A feather-like leaf with multi-divided features.

Pinnate Leaf

A feather-like leaf with multi-divided features.

A leaf where the lobes go near to the middle.

Pinnatifid Leaf

A leaf where the lobes go near to the middle.

"Ruccinate, when the divisions of a pinnatifid leaf are more or less triangular, and pointing downwards."—Darby, 1855

Ruccinate Leaf

"Ruccinate, when the divisions of a pinnatifid leaf are more or less triangular, and pointing downwards."—Darby,…

A leaf in the shape of a comb.

Pectinate Leaf

A leaf in the shape of a comb.

A leaf with double the amount of feather-like leaves.

Bipinnate Leaf

A leaf with double the amount of feather-like leaves.

A leaf with triple the amount of feather-like leaves.

Tripinnate Leaf

A leaf with triple the amount of feather-like leaves.

A leaf with three leaflets subdivided into three different sections.

Biternate Leaf

A leaf with three leaflets subdivided into three different sections.

A corolla with a very short tube and a spreading limb.

Rotate Corolla

A corolla with a very short tube and a spreading limb.

The cone of the magnolia. It has a single carpel with one or several seeds.

Cone of the Magnolia

The cone of the magnolia. It has a single carpel with one or several seeds.

An example of the cotton plant.

The Cotton Plant

An example of the cotton plant.

The vine of a peanut plant.

A Peanut Vine

The vine of a peanut plant.

"A winter annual of the mustard family, which is quite sure to be found producing much seed on roadsides and on other waste areas."—The Federal Digest, 1921


"A winter annual of the mustard family, which is quite sure to be found producing much seed on roadsides…

One stage of growth seen in a wild oats seedling.

Wild Oats Seedling

One stage of growth seen in a wild oats seedling.

A growth stage of a wild oats seedling, showing later growth.

Wild Oats Seedlng

A growth stage of a wild oats seedling, showing later growth.

A tree cricket that lives in trees and shrubs. They feed on plant parts, other insects, and fungi.

Snowy Tree Cricket

A tree cricket that lives in trees and shrubs. They feed on plant parts, other insects, and fungi.

"The Buffalo Tree-Hopper and its work: a, Adult; b, Fresh egg slits; c, Eggs in slits, natural size; d, Eggs enlarged; e, Scars produced by egg slits."—The Federal Digest, 1921

Buffalo Tree-Hopper

"The Buffalo Tree-Hopper and its work: a, Adult; b, Fresh egg slits; c, Eggs in slits, natural size;…

A smut of oats with a normal head.

Smut of Oats

A smut of oats with a normal head.

A fungal disease that affects potato plants. It causes small lesions on the plant, eventually killing them.

Early Blight of Potatoes

A fungal disease that affects potato plants. It causes small lesions on the plant, eventually killing…

A species of sunflower cultivated for its tuber, which is used as a root vegetable.

Jerusalem Artichoke

A species of sunflower cultivated for its tuber, which is used as a root vegetable.

A spring vegetable native to most of Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia.

Bunch of Asparagus

A spring vegetable native to most of Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia.

A species of beet, with a deep blood-red flesh and smooth skin.

Arlington Favorite

A species of beet, with a deep blood-red flesh and smooth skin.

A leafy vegetable grown primarily for its edible roots.

Swiss Chard

A leafy vegetable grown primarily for its edible roots.

"The Dwarf Purple, of Brown Kale, which is represented in the cut here inserted, is a beautiful curled variety, with redish-tinted leaves."—Rawson, 1892

Dwarf Purple Kale

"The Dwarf Purple, of Brown Kale, which is represented in the cut here inserted, is a beautiful curled…

A vegetable resembling a miniature cabbage.

Brussels Sprouts

A vegetable resembling a miniature cabbage.

"Rawson's Volunteer is the newest variety offered and is the earliest. In a test made on our trial grounds at Arlington, it was ready for marketing fully eight or ten days in advance of any other. It bears a striking resemblance to the French variety known as the Etampes, also an extremely early sort; the heads are firm and solid, and the leaves grow in very compact form, so that they may be planted very close."—Rawson, 1892

Rawson's Volunteer

"Rawson's Volunteer is the newest variety offered and is the earliest. In a test made on our trial grounds…

"Rawson's Early Summer excels both in size and earliness, and ranks as the best of the early Drumhead sorts. It is a trifle larger than the Wakefield, and consequently the setting should be a little farther apart."—Rawson, 1892

Rawson's Early Summer

"Rawson's Early Summer excels both in size and earliness, and ranks as the best of the early Drumhead…

"The Savoy cabbages have wrinkled leaves and have a peculiar flavor that is much liked by most people. They are improved in quality by a slight touch of frost."—Rawson, 1892

Globe Curled Savoy

"The Savoy cabbages have wrinkled leaves and have a peculiar flavor that is much liked by most people.…

An heirloom variety that does not taper at the tip.

Early Horn Carrot

An heirloom variety that does not taper at the tip.

"The Early French Forcing is the leading variety for hot-bed culture. The plants have but a very small top, run very even in size, and are of good appearance."—Rawson, 1892

French Early Forcing

"The Early French Forcing is the leading variety for hot-bed culture. The plants have but a very small…

"The Danvers Half Long Orange is the standard main crop variety."—Rawson, 1892

Danvers Half Long

"The Danvers Half Long Orange is the standard main crop variety."—Rawson, 1892

"The Improved Long Orange is the standard stock carrot. The roots are large and long, and are of good quality for feeding."—Rawson, 1892

Improved Long Orange Carrot

"The Improved Long Orange is the standard stock carrot. The roots are large and long, and are of good…

A kind of celery grown for its large and bulbous hypocotyl.


A kind of celery grown for its large and bulbous hypocotyl.

"Ruby, a new medium early variety, is likely to become a very decided favorite. The stalk, and also the husk, are of a ruby red color; the kernel is very white, of good size, and excellent flavor."—Rawson, 1892

Ruby Sweet Corn

"Ruby, a new medium early variety, is likely to become a very decided favorite. The stalk, and also…

"Among varieties the White Spine is the leading table sort grown for this market, both outdoors and under glass."—Rawson, 1892

Rawson's White Spine Cucumber

"Among varieties the White Spine is the leading table sort grown for this market, both outdoors and…

A plant consisting of very small flowers collected together in a composite flower head.


A plant consisting of very small flowers collected together in a composite flower head.

A woody perennial herb with fragrant needle-like leaves.


A woody perennial herb with fragrant needle-like leaves.

A perennial plant used as a condiment.


A perennial plant used as a condiment.

"A hardy biennial plant, producing an oblong bulb, or stalk, which has the flavor of an onion, and is used principally for flavoring soups and stews."—Rawson, 1892

London Flag Leek

"A hardy biennial plant, producing an oblong bulb, or stalk, which has the flavor of an onion, and is…

An 18th century English variety of Romaine lettuce.

Bath Cos Lettuce

An 18th century English variety of Romaine lettuce.

Once a popular fad, these fruits can be pickled and used in lieu of cucumber pickles.


Once a popular fad, these fruits can be pickled and used in lieu of cucumber pickles.

A bed of mushrooms.

Mushroom Beds

A bed of mushrooms.

A plant used both as a salad and for manufacturing into table mustard.

Black Seeded Mustard

A plant used both as a salad and for manufacturing into table mustard.

A flowering plant with edible green seed pods.


A flowering plant with edible green seed pods.

A dry onion that has a pure white skin and a sweet, mild white flesh.

White Onion

A dry onion that has a pure white skin and a sweet, mild white flesh.

A traditional yellow onion.

Danvers Thick Yellow

A traditional yellow onion.

A plant cultivated as a herb, spice, and a vegetable.

Fine Curled Parsley

A plant cultivated as a herb, spice, and a vegetable.

A species of peas that profusely covered with pods. The pods have one of the sweetest flavors of the varieties.

Rawson's Clipper

A species of peas that profusely covered with pods. The pods have one of the sweetest flavors of the…

A variety of pepper with a mild fruit and pleasant taste.

Ruby King Pepper

A variety of pepper with a mild fruit and pleasant taste.

A variety of pepper.

Cardinal Pepper

A variety of pepper.

A variety of radish with a red skin and white splash at the root end. It is typically slightly milder than other summer varieties, but is among the quickest to turn pithy.

French Breakfast

A variety of radish with a red skin and white splash at the root end. It is typically slightly milder…

A variety of radish.

Scarlet Turnip Radish

A variety of radish.

A species of radish.

Long Scarlet Radish

A species of radish.

A variety of radish, with a round shape.

Scarlet Globe Radish

A variety of radish, with a round shape.

A herbaceous plant with large leaves and edible petioles.


A herbaceous plant with large leaves and edible petioles.

"This vegetable produces blanched shoots which are cooked and eaten in the same manner as asparagus."—Rawson, 1892

Sea Kale

"This vegetable produces blanched shoots which are cooked and eaten in the same manner as asparagus."—Rawson,…

A variety of spinach.

Arlington Pointed Leaf

A variety of spinach.

A small summer squash notable for its resemblance to a small toy top.

Pattypan Squash

A small summer squash notable for its resemblance to a small toy top.

A summer squash with a fast maturation rate.

Early Summer Crookneck

A summer squash with a fast maturation rate.

A squash with a hard shell and better quality than other species of squash.

Essex Hybrid

A squash with a hard shell and better quality than other species of squash.

A variety of tomato.

Lorillard Tomato

A variety of tomato.