A fish that grows to two and a half feet in length common in Mississippi.

Black Horse Fish

A fish that grows to two and a half feet in length common in Mississippi.

A fish comsisting of an ossified skeleton and the ventral fins united in a broad suctorial disk.


A fish comsisting of an ossified skeleton and the ventral fins united in a broad suctorial disk.

Horses have long played an important role in transportation, whether ridden or used for pulling vehicles.


Horses have long played an important role in transportation, whether ridden or used for pulling vehicles.

This illustration represents a skeleton of another species of ancient amphibian reptiles.

Raniceps Lyellii

This illustration represents a skeleton of another species of ancient amphibian reptiles.

This is a skeleton of the Megatherium. Megatheria were a group of elephant-sized ground sloths that lived from 2 million to 8,000 years ago. Their smaller ground sloth cousins were the Mylodon.


This is a skeleton of the Megatherium. Megatheria were a group of elephant-sized ground sloths that…

This illustration shows a side view of the human skeleton.

Human Skeleton

This illustration shows a side view of the human skeleton.

This illustration shows a front view of the human skeleton.

Human Skeleton

This illustration shows a front view of the human skeleton.

This is an illustration of the skeleton of a Rhinoceros.

Rhinoceros Skeleton

This is an illustration of the skeleton of a Rhinoceros.

A remarkable genus of fossil lizards, peculiar to the Mesozoic strata. Its anomalous structure was long a puzzle to comparative anatomists.


A remarkable genus of fossil lizards, peculiar to the Mesozoic strata. Its anomalous structure was long…

This illustration shows the skeletons of Anthropid Apes compared with that of Man.

Man and Ape Skeletons

This illustration shows the skeletons of Anthropid Apes compared with that of Man.

A very beautiful animal, resembling te quagga in some respects, but having the coloring of a zebra.


A very beautiful animal, resembling te quagga in some respects, but having the coloring of a zebra.

This illustration shows an ornamental headdress worn by a horse.

Horse Headwear

This illustration shows an ornamental headdress worn by a horse.

The son of Acoetes and allegedly a priest of Poseidon at Troy. He is famous for warning the Trojans in vain against accepting the Trojan Horse from the Greeks, and for his subsequent divine execution.


The son of Acoetes and allegedly a priest of Poseidon at Troy. He is famous for warning the Trojans…

A horse, with names of parts. 1, crest; 2, withers; 3, croup; 4, hamstring; 5, hock; 6, cannon; 7, fetlock; 8, pastern; 9, hoof; 10, coronet; 11, arm; 12, gullet; 13, muzzle.


A horse, with names of parts. 1, crest; 2, withers; 3, croup; 4, hamstring; 5, hock; 6, cannon; 7, fetlock;…

An artistic gymnastics aparatus, used by both males and female gymnasts.

Vaulting Bar

An artistic gymnastics aparatus, used by both males and female gymnasts.

An artistic gymnastics aparatus, used by both males and female gymnasts.


An artistic gymnastics aparatus, used by both males and female gymnasts.

The internal border of the skeleton of the foot.

Foot Skeleton

The internal border of the skeleton of the foot.

The external border of the skeleton of the foot.

Foot Skeleton

The external border of the skeleton of the foot.

A very large flightless bird.

Dinornis Skeleton

A very large flightless bird.

The skeletal hoof of a horse.

Skeletal Hoof

The skeletal hoof of a horse.

"Actinomma Asteracanthion, a Radiolarian with a limited number of specialized radii (axes), symmetrically arranged about the center. A, whole animal with portion of two spheres of shell removed. B, section, showing relation of the protoplasm to the skeleton. n, nucleus; p, protoplasm; sk., skeleton." — Galloway

Actinomma Asteracanthion

"Actinomma Asteracanthion, a Radiolarian with a limited number of specialized radii (axes), symmetrically…

"A sea-horse, Phyllopteryx eques." — Galloway


"A sea-horse, Phyllopteryx eques." — Galloway

British-Indian galloping ambulance.


British-Indian galloping ambulance.

A man riding his horse through town.

Horseback Man

A man riding his horse through town.

A man dressed in plate armor riding a horse.

Man on Horseback

A man dressed in plate armor riding a horse.

A man traveling on horseback through the streets of town.

Man on Horse

A man traveling on horseback through the streets of town.

A view of a horse drawn cart in Central Park.

Central Park

A view of a horse drawn cart in Central Park.

The son of Acoetes and allegedly a priest of Poseidon at Troy. He is famous for warning the Trojans in vain against accepting the Trojan Horse from the Greeks, and for his subsequent divine execution.


The son of Acoetes and allegedly a priest of Poseidon at Troy. He is famous for warning the Trojans…

The skeletal structure of a gorilla.

Gorilla Skeleton

The skeletal structure of a gorilla.

"Skeleton of Dugong: In which the pelvis is a mere bony ring." — Chambers, 1881

Dugong Skeleton

"Skeleton of Dugong: In which the pelvis is a mere bony ring." — Chambers, 1881

"The vertebre of serpents are so formed as to admit a great pliancy of the body, which is capable of being coiled up, with the head in the center of the coil, and some serpents have the power of throwing themselves to some distance from this coiled position." — Chambers, 1881

Rattlesnake Skeleton

"The vertebre of serpents are so formed as to admit a great pliancy of the body, which is capable of…

"The prey of a serpent is oven thicker than the serpent itself, and to admit of its being swallowed, the throat and body are very dilatable. The bones of the head are adapted to the necessity of a great expansion of the mouth and dilation of the throat." — Chambers, 1881

Serpent Head

"The prey of a serpent is oven thicker than the serpent itself, and to admit of its being swallowed,…

"The Roman soldiers seem to have used two sorts of tents, one, a tent proper, of canvas or some analogous material, and constructed with two solid upright poles, and a roof piece between them; the other more resembling a light hut, of a wooden skeleton, covered by bark, hides, mud, straw, or any material which afforded warmth." — Chambers, 1881

Roman Tent

"The Roman soldiers seem to have used two sorts of tents, one, a tent proper, of canvas or some analogous…

"A reduced copy of the 'Knight,' and is interesting as one of the first wood-engravings executed in Great Britain: several works followed, all, hoever, in the same rude manner." — Chambers, 1881

Wood Engraving

"A reduced copy of the 'Knight,' and is interesting as one of the first wood-engravings executed in…

"Skeleton of the Ateles Beleebuth." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Monkey Skeleton

"Skeleton of the Ateles Beleebuth." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

"The skeleton of the Chacma Baboon." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Chacma Baboon

"The skeleton of the Chacma Baboon." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

A fish with a long body and slender jaws.

Great Pipefish

A fish with a long body and slender jaws.

A fish with a long body and slender jaws.

Massachusetts Pipefish

A fish with a long body and slender jaws.

A piece of armor that protects the breast of a horse.


A piece of armor that protects the breast of a horse.

A spur is a metal tool designed to be worn in pairs on the heels of riding boots for the purpose of directing a horse to move forward or laterally while riding.


A spur is a metal tool designed to be worn in pairs on the heels of riding boots for the purpose of…

"Tergal skeleton of Asterius rubens. a, connecting pieces; b, spinebearing plates." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Asterius Rubens

"Tergal skeleton of Asterius rubens. a, connecting pieces; b, spinebearing plates." — Encyclopedia…

"A current is caused to pass from the mercury through C along the radius of the disc A through the field of magnetic force due to the horse-shoe magnet NO. The result is that the wheel rotates in the direction indicated by the arrow." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Barlow Apparatus

"A current is caused to pass from the mercury through C along the radius of the disc A through the field…

A restored skeleton of <em>Uintathcrium (Dinoceras) mirabile.</em>

Dinoceras Skeleton

A restored skeleton of Uintathcrium (Dinoceras) mirabile.

"A Skeleton of a young colony of <em>Tubipora purpurea</em>. st, stolon; p, platform. B, Diagrammatic longitudinal section of a corallite, showing two platforms, p, and simple and cup-shaped tabulae, t." &mdash;Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Colony of Tubipora Purpurea

"A Skeleton of a young colony of Tubipora purpurea. st, stolon; p, platform. B, Diagrammatic…

A large rake drawn by a horse.

Horse Rake

A large rake drawn by a horse.

"Side view of second upper molar tooth of Anchitherium (brachyodont form)." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Horse Molar

"Side view of second upper molar tooth of Anchitherium (brachyodont form)." — Encyclopedia Britannica,…

"Corresponding tooth of horse (hypsidont form)." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Horse Molar

"Corresponding tooth of horse (hypsidont form)." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

"Successive stages of modification of the feet of extinct forms of horse-like animals, showin gradual reduction of the outer and enlargement of the middle toe (III). Orohippus (Eocene)." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Horse Foot

"Successive stages of modification of the feet of extinct forms of horse-like animals, showin gradual…

"Successive stages of modification of the feet of extinct forms of horse-like animals, showin gradual reduction of the outer and enlargement of the middle toe (III). Meschippus (Early Miocene)." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Horse Foot

"Successive stages of modification of the feet of extinct forms of horse-like animals, showin gradual…

"Successive stages of modification of the feet of extinct forms of horse-like animals, showin gradual reduction of the outer and enlargement of the middle toe (III). Miohippus and Anchitherium (Late Miocene)." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Horse Foot

"Successive stages of modification of the feet of extinct forms of horse-like animals, showin gradual…

"Successive stages of modification of the feet of extinct forms of horse-like animals, showin gradual reduction of the outer and enlargement of the middle toe (III). Hipparion and Pliohippus (Pliocene)." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Horse Foot

"Successive stages of modification of the feet of extinct forms of horse-like animals, showin gradual…

"Successive stages of modification of the feet of extinct forms of horse-like animals, showin gradual reduction of the outer and enlargement of the middle toe (III). Equus (Pleistocene)." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Horse Foot

"Successive stages of modification of the feet of extinct forms of horse-like animals, showin gradual…

"Side view of skull of horse, with the bone removed so as to expose the whole of the teeth. PMx, premaxilla; Mx, maxilla; Na, nasal bone; Ma, malar bone; L, lacrymal bone; Fr, frontal bone; Sq, squamosal bone; Pa, parietal bone; oc, occipital condyle; pp, paroccipital process; i, the three incisor teeth; c, the canine tooth; pm1, the situation of the rudimentary first premolar, which has been lost in the lower, but is present in the upper jaw; pm2, pm3, and pm4, the three fully-developed premolar teeth; m, the three true molar teeth." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Horse Skull

"Side view of skull of horse, with the bone removed so as to expose the whole of the teeth. PMx, premaxilla;…

A horse drawn harvesting machine for grain crops.

Reaping Machine

A horse drawn harvesting machine for grain crops.

A bit intended to prevent a horse from lifting his head when rearing.

Rearing Bit

A bit intended to prevent a horse from lifting his head when rearing.

"The spinal column consists of abdominal and caudal vertebre, the coalescence of the parapophyses into a complete hemal ring and the suspension of the anal fin generally forming a sufficiently well-marked boundary between the abdominal and caudal regions." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Perch Skeleton

"The spinal column consists of abdominal and caudal vertebre, the coalescence of the parapophyses into…

"Skeleton of the Perch's Skull." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Perch Skull

"Skeleton of the Perch's Skull." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

"Panathenaic Frieze, from the Parthenon." &mdash; Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"Panathenaic Frieze, from the Parthenon." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

A cart used in the 19th century as an ambulance.

Ambulance Cart

A cart used in the 19th century as an ambulance.

"The humerus, which moves freely by a globular head upon the scapula, forming the shoulder-joint." &mdash; Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"The humerus, which moves freely by a globular head upon the scapula, forming the shoulder-joint." —…