The flower heads of humea elegans are brownish red, pink, or crimson. The flowers bloom July to October. The shrub grows between five and six feet tall.

Humea Elegans

The flower heads of humea elegans are brownish red, pink, or crimson. The flowers bloom July to October.…

The common names of hypericum androsaemum are sweet amber and common tutsan. The flowers are large and grow at the ends of the stems. The flowers bloom in summer. The shrub grows to be three feet tall.

Habit and Detached Flower of Hypericum Androsaemum

The common names of hypericum androsaemum are sweet amber and common tutsan. The flowers are large and…

The common names of hypericum perforatum are common hypericum and St. John's wort. The flowers are bright yellow and grow in clusters at the end of the stems. The petals are marked with black dots. The shrub grows between one and three feet tall.

Dehiscing Capsule and Portion and Inflorescence of Hypericum Perforatum

The common names of hypericum perforatum are common hypericum and St. John's wort. The flowers are bright…

This variety has deep vinous red stems, leafstalks, and principal veins. The leaves are green blotched with gold.

Habit and Detached Portion of Inflorescence with Leaf of Iresine Herbstii Auero-Reticulata

This variety has deep vinous red stems, leafstalks, and principal veins. The leaves are green blotched…

The common name of jasminum is jasmine. The floridum variety has yellow flowers a half inch in diameter. It is a hardy, ornamental shrub.

Flowering Branchlet of Jasminum Floridum

The common name of jasminum is jasmine. The floridum variety has yellow flowers a half inch in diameter.…

The common name of juniperus is juniper. This variety of juniper has reddish, dry fruit that has a sweetish flavor. Part a shows the fleshy portion of the fruit, part b shows the seed, and part c shows the embryo.

Fruiting Twig of Juniperus Californica

The common name of juniperus is juniper. This variety of juniper has reddish, dry fruit that has a sweetish…

The common name of juniperus sabina is common savin. The shrub grows between five and eight feet tall. The leaves are small and scale like.

Habit and Detached Portion of Branch of Juniperus Sabina

The common name of juniperus sabina is common savin. The shrub grows between five and eight feet tall.…

The leaves of kaempferia gilbertii are tufted and deep green. The leaves are bordered by a band of white. The leaves have an oblong shape and taper to a point.

Kaempferia Gilbertii

The leaves of kaempferia gilbertii are tufted and deep green. The leaves are bordered by a band of white.…

The common name of kalmia latifolia is calico bush. The flowers range from rose colored to white. The shrub grows between three and ten feet tall.

Flowering Branch of Kalmia Latifolia

The common name of kalmia latifolia is calico bush. The flowers range from rose colored to white. The…

Karatas humilis flowers are crimson. The flowers grow in central tufts surronded by leaves. The height of the shrub is one foot.

Karatas Humilis

Karatas humilis flowers are crimson. The flowers grow in central tufts surronded by leaves. The height…

The common name of laburnum alpinum is Scotch Laburnum. The flowers are yellow and bloom in June. The shrub grows between fifteen and twenty feet tall.

Flowering Branchlet of Laburnum Alpinum

The common name of laburnum alpinum is Scotch Laburnum. The flowers are yellow and bloom in June. The…

The common name of lavatera arborea is tree mallow. The flowers are pale purple Variegata is a showy, garden form with variegated leaves.

Lavatera Arborea Variegata

The common name of lavatera arborea is tree mallow. The flowers are pale purple Variegata is a showy,…

The leaves of leea amabilis grow on long channeled leafstalks. Leaflets grow in two or three pairs. The upper surface of the leaves have a velvety texture and a deep bronzy green color.

Leea Amabilis

The leaves of leea amabilis grow on long channeled leafstalks. Leaflets grow in two or three pairs.…

Mesembryanthemum pugioniforme are large and pale yellow. The flowers bloom July to September. The shrub grows one foot tall.

Flowering Branch and Immature Capsule of Mesembryanthemum Pugioniforme

Mesembryanthemum pugioniforme are large and pale yellow. The flowers bloom July to September. The shrub…

Mesembryanthemum testiculatum flowers are yellow and nearly one inch in diameter. The plant is stemless and shrubby.

Mesembryanthemum Testiculatum

Mesembryanthemum testiculatum flowers are yellow and nearly one inch in diameter. The plant is stemless…

The flowers heads of montanoa bipinnatifida are yellow. The shrub grows between six and eight feet tall.

Montanoa Bipinnatifida

The flowers heads of montanoa bipinnatifida are yellow. The shrub grows between six and eight feet tall.

The flowers heads of montanoa mollissima have yellow disks and white rays. The flowers bloom August to October.

Flowering Branch of Montanoa Mollissima

The flowers heads of montanoa mollissima have yellow disks and white rays. The flowers bloom August…

Muehlenbeckia complexa has green, inconspicuous flowers. The flowers bloom in August. The fruit hangs in small clusters on lateral shoots from the ripened stems.

Muehlenbeckia Complexa

Muehlenbeckia complexa has green, inconspicuous flowers. The flowers bloom in August. The fruit hangs…

The common name of myrica gale is sweet gale. The flowers are brownish green and bloom February to March. The shrub grows between two and four feet tall.

Flowering Branch of Myrica Gale

The common name of myrica gale is sweet gale. The flowers are brownish green and bloom February to March.…

Nictotiana wigandioides is a variety of tobacco. This variety is a greenhouse shrub. The flowers are yellowish white.

Nicotiana Wigandioides

Nictotiana wigandioides is a variety of tobacco. This variety is a greenhouse shrub. The flowers are…

Pictured is a flowering branch and detached flower head of oreopanax andreanum. The flowers are globe shaped heads. The leaves are roundish and the trunk is simple or slightly branched.

Oreopanax Andreanum

Pictured is a flowering branch and detached flower head of oreopanax andreanum. The flowers are globe…

Osyris alba flowers are white and bloom in July. The fruit is red and pea sized. The leaves alternate along the stem and are one inch long. The shrub grows between three and four feet tall.

Osyris Alba

Osyris alba flowers are white and bloom in July. The fruit is red and pea sized. The leaves alternate…

Panax murrayi has many flowered umbels. The leaves are often several feet long.

Panax Murrayi

Panax murrayi has many flowered umbels. The leaves are often several feet long.

The common name of pandanus is screw pine. The candelabrum variegatus variety has narrow leaves that are three to six feet in length. The leaves have white spines on the edges.

Pandanus Candelabrum Variegatus

The common name of pandanus is screw pine. The candelabrum variegatus variety has narrow leaves that…

Screw pine is the common name of pandanus. The furcatus variety has broadish, bright green leaves. The leaves are armed with sharp spines.

Pandanus Furcatus

Screw pine is the common name of pandanus. The furcatus variety has broadish, bright green leaves. The…

Screw pine is the common name of pandanus. The houlletii variety has leaves that are four to five feet long. The leaves are greenish red above and deep coppery beneath.

Pandanus Houlletii

Screw pine is the common name of pandanus. The houlletii variety has leaves that are four to five feet…

Pelargonium inquinans flowers vary from intense scarlet, to rose colored, to white. The flowers bloom in July. The shrub grows two feet tall.

Flowering Branch of Pelargonium Inquinans

Pelargonium inquinans flowers vary from intense scarlet, to rose colored, to white. The flowers bloom…

Pereski grandiflora is a synonym of pereski grandifolia. The common name of pereski is barbados gooseberry. Grandiflora has solitary, white flowers. The stem is very spiny, the larger spines being two inches long.

Branch of Pereski Grandiflora

Pereski grandiflora is a synonym of pereski grandifolia. The common name of pereski is barbados gooseberry.…

The flowers of philodendron selloum are deep green, bordered with white and white on the inside. The leaves are large, green, and long stalked.

Philodendron Selloum

The flowers of philodendron selloum are deep green, bordered with white and white on the inside. The…

The flowers of philodendron speciosum are purplish green on the outside and purplish red on the inside. The leaves are green and have a triangular shape.

Philodendron Speciosum

The flowers of philodendron speciosum are purplish green on the outside and purplish red on the inside.…

The petals of phyllocactus biformis flowers are narrow and about two or three inches long. The flowers are a pale, rosy pink color. The plant branches freely and is three feet tall.

Phyllocactus Biformis

The petals of phyllocactus biformis flowers are narrow and about two or three inches long. The flowers…

Shown are the Urticaceae, Loranthaceae, and Olacaceae orders. Urtica, banksia, protea, phoradendron, and liriosma are flowers of these orders that are illustrated here.

Urticaceae, Loranthaceae, and Olacaceae Orders

Shown are the Urticaceae, Loranthaceae, and Olacaceae orders. Urtica, banksia, protea, phoradendron,…

Acacia tenuifolia is an everblooming shrub with a stick substance on the young flower buds. The shrub has a honey like odor. The fruit is ripe June to November.

Acacia Tenuifolia

Acacia tenuifolia is an everblooming shrub with a stick substance on the young flower buds. The shrub…

The common name of acacia calamifolia is broom wattle. It is a tall shrub with slender, erect branches. The shrub flowers February to April. The fruit is ripe in August.

Acacia Calamifolia

The common name of acacia calamifolia is broom wattle. It is a tall shrub with slender, erect branches.…

The acacia armata shrub is eight to ten feet wide and seven to eleven feet tall. The fruit is ripe is August and the shrub flowers February to April. A common name of acacia armata is kangaroo thorn.

Acacia Armata

The acacia armata shrub is eight to ten feet wide and seven to eleven feet tall. The fruit is ripe is…

The acacia salicina variation wayae shrub is eight feet tall. The shrub blooms sparingly at various times throughout the year. The pods are between one and two inches long and must be picked as soon as they are ripe.

Acacia Salicina Variation Wayae

The acacia salicina variation wayae shrub is eight feet tall. The shrub blooms sparingly at various…

The common name of acacia verticillata is whorl-leaved acacia. It is a spreading shrub or small tree of graceful habit. The pods are flat, straight, or slight curved. The flowers appear in March and April.

Acacia Verticillata

The common name of acacia verticillata is whorl-leaved acacia. It is a spreading shrub or small tree…

Gum arabic tree is the common name of acacia arabica. The gum arabic tree is a small tree with gray branchlets. The leaflets grow in ten to twenty pairs.

Gum Arabic Tree

Gum arabic tree is the common name of acacia arabica. The gum arabic tree is a small tree with gray…

Red-Hot Cat-Tail is the common name of acalypha hispida. This shrub is cultivated for its long red spikes of flowers. The flower spikes are much longer than the leaves.

Red-Hot Cat-Tail

Red-Hot Cat-Tail is the common name of acalypha hispida. This shrub is cultivated for its long red spikes…

Acalypha wilkesiana variation macafeana has red leaves marked with crimson and bronze. It is said to be the most common variety of acalypha.

Acalypha Wilkesiana Variation Macafeana

Acalypha wilkesiana variation macafeana has red leaves marked with crimson and bronze. It is said to…

The acanthopanax pentaphyllum shrub is five to ten feet tall. The branches are arching and slender, with a few straight prickles.

Acanthopanax Pentaphyllum

The acanthopanax pentaphyllum shrub is five to ten feet tall. The branches are arching and slender,…

Acer ginnala grows twenty feet tall. The leaves are three lobes. The flowers are yellowish and fragrant.

Acer Ginnala

Acer ginnala grows twenty feet tall. The leaves are three lobes. The flowers are yellowish and fragrant.

<I>Actinide argot</i> is a high climbing shrub. There are three or more white flowers. The fruit is greenish yellow, about one inch long, and sweet.

Actinidia Arguta

Actinide argot is a high climbing shrub. There are three or more white flowers. The fruit is greenish…

<i>Aeglopsis chevalier</i> is a large shrub or small, spiny tree. The spines are long, slender, and straight. The fruits are deep orange with a thin, hard shell.

Aeglopsis Chevalieri

Aeglopsis chevalier is a large shrub or small, spiny tree. The spines are long, slender, and straight.…

<i>Aesculus georgiana</i> is a shrub that grows six feet tall. The flowers are red and yellow. The shrub flowers in May and June.

Aesculus Georgiana

Aesculus georgiana is a shrub that grows six feet tall. The flowers are red and yellow. The shrub flowers…

<i>Aesculus parviflora</i> shrubs grow between three and ten feet tall. There are five to seven oblong leaflets. The fruit is smooth.

Aesculus Parviflora

Aesculus parviflora shrubs grow between three and ten feet tall. There are five to seven oblong leaflets.…

<I>Amelanchier alnifolia</I> is a ten foot tall shrub with stout, upright branches. The flowers are rather small. The fruit is black and bloomy.

Amelanchier Alnifolia

Amelanchier alnifolia is a ten foot tall shrub with stout, upright branches. The flowers are rather…

The <I>Amelanchier bartramiana</I> shrub grows up to eight feet tall. The fruit is purplish black and bloomy.

Amelanchier Bartramiana

The Amelanchier bartramiana shrub grows up to eight feet tall. The fruit is purplish black and bloomy.

The common name of <I>Amorpha fruticose</I> is bastard indigo. The shrub grows between five and twenty feet tall. The flowers are dark purple.

Amorpha Fruticosa

The common name of Amorpha fruticose is bastard indigo. The shrub grows between five and twenty feet…

The <I>Arctostaphylos manzanita</I> shrub grows thirty feet tall. The fruit is between one quarter and one half an inch long. The leaves are dull green and egg shaped.

Arctostaphylos Manzanita

The Arctostaphylos manzanita shrub grows thirty feet tall. The fruit is between one quarter and one…

<I>Ardisia crenulata</I> has oblong, wavy margined leaves. The fruit droops is clusters. The flowers are sweet scented.

Ardisia Crenulata

Ardisia crenulata has oblong, wavy margined leaves. The fruit droops is clusters. The flowers are sweet…

<I>Artabotrys uncinatus</I> is a climbing shrub with branches at a wide angle. The leaves are oblong and taper to a point. The flowers have six petals and are brownish red.

Artabotrys Uncinatus

Artabotrys uncinatus is a climbing shrub with branches at a wide angle. The leaves are oblong and taper…

The common names of <I>Artemisia stelleriana</I> are old woman, dusty miller, and beach wormwood. The plant grows two feet tall and has a woody, creeping base.

Artemisia Stelleriana

The common names of Artemisia stelleriana are old woman, dusty miller, and beach wormwood. The plant…

The common name of <I>Artemisia pontica</I> is Roman wormwood. The plant is shrubby and erect, growing between one and four feet tall. The flower heads are small and whitish yellow.

Artemisia Pontica

The common name of Artemisia pontica is Roman wormwood. The plant is shrubby and erect, growing between…

The common name of <I>Artemisia vulgaris</I> is mugwort. The leaves are white and cottony beneath but green above. There are many oblong, yellow flower heads.

Artemisia Vulgaris

The common name of Artemisia vulgaris is mugwort. The leaves are white and cottony beneath but green…

<I>Atalantia ceylonica</I> is a spiny shrub or small tree native to India. The leaves grow up to three inches long. The inside of the fruit is dry.

Atalantia Ceylonica

Atalantia ceylonica is a spiny shrub or small tree native to India. The leaves grow up to three inches…

<I>Atriplex breweri</I> is a stout woody shrub that grows four to six feet tall. The leaves are silvery gray, oval shaped and oblong.

Atriplex Breweri

Atriplex breweri is a stout woody shrub that grows four to six feet tall. The leaves are silvery gray,…

<I>Aucuba japonica</I> is a stout shrub that grows four to fifteen feet tall. The berries are scarlet, rarely white or yellow, and oblong.

Variegata Variety of Aucuba Japonica

Aucuba japonica is a stout shrub that grows four to fifteen feet tall. The berries are scarlet, rarely…

<I>Banksia ericifolia</I> is a shrub or small tree, growing twelve to fourteen feet tall. The leaves grow hardly any longer than three quarters of an inch. The flowers are yellow.

Banksia Ericifolia

Banksia ericifolia is a shrub or small tree, growing twelve to fourteen feet tall. The leaves grow hardly…

The common names of <I>Benzoin aestivale</I> are spice bush, Benjamin bush, wild allspice, and fever bush. The shrub grows six to fifteen feet tall. The flowers are yellow.

Benzoin Aestivale

The common names of Benzoin aestivale are spice bush, Benjamin bush, wild allspice, and fever bush.…