The United States seal of the Senate.


The United States seal of the Senate.

The United States seal of the Post Office.

Post Office

The United States seal of the Post Office.

The United States seal of the Navy Deparment.

Navy Department

The United States seal of the Navy Deparment.

The United States seal of Nevada.


The United States seal of Nevada.

The United States seal of the Department of State.

Department of State

The United States seal of the Department of State.

The United States seal of Wisconsin.


The United States seal of Wisconsin.

The seal of the United States and Cuba.

US and Cuba

The seal of the United States and Cuba.

A harbor seal perched on some ice.

Harbor Seal

A harbor seal perched on some ice.

The seal representing Bolton or Bolton le Moors, a municipal and parliamentary borough of England.


The seal representing Bolton or Bolton le Moors, a municipal and parliamentary borough of England.

The seal of Bridgenorth, a parliamentary and municipal borough and market town of England, in the county of Shropshire, on both sides of the Severn.


The seal of Bridgenorth, a parliamentary and municipal borough and market town of England, in the county…

A seal representing the city of Bridgewater.


A seal representing the city of Bridgewater.

A seal representing the city of Bridport, England.


A seal representing the city of Bridport, England.

A seal representing the city of Brighton, England.


A seal representing the city of Brighton, England.

A seal representing the city of Bristol, England.


A seal representing the city of Bristol, England.

The seal for the city of Chester, England.

City Arms

The seal for the city of Chester, England.

A coat of arms representing the city of Chester, England.


A coat of arms representing the city of Chester, England.

The seal for the city of Chichester, England.

Arms of Chichester

The seal for the city of Chichester, England.

A seal representing the town of Colchester, England.


A seal representing the town of Colchester, England.

"A market-town and municipal borough of England, in the county of Cheshire, near the border of Staffordshire, 26 miles south of Manchester by rail. it is finely situated in a deep valley, on the banks of the dane, a tributary of the Weaver." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"A market-town and municipal borough of England, in the county of Cheshire, near the border of Staffordshire,…

"Henry I enriched the plain circlet with gems, and on his great seal the trefoils of his fathers crown assume a form resembling that of fleurs-de-lys." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"Henry I enriched the plain circlet with gems, and on his great seal the trefoils of his fathers crown…

"Upon his seal as earl of Chester, the same sovereign has the circlet of his open crown heightened with fleurs-de-lys only, alternating with small clusters of pearls." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"Upon his seal as earl of Chester, the same sovereign has the circlet of his open crown heightened with…

"A crown which appears on the great seal of Henry VIII." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"A crown which appears on the great seal of Henry VIII." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

"The form of the arches shown appear for the first time upon the great seal of Edward VI." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"The form of the arches shown appear for the first time upon the great seal of Edward VI." — Encyclopedia…

A seal representing the city of Derby, England.


A seal representing the city of Derby, England.

"A royal and parliamentary burgh and seaport, situated on the east coast of Scotland, in the county of Forfar, on the north bank of the Firth of Tay, twelve miles from the confluence of that estuary with the German Ocean. It is the third town in Scotland as regards to population, and the second in commercial importance." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"A royal and parliamentary burgh and seaport, situated on the east coast of Scotland, in the county…

The seal for the civil corporation of Durham and Framwellgate.

Corporation Seal

The seal for the civil corporation of Durham and Framwellgate.

"Corporation Seal." &mdash Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Corporation Seal

"Corporation Seal." &mdash Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

"Star of the order of the Thistle." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Order of the Thistle

"Star of the order of the Thistle." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

"The religious Order of the Heavenly Annunciation, or of the Nuns of the Annunciation of Mary, was instituted by Victoria Fornare at Genoa in 1682, after the rule of St. Augustine. All the convents of the order in France, Germany, and the Netherlands have disappeared since the French Revolution. Some still exist in Italy." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Order of the Annunciation

"The religious Order of the Heavenly Annunciation, or of the Nuns of the Annunciation of Mary, was instituted…

A seal which has many bands of white around black.

Ribbon Seal

A seal which has many bands of white around black.

"Star of the Order of the Black Eagle." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Black Eagle

"Star of the Order of the Black Eagle." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Rootstock of Solomon's Seal, with the bottom of the stalk of the season, and the bud for the next year's growth.

Solomon's Seal

Rootstock of Solomon's Seal, with the bottom of the stalk of the season, and the bud for the next year's…

The ancient Egyptians regarded the scarab as a symbol of immortality. 1. Stone scarab with wings, 2. The sacred beetle (<em>Scarabaeus sacer</em>), 3. Scarab from the British Museum, 4. Scarab seal from the tomb of Maket, 5, 6. Scarabs from monuments.

Egyptian scarabs

The ancient Egyptians regarded the scarab as a symbol of immortality. 1. Stone scarab with wings, 2.…

A sceptre from the seal of Edward the Confessor.

Sceptre of Edward the Confessor

A sceptre from the seal of Edward the Confessor.

Leaves - simple; alternate; edge large-toothed, with the hollows rounded. Outline - wide egg-shape. Apex - sharp-pointed. Base - squared, or slightly rounded. Leaf/Stem - long and slender, and flattened sidewise. Leaf - three to five inches long, smooth on both sides when mature; white, and covered thickly with silky wool when young. Ribs, whitish and distinct above. Bark - of the trunk, smooth, and of a soft, light greenish-gray; when old, becoming somewhat cracked. On the young branches the bark is dark. Found - in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, through the Northern States, along the Alleghany Mountains to North Carolina, and west to Wisconsin and Iowa. Rare at the South. common at the North. General Information - A tree forth to eight feet high, with open, crooked branches. Large quantities of the soft, white wood are ground into pulp for making paper. "In both this and the P. tremuloides, Michx., the leaves of young sprouts are often differently shaped and toothed, and much enlarged." -- (Porter.) Poplar wood, like other soft woods, is not usually esteemed for durability' but an old couplet, said to have been found inscribed on a poplar plank, teaches differently: "Though 'heart of Oak' be e'er so stout, Keep me dry, and I'll see him out."

Genus Populus, L. (Aspen, Poplar)

Leaves - simple; alternate; edge large-toothed, with the hollows rounded. Outline - wide egg-shape.…

Leaves - simple; alternate; edge lobed (edges of the lobes mostly entire, but notched and toothed towards the ends). Outline - narrow oval or broad oval. Base - from long wedge-shape to squared. Ends of lobes and of the teeth pointed and bristle-tipped. Leaf - three to five inches long; both sides bright green, smooth, and shining; downy in the angles of the ribs below. Lobes - seven to nine, usually seven, with the hollows between them broad and round and usually reaching about three fourths of the way or more to the middle rib. The wide type of leaf closely resembles the leaves of the scarlet oak, but it is smaller and usually the hollows reach nearer to the middle rib. Bark - smoothish (comparatively), inner bark reddish. Acorns - numerous, small, on short stems. Cup - top-shaped, shallow, and nearly smooth. Nut - rounded, one half inch long or less, sometimes broader than long, light brown. October. Found - from the valley of the Connecticut to Central New York, southward to Delaware and the District of Columbia; in Southern Wisconsin and southward; usually along streams and on low, wet land. Most common and reaching its finest growth west of the Alleghany Mountains. General Information - A handsome tree forty to sixty feet high, usually with a pointed top and with light and delicate foliage. The wood is rather coarse and not durable. It takes its name of Pin Oak from the peg-like look of the dead twigs and short branches with which the lower parts of the tree are usually set. Quercus, possible from a Celtic word meaning to inquire, because it was among the oaks that the Druids oftenest practised their rites.

Genus Quercus, L. (Oak)

Leaves - simple; alternate; edge lobed (edges of the lobes mostly entire, but notched and toothed towards…

The seal of the United States.

United States Seal

The seal of the United States.

The seal of the western part of the New Jersey colony.

Seal of West Jersey

The seal of the western part of the New Jersey colony.

The seal of the eastern part of the New Jersey colony.

Seal of East Jersey

The seal of the eastern part of the New Jersey colony.

The coat of arms of Brazil.

Brazilian Coat of Arms

The coat of arms of Brazil.

The coat of arms of Chile.

Chilean Coat of Arms

The coat of arms of Chile.

The coat of arms of China.

Chinese Coat of Arms

The coat of arms of China.

The coat of arms of Colombia.

Colombian Coat of Arms

The coat of arms of Colombia.

The coat of arms of Costa Rica.

Costa Rican Coat of Arms

The coat of arms of Costa Rica.

The coat of arms of Dominican Republic.

Dominican Republic Coat of Arms

The coat of arms of Dominican Republic.

The Coat of Arms of Ecuador.

Ecuador Coat of Arms

The Coat of Arms of Ecuador.

The Coat of Arms of Egypt.

Egyptian Coat of Arms

The Coat of Arms of Egypt.

The Coat of Arms of France.

French Coat of Arms

The Coat of Arms of France.

The Coat of Arms of Wurtemberg.

Wurtemberg Coat of Arms

The Coat of Arms of Wurtemberg.

The Coat of Arms of Bavaria.

Bavarian Coat of Arms

The Coat of Arms of Bavaria.

The Coat of Arms of Saxony.

Saxony Coat of Arms

The Coat of Arms of Saxony.

The Coat of Arms of Great Britain.

Great Britain Coat of Arms

The Coat of Arms of Great Britain.

The Coat of Arms of Greece.

Greek Coat of Arms

The Coat of Arms of Greece.

The Coat of Arms of Guatemala.

Guatemalan Coat of Arms

The Coat of Arms of Guatemala.

The Coat of Arms of Haiti.

Haitian Coat of Arms

The Coat of Arms of Haiti.

The Coat of Arms of Honduras.

Honduran Coat of Arms

The Coat of Arms of Honduras.

The seal of the Seminole Nation.

Seminole Seal

The seal of the Seminole Nation.

The seal of the Muscogee Nation.

Muscogee Seal

The seal of the Muscogee Nation.

The seal of the Chickasaw Nation.

Chickasaw Seal

The seal of the Chickasaw Nation.

The seal of the Cherokee Nation.

Cherokee Seal

The seal of the Cherokee Nation.