Julius Caesar riding on a horse.

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar riding on a horse.

A strong horse with white spots in its coat.

Percheron Horse

A strong horse with white spots in its coat.

A small horse


A small horse

A famous horse that won many races back in the day.

Goldsmith Maid

A famous horse that won many races back in the day.

"The fastest race horse in the world. His best time, May 24, 1877, was 1.39 for one mile." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Ten Broeck

"The fastest race horse in the world. His best time, May 24, 1877, was 1.39 for one mile." — S. G.…

A famous, fast race horse.

Flying Childers

A famous, fast race horse.

A race type buggy being drawn behind a race horse.

Horse Drawn Buggy

A race type buggy being drawn behind a race horse.

A breed of fast, intelligent horses from arabia.

Arabian Horse

A breed of fast, intelligent horses from arabia.

A famous race-horse of incredible speed.

American Eclipse

A famous race-horse of incredible speed.

Floria Temple was a famous race horse.

Flora Temple

Floria Temple was a famous race horse.

The tame donkey used as a beast of burden.

Domestic Donkey

The tame donkey used as a beast of burden.

A tame donkey with a off-white coat.

White Donkey

A tame donkey with a off-white coat.

Two donkeys racing with people riding on them.

Donkey Race

Two donkeys racing with people riding on them.

"The mule is in fact an exceedingly hardy, strong, and useful animals. In all mountain countries, for its sureness of foot, its instinctive caution in choosing the path, and its skillful management in descending a perilous and steep track." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Abyssinian Mule

"The mule is in fact an exceedingly hardy, strong, and useful animals. In all mountain countries, for…

Queen Isabella of Spain Mounted on a mule.

Queen Isabella

Queen Isabella of Spain Mounted on a mule.

"In this the fur is short, smooth, and bright red bay; the legs are straw color; there is a broad, longitudinal dorsal streaks, broadest over the small of the back, without any cross band on the shoulders." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"In this the fur is short, smooth, and bright red bay; the legs are straw color; there is a broad, longitudinal…

"Its general color is brown, the head, neck, and withers striped or zebraed wth blackish-brown; the lower part of the body, the legs and tail, white." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"Its general color is brown, the head, neck, and withers striped or zebraed wth blackish-brown; the…

"Is of a pale brown color; the underside of the body being whitish; head, body, and upper part of the legs black streaked; tail, inside and lower part of the legs white. This species is a tenant of the plains, and it found occuring in every district noth of the Orange River, as far as travelers have penetrated." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"Is of a pale brown color; the underside of the body being whitish; head, body, and upper part of the…

"The ground color is white, or yellowish white, but the head, body, and legs to the hoofs are regularly striped, mostly crosswise, with a deep brown-black bands, lighter in the middle. " — S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"The ground color is white, or yellowish white, but the head, body, and legs to the hoofs are regularly…

Skeleton of an elephant.

Elephant Skeleton

Skeleton of an elephant.

Skeleton of a masodon.

Mastodon Skeleton

Skeleton of a masodon.

"Postal Progress, 1776-1876; mail by horse."—E. Benjamin Andrews, 1895

Postal by horse

"Postal Progress, 1776-1876; mail by horse."—E. Benjamin Andrews, 1895

"Trail between Peter Cooper's locomotive <em>Tom Thumb</em> and one of Stockton's and Stokes' horse cars."&mdash;E. Benjamin Andrews, 1895

Railroad Trail

"Trail between Peter Cooper's locomotive Tom Thumb and one of Stockton's and Stokes' horse…

A skeleton of a whale.

Whale skeleton

A skeleton of a whale.

A giant kangaroo skeleton.

Kangaroo Skeleton

A giant kangaroo skeleton.

The partial skeleton of a moa, an enormous flightless bird once native to New Zeland, now extinct.

Moa skeleton

The partial skeleton of a moa, an enormous flightless bird once native to New Zeland, now extinct.

A buggy drawn by two horses.

Horse Drawn Buggy

A buggy drawn by two horses.

Skeleton of a turtle.

Skeleton of a turtle

Skeleton of a turtle.

Place of the barricade, Ridgefield. This view is at the north end of the main street. It was taken from the spot where, traditions asserts, Arnold's horse was killed, which is on the west side of the street, near a maple-tree, about one hundred yards southwest of the house of Samuel Stebbins, Esq., seen on the right in the picture. While making this sketch an old man came along, and informed me that on the day after the battle himself and some other boys skinned Arnold's horse, and discovered nine bullet-holes in his side. The escape of the rider seemed miraculous.


Place of the barricade, Ridgefield. This view is at the north end of the main street. It was taken from…

The skeleton of a frog.

Frog skeleton

The skeleton of a frog.

"The Washington Elm. The horse seen in this sketch is one of the oldest in Cambridge, having been built about 1750. It has been in the posession of the Moore family about seventy-five years. Since I visited Cambridge I have been informed that a Mrs. Moore was still living there, who, from the window of that house, saw the ceremony of Washington taking command of the army."&mdash;Lossing, 1851

Washington Elm

"The Washington Elm. The horse seen in this sketch is one of the oldest in Cambridge, having been built…

"Old Tavern in Providence. This view is from the market, looking north. The building stands on the east side of the square and parallel with its front commences North Main Street. In the yard on the right is venerable horse-chestnut tree, standing between the house and the Roger Williams' Bank. In former times, a balcony extended across the front. The door that opend upon it is still there, but the balcony is gone. The roof is completely overgrown with moss, and every appearance of age marks it."&mdash;Lossing, 1851

Providence Tavern

"Old Tavern in Providence. This view is from the market, looking north. The building stands on the east…

"The bones of fishes are of a less dense and compact nature than in the higher order of animals; in some, indeed, they are wholly cartilaginous. The skeleton may in general be divided into four chief parts - the Vertical Column, the Head, the Repiratory Apparatus, and the Limbs" &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Perch skeleton

"The bones of fishes are of a less dense and compact nature than in the higher order of animals; in…

"These animals have a head of the shape of a horse, and a long tail without any fin, but which is used by the fish to lay hold of sea-weed and other objects' &mdash; Goodrich, 1859


"These animals have a head of the shape of a horse, and a long tail without any fin, but which is used…

"Fifteen to twenty inches long; caught in great numbers on the coast of Ireland, and common on the British coast; also in the Mediterranean. It resmebles the common mackerel, but is much inferior, and hence is called <em>horse-mackerel</em>." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859


"Fifteen to twenty inches long; caught in great numbers on the coast of Ireland, and common on the British…

"The field of Monmouth. In the picture here given, the chief is seen most prominently on his white charger, with his general officers. Washington and Green are in front; Knox on the right, upon the most prominent horse; and behind them are Hamilton, Cadwallader, etc. On the left is seen the group of artillery, with 'Captain Molly' at the gun. In the distance is seen a portion of the British army, and Colonel Monckton falling from his horse. On the right, in the foreground, lying by a cannon, is Dickinson, of Virginia; and on the left, by a drum, Bonner, of Pennsylvania. In the center is a wounded rifleman."&mdash;Lossing, 1851


"The field of Monmouth. In the picture here given, the chief is seen most prominently on his white charger,…

"The 'Grand Skedaddle' of the inhabitants from Charleston, S. C., when threatened by an attack from the Federal troops. When General Brannan made his daring and successful dash upon the railroad between Pocotaligo and Coosawhatchie the terror both in Savannah and Charleston was very great. Despite the fact that General Beauregard with thirty thousand troops was stationed midway between the cities a restless desire for flight took possession of thousands, and for three days the roads to the interior were crowded with as miscellaneous a group as that which marched into Noah's ark. Lieutenant Kirby, of the Forty-seventh Massachusetts Regiment, being then a prisoner, had an excellent opportunity of sketching this motley stream of humanity. But our sketch renders all further description unnecessary."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Grand Skedaddle - Horse-drawn Carriage

"The 'Grand Skedaddle' of the inhabitants from Charleston, S. C., when threatened by an attack from…

"Battle of Mill Spring, on the Cumberland River, near Jamestown, between a confederate force, 8,000 strong, under General Zollicoffer, and the Federal troops, 4,000 strong, commanded by General Thomas, fought Sunday, January 19th, 1862- flight of the Confederate Army. One of the most dashing, desperate and decisive battles of the war took place on Sunday, January 19th, 1862, when a Confederate army of 8,000 men, led by Generals Zollicoffer and Crittenden, were totally routed by General Thomas, at the head of about 4,000 Federal troops. The cannonading began at four o'clock in the morning, and the engagement soon became general. Zollicoffer found, however, that instead of surprising General Thomas, that able and vigilant officer was ready for him. The Confederates fought gallantly throughout that dismal Sabbath day, and owing to their decided superiority in numbers the result was doubtful till near the conclusion of the conflict. The death of Colonel Peyton, who fell gallantly at the head of his regiment, had materially damped the spirits of the Confederates, but the fall of their commander, Zollicoffer, about ten minutes past three in the afternoon, completed their rout. At that hour, as the Fourth Kentucky regiment was deploying on the flank of the Confederate army, Zollicoffer, attended by several of his aids, mistook his way in the underwood, and suddenly emerged before Colonel Fry, who was also with several officers. At first they mistook each other for friends, but upon the mistake being discovered one of the Confederate officers fired at Fry and shot his horse. Almost at the same instant Colonel Fry drew his revolver and shot General Zollicoffer through the heart. His aids, seeing their commander slain, deserted the body, which was taken charge of by the Federal troops, and carried to Somerset. The news spread like wildfire through the Confederate army, which fled with precipitation, and at half-past three not a confederate stood his ground." &mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Mill Spring

"Battle of Mill Spring, on the Cumberland River, near Jamestown, between a confederate force, 8,000…

"Battle of Mill Spring, on the Cumberland River, near Jamestown, between a confederate force, 8,000 strong, under General Zollicoffer, and the Federal troops, 4,000 strong, commanded by General Thomas, fought Sunday, January 19th, 1862- flight of the Confederate Army. One of the most dashing, desperate and decisive battles of the war took place on Sunday, January 19th, 1862, when a Confederate army of 8,000 men, led by Generals Zollicoffer and Crittenden, were totally routed by General Thomas, at the head of about 4,000 Federal troops. The cannonading began at four o'clock in the morning, and the engagement soon became general. Zollicoffer found, however, that instead of surprising General Thomas, that able and vigilant officer was ready for him. The Confederates fought gallantly throughout that dismal Sabbath day, and owing to their decided superiority in numbers the result was doubtful till near the conclusion of the conflict. The death of Colonel Peyton, who fell gallantly at the head of his regiment, had materially damped the spirits of the Confederates, but the fall of their commander, Zollicoffer, about ten minutes past three in the afternoon, completed their rout. At that hour, as the Fourth Kentucky regiment was deploying on the flank of the Confederate army, Zollicoffer, attended by several of his aids, mistook his way in the underwood, and suddenly emerged before Colonel Fry, who was also with several officers. At first they mistook each other for friends, but upon the mistake being discovered one of the Confederate officers fired at Fry and shot his horse. Almost at the same instant Colonel Fry drew his revolver and shot General Zollicoffer through the heart. His aids, seeing their commander slain, deserted the body, which was taken charge of by the Federal troops, and carried to Somerset. The news spread like wildfire through the Confederate army, which fled with precipitation, and at half-past three not a confederate stood his ground." &mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Mill Spring

"Battle of Mill Spring, on the Cumberland River, near Jamestown, between a confederate force, 8,000…

"Battle of Mill Spring, on the Cumberland River, near Jamestown, between a confederate force, 8,000 strong, under General Zollicoffer, and the Federal troops, 4,000 strong, commanded by General Thomas, fought Sunday, January 19th, 1862- flight of the Confederate Army. One of the most dashing, desperate and decisive battles of the war took place on Sunday, January 19th, 1862, when a Confederate army of 8,000 men, led by Generals Zollicoffer and Crittenden, were totally routed by General Thomas, at the head of about 4,000 Federal troops. The cannonading began at four o'clock in the morning, and the engagement soon became general. Zollicoffer found, however, that instead of surprising General Thomas, that able and vigilant officer was ready for him. The Confederates fought gallantly throughout that dismal Sabbath day, and owing to their decided superiority in numbers the result was doubtful till near the conclusion of the conflict. The death of Colonel Peyton, who fell gallantly at the head of his regiment, had materially damped the spirits of the Confederates, but the fall of their commander, Zollicoffer, about ten minutes past three in the afternoon, completed their rout. At that hour, as the Fourth Kentucky regiment was deploying on the flank of the Confederate army, Zollicoffer, attended by several of his aids, mistook his way in the underwood, and suddenly emerged before Colonel Fry, who was also with several officers. At first they mistook each other for friends, but upon the mistake being discovered one of the Confederate officers fired at Fry and shot his horse. Almost at the same instant Colonel Fry drew his revolver and shot General Zollicoffer through the heart. His aids, seeing their commander slain, deserted the body, which was taken charge of by the Federal troops, and carried to Somerset. The news spread like wildfire through the Confederate army, which fled with precipitation, and at half-past three not a confederate stood his ground." &mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Mill Spring

"Battle of Mill Spring, on the Cumberland River, near Jamestown, between a confederate force, 8,000…

"Advance of Federal troops on Corinth- the Carnival of Mud- scene at Lick Creek Bottom, between Pittsburg Landing and Monterey, four miles from Corinth, May 5th, 1862- General Hurlbut's division forcing their way through the mud. Our illustration cannot fail to fasten the grand fact of mud firmly on the reader's mind. Our special artist, Mr. Lovie, carefully made the sketch on the spot at Lick Creek Bottom, when General Hurbut's division of Halleck's grand army was advancing from Pittsburg Landing to Monterey. In his letter he said: "Lick Creek Bottom is part of the road between Pittsburg Landing and Monterey. The hills on both sides are clayey ground, and the creek rises rapidly after every rain. On Monday, May 5th, an attempt was made to pull through the cannon and wagon train, but the mud was too deep, and the result was that in a few hours the bottom was filled with wagons and mules, hopelessly mired, and waiting for dry weather to be dug out. A moment's reflection will enable you to get a faint idea of the enormous task before us. The bottom land is very deep and rich, and only those who have tested the adherent and adhering qualities of this soil can appreciate its glorious consistency and persistency thoroughly. I have had considerable experiences of mud, but, in all my rides, or, rather, wallowings, I have seldom experienced such difficulty in getting my horse along, and I only succeeded by driving my spurs so vehemently into his poor sides, that he made those desperate plunges which carried us through." —Leslie, 1896

Lick Creek Bottom - Horse and Rider

"Advance of Federal troops on Corinth- the Carnival of Mud- scene at Lick Creek Bottom, between Pittsburg…

"Advance of Federal troops on Corinth- the Carnival of Mud- scene at Lick Creek Bottom, between Pittsburg Landing and Monterey, four miles from Corinth, May 5th, 1862- General Hurlbut's division forcing their way through the mud. Our illustration cannot fail to fasten the grand fact of mud firmly on the reader's mind. Our special artist, Mr. Lovie, carefully made the sketch on the spot at Lick Creek Bottom, when General Hurbut's division of Halleck's grand army was advancing from Pittsburg Landing to Monterey. In his letter he said: "Lick Creek Bottom is part of the road between Pittsburg Landing and Monterey. The hills on both sides are clayey ground, and the creek rises rapidly after every rain. On Monday, May 5th, an attempt was made to pull through the cannon and wagon train, but the mud was too deep, and the result was that in a few hours the bottom was filled with wagons and mules, hopelessly mired, and waiting for dry weather to be dug out. A moment's reflection will enable you to get a faint idea of the enormous task before us. The bottom land is very deep and rich, and only those who have tested the adherent and adhering qualities of this soil can appreciate its glorious consistency and persistency thoroughly. I have had considerable experiences of mud, but, in all my rides, or, rather, wallowings, I have seldom experienced such difficulty in getting my horse along, and I only succeeded by driving my spurs so vehemently into his poor sides, that he made those desperate plunges which carried us through." —Leslie, 1896

Lick Creek Bottom - In the Mud

"Advance of Federal troops on Corinth- the Carnival of Mud- scene at Lick Creek Bottom, between Pittsburg…

"Advance of Federal troops on Corinth- the Carnival of Mud- scene at Lick Creek Bottom, between Pittsburg Landing and Monterey, four miles from Corinth, May 5th, 1862- General Hurlbut's division forcing their way through the mud. Our illustration cannot fail to fasten the grand fact of mud firmly on the reader's mind. Our special artist, Mr. Lovie, carefully made the sketch on the spot at Lick Creek Bottom, when General Hurbut's division of Halleck's grand army was advancing from Pittsburg Landing to Monterey. In his letter he said: "Lick Creek Bottom is part of the road between Pittsburg Landing and Monterey. The hills on both sides are clayey ground, and the creek rises rapidly after every rain. On Monday, May 5th, an attempt was made to pull through the cannon and wagon train, but the mud was too deep, and the result was that in a few hours the bottom was filled with wagons and mules, hopelessly mired, and waiting for dry weather to be dug out. A moment's reflection will enable you to get a faint idea of the enormous task before us. The bottom land is very deep and rich, and only those who have tested the adherent and adhering qualities of this soil can appreciate its glorious consistency and persistency thoroughly. I have had considerable experiences of mud, but, in all my rides, or, rather, wallowings, I have seldom experienced such difficulty in getting my horse along, and I only succeeded by driving my spurs so vehemently into his poor sides, that he made those desperate plunges which carried us through." —Leslie, 1896

Lick Creek Bottom - Marching through the Mud

"Advance of Federal troops on Corinth- the Carnival of Mud- scene at Lick Creek Bottom, between Pittsburg…

"Return of a foraging party of the Twenty-fourth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, with their spoils, to Baton Rouge, having captured horses, carts, wagons, mules, contrabands, provisions, etc. On January 29th, 1863, General Grover, who commanded at Baton Rouge, having received intelligence that a large quantity of supplies had been gathered at a place some miles away, sent a foraging party, consisting of the Twenty-fourth Connecticut Regiment, to capture them. This was happily accomplished without losing a man, the Confederate guard flying at the first sight of the Federal party. The spoils were several horses, carts, wagons, mules, corn and potatoes, saying nothing of a few 'contrabands' who came to enjoy 'Massa Linkum's' proclomation."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Foraging Spoils - Startled Horse

"Return of a foraging party of the Twenty-fourth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, with their spoils,…

"The body is long and eel-like, and the skeleton is reduced to a mere cartilaginous tube. It ours out such an abundance of glutinous matter from the pores of the lateral line, that the water in the vases is which is kept seems to be converted into jelly. "&mdash; Goodrich, 1859


"The body is long and eel-like, and the skeleton is reduced to a mere cartilaginous tube. It ours out…

"Federal baggage train on its way to the army at Falmouth, VA., December, 1862. Our illustration represents a Federal baggage train hastening on to Falmouth with commissary stores for General Burnside's army before the crossing of the Rappahannock to attack Fredericksburg. The immense labor and fatigue attendant on operations in this region may be conceived by our sketch. The fearful road over rocks and cliffs, the storms, the constant fear of surprise by the enemy, where escape and defense are alike impossible, give to the life of the army train all the perils of romance."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Baggage Train to Falmouth, VA

"Federal baggage train on its way to the army at Falmouth, VA., December, 1862. Our illustration represents…

"Federal baggage train on its way to the army at Falmouth, VA., December, 1862. Our illustration represents a Federal baggage train hastening on to Falmouth with commissary stores for General Burnside's army before the crossing of the Rappahannock to attack Fredericksburg. The immense labor and fatigue attendant on operations in this region may be conceived by our sketch. The fearful road over rocks and cliffs, the storms, the constant fear of surprise by the enemy, where escape and defense are alike impossible, give to the life of the army train all the perils of romance."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Baggage Train Wagon

"Federal baggage train on its way to the army at Falmouth, VA., December, 1862. Our illustration represents…

"It has no shell, and no skeleton, but has two conical pieces of horny substance imbedded in the back, one on each side. The body, which has a globular form, is a soft, jelly-like substance, covered with a thick, dark-colored, leathery skin." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859


"It has no shell, and no skeleton, but has two conical pieces of horny substance imbedded in the back,…

"Virginia market-wagon from the American Revolution."&mdash;Lossing, 1851


"Virginia market-wagon from the American Revolution."—Lossing, 1851

"Site of Fort Watson."—Lossing, 1851

<p>The Siege of Fort Watson was an American Revolutionary War confrontation in South Carolina that began on April 15, 1781 and lasted until April 23, 1781. Continental Army forces under Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee and South Carolina militia under Francis Marion besieged Fort Watson, a fortified British outpost that formed part of the communication and supply chain between Charleston and other British outposts further inland.

<p>The attackers, lacking artillery, were unable to make a dent in the fortified works, and failed in attempts to deny the garrison of a water supply. They then devised a plan to build a tower from which sharpshooters could fire into the fort's walls. Fort Watson was once again attacked by the Americans on April 23, with the British forces unable to control the walls due to musket fire from the tower. They surrendered shortly afterwards.

Fort Watson

"Site of Fort Watson."—Lossing, 1851 The Siege of Fort Watson was an American Revolutionary War confrontation…

"Anatomy of the external skeleton of an insect" &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

External Anatomy of an Insect Skeleton

"Anatomy of the external skeleton of an insect" — Goodrich, 1859

"[Late 19th Century/Early 20th Century] United States Army Ambulance"-Whitney, 1902

Army Ambulance

"[Late 19th Century/Early 20th Century] United States Army Ambulance"-Whitney, 1902

"The larvae are very similar to the perfect insects, both in appearance and habits. Many of them feed in carrion; others in rotton wood and other decaying vegetable matter. The number of joins in the tarsi varies greatly, but five is the prevalent number." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859


"The larvae are very similar to the perfect insects, both in appearance and habits. Many of them feed…

"Areng. It yields a black bristly fiber resembling horse hair, which makes excellent cordage, and is known as gonuto or gonuti fiber."-Whitney, 1902


"Areng. It yields a black bristly fiber resembling horse hair, which makes excellent cordage, and is…

"Armor and Equipment for man and horse, about 1290."-Whitney, 1902


"Armor and Equipment for man and horse, about 1290."-Whitney, 1902

"A Fire Engine is a machine employed for throwing a jet of water for the purpose of extinguishing fires. The more recently constructed fire engines include contrivances for preventing the entrance of mud and gravel. They are usually drawn by two horses, though smaller engines are made to be drawn by hand or by one horse, while steam-propelled engines are in use in some cities."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Steam Fire Engine

"A Fire Engine is a machine employed for throwing a jet of water for the purpose of extinguishing fires.…

"A Tooth is one of the hard bodies of the mouth, attached to the skeleton, but not forming part of it and developed from the dermis or true skin. True teeth consist of one, two, or more tissues differing in their chemical composition and in their microscopical appearances. Dentine, which forms the body of the tooth, and 'cement,' which forms its outer crust, are always present, the third tissue, the 'enamel,' when present, being situated between the dentine and cement. The incisors, or cutting teeth, are situated in front. In men there are two of these incisors in each side of each jaw. The permanent incisors, molars, and premolars are preceded by a set of deciduous or milk teeth, which are lost before maturity, and replaced by the permanent ones. The canines come next to the incisors. In man there is one canine tooth in each half-jaw. The premolars (known also as bicuspids and false molars) come next in order to the canines. In man there are two premolars in each half-jaw. The true molars (or multicuspids) are placed most posteriorly. In man there are three molars in each half-jaw, the posterior one being termed the wisdom tooth. The figures [in the illustration] refer to months after birth."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

First Teeth

"A Tooth is one of the hard bodies of the mouth, attached to the skeleton, but not forming part of it…

"A Tooth is one of the hard bodies of the mouth, attached to the skeleton, but not forming part of it and developed from the dermis or true skin. True teeth consist of one, two, or more tissues differing in their chemical composition and in their microscopical appearances. Dentine, which forms the body of the tooth, and 'cement,' which forms its outer crust, are always present, the third tissue, the 'enamel,' when present, being situated between the dentine and cement. The incisors, or cutting teeth, are situated in front. In men there are two of these incisors in each side of each jaw. The permanent incisors, molars, and premolars are preceded by a set of deciduous or milk teeth, which are lost before maturity, and replaced by the permanent ones. The canines come next to the incisors. In man there is one canine tooth in each half-jaw. The premolars (known also as bicuspids and false molars) come next in order to the canines. In man there are two premolars in each half-jaw. The true molars (or multicuspids) are placed most posteriorly. In man there are three molars in each half-jaw, the posterior one being termed the wisdom tooth. The figures [in the illustration] refer to years after birth."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Second Teeth

"A Tooth is one of the hard bodies of the mouth, attached to the skeleton, but not forming part of it…

"Turtle is, in zoology, the popular name for any species of the Cheloniid&aelig;. They may be distinguished by their long, compressed, fin-shaped, non-retractile feet, with the toes inclosed in a common skin, from which only one or two claws project. The carapace is broad and much depressed, so that when these animals are on shore, and are turned over on their backs, they cannot regain the natural position. Turtles are marine animals; their pinnate feet and light shell render them excellent swimmers. They sometimes live at a great distance from land, to which they periodically return to deposit their soft-shelled eggs in the sand."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Skeleton of Turtle

"Turtle is, in zoology, the popular name for any species of the Cheloniidæ. They may be distinguished…

"Zebra is a popular name for any of the striped forms of the genus Equus; thus embracing the quagga, the true zebra, and Burchell's zebra. In all three the external characters are those of the ass rather than of the horse; the legs are without warts, the tail is furnished with long hairs only toward the extremity, the neck is full and arched, and the mane stiff and erect. All the species of this division are rapidly vanishing before advancing civilization, and in all probability will become extinct before very many years."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Burchell's Zebra

"Zebra is a popular name for any of the striped forms of the genus Equus; thus embracing the quagga,…