Perpendicular plate of ethmoid, shown by removing the right lateral mass.

Perpendicular Plate of Ethmoid

Perpendicular plate of ethmoid, shown by removing the right lateral mass.

Section of head and neck from front to back. Labels: 1, windpipe; 2, larynx; 3, spinal marrow; 4, pharynx; 5, tongue or hyoid bone; 6, epiglottis; 7, tongue; 8, hard palate; 9, soft palate; 10; bridge of the nose; 11, frontal cavity; 12; sphenoid cavity; 13, nasal cavity; 14, skin of skull; 15, bony skull; 16, hypophisis; 17, corpus callosum; 18, septum lucidum; 19, straight sinus; 20, cerebellum; 21 cerebrum; 22, lobes of medulla; 23, pons varolii; 24, medulla oblongata; 25, zone of the epistropheus; 26, vertebrae; 27, spinal continuation of the vertebrae.

Section of the Head and Neck

Section of head and neck from front to back. Labels: 1, windpipe; 2, larynx; 3, spinal marrow; 4, pharynx;…

A cross section of the brain from left to right. Labels: 1, thalamus; 2, skull; 3, cerebral membrane; 4, cerebral hemisphere; 5, lateral ventricle; 6, optic lobe; 7, septum lucidum; 8, longitudinal sinus; 9, great longitudinal fissure; 10, corpus callosum; 11, median cerebral cavity; 12, cerebral hemisphere; 13, gray matter; 14, white matter; 15, Corpora Albicantia.


A cross section of the brain from left to right. Labels: 1, thalamus; 2, skull; 3, cerebral membrane;…

Anterior view of the frontal bone.

Anterior View of Frontal Bone

Anterior view of the frontal bone.

The frontal bone viewed from below.

Frontal Bone Viewed From Below

The frontal bone viewed from below.

The outer side of the right parietal bone.

Outer Surface of the Parietal Bone

The outer side of the right parietal bone.

The inner surface of the right parietal bone.

Inner Surface of the Parietal Bone

The inner surface of the right parietal bone.

The inner surface of the right occipital bone.

Inner Surface of the Occipital Bone

The inner surface of the right occipital bone.

The right temporal bone as seen from the outer side.

Outer Surface of the Temporal Bone

The right temporal bone as seen from the outer side.

The right temporal bone as seen from the inner side.

Inner Surface of the Temporal Bone

The right temporal bone as seen from the inner side.

The right temporal bone as seen from below.

Temporal Bone Viewed from Below

The right temporal bone as seen from below.

The anterior half of a vertical transverse section through the left temporal bone.

Anterior Half of Section Through Temporal Bone

The anterior half of a vertical transverse section through the left temporal bone.

The posterior half of a vertical transverse section through the left temporal bone.

Posterior Half of Section Through Temporal Bone

The posterior half of a vertical transverse section through the left temporal bone.

Horizontal section through left temporal bone showing lower half of section.

Horizontal Section of Temporal Bone

Horizontal section through left temporal bone showing lower half of section.

A, The outer surface of the right temporal bone at birth. B, The same with squamozygomatic portion removed. Labels: a, tympanic ring; b, inner wall of tympanum; c, fenestra rotunda; d, foramen ovale; e, mastoid; f, mastoid process; g, mastosquamosal suture, with foramen for transmission of vessels; h, squamozygomatic, removed in figure B to show how its descending process forms the outer wall of the mastoid antrum.

Temporal Bone at Birth

A, The outer surface of the right temporal bone at birth. B, The same with squamozygomatic portion removed.…

Inner surface of right temporal bone at birth. am squamozygomatic; b, petrosquamosal suture and foramen (just above the end of the lead line; c, subarcuate fossa; d, aquaedutcus vestibuli; e, aquaeductus cochlea; f, internal auditory meatus; g, upper end of carotid canal.

Temporal Bone at Birth

Inner surface of right temporal bone at birth. am squamozygomatic; b, petrosquamosal suture and foramen…

The sphenoid as seen from behind.

Sphenoid Viewed from Behind

The sphenoid as seen from behind.

The sphenoid as seen from the front.

Sphenoid Viewed from the Front

The sphenoid as seen from the front.

Shown is norma frontalis, which refers to the front of the skull. Labels: 1, mental protuberance; 2, body of lower jaw; 3, ramus of lower jaw; 4, anterior nasal spine; 5, canine fossa; 6, infraorbital canal; 7, malar canal; 8 orbital surface of superior maxilla; 9, temporal fossa; 10, os planum of ethmoid; 11, sphenoidal fissure; 12, lachrymal bone and groove; 13, optic foramen; 14, orbital foramina; 15, temporal ridge; 16, supraorbital notch; 17, glabella; 18, frontal eminence; 19, superciliary ridge; 20, parietal bone; 21, front-nasal suture; 22, pterion; 23, great wing of sphenoid; 24, orbital surface of great wing of sphenoid; 25, squamous temporal; 26, left nasal bone; 27, malar bone; 28, sphenomaxillary fissure; 29, zygomatic arch; 30, anterior nasal aperture, displaying nasal septum and inferior and middle turbinated bones; 31, mastoid process; 32, incisor fossa; 33, angle of jaw; 34, mental foramen; 35, symphysis.

Front of the Skull

Shown is norma frontalis, which refers to the front of the skull. Labels: 1, mental protuberance; 2,…

Shown is norma lateralis, which refers to the side of the skull. Labels: 1, mental foramen; 2, body of lower jaw; 3, superior maxillary; 4, ramus of lower jaw; 5, zygomatic arch; 6, styloid process; 7, external auditory meatus; 8, mastoid process; 9, asterion; 10, superior curved line of occipital bone; 11, external occipital protuberance; 12, lambdoid suture; 13, occipital bone; 14, lambda; 15, obelion placed between the two parietal foramina; 16, parietal bone; 17, lower temporal ridge; 18, upper temporal ridge; 19, squamous part of temporal bone; 20, bregma; 21, coronal suture; 22, stephanion; 23, frontal bone; 24, pterion; 25, temporal fossa; 26, great wing of sphenoid; 27, malar bone; 28, malar canal; 29, lachrymal bone; 30, nasal bone; 31, infraorbital canal; 32, anterior nasal aperture.

Side of the Skull

Shown is norma lateralis, which refers to the side of the skull. Labels: 1, mental foramen; 2, body…

Shown is norma basalis, which refers to the base of the cranium. Labels: 1, external occipital crest; 2, superior curved line of the occipital bone; 3, foramen magnum; 4, occipital condyle; 5, digastric groove; 6, mastoid process; 7, external auditory meatus; 8, styloid process; 9, glenoid fossa; 10, foramen spinosum; 11, sphenoidal spine; 12, foramen ovale; 13, external pterygoid plate; 14, hamular process of internal pterygoid plate; 15, nasal septum; 16, posterior nasal spine; 17, horizontal plate of palate bone; 18, palatal process of superior maxilla; 19, anterior palatine canal; 20, intermaxillary suture; 21, posterior palatine canal; 22, malar process of superior maxilla; 23, spheno-maxillary fissure; 24, zygomatic fossa; 25, zygomatic arch; 26, posterior openings of left nasal fossa; 27, pterygoid fossa; 28, scaphoid fossa; 29, foramen lacerum medium; 30, opening of osseous Eustachian canal; 31, carotid canal; 32, jugular fossa; 33, stylo-mastoid foramen; 34, jugular process of the occipital bone; 35, groove for occipital artery; 36, mastoid foramen; 37, posterior condylic foramen; 38, inferior curved line of occipital bone; 39, external occipital protuberance.

Base of the Skull

Shown is norma basalis, which refers to the base of the cranium. Labels: 1, external occipital crest;…

Shown is the base of the skull seen from above. Labels: 1, frontal bone; 2, slit for nasal nerve; 3, anterior ethmoidal foramen; 4, posterior ethmoidal foramen; 5, optic foramen; 6, foramen for internal carotid artery formed by anterior and middle clinoid processes; 7, lesser wing of sphenoid; 8, anterior clinoid process, in this case united on its inner side to the middle clinoid process; 9, posterior clinoid process; 10, foramen ovale; 11, groove for middle meningeal artery; 12, foramen spinosum; 13, Hiatus Fallopii; 14, line of petro-squamosal suture; 15, internal auditory meatus; 16, groove for superior petrosal sinus; 17, groove for sigmoid part of lateral sinus; 18, jugular foramen; 19, anterior condylic foramen; 20, groove for lateral sinus; 21, internal occipital protuberance; 22, ridge for attachment of falx cerebri; 23, fossa for the lodgment of the occipital lobe of the cerebrum; 24, ridge for attachment of the falx cerebelli; 25, fossa for the lodgment of the left cerebellar hemisphere; 26, foramen magnum; 27, groove for the sigmoid sinus turning into the jugular foramen; 28, groove for the inferior petrosal sinus running along the line of the suture between the petrous temporal and the basioccipital; 29, depression for the Gasserian ganglion; 30, middle cranial fossa for lodgment of temporal lobe of cerebrum; 31, foramen lacerum medium; 32, carotid groove; 33, dorsum sellae of sphenoid; 34, leads into foramen rotundum; 35, pituitary fossa; 36, olivary eminence of sphenoid; 37, anterior cranial fossa for lodgment of frontal lobes of cerebrum; 38, cribriform plate of ethmoid; 39, crista galli of ethmoid; 40, foramen caecum; 41, crest for attachment of falx cerebri.

Base of the Skull Seen From Above

Shown is the base of the skull seen from above. Labels: 1, frontal bone; 2, slit for nasal nerve; 3,…

Shown is the inner aspect of the left half of the skull sagittally divided. Labels: 1, suture between parietal and temporal bone; 2, remains of subarcuate fossa; 3, grooves for branches of the middle meningeal artery; 4, dorsum sellae; 5, pituitary fossa; 6, anterior clinoid fossa; 7, optic foramen; 8, sphenoidal suture; 9, nasal surface of superior turbinated bone; 10, cribriform plate of ethmoid; 11, nasal surface of middle turbinated bone; 12, frontal sinus; 13, nasal spine; 14, nasal bone; 15, nasal process of superior maxilla; 16, middle meatus of nose; 17, directed towards opening of antrum; 18, nasal surface of inferior turbinated bone; 19, inferior meatus of nose; 20, anterior nasal spine; 21, anterior palatine canal; 22, palatal process of superior maxilla; 23, palatal process of palate bone; 24, posterior nasal spine; 25, hamular process of internal pterygoid plate; 26, external pterygoid plate; 27, superior meatus of nose; 28,sphenopalatine foramen; 29, pterygospinous ligament almost completely ossified to enclose a foramen; 30, styloid process of temporal bone; 31, alar spine of sphenoid; 32, mastoid process; 33, basion (midpoint of posterior border of foramen magnum); 34, internal auditory meatus; 35, anterior condylic foramen; 36, leading into jugular foramen; 37, opisthion (midpoint of posterior border of foramen magnum); 38, groove for sigmoid sinus; 39, opening of mastoid foramen; 40, for lateral sinus and attachment of tentorium cerebelli; 41, fossa for lodgment of cerebellar hemisphere; 42, internal occipital protuberance.

Skull Seen From Side

Shown is the inner aspect of the left half of the skull sagittally divided. Labels: 1, suture between…

Shown is a coronal section passing inferiorly through interval between between the first and second molar teeth. Labels: 1, groove of superior longitudinal sinus; 2,crest for attachment of falx cerebri; 3, crista galli of ethmoid; 4, cristiform plate of ethmoid; 5, perpendicular plate of ethmoid, assisting in the formation of nasal septum; 6, lateral mass of ethmoid consisting of the ethmoidal cells; 7, os planum of ethmoid; 8, middle meatus of nose; 9, middle turbinated bone; 10, opening from the middle meatus; 11, orbital plate of superior maxilla; 12, frontomalar suture; 13, infraorbital groove; 14, antrum or maxillary sinus; 15, canal for anterior dental nerve and vessels exposed; 16, inferior meatus of nose; 17, alveolar process of the superior maxilla; 18, nasal surface of inferior turbinated bone; 19, groove for anterior palatine nerve and vessels; 20, palatal process of superior maxilla; 21, maxillary crest forming part of nasal septum; 22, vomer forming part of nasal septum.

Coronal Section of Skull

Shown is a coronal section passing inferiorly through interval between between the first and second…

Daniel Coit Gilman (July 6, 1831-October 13, 1908) was an American educator.

Daniel Coit Gilman

Daniel Coit Gilman (July 6, 1831-October 13, 1908) was an American educator.

Scheme of the course and distribution of the superior maxillary nerve. Labels: Rec, recurrent branch in the middle fossa of the skull; M.G, Meckel's ganglion in the sphenomaxillary fossa; S.P, sphenopalatine nerves; S.N, superior nsal branch; Orb, orbital nerve; T, temporal branch; M, malar branch; I.O, infra-orbital nerve, appearing on the face; P, palpebral; N, nasal branch; L, labial branch; A.D, anterior dental branch; M.D, middle dental branch; N.P, nasopalatine nerve; P.D, posterior dental branch; I.N, inferior nasal branch; L.P.P, large posterior palatine nerve, Vid, vidian nerve; Pt.Pal, pterygopalatine branch.

Superior Maxillary Nerve

Scheme of the course and distribution of the superior maxillary nerve. Labels: Rec, recurrent branch…

To show the relation of the upper to the lower teeth when the mouth is closed. The manner in which a tooth of one row usually strikes against two teeth of the opposite row, and the resulting interlocking of the teeth, is to be noted.


To show the relation of the upper to the lower teeth when the mouth is closed. The manner in which a…

View of the outer wall of the middle ear. Section through the left temporal bone of a child to show the relations of the middle ear and the mastoid antrum to the middle and posterior fossae of the skull.

Outer Wall of Tympanic Cavity

View of the outer wall of the middle ear. Section through the left temporal bone of a child to show…

View of the inner wall of the middle ear. Section through the left temporal bone of a child to show the relations of the middle ear and the mastoid antrum to the middle and posterior fossae of the skull.

Inner Wall of Tympanic Cavity

View of the inner wall of the middle ear. Section through the left temporal bone of a child to show…

An illustration of a woodpecker's skull.

Woodpecker Skull

An illustration of a woodpecker's skull.

"Saurognathous skull of woodpecker (Colaptes auratus). v, v, the posterior parts of the abortive vomer; s, point of sphenoid; mxp, maxillopalatine; pt, pterygoid; me, ossified mesethmoid; pl, palatine; q, quadrate; bt, basitemporal; fm, foramen magnum. The posterior part of one palatine is cut away to show the long anterior projection of the pterygoid." -Whitney, 1911

Woodpecker Skull

"Saurognathous skull of woodpecker (Colaptes auratus). v, v, the posterior parts of the abortive vomer;…

The skeleton of a horse. Axial Skeleton. The Skull. Cranial Bones: a, occipital, 1; b, wormian, 1; c, parietal, 2; d, frontal, 2; e, temporal, 2; sphenoid, 1; ethmoid, 1; auditory ossicles, 8. Facial bones: h, nasal, 2; g, lachrymal, 2; f, malar, 2; i, superior maxilla, 2; k, premaxila, 2; palatine, 2; pterygoid, 2; vomer, 1; tubinals, 4; l, inferior maxilla; 1; hyoid (segments), 5. Teeth: m, incisors, 12; n, canines, 4; o, molars, 24. The trunk: p-v, cervical vertebrae, 7; w, dorsal vertebrae, 18; x, lumbar vertebrae, 6; y, sacrum, 1; z, coccygeal vertebrae (variable), 18, d, d, ribs, 36; sternum (6-7 sternebrae), 7; *,coastal cartilages. Appendicular Skeleton. Pectoral Limb: e', scapula, 2; f', humerus, 2; g', radius, 2; h', ulna, 2. Carpus-i', trapesium, 2; k', cuneiform, 2; l', lunar, 2; m', scaphoid, 2; n', unciform, 2; o', magnum, 2; p', trapezoid, 2; q', pisiform, 2. Metacarpus-r', large bone, 2; s', small bone, 4. Digits- u', proximal phalanges, 2; v, median phalanges; w', distil phalanges, 2; t', large sesamoids, 4; small sesamoids, 2. Pelvic Limbs: Pelvis- b', ilium, 2; d' ischium, 2; c', pubis, 2. The limb- y', femur, 2; z', patella, 2; a', tibia, 2; b', fibula, 2. Tarsus- c', calcaneum, 2; d', astragalus, 2; e'. cuboid, 2; f', cuneiforme magnum, 2; g', cuneiforme medium, 2; h", cuneiforme parvum, 2. Metatarsus: large bone, 2; small bone, 4. Digit: proximal phalanges, 2; median phalanges, 2; distal phalanges, 2; large sesamoids, 4; small sesamoids, 2.

Skeleton of a Horse

The skeleton of a horse. Axial Skeleton. The Skull. Cranial Bones: a, occipital, 1; b, wormian, 1; c,…

"Schizognathous skull of common fowl. pmx, premaxilla; mxp, maxillopalatine; mx, maxilla; pl, palatine; pt, pterygoid; vo, vomer." -Whitney, 1911

Bird Skull

"Schizognathous skull of common fowl. pmx, premaxilla; mxp, maxillopalatine; mx, maxilla; pl, palatine;…

"Schizorhinal skull of curlew (top view), showing the long cleft, a, between upper and lower forks of each nasal bone." -Whitney, 1911

Curlew Skull

"Schizorhinal skull of curlew (top view), showing the long cleft, a, between upper and lower forks of…

The skull of a horse seen from above. Labels: I, occipital lobe; II, parietal bone; III, squamosal bone; IV, frontal bone; V, nasal bone; VI, lachrymal bone; VII, malarbone; VIII, superior maxilla; IX, premaxilla; a, occipital crest; b, parietal crest; c, orbital process; d, supraorbital foramen.

Horse Skull Seen from Above

The skull of a horse seen from above. Labels: I, occipital lobe; II, parietal bone; III, squamosal bone;…

Inferior aspect of horse's skull, the mandible being removed. Above the line A is the posterior region or base between A and B the middle, and below B the anterior or nasal region. Labels: a, occipital condyle; B, foramen magnum; c, styloid process; d, temporal articular surface; e, basioccipital bone; f, basispenoid bone; i, temporal articular surface; k, condyloid foramen; k', condyloid notch; l, foramen lacerum basis cranii; m, pterygoid foramen; n, palatine suture; o, palatine foramen; p, molar teeth; q, incisive opening; r, foramen incisivum.

Inferior Aspect of Horse Skull

Inferior aspect of horse's skull, the mandible being removed. Above the line A is the posterior region…

Lateral aspect of horse's skull. Labels: 1, occipital bone; 2, parietal bone; 3, frontal bone; 9, nasal bone; 11, nasal peak; 10, premaxilla; 8, superior maxilla; 6, lachrymal bone; 7, malar bone; 5, zygomatic process of the squamosal bone; 4, petrosal bone; e, its external meatus; 12, inferior maxilla; h, coronoid process f inferior maxilla occupying the temporal fossa; k, temporomaxillary articulation; l, molar teeth.

Lateral Aspect of Horse Skull

Lateral aspect of horse's skull. Labels: 1, occipital bone; 2, parietal bone; 3, frontal bone; 9, nasal…

Longitudinal section of a horse's skull. Labels: 1, supraoccipital bone and crest; 2, parietal bone; 3, frontal bone; 4, frontal sinus; 5, nasal bone; 6, superior turbinal; 12, inferior turbinal; 14, superior maxilla; 13 and its palatine plate; 15, premaxilla; 11, palatine bone; 7, ethmoid bone and volutes; 8, basi and presphenoid bones; 9, basioccipital bone; 10, petrosal bone. The cranium is the cavity under 1 and 2.

Longitudinal Section of Horse Skull

Longitudinal section of a horse's skull. Labels: 1, supraoccipital bone and crest; 2, parietal bone;…

The skeleton of an ox. Axial Skeleton. The skull. Cranial Bones- occipital, 1: b, parietal, 2; a, frontal, 2; c, temporal, 2; sphenoid, 1; ethmoid, 1; auditory ossicles, 8. Facial Bones- h, nasal, 2; e, lachrymal, 2; d, malar, 2; f, maxilla, 2; g, premaxilla, 1; i, inferior maxilla, 2; palatine, 2; pterygoid, 2; vomer, 1; turbinals, 4; hyoid series, 7. Teeth: incisors, 6; canines, 2; molars, 24. The trunk- k, cervical vertebrae, 7; l, dorsal vertebrae, 13; m, lumbar vertebrae, 6; n, sacrum ( five segments), 1; o, coccygal vertebrae (variable), 20; p, ribs, 26; * sternum (seven sternebrae), 1. Appendicular skeleton. Pectoral limb. t, scapula, 2; u, humerus, 2; v, radius, 2; w, ulna, 2. Carpus- x, trapezium, 2; y, cuneiform, 2; z, lunar; a', scaphoid, 2; b', unciform, 2; c', magnum, 2. Metacarpus: d', large bone, 2; e', small bone, 4; f', large sesamoids, 8. Digit- g', proximal phalanges, 4; h', median phalages, 4; i', distal phalanges, 4; k', small sesamoids, 4. Pelvic Limb. Pelvis- q, ilium, 2; s, ischium, 2; r, pubis, 2. The limb- l', femur, 2; m', patella, 2; n', tibia, 2. Tarsus-o', maleolar, 2; p', calcaneum, 2; q', astragalus, 2; r', cubocuneiform, 2; s', cuneiforme medium, 2; t', cuneiforme parvum, 2. Metatarsus: large bone, 2; u', small bone, 2. Large sesamoids, 8. Digit: proximal phalanges, 4; median phalanges, 4; distal phalanges, 4; small sesamoids, 4. Visceral skeleton. Bones of the heart, 2. The separate bones of the ruminant skeleton, as here considered are 251.

Ox Skeleton

The skeleton of an ox. Axial Skeleton. The skull. Cranial Bones- occipital, 1: b, parietal, 2; a, frontal,…

Skull of an ox, superior aspect. Labels: a, frontal crest; b, lateral crest; c, horn core; d, nasal peak; e, supraorbital foramina. Bones: 1, frontal; 2, lachrymal; 3, malar; 4, superior maxillary; 5, nasal; 6, premaxilla, with incisive openings.

Ox Skull

Skull of an ox, superior aspect. Labels: a, frontal crest; b, lateral crest; c, horn core; d, nasal…

Skull of a boar-lateral aspect.

Skull of a Boar

Skull of a boar-lateral aspect.

Skeleton of the hog. Axial skeleton. The skull. Cranial bones- a, occipital, 1; b, parietal, 2; d, frontal, 2; c, temporal, 2; sphenoid, 1; ethmoid, 1; auditory ossicles, 8. Facial Bones- g, nasal, 2; h, os rostri, 1; f, lachrymal, 2; e, malar, 2; i, maxilla, 2; k, premaxilla, 2; l, inferior maxilla, 1; palatine, 2; 2, pterygoid, 2; vomer, 1; turbinals, 4; hyoid series, 5. Teeth: incisors, 12; canines, 4; molars, 28. The trunk- m, cervicle vertebre (variable), 18; r, ribs, 28; * sternum (seven sternebrae), 1. Appendicular Skeleton. Pectoral Limb. v, scapula, 2; w, humerus, 2; x, radius, 2; y, ulna, 2. carpus: z, trapezium, 2; a', cuneiform, 2; b', lunar, 2; c', scaphoid, 2; d', unciform, 2; e', magnum, 2; f', trapezoid, 2; g', pisiform, phalanges, 8; l', distal phalanges, 8; l", small sesamoids, 8. Pelvic Limb. Pelvis: s, ilium, 2; t, pubis, 2; u, ischium, 2. The limb-m', femur, 2; n', patella, 2; o', tibia, 2; p' fibula, 2. Tarsus- q' calcaneum, 3; r', astragalus, 2; s', cuboid, 2; t', cuneiforme magnum, 2; u', ecto-cuneiforme, 2; v' w', meso and endo cuneiformes, 4. Metatatarsus: large bones, 8; x', small bones 2; y', large sesamoids, 16. Digit: proximal phalanges, 8; median phalanges, 8; distal phalanges, 8; small sesamoids, 8. Visceral Skeleton- None. The separate bones of the skeleton of the hog, as here considered, are 234.

Skeleton of a Hog

Skeleton of the hog. Axial skeleton. The skull. Cranial bones- a, occipital, 1; b, parietal, 2; d, frontal,…

Longitudinal section of a hog's skull. 1, os rostri; 2, maxillary turbinal; 3, frontal turbinal; 4, large ethmoidal volute; 5, occipital styloid process; 6, 6', 6", frontal sinus; 7, nasal chamber; 8, 8', cranial cavity.

Skull of a Hog

Longitudinal section of a hog's skull. 1, os rostri; 2, maxillary turbinal; 3, frontal turbinal; 4,…

The skeleton of the dog. Axial skeleton. The skull. Cranial bones- a, occipital, 1; b, parietal, 2; d, frontal, 2; c, temporal, 2; sphenoid, 1; ethmoid, 2; auditory ossicles, 8. Facial Bones- f, nasal, 2; e, lachrymal, 2; d, malar, 2; h, maxilla, 2; g, premaxilla, 2. Teeth: incisors, 12; canines, 4; molars, 26. The trunk- l, cervical vertebrae, 7; m, dorsal vertebrea, 13; n, lumbar vertebrae, 7; o, sacrum (three segments), 1; p, coccygeal phalanges (variable), 20; t, ribs, 26; * sternum (eight sternebrae), 1. Appendicular Skeleton. Pectoral Limb. u, scapula, 2; v, humerus, 2; w, radius, 2; x, ulna. Carpus: y, trapezium, 2; z cuneiform, 2; a', scaphoid, 2; b', unciform, 2; c', magnum, 2; d', trapezoid, 2; e', pisiform,2; metacarpal bones, 10; h', anterior sesamoids, 10; g' posterior sesamoids, 20. Digits- i' proximal phalanges, 10; k', median phalanges, 8; l', distal phalanges, 10; small sesamoids wanting. Pelvic Limb. Pelvis: q, ilium, 2; r, pubis, 2; s, ischium, 2. The limb-m', femur, 2; o', fabellae, 4; n', patella, 2; q', tibia, 2; p', tibial sesamoid, 2; r', fibula, 2. Tarsus: s', calcaneum, 2; t', astragalus, 2; u', cuboid, 2; v', superior cuneiform, 2; w', ectocuneiforme, 2; x', mesocuneiforme, 2; y', edocuneiforme, 2. Metatarsus: large bones, 8; z',small bones, 2; anterior sesamoids, 8; posterior sesamoids, 16. Digit: proximal phalanges, 8; median phalanges, 8; distal phalanges, 8; small sesamoids wanting. Visceral Skeleton. Os Penis, 1; Rudimentary clavicle (inconstant), 2. The bones of the Carnivora Skeleton, thus considered, are 345.

Skeleton of a Dog

The skeleton of the dog. Axial skeleton. The skull. Cranial bones- a, occipital, 1; b, parietal, 2;…

Many buildings stood on the Old Campus which were removed to make way for the current configuration of structures, including The Old Laboratory (1782–1888), The Cabinet (1819–1890), Trumbull Gallery (1832–1901), Alumni Hall (1853–1911, Alexander Jackson Davis; the towers from this building were rescued and rebuilt behind the tomb of Skull and Bones), Old Dwight Hall (1885–1926, J. Cleaveland Cady) and Osborn Hall (1888–1926, Bruce Price).

Osborn Hall, Yale University

Many buildings stood on the Old Campus which were removed to make way for the current configuration…

An illustration of an Ichthyosaurus skull. Ichthyosaurus is an extinct genus of ichthyosaur from the Early Jurassic (Hettangian - Sinemurian) of Europe (Belgium, England and Germany). It is among the best known ichthyosaur genera, with the Order Ichthyosauria being named after it. Ichthyosaurus was the first complete fossil to be discovered in the early 1800's by Mary Anning in England.

Ichthyosaurus Skull

An illustration of an Ichthyosaurus skull. Ichthyosaurus is an extinct genus of ichthyosaur from the…

"A skull-cap of steel worn sometimes under and sometimes over the camail." -Whitney, 1911


"A skull-cap of steel worn sometimes under and sometimes over the camail." -Whitney, 1911

An illustration of a Wallaby's skull.

Wallaby Skull

An illustration of a Wallaby's skull.

An illustration of the skull of a rat-kangaroo.

Rat-Kangaroo Skull

An illustration of the skull of a rat-kangaroo.

The skull of a bird. Labels: a, inferior aspect, the mandible being removed; b, lateral aspect; px, premaxilla; mx, superior maxilla; p, palatine bone; v, vomer; j, jugal bone; qj, quadrato-jugal bone; lachrymal; me, median ethmoid; f, frontal; pf, post-frontal process; p, parietal; pt, pterygoid; q, os quadratum; sq, sqamosal; eu, process before the sustachian aperture; bo, basi-occipital, and so, supra-occipital bone; ar, articular; a, surangular, and d, dentary portion of the mandible.

Skull of a Bird

The skull of a bird. Labels: a, inferior aspect, the mandible being removed; b, lateral aspect; px,…

Cartilaginous framework of the nostril-seen from above. Labels: a, right alar cartilage; a', left alar cartilage' b, terminal portion of the septum nasi.

Nostriils of a Horse

Cartilaginous framework of the nostril-seen from above. Labels: a, right alar cartilage; a', left alar…

Longitudinal section of the head, showing the pharynx and nasal chamber-the septum nasi being removed. Labels: a, superior turbinal; b, inferior turbinal; c, superior, d, middle, and e, inferior nasal meatus; f, cavity of the pharynx; g, opening of eustachian tube; h, isthmus faucium; i, posterior naris; k, opening of the larynx; l, opening of the esophagus.

Head of a Horse

Longitudinal section of the head, showing the pharynx and nasal chamber-the septum nasi being removed.…

Skull of a hog- showing healthy teeth.

Skull of a Hog

Skull of a hog- showing healthy teeth.

The end view of the skull of a chicken three weeks old.

Chicken Skull

The end view of the skull of a chicken three weeks old.

A ripe chick's head, 1.25 inches long.

Chick's Head

A ripe chick's head, 1.25 inches long.

The upper view of the skull of an old fowl.

Fowl Skull

The upper view of the skull of an old fowl.

The skull of an adult fowl.

Fowl Skull

The skull of an adult fowl.

The skull of an adult fowl. Here the temporal fossa is bridged over by the junction of the post-frontal and squamosal processes.

Fowl Skull

The skull of an adult fowl. Here the temporal fossa is bridged over by the junction of the post-frontal…

The skull of a nestling sparrowhawk, palatal view.

Sparrowhawk Skull

The skull of a nestling sparrowhawk, palatal view.

The Roman Leaf Festoon was hung as a decoration on the friezes of temples, alternating with the real skulls of slaughtered sacrificial animals.

Roman Leaf Festoon

The Roman Leaf Festoon was hung as a decoration on the friezes of temples, alternating with the real…