(1837-1898) German author who studied Early Egyptian life and wrote many books such as Egypt and the…
A plant originating in Egypt that was used to make papyrus, a writing material until paper was introduced…
Wading birds with long, slender bills found in warmer climates of both hemispheres. The Sacred ibis…
The sacred bull, worshipped with divine honors by the ancient Egyptians, who regarded it as a symbol…
The skink is common in Egypt and can reach 8-9 inches. In the U.S. the five-lined or blue skink is the…
A machine used for lifting water, thought to have been invented by Archimedes in egypt for draining…
(69 B.C.- 30 B.C.) Cleopatra was Queen of Egypt. She had a history with Caesar and went through two…
(1685-1759) Handel was a musician and composer. His most famous work was "Atalanta."
The scaraboeus or beetle appears isolated on mummy-cases and elsewhere, as a symbol of creation and…
The lotus flower has been called the sacred flower of Ancient Egypt. It was the largent and most beautiful…
The lotus flower has been called the sacred flower of Ancient Egypt. As a product of the life-giving,…
The lotus flower has been called the sacred flower of Ancient Egypt. It is shown in the hands of kings…
The lotus flower has been called the sacred flower of Ancient Egypt. As a border ornament, the lotus…
The lotus flower has been called the sacred flower of Ancient Egypt. As a border ornament, the lotus…
Lotus-palmette with tabs consists of a group of diverging leaves or petals springing from between two…
The vulture, with widespread wings, symbolizing protection and maternal care, is a frequent and a splendid…
The peculiar horn-like volutes are probably representations of the third and fourth sepals of the lotus-calyx.
Egyptian columns had shafts of three types: a) circular or cylindrical, b) clustered, c) polygonal or…
Figures a and b show the bell-shaped (campaniform) capital. Figure c is a palmiform capital.
In several Egyptian temples there are square or rectangular piers fronted with colossal sculptured figures…