished in the morning when they saw a tower high than the fort, and a swarm of men on the top firing through loop-holes, and picking off their rifles every man who showed his head above the parapet ... Before noon the Americans were in possession of the fort, and all its supplies."—Coffin, 1879

Marion and Lee Capturing Fort Watson

"Marion and Lee could see the light of his camp-fires on the hills in the west. Whatever was done must…

"In 1870, Saxafraga sarmentosa was introduced, being beautifully and more distinctly variegated with white and rose colored markings on the leaves, but it is apt to run back to the original species."—Heinrich, 1887

Saxafraga Sarmentosa

"In 1870, Saxafraga sarmentosa was introduced, being beautifully and more distinctly variegated with…

"It is made of pressed ferns, grasses, and flowers, with a beautifully colored Butterfly made of paper. This is arranged on cardboard, with a piece of cork to imitate a shell or log, and the grasses and ferns glued on the back of the cork as if they were growing behind the log."—Heinrich, 1887

Design with Ferns

"It is made of pressed ferns, grasses, and flowers, with a beautifully colored Butterfly made of paper.…

A leaf in the shape of an arrow-head.

Sagittate Leaf

A leaf in the shape of an arrow-head.

"The engraving shows a large, powerful man, of giant size and strength, endeavoring to move a large stone, or rock, which obstructs a passage way. His brute force is, however, unavailing, as with all his great strength he cannot move the stone one inch. But see the superiority of head work, or wisdom. A small, weak man approaches: he has not got half the bodily strength of his companion, but he has a larger and more powerful mind, and by it he can do what the other cannot; he can lift a weight which the other cannot move. His wisdom teaches him the power of the lever, and by one arm he can move a house, showing that 'Knowledge is Power.'"—Barber, 1857

Knowledge is Power

"The engraving shows a large, powerful man, of giant size and strength, endeavoring to move a large…

"We have before us quite a strange ooking personage as to dress. The boy evidently has on him his father's or his grandfather's clothing. Whatever he may think of his own dignity, the public who see him showing off himself in this manner are either amused or disgusted with his appearance. The fact is, he has got on cloths which do not belong to him; they are borrowed for the occasion. His body is too small to have them fit him: he is like the daw in the back ground with its borrowed feathers. A man appears better in his own clothes, made for his wear, even if they are thread-bare, than those of another, even if they are more fashionable than his own. Every man has a way of his own for doing business, and this for him is the best way."—Barber, 1857

Borrowed Garments Never Fit Well

"We have before us quite a strange ooking personage as to dress. The boy evidently has on him his father's…

"A philosopher, seating himself under an oak tree, and viewing its massiveness, could not understand why so large a tree should produce such small fruit. 'There,' said he, 'is the pumpkin, growing on a slender vine; how much better it would be, if that vine bore acorns, and the great tree the pumpkins; then there would be some harmony and fitness in nature.' As he was meditating on this subject, and examining some ancient theories on the works of creation, an acorn dropped on his head and broke up the train of his reflections. 'How foolish and short-sighted I am, to question the wisdom of Providence,' thought the philosopher, 'if the acorn had been a pumpkin, my head would have been broken.'"—Barber, 1857

Man Thinks Himself Wise, till God Shows Him His Folly

"A philosopher, seating himself under an oak tree, and viewing its massiveness, could not understand…

"The horse moves very slow - he hangs his head, / He's traveled long till he's quite wearied. / The rider, thinking to relieve his nag, / On his own shoulders puts a heavy bad. / Short-sighted reasoner, who thinks, of course, / That such a change must greatly help the horse."—Barber, 1857

A Change, but No Relief

"The horse moves very slow - he hangs his head, / He's traveled long till he's quite wearied. / The…

"More than to eat, the hog does not aspire; / To get and cram his food, he looks no higher, / Like men who only live to eat and drink, / Of Him who feeds us all they never think: / They heed not, they love not Him who dwells on high. / Like brutes they live, like brutish beasts they die - / The source of life, of hope, and heavenly love, / They care not for, they never look above."—Barber, 1857

The Hog Never Looks Higher than His Head

"More than to eat, the hog does not aspire; / To get and cram his food, he looks no higher, / Like men…

"The oak that lifts its stately head on high, / The tempest blast, and whirlwind will defy; / But a small ax, within the woodman's hand, / More powerful proves - its force it cannot stand; / By little strokes, quickly, and often made, / The giant monarch oak is lowly laid: / By feeble means, great wonders meet our eyes, / The forest falls, and splendid cities rise."—Barber, 1857

Little Strokes Fell Great Oaks

"The oak that lifts its stately head on high, / The tempest blast, and whirlwind will defy; / But a…

The French minister of finance from 1665 to 1683 under King Louis XIV. He brought the economy back from the brink of bankruptcy.

Jean-Baptiste Colbert

The French minister of finance from 1665 to 1683 under King Louis XIV. He brought the economy back from…

"A contemporary cartoon which represents Catherine II, Joseph II, and Frederick II pointing out on the map the boundaries of Poland as divided between them. Stanislaus II, the Polish King, is trying to keep his crown from falling off his head."—Webster, 1920

The Partition of Poland

"A contemporary cartoon which represents Catherine II, Joseph II, and Frederick II pointing out on the…

"Instituted by Napoleon in 1802; given to both soldiers and civilians for distinguished services to the state. In the present order of the French Republic the symbolical head of the republic appears in the center, and a laurel wreath replaces the imperial crown."—Webster, 1920

Cross of the Legion of Honor

"Instituted by Napoleon in 1802; given to both soldiers and civilians for distinguished services to…

"The Dalai Lama, the supreme head of Tibetan Buddhists, occupies an enormous palace on the Potala hill at Lhasa. Its massive walls, terraces, and bastions present an imposing appearance."—Webster, 1920

The Potala, Lhasa

"The Dalai Lama, the supreme head of Tibetan Buddhists, occupies an enormous palace on the Potala hill…

"The design, a conventionalized head of Queen Victoria, was used without change from 1840 to 1870."—Webster, 1920

First Adhesive Penny Postage Stamp

"The design, a conventionalized head of Queen Victoria, was used without change from 1840 to 1870."—Webster,…

"There are instances mentioned, however, where even women performed the wager of battle; in which case, to equalize the conditions, the man was placed in a pit waist-deep, with his left hand tied behind his back."—Myers, 1905

Wager of Battle Between a Man and Woman

"There are instances mentioned, however, where even women performed the wager of battle; in which case,…

"A fief was conferred by a very solemn and peculiar ceremony called homage. The person about to become a vassal, kneeling with uncovered head, placed his hands in those of his future lord and solemnly vowed to be henceforth his man and to serve him faithfully even with his life. This part of the ceremony, sealed with a kiss, was what properly constituted the ceremony of homage."—Myers, 1905

The Ceremony of Homage

"A fief was conferred by a very solemn and peculiar ceremony called homage. The person about to become…

An ancient windmill dating back to the medieval era.

Medieval Windmill

An ancient windmill dating back to the medieval era.

"The skeleton lay on the left side with knees drawn up and hands raised to the head. About it were various articles of food and vessels of pottery."—Webster, 1913

A Prehistoric Egyptian Tomb

"The skeleton lay on the left side with knees drawn up and hands raised to the head. About it were various…

"This colossal figure, human-headed and lion-bodied, is hewn from the natural rock. The body is about 150 feet long, the paws 50 feet, the head 30 feet. The height from the base of the top of the head is 70 feet. Except for its head and shoulders, the figure has been buried for centuries in the desert sand. The eyes, nose, and beard have been mutilated by the Arabs. The face is probably that of one of the pyramid kings."—Webster, 1913

The Great Sphinx

"This colossal figure, human-headed and lion-bodied, is hewn from the natural rock. The body is about…

"The mummy was discovered in 1881, in an underground chamber near the site of Thebes. With it were the coffins and bodies of more than a score of royal personages. They had all been taken from their tombs and placed in the vault to conceal them from grave-robbers. Ramses II was over ninety years of age at the time of his death. In spite of the somewhat grotesque disguise of mummification, the face of this famous Pharaoh still wears an aspect of majesty and pride."—Webster, 1913

Head of Mummy of Ramses II

"The mummy was discovered in 1881, in an underground chamber near the site of Thebes. With it were the…

"A tablet of Pentelic marble. Athena, leaning on her spear, is gazing with downcast head at a grave monument."—Webster, 1913

Mourning Athena

"A tablet of Pentelic marble. Athena, leaning on her spear, is gazing with downcast head at a grave…

A sculpture with a head or torso above a plain lower section.

An Archaic Herm

A sculpture with a head or torso above a plain lower section.

"The relief pictures an ancient Italian sacrifice of a bull, a ram, and a boar, offered to Mars to secure purification from sin. Note the sacred laurel trees, the two altars, and the officiating magistrate, whose head is covered with the toga. He is sprinkling incense from a box held by an attendant. Another attendant carries a ewer with the libation. In the rear is the sacrificer with his ax."—Webster, 1913


"The relief pictures an ancient Italian sacrifice of a bull, a ram, and a boar, offered to Mars to secure…

A heraldic shield with a red (gules) surface, which is represented by the perpendicular lines, drawn from the head to the base of the shield.

Gules Shield

A heraldic shield with a red (gules) surface, which is represented by the perpendicular lines, drawn…

"A Cross crossed at the head."—Aveling, 1891

Patriarchal Cross

"A Cross crossed at the head."—Aveling, 1891

"The barbed head of a spear or arrow, engrailed on the inner side. The point of the spear is placed in base."—Aveling, 1891


"The barbed head of a spear or arrow, engrailed on the inner side. The point of the spear is placed…

"Head of ram, from the monument to Abbot Ramryge."—Aveling, 1891

Head of Ram

"Head of ram, from the monument to Abbot Ramryge."—Aveling, 1891

A smut of oats with a normal head.

Smut of Oats

A smut of oats with a normal head.

A screw with a domed head and square section under the head.

Carriage Bolt

A screw with a domed head and square section under the head.

A plant consisting of very small flowers collected together in a composite flower head.


A plant consisting of very small flowers collected together in a composite flower head.

"The salmon swimming leisurely. The body, it will be observed, is bent in two curves, one occurring towards the head, the other towards the tail. The shape of the salmon is admirably adapted for cleaving the water."—Pettigrew, 1857


"The salmon swimming leisurely. The body, it will be observed, is bent in two curves, one occurring…

"The Red-headed Pochard in the acting of dropping upon water; the head and body being inclined upwards and forwards, the feet expanded, and the wings delivering vigorous short strokes in a downward and forward direction."—Pettigrew, 1874

The Red-Headed Pochard

"The Red-headed Pochard in the acting of dropping upon water; the head and body being inclined upwards…

A decorative divider dating back from ancient Assyria.

Assyrian Divider 2

A decorative divider dating back from ancient Assyria.

An ancient Assyrian wall relief, depicting the symbol of a winged bull with the head of a human male.

Winged Bull

An ancient Assyrian wall relief, depicting the symbol of a winged bull with the head of a human male.

A style of chair designed by Thomas Sheraton. This chair takes on a rectangular back.

Sheraton Chair 2

A style of chair designed by Thomas Sheraton. This chair takes on a rectangular back.

A Chippendale-style chair with a ribbon back.

Chippendale Chair 1

A Chippendale-style chair with a ribbon back.

A chair designed by Thomas Chippendale. The back of this chair has a "Louis Quinze" style.

Chippendale Chair 2

A chair designed by Thomas Chippendale. The back of this chair has a "Louis Quinze" style.

A chair designed by Thomas Chippendale. The back of this chair has a plain back style.

Chippendale Chair 3

A chair designed by Thomas Chippendale. The back of this chair has a plain back style.

A decorative chair designed by Thomas Chippendale.

Chippendale Chair 1

A decorative chair designed by Thomas Chippendale.

A cartoon of an old woman sitting in a chair, with the back of the chair facing the viewer.

Old Woman Sitting in Chair

A cartoon of an old woman sitting in a chair, with the back of the chair facing the viewer.

A cartoon of a woman walking with her nose up in the air, while she carries a bird in a cage. She is walking past a ticket booth, where a man is sticking his head out of the window and smiling.

Cartoon of Woman with a Caged Bird

A cartoon of a woman walking with her nose up in the air, while she carries a bird in a cage. She is…

A cartoon of a man sticking his head inside of a horn, which is being held by a small person.

Man Sticking His Head Inside of Horn

A cartoon of a man sticking his head inside of a horn, which is being held by a small person.

A cartoon of a bust of William Shakespeare. His name is crossed out and replaced with 'Denver Bil', and a hat has been placed on his head.

Cartoon of Bust of Altered Shakespeare

A cartoon of a bust of William Shakespeare. His name is crossed out and replaced with 'Denver Bil',…

The agathaea coelestis flower is blue with one head per stem. The leaves are opposite each other along the stem and are egg shaped.

Agathaea Coelestis Flower

The agathaea coelestis flower is blue with one head per stem. The leaves are opposite each other along…

The flowers of antennaria margaritacea are white and grow in clusters. Each head of flowers is encircled by dry, colored, chaffy scales.

Habit and Inflorescence of Antennaria Margaritacea

The flowers of antennaria margaritacea are white and grow in clusters. Each head of flowers is encircled…

The common name of arnica montana is Mountain Tobacco. The flower heads are yellow with three or four growing together.

Habit and Flower-Head of Arnica Montana

The common name of arnica montana is Mountain Tobacco. The flower heads are yellow with three or four…

Asperula is commonly known as Woodruff. The orientalis variety has sky blue flowers with one head per stem. This flower is adapted for bouquet making.

Asperula Orientalis Habit and Portion of Inflorescence

Asperula is commonly known as Woodruff. The orientalis variety has sky blue flowers with one head per…

Aspidium angulare is commonly known as the soft shield fern. Grandiceps is a narrow fronded variety. This fern has a broad, tasselled head.

Aspidium Angulare Grandiceps

Aspidium angulare is commonly known as the soft shield fern. Grandiceps is a narrow fronded variety.…

The common name of aster is Michaelmas daisy and star-wort. The alpinus variety has bright purple flower head. There is one flower per stem.

Aster Alpinus

The common name of aster is Michaelmas daisy and star-wort. The alpinus variety has bright purple flower…

Aster grandiflorus has large, purple flowers. One flower head grows on each stem. This variety of aster is found in North America.

Aster Grandiflorus

Aster grandiflorus has large, purple flowers. One flower head grows on each stem. This variety of aster…

Broccoli is a cultivated variety of cabbage. The fleshy head is edible. Broccoli is in season November until May.


Broccoli is a cultivated variety of cabbage. The fleshy head is edible. Broccoli is in season November…