"Blue Golden-Winged Warbler or Helminthophila chrysoptera. Upper parts slaty-blue, or or fine bluish-gray; crown, and large wing-patch formed by confluent wing-bars, rich yellow; a broad stripe on side of head and patch on chin, throat and fore-breast, black, the eye-stripe bordered above and below with white; under parts generally, excepting the black breast-plate, white, often tinted with yellowish, and shaded on the sides with ashy. Exposed surfaces of wings and tail like upper parts; great white blotches on three lateral tail-feathers; bill black; feet dark." Elliot Coues, 1884

Blue Golden-Winged Warbler

"Blue Golden-Winged Warbler or Helminthophila chrysoptera. Upper parts slaty-blue, or or fine bluish-gray;…

An illustration of a decorative letter E with an angel holding a plate with fruit on top.

Decorative Letter E with Angel Holding Plate

An illustration of a decorative letter E with an angel holding a plate with fruit on top.

This is a design for the title page of the Chap-Book by Will. H. Bradley in 1895.

The Chap-Book

This is a design for the title page of the Chap-Book by Will. H. Bradley in 1895.

"Fig 64 - Skull of chick, fifth day of incubation, x 9 diameters. Seen from above, the membranous roof of the skull and the brain removed. cv1, anterior cerebral vesicle; e, eye; c, notochord, running through the middle of the basilar plate or parachordal cartilage, in which are already visible the rudimentary ear-parts, cl, the cochlea, hsc, the horizontal semicircular canal; pts, the pituitary space, bounded by tr, the trabeculae, which come together before it to form the fronto-nasal plate, fn, in fig. 65; lg, lingula or bridge connecting trabeculae with parachordal cartilage; 5 notch afterward becoming foramen ovale for passage of parts of the fifth (trifacial) nerve; 9, foramen for hypoglossal nerve; q, separate cartilage forming the future quadrate bone." Elliot Coues, 1884

Skull of a Chick

"Fig 64 - Skull of chick, fifth day of incubation, x 9 diameters. Seen from above, the membranous roof…

"Skull of a chick, but seen from below. cv1, anterior cerebral vesicle; e, eye; m, mouth; pts, pituitary space; fn, fronto-nasal plate; tr, ends of the trabeculae, free again after their union and bent strongly from the original axis of the trabeculae; n, external nostril; mxp, subocular bar of cartilage, or pterygo-palatine rod, to form pa, palatine, and pg, pterygoid bone, and other parts of the upper jaw, as the maxillary, jugal and quadrato-jugal; q, quadrate cartilage, same as seen in fig 64; mk, meckelian cartilage, to form lower jaw; these parts are in the first post-oral visceral arch; ch, cerato-hyal, and bh, basihyal, of second postoral arch; cbr, cerato-branchial, ebr-branchial, bbr, basi-branchial, of third post-oral arch; the parts of the second and third arch all going into the hyoid bone. 1, 2, 3, 1st, 2d, 3d, visceral clefts, whereof the 1st is to be modified into the ear-passages, and the others are to be obliterated." Elliot Coues, 1884

Skull of a Chick Below

"Skull of a chick, but seen from below. cv1, anterior cerebral vesicle; e, eye; m, mouth; pts, pituitary…

"Fig 66 - Head of a chick, second stage, after five days of incubation, section in profile; x6 diameters. cvl, cv2, cv3, first, second, and third cerebral vesicles; 1, place of the first nerve, the olfactory; 2, place of second nerve, the optic; ic, internal carotid artery, running into skull at what was originally the pituitary space, now an opening bounded in front by the anterior, acl, behind the posterior, pcl, clinoid walls; nc, notochord; oc, occipital condyle, thence to pcl being the original parachordal cartilage, here seen in profile; eo, exoccipital; eth, ethmoid, with ps, its presphenoid region posteriorly, and pn, pre-nasal part; this whole plate afterward developing into parts of the nose and the partition between the eyes; pa, palatine; pg, pterygoid region; pa and pg reference lines are in the chick's mouth; mk meckelian cartilage (lower jaw); ch and bh, ceratohyal and basihyal parts of the hyoid or tongue bone." Elliot Coues, 1884

Chick Head

"Fig 66 - Head of a chick, second stage, after five days of incubation, section in profile; x6 diameters.…

"Skull of chick, third stage, viewed from below, x6 & 2/3 diameters. pn, prenasal cartilage, running behind into the septum nasi; on each side of it the premaxillary, px, of which the (inner) palatal and (outer) dentary processes are seen (the upper nasal process hidden); mx, the maxillary, developing inner process, the maxillo-palatine, mxp; pa, the palatal, well-formed, articulating behind with rbs, the sphenoidal rostrum, its thickened under border, the parasphenoid; this will bear the vomer at its end when that bone is developed; j, jugal, joining mx and qj, the quadrato-jugal, joining j and q, the quadrate; mx to q, the jugal bar or zygoma; pg, the pterygoid, making with pa the pterygo-palatine bar, joining q and px; bt, the basitemporal, great mat of bone from ear to ear, underflooring the skull proper, as rbs, a similar formation, does further forward; ic, outer end of carotid canal, to run between the bt plate and true floor of skull, and enter brain cavity at original site of pituitary fossa; ty, tympanic cavity - external opening of ear; as, alisphenoid, bounding much of brain-box anteriorly, and orbital cavity posteriorly; psc, posterior semicircular canal of ear, in opisthotic bone, which will unite with the spreading eo, exoccipital, which will reach the cobdyle shown in the middle line, above the foramen magnum, fm, completed above by so, supra-occipital; 8, foramen lacerum posterius, exit of pneumogastric, glosso-pharyngeal and spinall accessory nerve; 9, exit of hypoglossal nerve, in basi-occipital." Elliot Coues, 1884

The Skull of a Chick Stage Three

"Skull of chick, third stage, viewed from below, x6 & 2/3 diameters. pn, prenasal cartilage, running…

"Gallinula. Gallinules. Water Hens. Mud Hens. Bill not longer than head, stout at base, tapering, compressed, the culmen running directly up on the forehead and expanding into a frontal plate of different shape in different species. Nostrils near middle of bill, linear. Feet large and stout; tibia naked below; tarsus moderately compressed, scutellate; toes very long, the outer longer than the inner, with an evident though slight marginal membrane; claws long, slender, little curved, acute. Wings short and rounded, but ample. Tail very short, of 12 weak feathers, with long ample under coverts, as in Rails. Plumage not rich blue." Elliot Coues, 1884


"Gallinula. Gallinules. Water Hens. Mud Hens. Bill not longer than head, stout at base, tapering, compressed,…

"Fulicia. Coot. Bill and frontal plate much as in the Gallinultes. Body depressed; the under plumage thick and duck-like, to resist water. feet highly natatorial' toes, including the hinder, lobate, being furnished with large semicircular membranous flaps. The Coots are eminently aquatic birds, swimming with ease, by means of their lobate feet, like phalaropes and grebes; but this ability results from very slight modification of a structure shared by the Rails and Gallinules. There are about ten species, of both hemispheres, distinguished, among other characters, by the size and shape of the frontal shield. That, for instance, is of an exotic species, much larger than that of Fulica americana, and differently shaped. One species is remarkable for having the forehead singularly carunculate; the others closely resemble our common species." Elliott Coues, 1884

Coot Head

"Fulicia. Coot. Bill and frontal plate much as in the Gallinultes. Body depressed; the under plumage…

"Ripe chick's skull, longitudinal section, vied inside, x 3 diameters; after parker. In the mandible are seen: mk, remarks of meckelian rod; d, dentary bone; sp, splenial; a, angular; su, surangular; ar, articular; iap, internal articular process; pap, posterior articular process. In the skull: pn, the original prenasal cartilage, upon which is moulded the premaxillary, px, with its nasal process, npx, and dentary process, dpx; sn, septo-nasal cartilage, in which is seen nn, nasal nerve; ntb, nasal turbinal; the reference line crosses the cranio-facial suture, the face parts and cranial parts being nealry separated here by the nick seen in the original cartilaginous plate; eth, ethmoid; pe, perpendicular plate of ethmoid, which will spread nearly throughout the dotted cartilaginous tract in which it lies, to form nearly all the interorbital septum; transverse thickening (in some birds) below the reference line eth will form the pre-frontal, or orbito-nasal septum; iof, inter-orbital foramen; ps, pre sphenoidal region, just above which is the orbito-sphenoidal region; 2, optic foramen; as, alisphenoid, with 5 foramen for division of the 5th (trifacial) nerve; f, frontal; sq, squamosal; p, parietal; so, superoccipital; asc, anterior semicircular canal; sc, a sinus (venous canal); ep, epiotic; eo, exoccipital; op, opisthotic; po, prootic, with 7 meatus auditorius internus, for entrance of 7th nerve; 8, foramen nfor vagus nerve; bo, basioccipital; bt, basitemporal; ic, canal (in original pituitary space; ) by which carotid artery enters brain activity; ap; basipterygoid process; ap to rbs, rostrum ofhte skull, being the parasphenoid bone underflooring the basisphenoid and future perpendicular plate of ethmoid." Elliot Coues, 1884

Ripe Chick's Skull

"Ripe chick's skull, longitudinal section, vied inside, x 3 diameters; after parker. In the mandible…

"Ripe chick's skull, longitudinal section, vied inside, x 3 diameters; after Parker. px, premaxillary; aln, ali-nasal cartilage; en, septo-nasal; n, nasal bone; l, lacrymal; pe, perpendicular plate of ethmoid, ps, prespeenoidal region; as, alisphenoid; f, frontal; p, parietal; sq, squamosal; so, superoccipital; eo, exoccipital; oc, occipital condyle; st, the cross-like object, the stapes, whose foot fits fenestra ovalis; q, quadrate; pg, pterygoid; qj, quadrato-jugal; jugal; pa, palatine; mx, maxillary. In the mandible: d, dentary; su, surangular; a, angular; ar, atricular; iap, internal angular process; pap, posterior angular process. 2, optic foramen; 5, foramen ovale, for inferior divisions of the 5th nerve." Elliot Coues, 1884

Ripe Chick's Skull Profile

"Ripe chick's skull, longitudinal section, vied inside, x 3 diameters; after Parker. px, premaxillary;…

This is a book plate of Joe Burroughs book by English illustrator Celia Levetus. It seems to depict a woman sitting outside by a river reading a book, while canoers pass her by.

Joe Buroughs Bookplate

This is a book plate of Joe Burroughs book by English illustrator Celia Levetus. It seems to depict…

This is a title page to the House of Joy by English playwright, writer, and illustrator Laurence Houseman in 1895. This drawing seems to depict a winged man approaching a woman from her window. Its border is a scrolling flower design all around.

The House of Joy

This is a title page to the House of Joy by English playwright, writer, and illustrator Laurence Houseman…

"Desmognathous skull of mallard duck, Anas boscas, nat. size, from nature, by Dr. R.W. Shufeldt, U.S.A. Letters before. In the "bound-palate" type, the vomer in either abortive, or so small that it disappears; when existing it is usually slender and tapers to a point in front; the maxillo-palatines are united across the median line, either directly or by means of ossification in the nasal septum; the posterior ends of the palatines and the anterior ends of the pterygoids articulate directly with the rostrum (as in schizognathism). This type is simply and perfectly exhibited by a duck in which the maxillo-palatine is a broad flat plate united with its fellow in mid-line; the oval sessile basipterygoid facets are far forward, opposite the very ends of the pterygoids." Elliot Coues, 1884

Mallard Duck Skull

"Desmognathous skull of mallard duck, Anas boscas, nat. size, from nature, by Dr. R.W. Shufeldt, U.S.A.…

"Simorhynchus cristatellus. Crested Auk. Snub-nosed Auk. Bill fundamentally small and simple, compressed-conic, with convex culmen and little sinuate horizontal commissure; but in the breeding season developing several corneous appendages, which alter its shape greatly, make it singularly irregular, and modify even the outline of the feathers at its base. These accessory pieces are: a nasal plate, filling the nasal fossa, separate from its fellow of the opposite side; a subnasal strip prolonged on the cutting edge of the upper mandibles backwards from the nostrils; a rosette-like plate at base of upper mandible just over angle of the mouth; a large shoe encasing the posterior part of the under mandible; the latter single, the other three pieces in pairs, making seven in all which are moulted; all these elements vermilion or coral-red; end of the bill enamel-yellow. (Before acquiring these growths the young bird is tetraculus of authors; the adult in winter, after shedding the, is dubius.)" Elliot Coues, 1884

Crested Auk in Summer

"Simorhynchus cristatellus. Crested Auk. Snub-nosed Auk. Bill fundamentally small and simple, compressed-conic,…

"Saurognathous skull of a nesting Picus minor. x4 diameters, after Parker. Px premaxillary: dpx, its dentary process; ppx, palatal process; sn, septo-nasal; pa, palatine; pmx, peculiar palatal plate of maxillary of a woodpecker; nf, nasal turbinal; mx, maxillary; ipa, interpalatal spur of palatine bone; mxp, rudimentary maxillo-palatine, scarcely reaching palatine; smx, septo-maxillary, in several pieces; v, right vomer, its fellow opposite; pe, lower border of perpendicular plate of ethmoid, between vomers; epa, ethmoidal (inner) plate of palatine; mpa, medio-palatine; pg pterygoid; i, foramen for internal carotid; 8 for vagus nerve; 9, for hypo-glossal nerve." Elliot Coues, 1884

Woodpecker Skull

"Saurognathous skull of a nesting Picus minor. x4 diameters, after Parker. Px premaxillary: dpx, its…

Dishes are the general term for the dish used in serving, or eating food. Similar to plates and bowls.

Glass Dish

Dishes are the general term for the dish used in serving, or eating food. Similar to plates and bowls.

"A series of planes as S—S are passed perpendicular to the axis of revolution, cutting out the circles shown on the end view. The points at which these circles cut the 'flat' are projected back as points on the curve." —French, 1911

Intersection of Surface of Revolution and Plane

"A series of planes as S—S are passed perpendicular to the axis of revolution, cutting out the…

This machine features an individual type side bearing face for a justifier. The individual type matrix consists of single plate metal wedges, reduced thickness from one end toward the other.

Type Justifying Mechanism

This machine features an individual type side bearing face for a justifier. The individual type matrix…

This collapsible magic lantern is an early form of a slide projector, also known as the ancestor of the modern slide projector; used for projecting images painted on glass with translucent colors. Composed of a light source which, in the early lanterns was candlestick. The magic lantern was also known a a light projector of a positive image from a glass plate. These images were used for lantern slides and were traditionally drawn or stenciled on. This lantern can collapse in on itself saving two and a half times its original size.

Collapsible Magic Lantern

This collapsible magic lantern is an early form of a slide projector, also known as the ancestor of…

This is a moon shaped biscuit. A biscuit is a baked product. Usually a biscuit is a thick paste of fine wheat flour boiled and spread out on a plate. When it had dried and hardened it was cut up and then fried until crisp, then served wit honey and pepper.

Moon Shaped Biscuit

This is a moon shaped biscuit. A biscuit is a baked product. Usually a biscuit is a thick paste of fine…

A dish may be served on dish ware, or may be eaten out of hand. These cutleries are usually made from ceramic, metal, or plastic.

Deep Covered Dish

A dish may be served on dish ware, or may be eaten out of hand. These cutleries are usually made from…

A device used to transfer drawing onto opaque paper using bright tin, two showcase lamps, and plate glass. The drawings can be copied in pencil on heavy paper or Bistrol—board.

Transparent Drawing Board

A device used to transfer drawing onto opaque paper using bright tin, two showcase lamps, and plate…

A furnace is a device used for heating, mostly for manufacturing. Heat energy usually comes from fuel combustion, or electricity.

Arch Plate for Furnace

A furnace is a device used for heating, mostly for manufacturing. Heat energy usually comes from fuel…

A face plate for milling on a lathe. The circular blades used for milling can be adjusted by using loosening or tightening the nuts for different cuts.

Relieving Milling Cutters Lathe

A face plate for milling on a lathe. The circular blades used for milling can be adjusted by using loosening…

A convenient bench vise used to hold a plate or an object in place while working, attached to a table or work bench. The object being work on is put in place by adjusting the hand screw.

Convenient Bench Vise

A convenient bench vise used to hold a plate or an object in place while working, attached to a table…

A stepped hole punch tool used to make holes in metal plates. The plate (B) is placed under the grip (K), and the hole is made by pushing (G) to the metal to the desired diameter determined by the steps.

Stepped Hole Punch Tool

A stepped hole punch tool used to make holes in metal plates. The plate (B) is placed under the grip…

An illustration of cutting a steel plate using oxygen and acetylene gas. At the nozzle, the two gases mixes to create a highly flammable mixture.

Cutting Metal using Oxygen and Acetylene Gas

An illustration of cutting a steel plate using oxygen and acetylene gas. At the nozzle, the two gases…

For removing a hinge pin, a tool having a wedge-shaped head mounted on a shank equipped with a support projection to receive the hinge. The head includes an impact surface for hammering the wedge portion between the hinge and the head of the hinge pin. A striker plate perpendicular to the tool shank receives impact blows to dislodge the pin from the hinge.

Pin Removal Tool

For removing a hinge pin, a tool having a wedge-shaped head mounted on a shank equipped with a support…

Carbon electrodes are formed by molding mixtures of graphite powder and pitch into solid pieces and then heating to high temperatures. The pitch is converted to carbon that holds the structure together.

Carbon Electrode

Carbon electrodes are formed by molding mixtures of graphite powder and pitch into solid pieces and…

This plate is in the shape of a doily, which is an ornamental mat. They are crocheted and sometimes knitted out of cotton or linen thread.

Doily Plate

This plate is in the shape of a doily, which is an ornamental mat. They are crocheted and sometimes…

A practice exercise for mechanical drawing to line shade the plate with elliptic holes. The plate is drawn by creating the ellipsoid shapes. Then carefully draw diagonal lines onto the background of the ellipses with pen.

Mechanical Drawing Exercise Line Shading Plates with Holes in Ink

A practice exercise for mechanical drawing to line shade the plate with elliptic holes. The plate is…

"This is a practice in the joining of shaded arcs, the smaller of which should be drawn with the bow—Pen, and the larger with the compasses. The section lining must be done only in ink." —Anthony, 1904

Mechanical Drawing Exercise Line Shading Plates with Joining Arcs in Ink

"This is a practice in the joining of shaded arcs, the smaller of which should be drawn with the bow—Pen,…

An apparatus used to photograph images in a light microscope. The long camera is connected to the eye piece while the microscope uses a mirror to light the specimen. The image is captured on the photographic plate.

Micrographic Apparatus with Camera and Microscope

An apparatus used to photograph images in a light microscope. The long camera is connected to the eye…

This is a license tag used to identify cars, which reads "Penna 1911 82365."

License Tag

This is a license tag used to identify cars, which reads "Penna 1911 82365."

"The blanks are placed in the slide J and the lowest carried forward to the die in two successive movements of the "layer—on" I, a rod working backwards and forwards on a horizontal plate and actuating the finger L." —Encyclopaedia Britannica

Mechanism of Minting Press from Royal Mint

"The blanks are placed in the slide J and the lowest carried forward to the die in two successive movements…

This is a floral glass vessel or plate, which can be used as a serving dish for many foods. In the center of the plate there is a strong six leaf floral design.

Floral Glass Vessel

This is a floral glass vessel or plate, which can be used as a serving dish for many foods. In the center…

"An eccentric on the main shaft gives an oscillating motion to a circular disc called the wrist plate, pivoted at the center of the cylinder. It transmits motion to each of the four valves through adjustable links known as steam rods or exhaust rods, according to whether they move the admission or exhaust valves." —Derr, 1911

Steam Engine with Reynolds Corliss Gear

"An eccentric on the main shaft gives an oscillating motion to a circular disc called the wrist plate,…

"The governor cam rod operates a plate cam having a curved slot so shaped that it takes place of both the knock—off and the safety cam. The steam arm is keyed to the valve spindle and carries at its lower end a steel die which is free to slip up and down a small amount." —Derr, 1911

Steam Engine Brown Releasing Gear

"The governor cam rod operates a plate cam having a curved slot so shaped that it takes place of both…

A partial or complete set of artificial teeth for either the upper or lower jaw. Also called dental plate.

Dental Anchorage Denture

A partial or complete set of artificial teeth for either the upper or lower jaw. Also called dental…

"If the velocity of impact of the jet is V feet per second, its velocity in the same direction after striking the plate will be zero, a definite force will be exerted on that plate, equal to the force necessary to impart a velocity of V feet in one second to the mass of water in the jet." —Derr, 1911

Water Jet Deflected 90 Degrees Measuring Force

"If the velocity of impact of the jet is V feet per second, its velocity in the same direction after…

"Now if the plate were shaped as shown, so that the direction of the jet were completely reversed turned through 180 degrees, there would be an additional pressure on the plate, due to the reaction of the jet leaving it. This, neglecting friction, would be equal to the original impulse, thus making the total force on plate 2 F instead of F. It is quite evident that if the force is twice as great, the work must be double." —Derr, 1911

Force Measurement by Deflecting Water Jet 180 Degrees

"Now if the plate were shaped as shown, so that the direction of the jet were completely reversed turned…

An artificial replacement of one or several of the teeth (partial denture), or all of the teeth (full denture) of either or both jaws; dental prosthesis.

Replacement Denture

An artificial replacement of one or several of the teeth (partial denture), or all of the teeth (full…

Flat pieces of iron that are attached to each one of the horses hoofs.

Modern Horseshoe

Flat pieces of iron that are attached to each one of the horses hoofs.

A movable iron plate that regulates the draft in a stove or chimney or furnace

Furnace Damper

A movable iron plate that regulates the draft in a stove or chimney or furnace

"Achievement of Arms of Humphrey Stafford, A.D. 1460. From his Garter-Plate at Windsor."—Aveling, 1891

Shield of Humphrey Stafford

"Achievement of Arms of Humphrey Stafford, A.D. 1460. From his Garter-Plate at Windsor."—Aveling,…

"A set of stocks, dies, and taps for cutting threads on bolts and inside of nuts."—The Federal Digest, 1921

Screw Plate

"A set of stocks, dies, and taps for cutting threads on bolts and inside of nuts."—The Federal…

A cartoon of a woman serving a shoe on a plate to a man sitting at a table.

A Man Being Served a Shoe

A cartoon of a woman serving a shoe on a plate to a man sitting at a table.

The larva, or caterpillar, of the leopard moth is whitish with black glossy spots. The caterpillar has a blackish plate on the segment next to the head. These caterpillars feed on the wood in the interior of the stems and branches of pear, apple, or plum trees.

Caterpillar of the Leopard Moth

The larva, or caterpillar, of the leopard moth is whitish with black glossy spots. The caterpillar has…

A completed joint of a railway. A fish plate is bolted onto the joint so it can attach to other joints. O is the rib where the bolts are screwed in.

Completed Joint

A completed joint of a railway. A fish plate is bolted onto the joint so it can attach to other joints.…

Illustration of the reflex action of an animal. SE is the sensory nerve-ending. A stimulus passes through the sensory nerve-fiber SF to a nerve-cell SC in the ganglion of a dorsal or afferent (convey towards the center) root (DR) of a spinal nerve. The fiber divides in the spinal cord (SP C) where the message is relayed to an internuncial nerve-cell (A). MO is motor nerve-cell, VR is ventral or efferent nerve, ME is nerve plate, and MU is muscle fiber.

Reflex Action

Illustration of the reflex action of an animal. SE is the sensory nerve-ending. A stimulus passes through…

Two types of steering devices. The image on the left is a combined nut and rack steering gear. It is resistant to backlash and has almost perfect irreversibility. The image on the right is a typical irreversible steering device with a spirally grooved gear plate operating a sector.

Steering Devices

Two types of steering devices. The image on the left is a combined nut and rack steering gear. It is…

Multiple-plate static discharger. (Grid should bridge both sides of belt and should be as close to the motor as possible).

Static discharger

Multiple-plate static discharger. (Grid should bridge both sides of belt and should be as close to the…

The 'mitten' superseded the gauntlet of the 14th century. Rather than having separate, unjointed fingers, it had jointed steel plates (meshed), for the fingers.

Mitten (Armor)

The 'mitten' superseded the gauntlet of the 14th century. Rather than having separate, unjointed fingers,…

This illustration shows the gems worn on the breast plate of the high priest of the Hebrews. Each of these gems is mentioned in the Bible.
1) Cornelian (Reuben)
2) Topaz (Simeon)
3) Emerald (Levi)
4) Ruby (Judah)
5) Sapphire (Issachar)
6) Diamond (Zebulon)
7) Hyacinth (Dan)
8) Agate (Naphtali)
9) Amethyst (Gad)
10) Chrysolite (Asher)
11) Sardonyx (Joseph)
12) Jasper (Benjamin)

Hebrew Breastplate

This illustration shows the gems worn on the breast plate of the high priest of the Hebrews. Each of…

The highest point of a mountain, formed by convergent tectonic plate movement. Distinguishable from a peak in that the upper slopes are steep.

Mountain Peak

The highest point of a mountain, formed by convergent tectonic plate movement. Distinguishable from…

A riveted steel plate girder is designed to bear a large load in a building or bridge, and is made of steel.

Riveted Steel Plate Girder

A riveted steel plate girder is designed to bear a large load in a building or bridge, and is made of…

A stamp mill facilitates the crushing of ore (in this case, gold ore) into very small grains, with many mechanical parts, including: the ore car, to carry ore from the mine to the Mill (a); the trestle, the tunnel from the mine to the mill that the ore car travels through (b); the grizzly (c); the crushing floor (d); the bin for crushed ore (e); the stamp, a vertical iron rod having a cast-iron or steel shoe, which, falling on the mortar block, crushes the ore (f); the mortar (g); and the apron plate (h).

Stamp Mill for Gold Ores (Sectional View)

A stamp mill facilitates the crushing of ore (in this case, gold ore) into very small grains, with many…

The medicinal leech is a leech used in bloodletting. It lives in fresh water, and is common in Germany, Bohemia, and Russia. Its diet consists of the blood of vertebrates, to which the leech attaches itself by its suckers. Of these, one is posterior and imperforate, the other anterior, with the mouth in the center. Within the mouth lie three triangular tooth-plates, by means of which a small triradiate incision is made in the skin of the animal attacked. This done, the leech proceeds to fill its crop, which extends almost from end to end of the body, and has eleven lateral pockets. When these have become distended with blood, the leech drops from its temporary host, and the slow process of digestion begins. Leeches usually move by attaching alternately the anterior and posterior suckers, somewhat after the fashion of a 'looping caterpillar', but they can also swim by movements of the whole body. The eggs are laid in cocoons in damp earth.

Medicinal Leech

The medicinal leech is a leech used in bloodletting. It lives in fresh water, and is common in Germany,…

In medieval architecture, a form of tracery in which the openings are cut or pierced in slabs of stone, as distinguished from ordinary tracery, which is constructed of assembled blocks.


In medieval architecture, a form of tracery in which the openings are cut or pierced in slabs of stone,…