The common name of leuchtenbergia principis is agave cactus. There are six to eight radical spines. The flowers are yellow.

Leuchtenbergia Principis

The common name of leuchtenbergia principis is agave cactus. There are six to eight radical spines.…

The flowers of leucophyllum texanum bloom in spring and summer. It is a loose growing, straggling shrub. The shrub grows four to five feet tall.

Leucophyllum Texanum

The flowers of leucophyllum texanum bloom in spring and summer. It is a loose growing, straggling shrub.…

Leucothoe recurva is native from Virginia to Alabama. The flowers bloom April to June. The foliage has a scarlet color in the fall.

Leucothoe Recurva

Leucothoe recurva is native from Virginia to Alabama. The flowers bloom April to June. The foliage has…

Liatris spicata montana grows ten to twenty inches high. The flowers are blue purple. It is native to Virginia and North Carolina in the mountains.

Liatris Spicata Montana

Liatris spicata montana grows ten to twenty inches high. The flowers are blue purple. It is native to…

Illustrated is a common method of making privet hedge. Privet hedge is an ornamental woody plant grown for its handsome foliage and white flowers.

Privet Hedge

Illustrated is a common method of making privet hedge. Privet hedge is an ornamental woody plant grown…

The ligustrum ibota shrub grows to ten feet with spreading and curving branches. The flowers are a third of an inch long and bloom in June and July. The plant is native to Japan and China.

Ligustrum Ibota

The ligustrum ibota shrub grows to ten feet with spreading and curving branches. The flowers are a third…

The common name of ligustrum vulgare is common privet or prim. The shrub grows to fifteen feet. The flowers bloom in June and July. It is native to Europe, North Africa, and west Asia.

Ligustrum Vulgare

The common name of ligustrum vulgare is common privet or prim. The shrub grows to fifteen feet. The…

Lilium neilgherrense blooms in August and September and is native to India. There are one to three flowers that are six to eight inches long. The flowers are cream colored faintly tinged with purple.

Lilium Neilgherrense

Lilium neilgherrense blooms in August and September and is native to India. There are one to three flowers…

Lilium japonicum is native to Japan and blooms from June to early July. The flowers are usually of a bright, pure, rose-pink color.

Lilium Japonicum

Lilium japonicum is native to Japan and blooms from June to early July. The flowers are usually of a…

Tiger lily is the common name of lilium tigrinum. The flowers bloom in August and September. It is native to China and Japan. The flowers are salmon-red with purplish black spots.

Tiger Lily

Tiger lily is the common name of lilium tigrinum. The flowers bloom in August and September. It is native…

Lilium auratum has several common names including golden-banded lily, golden-rayed lily, and queen of lilies. It is native to Japan and bloom in late July and August. The flowers are white spotted with crimson with a yellow band extending the whole length of each segment.

Golden-Banded Lily

Lilium auratum has several common names including golden-banded lily, golden-rayed lily, and queen of…

Showy lily is the common name of lilium speciosum. The flowers bloom in late August and September and are native to Japan. The flowers are white spread with rose pink in the center and spotted blood red with a green stripe at the base.

Showy Lily

Showy lily is the common name of lilium speciosum. The flowers bloom in late August and September and…

Lilium henryi flowers bloom August and September and are native to central China. The flowers are bright orange-yellow and slight spotted with reddish brown. The flowers also have a green band at the base of each segment.

Lilium Henryi

Lilium henryi flowers bloom August and September and are native to central China. The flowers are bright…

The common names of lilium superbum are American Turk's Cap lily and swamp lily. The flowers are brilliant orange-scarlet, shaded yellow, and spotted purplish brown at the base. The flowers bloom late July to early September.

Lilium Superbum

The common names of lilium superbum are American Turk's Cap lily and swamp lily. The flowers are brilliant…

Leopard lily and panther lily are the common names of lilium pardalinum. The base of the flowers is bright yellow spotted brownish purple. The rest of the flower is bright orange-scarlet.

Leopard Lily

Leopard lily and panther lily are the common names of lilium pardalinum. The base of the flowers is…

Lilium humboldtii flowers are bright orange-yellow, spotted deep purple brown. The flowers bloom late June to early August. The flower is native to the Sierra Nevada mountains of California.

Lilium Humboldtii

Lilium humboldtii flowers are bright orange-yellow, spotted deep purple brown. The flowers bloom late…

Turban lily and European Turk's cap lily are the common names of lilium martagon. The flowers are a dull, deep purplish red spotted with purplish black. The flowers bloom from late June to July.

Turban Lily

Turban lily and European Turk's cap lily are the common names of lilium martagon. The flowers are a…

Little Turk's cap lily is the common name of lilium pomponium. The flower is native to the Alps of southern France and northern Italy. The flowers are a brilliant scarlet spotted with purplish black.

Little Turk's Cap Lily

Little Turk's cap lily is the common name of lilium pomponium. The flower is native to the Alps of southern…

Meadow lily and wild yellow lily are the common names of lilium canadense. It is the most common species native to North America. The flowers are bright orange-yellow spotted with purplish brown.

Meadow Lily

Meadow lily and wild yellow lily are the common names of lilium canadense. It is the most common species…

Lilium grayi is native to North Carolina and Virginia. The flowers usually hang more loosely than how they are pictured. The flowers bloom in June and July.

Lilium Grayi

Lilium grayi is native to North Carolina and Virginia. The flowers usually hang more loosely than how…

Lilium parvum is native to the Sierra Nevada mountains of California. The flowers bloom in June and early July. The bulbs are usually more clustered more tightly than indicated in the image.

Lilium Parvum

Lilium parvum is native to the Sierra Nevada mountains of California. The flowers bloom in June and…

Golden Turk's Cap lily and Japanese Turk's cap lily are the common names of lilium hansonii. The flowers are slightly fragrant and bright golden-yellow spotted with purplish-brown. The flowers are native to Japan.

Golden Turk's Cap Lily

Golden Turk's Cap lily and Japanese Turk's cap lily are the common names of lilium hansonii. The flowers…

Wild red lily and wood lily are the common names of lilium philadelphicum. The flowers are bright orange-red tinged with yellow in the center and spotted deep purple. The flowers bloom in late June and July.

Wild Red Lily

Wild red lily and wood lily are the common names of lilium philadelphicum. The flowers are bright orange-red…

Lilium elegans is native to Japan and blooms in June and early July. The flowers are orange red and slightly spotted with purplish black.

Lilium Elegans

Lilium elegans is native to Japan and blooms in June and early July. The flowers are orange red and…

Linaria bipartita is native to Portugal and North Africa. The flowers are large and violet-purple.

Linaria Bipartita

Linaria bipartita is native to Portugal and North Africa. The flowers are large and violet-purple.

Linaria triornithophora is native to Spain and Portugal. The flowers are violet and purple striped with an orange palate. It is an old fashioned plant not commonly grown in American gardens.

Linaria Triornithophora

Linaria triornithophora is native to Spain and Portugal. The flowers are violet and purple striped with…

Linnaea borealis is a variety of twin flower. It is native to northern Europe and northern Asia. The flowers are rose colored or white and fragrant.

Linnaea Borealis

Linnaea borealis is a variety of twin flower. It is native to northern Europe and northern Asia. The…

Linum perenne is a variety of flax. The plant is erect growing and branchy. The flowers are small and blue. It is native to Europe.

Linum Perenne

Linum perenne is a variety of flax. The plant is erect growing and branchy. The flowers are small and…

Tulip tree is the common name of liriodendron tulipifera. The flowers are greenish yellow and marked orange within at the base. The tree blooms in May and June.

Tulip Tree

Tulip tree is the common name of liriodendron tulipifera. The flowers are greenish yellow and marked…

Puccoon is the common name of lithospermum canescens. It is also known as redroot and Indian paint. The flowers are orange. The plant is native from Ontario to Alabama and west to Arizona.


Puccoon is the common name of lithospermum canescens. It is also known as redroot and Indian paint.…

The lobelia erinus flowewr is light blue or violet with a lighter center. The flowers bloom in April and May.

Lobelia Erinus Flower

The lobelia erinus flowewr is light blue or violet with a lighter center. The flowers bloom in April…

Lobelia tenuior is native to west Australia. The flowers are rather large and bright blue. The flowers are borne rather far apart.

Lobelia Tenuior

Lobelia tenuior is native to west Australia. The flowers are rather large and bright blue. The flowers…

Cardinal flower and Indian pink are the common names of lobelia cardinalis. The plant is native from New Brunswick to Saskatchewan and Florida. The flowers are cardinal red.

Cardinal Flower

Cardinal flower and Indian pink are the common names of lobelia cardinalis. The plant is native from…

Lobelia rivoirei has very large, pink flowers.

Lobelia Rivoirei

Lobelia rivoirei has very large, pink flowers.

Lonicera thibetica is a variety of honeysuckle. The shrub grows five feet tall. The flowers are purple and fragrant.

Lonicera Thibetica

Lonicera thibetica is a variety of honeysuckle. The shrub grows five feet tall. The flowers are purple…

Fly honeysuckle is the common name of lonicera canadensis. The flowers are yellowish, sometimes slightly tinged red. The flowers bloom in April and May.

Fly Honeysuckle

Fly honeysuckle is the common name of lonicera canadensis. The flowers are yellowish, sometimes slightly…

Lonicera gracilipes grows six feet tall. The flowers are pink, rarely white. The flowers bloom in April and May.

Lonicera Gracilipes

Lonicera gracilipes grows six feet tall. The flowers are pink, rarely white. The flowers bloom in April…

Lonicera involucrata grows three feet tall with upright branches. The flowers are yellowish or slightly tinged red. The flowers bloom May to July.

Lonicera Involucrata

Lonicera involucrata grows three feet tall with upright branches. The flowers are yellowish or slightly…

Lonicera standishii is a half-evergreen shrub with spreading branches. It grows to six feet in height. The flowers are white or slightly blushed, and very fragrant.

Lonicera Standishii

Lonicera standishii is a half-evergreen shrub with spreading branches. It grows to six feet in height.…

The lonicera tatarica shrub grows ten feet tall. The flowers are pink, crimson, or white. The flowers bloom in May and June.

Lonicera Tatarica

The lonicera tatarica shrub grows ten feet tall. The flowers are pink, crimson, or white. The flowers…

The lonicera korolkovii shrub grows twelve feet tall. The flowers are light pink, rarely white. The flowers bloom in May and June.

Lonicera Korolkovii

The lonicera korolkovii shrub grows twelve feet tall. The flowers are light pink, rarely white. The…

The lonicera xylosteum shrub grows ten feet tall. It is native to Europe and west and north Asia. The flowers are yellowish white, often slightly tinged with red. The flowers bloom in May and June.

Lonicera Xylosteum

The lonicera xylosteum shrub grows ten feet tall. It is native to Europe and west and north Asia. The…

Lonicera maackii is an upright shrub that grows fifteen feet tall. Its growth ranges from north east Asia to central Japan. The flowers bloom in June.

Lonicera Maackii

Lonicera maackii is an upright shrub that grows fifteen feet tall. Its growth ranges from north east…

Lonicera japonica is also known as L. halliana. The shrub climbs up to fifteen feet. It is native to China and Japan. The flowers are white changing to yellow, often purplish outside. The flowers are very fragrant.

Lonicera Japonica

Lonicera japonica is also known as L. halliana. The shrub climbs up to fifteen feet. It is native to…

Trumpet honeysuckle is the common name of lonicera sempervirens. The flowers are scarlet or orange-scarlet, rarely yellow. The flowers bloom May to September.

Trumpet Honeysuckle

Trumpet honeysuckle is the common name of lonicera sempervirens. The flowers are scarlet or orange-scarlet,…

Lonicera hirsuta is a high climbing shrub. The flowers are bright or orange yellow. The flowers bloom in June and July.

Lonicera Hirsuta

Lonicera hirsuta is a high climbing shrub. The flowers are bright or orange yellow. The flowers bloom…

The lonicera prolifera shrub climbs four to five feet high. The flowers are pale yellow with a marked purplish outside. The flowers bloom in May and June. The fruit appears in September and October.

Lonicera Prolifera

The lonicera prolifera shrub climbs four to five feet high. The flowers are pale yellow with a marked…

The lonicera flava shrub climbs ten feet high. The flowers are orange-yellow and fragrant. It is native from North Carolina to Kentucky, Georgia, and Alabama.

Lonicera Flava

The lonicera flava shrub climbs ten feet high. The flowers are orange-yellow and fragrant. It is native…

Lonicera caprifolium is native from central Europe to west Asia. The flowers are yellowish white, often with a slightly purplish outside. The flowers bloom in May and June.

Lonicera Caprifolium

Lonicera caprifolium is native from central Europe to west Asia. The flowers are yellowish white, often…

Woodbine is the common name of lonicera periclymenum. The shrub climbs several feet high. The flowers are very fragrant, yellowish white, usually with a purplish outside. The flowers bloom June to September.


Woodbine is the common name of lonicera periclymenum. The shrub climbs several feet high. The flowers…

Lopezia albiflora is native to Mexico. It grows two feet tall. The flowers are white and often tinged pinkish at the base.

Lopezia Albiflora

Lopezia albiflora is native to Mexico. It grows two feet tall. The flowers are white and often tinged…

Lunaria annua is a variety of satin flower, moonwort, or honesty. The flowers are numerous, pink-purple, and fragrant. The flowers bloom in May and June.

Lunaria Annua

Lunaria annua is a variety of satin flower, moonwort, or honesty. The flowers are numerous, pink-purple,…

Lupinus parviflorus has small, light blue flowers. The plant is native from New Mexico to Washington.

Lupinus Parviflorus

Lupinus parviflorus has small, light blue flowers. The plant is native from New Mexico to Washington.

The common name of lupinus luteus is yellow lupine. The stem is two feet tall. hairy, and erect. The flowers are yellow and fragrant.

Lupinus Luteus

The common name of lupinus luteus is yellow lupine. The stem is two feet tall. hairy, and erect. The…

Lycaste aromatica is native to Mexico. Each stem has one flower. The flowers bloom in winter and spring.

Lycaste Aromatica

Lycaste aromatica is native to Mexico. Each stem has one flower. The flowers bloom in winter and spring.

The flowers of lychnis githago are red-purple and showy. It is native to Europe.

Lychnis Githago Flower

The flowers of lychnis githago are red-purple and showy. It is native to Europe.

Maltese cross, Jerusalem cross, and scarlet lightning are the common names of lychnis chalcedonica. The flowers are usually brick red to scarlet. The flowers bloom in June.

Maltese Cross

Maltese cross, Jerusalem cross, and scarlet lightning are the common names of lychnis chalcedonica.…

Mullein pink, dusty miller, and rose campion are all common names of lychnis coronaria. The flowers are large, circular, and crimson or rose-crimson. The plant is native to Europe and Asia.

Mullein Pink

Mullein pink, dusty miller, and rose campion are all common names of lychnis coronaria. The flowers…

Flower of Jove is the common name of lychnis flos-jovis. The flowers are bright red or rose. The flowers grow in dense clusters.

Flower of Jove

Flower of Jove is the common name of lychnis flos-jovis. The flowers are bright red or rose. The flowers…

Rose of heaven is the common name of lychnis coeli-rosa. The flowers are rose-red and grow on slender stems. The flowers are native to the Mediterranean region.

Rose of Heaven

Rose of heaven is the common name of lychnis coeli-rosa. The flowers are rose-red and grow on slender…