"The Pigeon flying downwards and turning prior to alighting. The pigeon expands its tail both in ascending and descending."—Pettigrew, 1874

The Pigeon

"The Pigeon flying downwards and turning prior to alighting. The pigeon expands its tail both in ascending…

A flying machine invented by William Henson in the mid-19th century. Although numerous attempts were made to fly the machine, all were unsuccessful.

Henson's Flying Machine

A flying machine invented by William Henson in the mid-19th century. Although numerous attempts were…

An early invention of the airplane, created by John Stringfellow in the mid-19th century.

Stringfellow's Flying Machine

An early invention of the airplane, created by John Stringfellow in the mid-19th century.

A flying machine invented by George Cayley. It is an early model of the helicopter.

Cayley's Aerial Screw

A flying machine invented by George Cayley. It is an early model of the helicopter.

Hummingbird hawk moth is the common name of macroglossa stellatarum. This moth flies very fast. While flying the moth makes a loud humming noise.

Hummingbird Hawk Moth

Hummingbird hawk moth is the common name of macroglossa stellatarum. This moth flies very fast. While…

Pictured is a leaf with a male on it, slightly enlarge (a) and a male flying, much enlarged (b). Lecanium persicae is known as the peach scale insect. It lives on the branches of peach and plum trees.

Lecanium Persicae

Pictured is a leaf with a male on it, slightly enlarge (a) and a male flying, much enlarged (b). Lecanium…

<p>A simple illustration of bats flying out into the night over a pumpkin orange moon.</p>
<p>Illustrated by James Basom Seaman II</p>

Bats over the moon

A simple illustration of bats flying out into the night over a pumpkin orange moon. Illustrated by James…

This illustration shows the basic parts and construction of a typical monoplane.

Typical Monoplane

This illustration shows the basic parts and construction of a typical monoplane.

This illustration shows the basic parts and construction of a typical biplane.

Typical Biplane

This illustration shows the basic parts and construction of a typical biplane.

This illustration shows the basic parts and construction of a flying boat.

Flying Boat

This illustration shows the basic parts and construction of a flying boat.

This illustration shows three different views of the Curtis Model 18-I Triplane. It has a 400 horsepower K-12 engine.

Curtis Model 18-I Triplane

This illustration shows three different views of the Curtis Model 18-I Triplane. It has a 400 horsepower…

This illustration shows three different views of the Curtis Model J N 4-B Military Tractor.

Curtis Model J N 4-B Military Tractor

This illustration shows three different views of the Curtis Model J N 4-B Military Tractor.

This illustration shows three different views of a Handley-Page Twin Liberty Motored Type O 400 Bomber.

Handley-Page Twin Liberty Motored Type O 400 Bomber

This illustration shows three different views of a Handley-Page Twin Liberty Motored Type O 400 Bomber.

This illustration shows three different views of the De Haviland 4 Reconnaissance Plane. This plane has a 400 horsepower Liberty Engine.

De Haviland 4 Reconnaissance Plane

This illustration shows three different views of the De Haviland 4 Reconnaissance Plane. This plane…

This illustration shows three different views of the 1915 Caproni Type C A-4 Triplane.

Caproni Type C A-4 Triplane, 1915

This illustration shows three different views of the 1915 Caproni Type C A-4 Triplane.

This illustration shows three different views of the NC. 4 Flying Boat. It has a 1600 horsepower engine.

NC. 4 Flying Boat

This illustration shows three different views of the NC. 4 Flying Boat. It has a 1600 horsepower engine.

This illustration shows three different views of the Lawson Type C-1 Twin Liberty Motored Aerial Transport.

Lawson Type C-1 Twin Liberty Motored Aerial Transport

This illustration shows three different views of the Lawson Type C-1 Twin Liberty Motored Aerial Transport.

This illustration shows three different views of the Farman Type F-60 Tourist Aerobus. This plane held 20 passengers and had a 520 horsepower engine.

Farman Type F-60 Tourist Aerobus

This illustration shows three different views of the Farman Type F-60 Tourist Aerobus. This plane held…

Galeopithecus is the generic name of certain mammals from the Malayan region, commonly (incorrectly) referred to as flying lemurs. The two species of Galeopithecus are now placed in a sub-order of Insectivora, and regarded as the vegetarian analogues of the insect-eating bats. The common species, G. volans, is about the size of a cat and has a flying-membrane.

The teeth are remarkable, the lower incisors being comb-like, while the upper outer incisor at each side has two roots. Galeopithecus primarily inhabit forests. They feed upon leaves, fruit, eggs, insects, and even small birds. They are nocturnal. Though incapable of true flight, they can take long, flying leaps.


Galeopithecus is the generic name of certain mammals from the Malayan region, commonly (incorrectly)…

In heraldry, the griffin is a fabulous animal, with the head and forefeet of an eagle, and the body, hind legs, and tail of a lion. The head is represented with pricked ears, symbolical of its vigilance. In mythology, the griffin was a creature similar in form to the griffin of heraldry, which was supposed to find its especial function in watching over hidden treasure, especially in Scythia. It was dedicated to the sun-god Apollo, whose chariot appears in early art as drawn by griffins. It was a favorite ornamental 'theme' in ancient Babylonian and Persian art, and is also found in a similar way on art objects of the Phoenicians, the Mycenæan civilization, and the ancient Greeks. The Romans and art-workers of the renaissance used it as a purely decorative device.


In heraldry, the griffin is a fabulous animal, with the head and forefeet of an eagle, and the body,…

Guinea Fowl are the African representatives of the pheasants, from which they differ in that the plumage of both sexes is alike. The origin of the domesticated stock is <i>Numida meleagris</i>, from W. Africa. A number of other species occur in other parts of Africa. In the black guinea fowl (<i>Phasidus niger</i>), which ranges from Cape Lopez to Loango, spurs are present in the male as in pheasants. Guinea fowl are nearly all gregarious, are ground feeders, and roost in trees. Most species seek to escape danger by running rather than by flying. As in the turkeys, parts of the head and neck are without feathers, and these bare patches are often highly colored.

Guinea Fowl

Guinea Fowl are the African representatives of the pheasants, from which they differ in that the plumage…

A medal engraved with the head of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, with his name in the inscription.  On the other side is the image of a galley with many oars. The prow has a standard with flags flying and a captain standing at the helm, directing the vessel.

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

A medal engraved with the head of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, with his name in the inscription. On the…

Groined arch and a flying buttress; both are common architectural elements.


Groined arch and a flying buttress; both are common architectural elements.

Various sailboats, one flying a US flag. Harbor town with mountains in background

Sail Boats

Various sailboats, one flying a US flag. Harbor town with mountains in background

A flying angel carrying a small child in the clouds.

Angel Carrying a Small Child

A flying angel carrying a small child in the clouds.

Bald eagle.

Bald Eagle

Bald eagle.

Illustration of the god called Woden in Germanic mythology and Odin in Norse mythology. Much like Zeus in Greek mythology, Odin is the chief god. He is pictured sitting on a raised platform, wrapped in a robe, holding a spear, Gungnir, in his hand. A thin band crowns his head. His wolves, Geri and Freki, are pictured on either side of the platform. His crows, Huginn and Muninn, are pictured, one on his shoulder and one flying nearby. His name is inscribed in runes on the front of the platform.

Woden or Odin, Germanic and Norse God, Seated with His Wolves and Crows

Illustration of the god called Woden in Germanic mythology and Odin in Norse mythology. Much like Zeus…

"And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary. And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be. And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus." Luke 1:26-31 KJV

<p>Illustration of the Virgin Mary praying at an altar in her room as the archangel Gabriel approaches her to tell her she will give birth to Jesus. Gabriel is knelt on a cloud, his left arm raised. He is holding an olive branch. Above Mary's head, a dove is flying out of a cloud and a shaft of light glows down on Mary's head. A vase with lilies in it sits on the floor.

The Annunciation - the Angel Gabriel Approaches Mary while She is Praying

"And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth,…

Illustration of the southern side of the Cathedral of Cologne. Construction on the cathedral was begun in 1248 and it was meant to be a place to hold the reliquary of the Three Kings. The cathedral was not completed until the 19th century. Its Gothic architecture is based largely on the Amiens Cathedral. From the view, the cathedral's enormous Germanic spires are visible.

A Southern View of the Cathedral of Cologne in Germany

Illustration of the southern side of the Cathedral of Cologne. Construction on the cathedral was begun…

Also called Sexton Beetles, these beetles bury the carcasses of small vertebrates as food for their larvae. This illustration shows four beetles, one flying, working to bury a dead bird on its back.

Burying Beetles, Burying a Dead Bird

Also called Sexton Beetles, these beetles bury the carcasses of small vertebrates as food for their…

"The common lark of Europe, <i>Alauda arvensis</i>: so called because it mounts toward the sky and sings as it flies. Also called sky-laverock, rising-lark, field-lark, short-heeled lark, etc." &mdash;Whitney, 1889
<p>This illustration shows a skylark perched on the ground with some grass surrounding it.


"The common lark of Europe, Alauda arvensis: so called because it mounts toward the sky and sings as…

<i>Spelerpes ruber</i>. "...of a bright red color, more or less spotted with black, and is found in cold springs and brooks." —Whitney, 1889
<p>Illustration of a salamander with its tongue extended, in the process of catching a flying insect to eat.

Red Salamander Eating an Insect

Spelerpes ruber. "...of a bright red color, more or less spotted with black, and is found in cold springs…

"and they cast him out of the city, and stoned him: and the witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul. And they stoned Stephen, calling upon the Lord, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." Acts 7:58-59 ASV
<p>Illustration of Stephen being stoned to death. He is pictured wearing a deacon's vestments, lying on the ground and looking up to the sky. An angel, carrying a palm frond and the crown of martyrdom, is flying above him. Several men hold stones over their heads. A group of men in robes, including Saul of Tarsus, watch the stoning. A city can be seen in the background.

Stephen Stoned to Death as He Looks up to Heaven

"and they cast him out of the city, and stoned him: and the witnesses laid down their garments at the…

"And I saw the seven angels that stand before God; and there were given unto them seven trumpets." Revelation 8:2 ASV
<p>Illustration of seven angels flying over the land and playing seven trumpets. A body of water and a city can be seen in the distance.

Seven Angels with Seven Trumpets

"And I saw the seven angels that stand before God; and there were given unto them seven trumpets." Revelation…