Perpendicular plate of ethmoid, shown by removing the right lateral mass.
Section of head and neck from front to back. Labels: 1, windpipe; 2, larynx; 3, spinal marrow; 4, pharynx;…
A cross section of the brain from left to right. Labels: 1, thalamus; 2, skull; 3, cerebral membrane;…
The anterior half of a vertical transverse section through the left temporal bone.
The posterior half of a vertical transverse section through the left temporal bone.
Horizontal section through left temporal bone showing lower half of section.
A, The outer surface of the right temporal bone at birth. B, The same with squamozygomatic portion removed.…
Inner surface of right temporal bone at birth. am squamozygomatic; b, petrosquamosal suture and foramen…
Shown is norma frontalis, which refers to the front of the skull. Labels: 1, mental protuberance; 2,…
Shown is norma lateralis, which refers to the side of the skull. Labels: 1, mental foramen; 2, body…
Shown is norma basalis, which refers to the base of the cranium. Labels: 1, external occipital crest;…
Shown is the base of the skull seen from above. Labels: 1, frontal bone; 2, slit for nasal nerve; 3,…
Shown is the inner aspect of the left half of the skull sagittally divided. Labels: 1, suture between…
Shown is a coronal section passing inferiorly through interval between between the first and second…
Scheme of the course and distribution of the superior maxillary nerve. Labels: Rec, recurrent branch…
To show the relation of the upper to the lower teeth when the mouth is closed. The manner in which a…
View of the outer wall of the middle ear. Section through the left temporal bone of a child to show…
View of the inner wall of the middle ear. Section through the left temporal bone of a child to show…
"Saurognathous skull of woodpecker (Colaptes auratus). v, v, the posterior parts of the abortive vomer;…
The skeleton of a horse. Axial Skeleton. The Skull. Cranial Bones: a, occipital, 1; b, wormian, 1; c,…
"Schizognathous skull of common fowl. pmx, premaxilla; mxp, maxillopalatine; mx, maxilla; pl, palatine;…
"Schizorhinal skull of curlew (top view), showing the long cleft, a, between upper and lower forks of…
The skull of a horse seen from above. Labels: I, occipital lobe; II, parietal bone; III, squamosal bone;…
Inferior aspect of horse's skull, the mandible being removed. Above the line A is the posterior region…
Lateral aspect of horse's skull. Labels: 1, occipital bone; 2, parietal bone; 3, frontal bone; 9, nasal…
Longitudinal section of a horse's skull. Labels: 1, supraoccipital bone and crest; 2, parietal bone;…
The skeleton of an ox. Axial Skeleton. The skull. Cranial Bones- occipital, 1: b, parietal, 2; a, frontal,…
Skull of an ox, superior aspect. Labels: a, frontal crest; b, lateral crest; c, horn core; d, nasal…
Skeleton of the hog. Axial skeleton. The skull. Cranial bones- a, occipital, 1; b, parietal, 2; d, frontal,…
Longitudinal section of a hog's skull. 1, os rostri; 2, maxillary turbinal; 3, frontal turbinal; 4,…
The skeleton of the dog. Axial skeleton. The skull. Cranial bones- a, occipital, 1; b, parietal, 2;…
Many buildings stood on the Old Campus which were removed to make way for the current configuration…
An illustration of an Ichthyosaurus skull. Ichthyosaurus is an extinct genus of ichthyosaur from the…
The skull of a bird. Labels: a, inferior aspect, the mandible being removed; b, lateral aspect; px,…
Cartilaginous framework of the nostril-seen from above. Labels: a, right alar cartilage; a', left alar…
Longitudinal section of the head, showing the pharynx and nasal chamber-the septum nasi being removed.…
The skull of an adult fowl. Here the temporal fossa is bridged over by the junction of the post-frontal…
The Roman Leaf Festoon was hung as a decoration on the friezes of temples, alternating with the real…