An illustration showing how to use isometric perspective. "This kind of perspective admits of scale measurements the same as any ordinary drawing, and gives a clear representation of the object. It is easily learned. All horizontal rectangular lines are drawn at an angle of 30°. All circles are ellipses of proportion, as shown."

Construction Using Isometric Perspective

An illustration showing how to use isometric perspective. "This kind of perspective admits of scale…

An illustration showing how to construct an ellipse parallel to two parallel lines A and B. "Draw a semicircle on AB, draw ordinates in the circle at right angle to AB, the corresponding and equal ordinates for the ellipse to be drawn parallel to the lines, and thus the elliptic curve is obtained as shown by the figure."

Construction Of An Ellipse Tangent To Two Parallel Lines

An illustration showing how to construct an ellipse parallel to two parallel lines A and B. "Draw a…

An illustration showing how to construct a parabola. "Given the vertex A, axis x, and a point P. Draw AB at right angle to x, and BP parallel to x, divide AB and BP into an equal number of equal parts. From the vertex A draw lines to the divisions on BP, from the divisions on AB draw the ordinates parallel to x, the corresponding intersections are points in the parabola."

Construction Of A Parabola

An illustration showing how to construct a parabola. "Given the vertex A, axis x, and a point P. Draw…

An illustration showing a model of 2 circles with tangent lines, diameters, and radii that illustrates the following geometric relationship: "x = aR/(R - r), a = √(t&sup2 + (R - r)&sup2), t = √(a&sup2 - (R - r)&sup2, sin.v = t/a."

Model Of Geometric Relationships In 2 Circles

An illustration showing a model of 2 circles with tangent lines, diameters, and radii that illustrates…

An illustration showing a model of 2 circles with tangent lines, diameters, and radii that illustrates the following geometric relationship: " t = √(a&sup2 - (R + r)&sup2, a = √(t&sup2 - (R + r)&sup2 "

Model Of Geometric Relationships In 2 Circles

An illustration showing a model of 2 circles with tangent lines, diameters, and radii that illustrates…

An illustration showing a model of intersecting lines that that are formed by a double cone.

Intersecting Lines Of A Double Cone

An illustration showing a model of intersecting lines that that are formed by a double cone.

"Diagram to illustrate the inferred structure in the vicinity of the "Triangle." Arkose conglomerate is represented by lines and ellipses, anterior basalt by the black areas, anterior shale by parallel lines, and main basalt by cross-hachure areas. The finer hachuring (and hence the deeper shade) corresponds to the higher blocks of the basalt." -Walcott, 1901

Basalt Diagram

"Diagram to illustrate the inferred structure in the vicinity of the "Triangle." Arkose conglomerate…

A diagram of the relative position of the bone, cartilage, and synovial membrane. Labels: 1,The extremities of two bones to form a joint. 2, The cartilage that covers the end of the bone. 3, The synovial membrane, which covers the cartilage of both bones and is then doubled back from one to the other, represented by the dotted lines.

Position of the Bone, Cartilage, and Synovial Membranes

A diagram of the relative position of the bone, cartilage, and synovial membrane. Labels: 1,The extremities…

A diagram of the skin. Labels: 1, The lines or ridges of the cuticle, cut perpendicularly. 2, The furrow or wrinkles of the same. 3, The cuticles. 4, The colored layer of the cuticle. 5, The cutis vera. 6, The papillae, each of which answers to the lines on the external surface of the skin. 7, Small furrows between the papillae, 8, The deeper furrows between each couple of the papillae. 9, Cells filled with fat. 10, The adipose later, with numerous fat vesicles. 12, Two hairs. 13, A perspiratory gland, with its spiral duct. 15, Another perspiratory gland, with a duct less spiral. 15, Oil-glands with ducts opening into the sheath of the hair.

A Diagram of the Skin

A diagram of the skin. Labels: 1, The lines or ridges of the cuticle, cut perpendicularly. 2, The furrow…

"Effect of removal of a leaflet from a palmately compound leaf (e.g. Woodbine). B, normal leaf; C, after removal of upper right-hand leaflet. A, Unbroken lines represent average normal position of leaflets; dotted lines, average position of leaflets after operation; barred line, position of leaflet removed." -Gager, 1916

Leaflet Removal

"Effect of removal of a leaflet from a palmately compound leaf (e.g. Woodbine). B, normal leaf; C, after…

Section of the aorta, to show the action of the semilunar valve. A is intended to show the valves, represented by the dotted lines, lying near the arterial walls, represented by the continuous outer line. B (after Hunter) shows the arterial wall distended into three pouched (a), and drawn away from the valves, which are straightened into the form of an equilateral triangle, as represented by the dotted line.

Action of Semilunar Valve

Section of the aorta, to show the action of the semilunar valve. A is intended to show the valves, represented…

Taste goblet from dog's epiglottis (laryngeal surface near the base) , precisely similar in structure to those found in the tongue. Labels: a, depression in epithelium over goblet; below the letter are seen the fine hair-like processes in which the cells terminate; c, two nuclei of the axial (gustatory) cells. The more superficial nuclei belong to the superficial (encasing) cells; the converging lines indicate the fusiform shape of the encasing cells.

Taste Goblet from Dog's Epiglottis

Taste goblet from dog's epiglottis (laryngeal surface near the base) , precisely similar in structure…

The hair is produced by a peculiar growth and modification of the epidermis. Externally it is covered by a layer of fine scales closely imbricated, or overlapping like the tiles of a house, but with the free edges turned upwards. It is called the cuticle of the hair. Shown in the magnified surface of a hair. The wave lines mark the upper or free edges of the cortical scales. B, separate scales.

Magnified Surface of a Hair

The hair is produced by a peculiar growth and modification of the epidermis. Externally it is covered…

Diagram of a longitudinal section through the pons, showing the relation of the nuclei for the ocular muscles. CQ, corpora quadrigemina; 3, third nerve; II I, its nucleus; 4, forth nerve; IV, its nucleus, the posterior part of the third; 6, sixth nerve. The probable position of the center and nerve fibers for accommodation is show at a and a' for the reflex action of iris, at b, and b'; for the external rectus muscles, at c, c'. The lines beneath the floor of the forth ventricle indicate fibers, which connect the nuclei.


Diagram of a longitudinal section through the pons, showing the relation of the nuclei for the ocular…

Diagram of the motor tract as shown in a diagrammatic horizontal section through the cerebral hemispheres Crura, Pons, and Medulla. Fr., frontal lobe; Oc., occipital lobe; AF., ascending frontal, AP., ascending parietal convolutions; PCF., pre-central fissure in front of the ascending frontal, AP., ascending parietal convolution; FR., fissure of Rolando; IPF., interparietal fissure, a section of crus is lettered on the left side. SN., substantia nigra; Py., pyramidal motor fiber, which on the right is shown as continuous lines converging to pass through the posterior limb of IC. internal capsule ( the knee or elbow of which is shown thus) upwards into the hemisphere and downwards through the pons to cross the medulla in the anterior pyramids.

Cerebral Hemisphere

Diagram of the motor tract as shown in a diagrammatic horizontal section through the cerebral hemispheres…

Diagram to show the connecting of the Frontal Occipital Lobes with the Cerebellum. The dotted lines passing in the crusta, outside the motor fibers, indicate the connection between the temporo-occipital lobe and the cerebellum. F.C., the fronto-cerebellar fibers, which pass internally to the motor tract in the crusta; I.F., fibers from the caudate nucleus to the pons. FR., frontal lobe; Oc, occipital lobe; AF. ascending frontal; AP., ascending frontal convolution; FR., fissure of Rolando; IPF., interparietal fissure, a section of crus is lettered on the left side. SN., substantia nigra; PY. pyramidal motor fiber, which on the right is shown as continuous lines converging to pass through the posterior limb of IC. internal capsule ( the knee or elbow of which is shown thus) upwards into the hemisphere and downwards through the pons to cross at the medulla in the anterior pyramids.

Brain Showing Connection of Frontal Occipital Lobe with Cerebellum

Diagram to show the connecting of the Frontal Occipital Lobes with the Cerebellum. The dotted lines…

"The center is a bright violet, with brownish longitudinal, punctured lines. All these are inhabitants of the tropical seas."

Tridacna Squamosa (Outside) (Lamarck)

"The center is a bright violet, with brownish longitudinal, punctured lines. All these are inhabitants…

Showing the lines which indicate the position of the principal fissures of the brain.

Principle Fissures of the Brain

Showing the lines which indicate the position of the principal fissures of the brain.

"The center is a bright violet, with brownish longitudinal, punctured lines. All these are inhabitants of the tropical seas."

Tridacna Squamosa (Inside) (Lamarck)

"The center is a bright violet, with brownish longitudinal, punctured lines. All these are inhabitants…

These are very destructive parasites that attack valuable crops. Black lines and dots appear on the wheat forming masses of spores called winter spores.

Winter Spores (teleutospores) on Wheat

These are very destructive parasites that attack valuable crops. Black lines and dots appear on the…

These are very destructive parasites that attack valuable crops. Rusty lines and dots appear on the leaves, which are masses of spores called summer spores.

Summer Spores (Uredospores) on Wheat

These are very destructive parasites that attack valuable crops. Rusty lines and dots appear on the…

Epiphyseal lines in the neighborhood of the knee joint and their relationship to the synovial membrane.

Epiphyseal lines in the Knee Joint

Epiphyseal lines in the neighborhood of the knee joint and their relationship to the synovial membrane.

"Zigzag Cowries are beautifully ornamented with waving and broken lines."

Cypraea Zigzag (Linnaeus)

"Zigzag Cowries are beautifully ornamented with waving and broken lines."

"Observe: That when drawn above the level of the eye, the bottom faces can be seen. (Boxes H, C and I.) That when drawn below the level of the eye, the top faces can be seen. (Boxes F, B and G.) That when drawn at the left of the eye, the right faces can be seen (Boxes H, D and F)> That when drawn at the right of the eye, the left faces can be seen. (Boxes I, E and G.)" -Foster, 1921


"Observe: That when drawn above the level of the eye, the bottom faces can be seen. (Boxes H, C and…

"In the last partition of the shell is the animal, covered by its mantle, which lines to walls of the partitions. The mouth of the nautilus is armed with mandibles, fashioned somewhat like a parrot's beak."

Nautilus Pompilius (Linnaeus), showing the interior of the lower cell, to which the animal is fixed.

"In the last partition of the shell is the animal, covered by its mantle, which lines to walls of the…

A football field labeled with yard lines and measurements.

Football Field

A football field labeled with yard lines and measurements.

"The Tabanus Autumnalis is a common species, eight or nine lines in length, or a blackish color."

Tabanus Autumnalis

"The Tabanus Autumnalis is a common species, eight or nine lines in length, or a blackish color."

The outer surface of the temporal bone. The dotted lines indicate the lines of suture between squamous, mastoid, or tympanic portions.

Temporal Bone

The outer surface of the temporal bone. The dotted lines indicate the lines of suture between squamous,…

The lateral wall of the left nasal cavity. The greater part of the middle turbinated bone has been excised to expose the structures and orifices situated beneath it. A part of the anterior portion of the inferior turbinated bone had been removed. The original borders of the turbinated bones are indicated by dotted lines. The superior turbinated bone is intact. The orifices of the left sphenoidal and frontal sinuses are indicated by arrows.

Nasal Cavity

The lateral wall of the left nasal cavity. The greater part of the middle turbinated bone has been excised…

"The Lackey derives its name from the color of the caterpillar, which has longitudinal lines of various colors and a blue head."

The Lackey (Bombyx Neustria)

"The Lackey derives its name from the color of the caterpillar, which has longitudinal lines of various…

"There are solitary wasps which make their cells in holes, which they scoop out in the ground or in stalks or certain plants. The larva lines its cell with a silky cocoon."

Larva of the Odynerus Wasp

"There are solitary wasps which make their cells in holes, which they scoop out in the ground or in…

Frontal section through knee joint, showing articulating surfaces and epiphyseal lines.

Frontal Section Through Knee Joint

Frontal section through knee joint, showing articulating surfaces and epiphyseal lines.

"They are small almost globular, of a pale yellow with green lines, an live in sand bordering rivers."

Omophron Libatum

"They are small almost globular, of a pale yellow with green lines, an live in sand bordering rivers."

"They are small almost globular, of a pale yellow with green lines, an live in sand bordering rivers. This species can be found all along the coast of the Mediterranean."

Nebria Arenaria

"They are small almost globular, of a pale yellow with green lines, an live in sand bordering rivers.…

The osseous labyrinth in vertical section. The broken, white lines indicate the position of the basilar membrane of the canal of the cochlea.

Osseous Labyrinth in Vertical Section

The osseous labyrinth in vertical section. The broken, white lines indicate the position of the basilar…

Vertical section of a tooth in situ. Labels: c, pulp cavity; 1, enamel with radial and concentric markings; 2, dentin with tubules and incremental lines; 3, cementum or crusta petrosa; 4, pericemental membrane; 5, bone of mandible.

Vertical Section of a Tooth

Vertical section of a tooth in situ. Labels: c, pulp cavity; 1, enamel with radial and concentric markings;…

Illustration showing intersecting straight lines meeting to form a triangle. It is formed by the intersection of the surface of a cone with a plane parallel to the axis and actually containing the axis.

Degenerate Conic Forming Triangle

Illustration showing intersecting straight lines meeting to form a triangle. It is formed by the intersection…

Illustration showing a how in "analytic geometry it is customary to specify the position of a plane in space by giving the lengths that the plane in question cuts off from three fixed straight lines, which meet at a common point and are called 'axes.'"


Illustration showing a how in "analytic geometry it is customary to specify the position of a plane…

Illustration showing a parabola with curve lines.


Illustration showing a parabola with curve lines.

An illustration of an iron derrick, a lifting device composed of one mast or pole which is hinged freely at the bottom. It is controlled by lines (usually four of them) powered by some means such as man-hauling or motors, so that the pole can move in all four directions. A line runs up it and over its top with a hook on the end, like with a crane. It is commonly used in docks and onboard ships. Some large derricks are mounted on dedicated vessels, and are often known as "floating derricks".


An illustration of an iron derrick, a lifting device composed of one mast or pole which is hinged freely…

A decorative divider with floral ornaments and intertwining lines.

Floral Divider

A decorative divider with floral ornaments and intertwining lines.

Diagrammatic representation of the roots and ganglia of the spinal nerves, showing their position in relation to the spinal column. The nerves are shown as thick black lines on the left side.

Spinal Nerves

Diagrammatic representation of the roots and ganglia of the spinal nerves, showing their position in…

An illustration of a dredging boat (right) and a derrick (left). A derrick is a lifting device composed of one mast or pole which is hinged freely at the bottom. It is controlled by lines (usually four of them) powered by some means such as man-hauling or motors, so that the pole can move in all four directions.

Dredging Boat and Derrick

An illustration of a dredging boat (right) and a derrick (left). A derrick is a lifting device composed…

Contour lines never cross on the ground but in rare cases as an overhanging cliff they may cross on the map.

Contour Lines

Contour lines never cross on the ground but in rare cases as an overhanging cliff they may cross on…

A contour about to cross a stream runs up one side and down the other, making a V where it crosses, the angle of the V pointing up stream. Contour lines representing spurs between stream lines are generally U shaped with the bottom or rounded part of the U pointing down hill.

Contour Lines

A contour about to cross a stream runs up one side and down the other, making a V where it crosses,…

Vertical interval is the difference in elevation between adjacent contours.

Vertical Interval

Vertical interval is the difference in elevation between adjacent contours.

A vanishing point is a point in a perspective drawing to which parallel lines appear to converge.

Vanishing Point

A vanishing point is a point in a perspective drawing to which parallel lines appear to converge.

A vanishing point is a point in a perspective drawing to which parallel lines appear to converge.

Vanishing Point

A vanishing point is a point in a perspective drawing to which parallel lines appear to converge.

A vanishing point is a point in a perspective drawing to which parallel lines appear to converge.

Vanishing Point

A vanishing point is a point in a perspective drawing to which parallel lines appear to converge.

In cartography, a contour line (often just called a "contour") joins points of equal elevation (height) above a given level, such as mean sea level. A contour map is a map illustrated with contour lines, for example a topographic map, which thus shows valleys and hills, and the steepness of slopes. The contour interval of a contour map is the difference in elevation between successive contour lines.

Glacier Contours

In cartography, a contour line (often just called a "contour") joins points of equal elevation (height)…

In cartography, a contour line (often just called a "contour") joins points of equal elevation (height) above a given level, such as mean sea level. A contour map is a map illustrated with contour lines, for example a topographic map, which thus shows valleys and hills, and the steepness of slopes. The contour interval of a contour map is the difference in elevation between successive contour lines.

Glacier Form Lines

In cartography, a contour line (often just called a "contour") joins points of equal elevation (height)…

In cartography, a contour line (often just called a "contour") joins points of equal elevation (height) above a given level, such as mean sea level. A contour map is a map illustrated with contour lines, for example a topographic map, which thus shows valleys and hills, and the steepness of slopes. The contour interval of a contour map is the difference in elevation between successive contour lines.

Contour System

In cartography, a contour line (often just called a "contour") joins points of equal elevation (height)…

The typical representation of depression contours, if otherwise ambiguous, on a topographical map.

Depression Contours

The typical representation of depression contours, if otherwise ambiguous, on a topographical map.

The typical representation of rocky bluffs on a topographical map.

Rocky Bluffs

The typical representation of rocky bluffs on a topographical map.

The typical representation of bluffs (other than rocky) on a topographical map.

Bluffs, Other than Rocky

The typical representation of bluffs (other than rocky) on a topographical map.

The typical representation of sand dunes on a topographical map.

Sand Dunes

The typical representation of sand dunes on a topographical map.

The typical representation of shore lines and low-water lines with tidal flats of any kind on a topographical map.

Tidal Flats of any Kind

The typical representation of shore lines and low-water lines with tidal flats of any kind on a topographical…

An illustration of a horse-drawn street car. The first passenger services in the world were started by the Oystermouth Railway in Wales, using specially designed carriages on an existing tram line built for horse-drawn freight dandies. Fare-paying passengers were carried on a line between Oystermouth, Mumbles and Swansea docks from 1807. Other forms of public transit developed out of the early omnibus that first ran on public streets in the 1820s. These were local versions of the stagecoach lines, and picked up and dropped off passengers on a regular route, without the need to be pre-hired. Horsecars on tram lines were an improvement over the omnibus as the low rolling resistance of metal wheels on iron or steel rails, (usually grooved from 1852 on), allowed the animals to haul a greater load for a given effort than the omnibus. The horse-drawn streetcar combined the low cost, flexibility, and safety of animal power with the efficiency, smoothness, and all-weather capability of a rail right-of-way.

Street Car

An illustration of a horse-drawn street car. The first passenger services in the world were started…

The typical representation of shores and low-water lines with rocky ledges on a topographical map.

Rocky Ledges

The typical representation of shores and low-water lines with rocky ledges on a topographical map.

The typical representation of shores and low-water lines with sand on a topographical map.


The typical representation of shores and low-water lines with sand on a topographical map.