(1842-1899) Ornithologist who served as assistant surgeon in the Union Army. His <I>Birds of the Colorado Valley</I> is considered a classic.

Elliott Coues

(1842-1899) Ornithologist who served as assistant surgeon in the Union Army. His Birds of the Colorado…

The lynx is a timid animal of the cat family that lives primarily on small mammals and birds. It can climb and swim with ease. It has long fur, short tail and ears tipped with a few long hairs.


The lynx is a timid animal of the cat family that lives primarily on small mammals and birds. It can…

The bee-eater moves in large flocks during migration. They eat primarily bees and wasps.


The bee-eater moves in large flocks during migration. They eat primarily bees and wasps.

Known for their distinct crossed bill, these birds eat seed from mature conifer cones. Their unique bill structure helps them to rip the cones apart.


Known for their distinct crossed bill, these birds eat seed from mature conifer cones. Their unique…

Wading birds with long, slender bills found in warmer climates of both hemispheres. The Sacred ibis of the ancient Egyptians is white in color with long glossy, black plumes on the wings.

Sacred Ibis

Wading birds with long, slender bills found in warmer climates of both hemispheres. The Sacred ibis…

Kingfishers are typically stocky, with short tails and bodies. The bill is large and strong and their heads are large with a crest. The American breed typically fish.

Crested Kingfisher

Kingfishers are typically stocky, with short tails and bodies. The bill is large and strong and their…

The lemur (Latin, lemures, ghosts) get their name from the fact that their movements are noiseless, and are made mostly in the night. They live in troops, clinging to branches of trees. They eat fruits, eggs, insects and birds.


The lemur (Latin, lemures, ghosts) get their name from the fact that their movements are noiseless,…

The loris is found in India. It is skillful in capturing birds, which it does in the night when they are asleep.


The loris is found in India. It is skillful in capturing birds, which it does in the night when they…

The fox is characterized chiefly by its pointed muzzle, short legs and its bushy tail. During the day, it tends to stay concealed in grasses and thickets and it comes out at night to hunt its prey, insects, earthworms, fruit and small birds and mammals.


The fox is characterized chiefly by its pointed muzzle, short legs and its bushy tail. During the day,…

The opossum is nocturnal and arboreal. At night it searches for insects, birds, eggs, fruit, etc. It uses its tail for climbing and when attacked it feigns death, giving rise to the origin of the common phrase, playing 'possum.


The opossum is nocturnal and arboreal. At night it searches for insects, birds, eggs, fruit, etc. It…

Falcons are a group of birds of prey that vary in size from the falconet to the gyrefalcon. They can fly at 200 mph in order to catch their prey.


Falcons are a group of birds of prey that vary in size from the falconet to the gyrefalcon. They can…

This bird lives on fish so is commonly found near water. Its nest is composed of sticks, seaweed, and grasses. Instead of feathers, its legs are covered with scales.


This bird lives on fish so is commonly found near water. Its nest is composed of sticks, seaweed, and…

Known for their distinct crossed bill, these birds eat seed from mature conifer cones. Their unique bill structure helps them to rip the cones apart.


Known for their distinct crossed bill, these birds eat seed from mature conifer cones. Their unique…

The hornbill family are remarkable for the very large size of the beak, and the large protuberance that sits atop it. The upper protuberance is hollow and serves as a sounding board to cause reverberations when the bird cries out.


The hornbill family are remarkable for the very large size of the beak, and the large protuberance that…

This bohemian waxwing has more plumage than the typical Cedar waxwing of the U.S. Waxwings have a red patch on the wings that resemble red sealing wax, hence the name.


This bohemian waxwing has more plumage than the typical Cedar waxwing of the U.S. Waxwings have a red…

The Emu, a native of Australia, is nearly as large as the Ostrich, but has shorter legs and neck and a thicker body. The wings are rudimentary and hidden beneath feathers of the body. It cannot fly but runs quickly.


The Emu, a native of Australia, is nearly as large as the Ostrich, but has shorter legs and neck and…

Herons are found on the edges of rivers, lakes and marshes and live on fishes, reptiles and sometimes small mammals. They have long stout and sharp-pointed beaks, in order to catch fish.


Herons are found on the edges of rivers, lakes and marshes and live on fishes, reptiles and sometimes…

These birds are characterized by their curved beaks. Their food consists of insects, worms, slugs, aquatic mollusks, etc., which they obtain by thrusting their long and slender bills into mud or moist earth.


These birds are characterized by their curved beaks. Their food consists of insects, worms, slugs, aquatic…

The flamingo is found in Africa and Asia. The color of the plumage is a deep brilliant scarlet, except the quill feathers, which are black.


The flamingo is found in Africa and Asia. The color of the plumage is a deep brilliant scarlet, except…

Ladybugs, or lady-birds look like little colored and spotted turtles. The larvae of these beetles prey upon plant pests.


Ladybugs, or lady-birds look like little colored and spotted turtles. The larvae of these beetles prey…

Lyre-bird, an Australian bird, the male of which has the tail feathers arranged to look like a lyre.

Lyre bird

Lyre-bird, an Australian bird, the male of which has the tail feathers arranged to look like a lyre.

A bird of the crow family, closely related to the jays but distinguished by having a much longer and graduated tail.


A bird of the crow family, closely related to the jays but distinguished by having a much longer and…

The pine marten lives most of its life in trees, but does hunt on the ground. It feeds primarily on mice, squirrel, birds, frogs and fish.

Pine Marten

The pine marten lives most of its life in trees, but does hunt on the ground. It feeds primarily on…

A member of the blackbird family, close kin to the orioles and blackbirds.


A member of the blackbird family, close kin to the orioles and blackbirds.

Mockingbird, a singing bird of the thrush family closely related to the catbird.


Mockingbird, a singing bird of the thrush family closely related to the catbird.

An American insect-catching bird related to the whip-poor-will, a member of the goatsucker family.


An American insect-catching bird related to the whip-poor-will, a member of the goatsucker family.

Nightingale, a bird famous on account of its brilliant song, which for quality and variety is not exceeded by that of any other bird.


Nightingale, a bird famous on account of its brilliant song, which for quality and variety is not exceeded…

Nightingale, a small creeping bird seen running up and down the trunks of trees, getting its name from its habit of hatching open nuts it has previously wedged in the bark of trees, (Beach, 1909).

White-breasted Nuthatch

Nightingale, a small creeping bird seen running up and down the trunks of trees, getting its name from…

Partridge, a game bird belonging to the grouse family.


Partridge, a game bird belonging to the grouse family.

Pelican, a water bird with webbed feet and a long bill having a pouch on the under surface. The upper part of the bill hooks over the lower.


Pelican, a water bird with webbed feet and a long bill having a pouch on the under surface. The upper…

Pewee, a small flycather.


Pewee, a small flycather.

Pheasant, a long-tailed game bird related to the partridge.


Pheasant, a long-tailed game bird related to the partridge.

The passenger pigeon became extinct in 1914.

Passenger Pigeon

The passenger pigeon became extinct in 1914.

Plover, a shore-bird with long wings and slender legs, related to the snipe.

Golden Plover

Plover, a shore-bird with long wings and slender legs, related to the snipe.

After the turkey, the grouse is the largest game bird in the U.S.


After the turkey, the grouse is the largest game bird in the U.S.

The loon is a diving bird that finds its food under the water. It will dip its bill into the water and perhaps its whole body to find prey.


The loon is a diving bird that finds its food under the water. It will dip its bill into the water and…

Penguins are excellent swimmers and divers.


Penguins are excellent swimmers and divers.

Penguins are excellent swimmers and divers.


Penguins are excellent swimmers and divers.

They pass swiftly through the air at the height of about a hundred yards, in flocks of from seven and eight to fifty or more, (Audubon).


They pass swiftly through the air at the height of about a hundred yards, in flocks of from seven and…

The guillemots have the beak long, straight, convex above, somewhat angular below. They only come ashore for breeding.


The guillemots have the beak long, straight, convex above, somewhat angular below. They only come ashore…

The head and throat of the male duck can be emerald green with shots of violet. The female is brown and russet gray.


The head and throat of the male duck can be emerald green with shots of violet. The female is brown…

This duck is smaller than a common duck with a long beak with a spoon shape ventrally.


This duck is smaller than a common duck with a long beak with a spoon shape ventrally.

This duck is generally found in sandy, marshy land and moist meadows near the sea.


This duck is generally found in sandy, marshy land and moist meadows near the sea.

This duck is beautifully colored and resembles a mallard. Its wings have an emerald green patch upon them.

Green-Winged Teal

This duck is beautifully colored and resembles a mallard. Its wings have an emerald green patch upon…

This duck is beautifully colored and resembles a mallard.


This duck is beautifully colored and resembles a mallard.

When attacked, the goose makes a hissing noise similar to that of some snakes.


When attacked, the goose makes a hissing noise similar to that of some snakes.

When attacked, the goose makes a hissing noise similar to that of some snakes.


When attacked, the goose makes a hissing noise similar to that of some snakes.

The swan has been an object of admiration for its graceful neck, oval head, prominent beak, soft, and white plumage.


The swan has been an object of admiration for its graceful neck, oval head, prominent beak, soft, and…

The swan has been an object of admiration for its graceful neck, oval head, prominent beak, soft, and white plumage.

Black Swan

The swan has been an object of admiration for its graceful neck, oval head, prominent beak, soft, and…

The head of the anhinga is slender and cylindrical, on a slim and excessively long neck, which makes it resemble a snake when in the water.


The head of the anhinga is slender and cylindrical, on a slim and excessively long neck, which makes…

The gannet is an excellent diver and can remain underwater for more than one minute.


The gannet is an excellent diver and can remain underwater for more than one minute.

The cormorant swallows its prey head first.


The cormorant swallows its prey head first.

Pelicans often travel in considerable flocks, visiting the mouths of rivers or sea coasts.


Pelicans often travel in considerable flocks, visiting the mouths of rivers or sea coasts.

These birds are remarkable for their buoyant, graceful, easy flight, and the soft loose texture of their plumage.


These birds are remarkable for their buoyant, graceful, easy flight, and the soft loose texture of their…

In skimmers the upper beak is shorter than the lower beak, allowing it to pick up shrimp and small fish while skimming the sea.


In skimmers the upper beak is shorter than the lower beak, allowing it to pick up shrimp and small fish…

Gulls live at the seashore wandering for food. They eat fish, crustaceans and mollusks.


Gulls live at the seashore wandering for food. They eat fish, crustaceans and mollusks.

Gulls live at the seashore wandering for food. They eat fish, crustaceans and mollusks.


Gulls live at the seashore wandering for food. They eat fish, crustaceans and mollusks.

Gulls live at the seashore wandering for food. They eat fish, crustaceans and mollusks.


Gulls live at the seashore wandering for food. They eat fish, crustaceans and mollusks.

Gulls live at the seashore wandering for food. They eat fish, crustaceans and mollusks.


Gulls live at the seashore wandering for food. They eat fish, crustaceans and mollusks.

Petrels never dive, and rarely swim. Instead they skim rapidly over the waves looking for food.


Petrels never dive, and rarely swim. Instead they skim rapidly over the waves looking for food.