The flowers are crepis rubra are red and usually grow alone at the end of each stem. It grows between six and eighteen inches tall.

Crepis Rubra

The flowers are crepis rubra are red and usually grow alone at the end of each stem. It grows between…

The common name of crinum americanum is Florida swamp lily. There are usually four flowers on an erect scape. It is native in river swamps of Georgia and Florida.

Crinum Americanum

The common name of crinum americanum is Florida swamp lily. There are usually four flowers on an erect…

Crinum powellii has about eight flowers. The flowers are a dark rose color. There are about twenty spreading leaves.

Crinum Powellii

Crinum powellii has about eight flowers. The flowers are a dark rose color. There are about twenty spreading…

Crocosmia aurea imperialis grows four feet high. The flowers are orange yellow.

Crocosmia Aurea Imperialis

Crocosmia aurea imperialis grows four feet high. The flowers are orange yellow.

The common name of crocus susianus is cloth of gold crocus. The flowers are orange-yellow and brownish or striped on the outside. It blooms early, in February or March.

Crocus Susianus

The common name of crocus susianus is cloth of gold crocus. The flowers are orange-yellow and brownish…

Crocus vernus is the most common garden crocus. The flowers are lilac, white, or purple striped with lemon-yellow anthers and orange-yellow style branches. It is native to south Europe.

Crocus Vernus

Crocus vernus is the most common garden crocus. The flowers are lilac, white, or purple striped with…

Crocus speciosus aitchisonii has pale bluish lilac flowers. It is large and graceful.

Crocus Speciosus Aitchisonii

Crocus speciosus aitchisonii has pale bluish lilac flowers. It is large and graceful.

Cryptanthus zonatus has oblong, tapering leaves. The leaves are marked with bands of white. The flowers are white.

Cryptanthus Zonatus

Cryptanthus zonatus has oblong, tapering leaves. The leaves are marked with bands of white. The flowers…

Pictured are the staminate and pistillate flowers of cucumis sativus.

Cucumis Sativus

Pictured are the staminate and pistillate flowers of cucumis sativus.

Cuphea hyssopifolia has a shrubby stem and numerous branches. The flowers are scarcely longer than the leaves. The plant is native to Mexico.

Cuphea Hyssopifolia

Cuphea hyssopifolia has a shrubby stem and numerous branches. The flowers are scarcely longer than the…

The branches of cuphea ignea are somewhat angled. The flowers stalks are two to four times long than the leaf stalks. The plant is native to Mexico.

Cuphea Ignea

The branches of cuphea ignea are somewhat angled. The flowers stalks are two to four times long than…

Curculiga latifolia grows two to three feet tall. The flowers are bright yellow and grow in a dense clusters near the base of the plant. The plant is native to Indian and Malaysia.

Curculiga Latifolia

Curculiga latifolia grows two to three feet tall. The flowers are bright yellow and grow in a dense…

The common name of curcuma petiolata is queen lily. The leaves are six to eight inches long. The flowers are pale yellow. The plant is native to India.

Curcuma Petiolata

The common name of curcuma petiolata is queen lily. The leaves are six to eight inches long. The flowers…

Illustrated is the queen lily, curcuma petiolata, in flower. The flowers are pale yellow. The flowers spikes are five to six inches long.

Curcuma Petiolata

Illustrated is the queen lily, curcuma petiolata, in flower. The flowers are pale yellow. The flowers…

The flowers of cymbidium giganteum are dull purple, brownish, or yellowish green striped with purple. The plant is native to Nepal.

Cymbidium Giganteum

The flowers of cymbidium giganteum are dull purple, brownish, or yellowish green striped with purple.…

The flowers of cymbopetalum penduliflorum grow alone at the end of each stem. The petals and thick and fleshy and resemble the human ear. The flowers are pungently aromatic.

Cymbopetalum Penduliflorum

The flowers of cymbopetalum penduliflorum grow alone at the end of each stem. The petals and thick and…

Cyperorchis elegans is an orchid native to the Himalayas. The flowers are yellow and one and a half to two inches across.

Cyperorchis Elegans

Cyperorchis elegans is an orchid native to the Himalayas. The flowers are yellow and one and a half…

The flowers of cypripedium pubescens bloom in May and June. The leaves are oval. The petals are usually twisted.

Cypripedium Pubescens

The flowers of cypripedium pubescens bloom in May and June. The leaves are oval. The petals are usually…

Cypripedium spectabile is a stout plant. The flowers bloom in June. It is found from Maine, New England, Minnesota, and the mountains of North Carolina.

Cypripedium Spectabile

Cypripedium spectabile is a stout plant. The flowers bloom in June. It is found from Maine, New England,…

Cypripedium californicum plants are either slender or stout. The flowers are small with six to twelve open at the same time.

Cypripedium Californicum

Cypripedium californicum plants are either slender or stout. The flowers are small with six to twelve…

Cytisus canariensis is a much branched shrub that grows six feet tall. The flowers are fragrant and bright yellow. The flowers bloom May to July.

Cytisus Canariensis

Cytisus canariensis is a much branched shrub that grows six feet tall. The flowers are fragrant and…

Cactus dahlia is the common name of dahlia juarezii. The flowers heads are a brilliant scarlet. The flowers are irregular in length.

Original Cactus Dahlia

Cactus dahlia is the common name of dahlia juarezii. The flowers heads are a brilliant scarlet. The…

Dahlia coccinea flowers vary in color from scarlet through orange and yellow. There is no double form.

Dahlia Coccinea

Dahlia coccinea flowers vary in color from scarlet through orange and yellow. There is no double form.

The leaves of dalibarda repens are heart shaped and wavy toothed. The flowers are white with one or two on each stem.

Dalibarda Repens

The leaves of dalibarda repens are heart shaped and wavy toothed. The flowers are white with one or…

Daphne cneorum has long, trailing branches. The flower heads are pink and fragrant. The flowers bloom in April and May.

Daphne Cneorum

Daphne cneorum has long, trailing branches. The flower heads are pink and fragrant. The flowers bloom…

Delphinium ajacis grows about eighteen inches tall. The flowers are showy and blue or violet. The flowers also vary to white.

Delphinium Ajacis

Delphinium ajacis grows about eighteen inches tall. The flowers are showy and blue or violet. The flowers…

Delphinium formosum has a strong stem that grows two to three feet tall. The flowers are blue with indigo margins. The flowers bloom in June and July.

Delphinium Formosum

Delphinium formosum has a strong stem that grows two to three feet tall. The flowers are blue with indigo…

Dendrobium dearei has white flowers that are about two inches across. The plant is native to the Philippines.

Dendrobium Dearei

Dendrobium dearei has white flowers that are about two inches across. The plant is native to the Philippines.

Dendrobium superbiens is native to Australia. The flowers are two inches across and crimson-purple. The petals are often bordered with white.

Dendrobium Superbiens

Dendrobium superbiens is native to Australia. The flowers are two inches across and crimson-purple.…

The common name of dentaria diphylla is pepper root. The plant grows eight to sixteen inches tall. The flowers are white inside and pale purple or pink inside.

Dentaria Diphylla

The common name of dentaria diphylla is pepper root. The plant grows eight to sixteen inches tall. The…

Deutzia gracilis grows three feet tall and has slender, arching branches. The flowers are pure white. The plant is native to Japan.

Deutzia Gracilis

Deutzia gracilis grows three feet tall and has slender, arching branches. The flowers are pure white.…

The deutzia purpurascens shrub grows three feet tall with slender, arching branches. The flowers have spreading petals and are white and purple on the outside.

Deutzia Purpurascens

The deutzia purpurascens shrub grows three feet tall with slender, arching branches. The flowers have…

Deutzia lemoinei grows three feet tall. The flowers are pure white. The leaves have finely serrated edges.

Deutzia Lemoinei

Deutzia lemoinei grows three feet tall. The flowers are pure white. The leaves have finely serrated…

In true dewberries the center flowers open first. The flowers and fruits are few and scattereed.

Lucretia Dewberry

In true dewberries the center flowers open first. The flowers and fruits are few and scattereed.

Sweet William is the common name of dianthus barbatus. The stems grows ten to twenty inches tall. The flowers grow in rounded, dense clusters. The flowers are red, rose, purple, or white.

Sweet William

Sweet William is the common name of dianthus barbatus. The stems grows ten to twenty inches tall. The…

Dianthus Superbus is found from Norway to Japan and Spain. The flowers are lilac and very fragrant.

Dianthus Superbus

Dianthus Superbus is found from Norway to Japan and Spain. The flowers are lilac and very fragrant.

Maiden pink is the common name of dianthus deltoides. The plant is densely tufted and grows six to ten inches tall. It blooms in spring and early summer. The flowers are small and deep red with a crimson eye.

Maiden Pink

Maiden pink is the common name of dianthus deltoides. The plant is densely tufted and grows six to ten…

Dianthus chinensis flowers are large, clustered, and pink or lilac. The plant is native to China and Japan.

Dianthus Chinensis

Dianthus chinensis flowers are large, clustered, and pink or lilac. The plant is native to China and…

Diascia barberae blooms freely in the summer. The flowers are rose pink with a yellow, green dotted spot in the throat.

Diascia Barberae

Diascia barberae blooms freely in the summer. The flowers are rose pink with a yellow, green dotted…

Bleeding heart is the common name of dicentra spectabilis. The plant grows one to two feet tall. The flowers are large and deep rosy red. The plant is native to Japan.

Bleeding Heart

Bleeding heart is the common name of dicentra spectabilis. The plant grows one to two feet tall. The…

Dicentra formosa is native from central California to British Columbia. The flowers are rose purple and grow in clusters at the end of the stems. The plant is stemless with a fleshy rootstock.

Dicentra Formosa

Dicentra formosa is native from central California to British Columbia. The flowers are rose purple…

Dutchman's breeches is the common name of dicentra cucullaria. The flowers are white tipped with creamy yellow. The plant is found from Nova Scotia to Georgia and also along the Columbia river.

Dutchman's Breeches

Dutchman's breeches is the common name of dicentra cucullaria. The flowers are white tipped with creamy…

Diervilla japonica is native to Japan and China. It blooms in May and June. The flowers usually grow in three flowered clusters.

Diervilla Japonica

Diervilla japonica is native to Japan and China. It blooms in May and June. The flowers usually grow…

The common name of digitalis purpurea is common foxglove. Illustrated is the juvenile or foliage stage used as an edging. The flowers are large, two inches long, and range from purple and more or less spotted.

Digitalis Purpurea

The common name of digitalis purpurea is common foxglove. Illustrated is the juvenile or foliage stage…

Foxglove is the common name of digitalis purpurea. It is native from Great Britain, west and central Europe, to Scandinavia. The flowers are purple and spotted.

Digitalis Purpurea

Foxglove is the common name of digitalis purpurea. It is native from Great Britain, west and central…

Dimorphotheca aurantiaca is a variety of cape marigold. The flowers are large and orange yellow. It is a showy plant growing twelve to sixteen inches tall.

Dimorphotheca Aurantiaca

Dimorphotheca aurantiaca is a variety of cape marigold. The flowers are large and orange yellow. It…

Venus Fly Trap is the common name of dionaea muscipula. The plant is insectivorous, meaning it eats insect. The flowers of the plant are white.

Venus Fly Trap

Venus Fly Trap is the common name of dionaea muscipula. The plant is insectivorous, meaning it eats…

Diospyros lotus is a variety of persimmon. The leaves are oblong and grow three to five inches long. The flowers are reddish white. The fruit is yellow but black when fully ripe.

Diospyros Lotus

Diospyros lotus is a variety of persimmon. The leaves are oblong and grow three to five inches long.…

Dipladenia atropurpurea is native to Brazil. The flowers are dark purple.

Diplandenia Atropurpurea

Dipladenia atropurpurea is native to Brazil. The flowers are dark purple.

Dipladenia splendens is native to Brazil. The flower clusters have four to six flowers.

Dipladenia Splendens

Dipladenia splendens is native to Brazil. The flower clusters have four to six flowers.

Fuller's teasel is the common name of dipascus fullonum. The plants are prickly or rough-hairy. The flowers are small and grow in dense heads. The flowers are blue or lilac.

Fuller's Teasel

Fuller's teasel is the common name of dipascus fullonum. The plants are prickly or rough-hairy. The…

Leatherwood, moosewood, and wicopy are the common names of dirca palustris. The plant grows two to six feet tall. The flowers are yellowish and abundant.


Leatherwood, moosewood, and wicopy are the common names of dirca palustris. The plant grows two to six…

The disanthus cercidifolius shrub grows to ten feet and has slender branches. The flowers are dark purple. The plant is native to the high mountains of central Japan.

Disanthus Cercidifolius

The disanthus cercidifolius shrub grows to ten feet and has slender branches. The flowers are dark purple.…

Shooting star is the common name of dodecatheon meadia The plant grows two feet tall and blooms in May and June. The flowers are rose colored and whitish at the base.

Shooting Star

Shooting star is the common name of dodecatheon meadia The plant grows two feet tall and blooms in May…

Dorstenia contrajerva is the most common species of dorstenia and is native to tropical America. The flowers grow on a long sttem.

Dorstenia Contrajerva

Dorstenia contrajerva is the most common species of dorstenia and is native to tropical America. The…

Draba dedeana flowers are pale yellow. The plant is native to Spain.

Draba Dedeana

Draba dedeana flowers are pale yellow. The plant is native to Spain.

Drosera rotundifolia is a carnivorous plant. Each stem has five to twelve flowers. The flowers are white and expand in the sunshine.

Drosera Rotundifolia

Drosera rotundifolia is a carnivorous plant. Each stem has five to twelve flowers. The flowers are white…

The echinocactus rectispinus cactus is round and cylindrical. The flowers are about one inch long and pink. The cactus is native to California.

Echinocactus Rectispinus

The echinocactus rectispinus cactus is round and cylindrical. The flowers are about one inch long and…

Echinocactus myriostigma is native to Mexico. The flowers are large and pale yellow. The cactus is five inches in diameter.

Echinocactus Myriostigma

Echinocactus myriostigma is native to Mexico. The flowers are large and pale yellow. The cactus is five…

Echinocereus chloranthus is native to Texas and New Mexico. The flowers are white and green.

Echinocereus Chloranthus

Echinocereus chloranthus is native to Texas and New Mexico. The flowers are white and green.