The Macaws, the largest of the Parrots, are recognizable from their bare cheeks and long tapering tails.


The Macaws, the largest of the Parrots, are recognizable from their bare cheeks and long tapering tails.

Parrots are much appreciated on account of their memory, and also for their habit of repeating what they hear. (Figuier, 1869).

Grey Parrot

Parrots are much appreciated on account of their memory, and also for their habit of repeating what…

Parrots are much appreciated on account of their memory, and also for their habit of repeating what they hear. (Figuier, 1869).

Grey Parrot

Parrots are much appreciated on account of their memory, and also for their habit of repeating what…

Parrots are much appreciated on account of their memory, and also for their habit of repeating what they hear. (Figuier, 1869).

Green Parrot

Parrots are much appreciated on account of their memory, and also for their habit of repeating what…

Parrots are much appreciated on account of their memory, and also for their habit of repeating what they hear. (Figuier, 1869).


Parrots are much appreciated on account of their memory, and also for their habit of repeating what…

Parakeets can be found in the wild in Florida. They are members of the parrot family.  They have a soft, fleshy, mobile tongue and can learn to talk.


Parakeets can be found in the wild in Florida. They are members of the parrot family. They have a soft,…

The foot of a parrot.

Parrot Foot

The foot of a parrot.

"The Federal siege works on Bogue Island, N. C., erected for the reduction of Fort Macon. Our sketch represents the covering of the working parties while constructing Captain Morris's Parrot-gun siege batteries on Bogue Island. Our correspondent said: 'Colonel White sometimes beguiles his leisure moments by throwing shells promiscuously about the sand spit upon which our works are located, doubtless to ascertain the exact position of the batteries and to annoy the working parties. The proceedings on such occasions are of the serio-comic order. At the word 'drop,' given by the sentinel in the 'rat hole' at the top of the sand hill upon seeing the flash from the gun at the fort, every man makes a bee-line at the double quick for the nearest cover, assuming a position as near the horizontal as possible. This gives comparative immunity from danger, and up to this time nobody has been hurt, except by falling pieces of shells which have exploded overhead.'"— Frank Leslie, 1896

Bogue Island

"The Federal siege works on Bogue Island, N. C., erected for the reduction of Fort Macon. Our sketch…

Somewhat larger than the common cross-bill, the parrot cross-bill largely resembles its habits.

Crossbill Parrot

Somewhat larger than the common cross-bill, the parrot cross-bill largely resembles its habits.

An assortment of scansores sitting in a tree.


An assortment of scansores sitting in a tree.

A large number of parrots and cockatoos roosting in the jungle.

Parrots and Cockatoos

A large number of parrots and cockatoos roosting in the jungle.

The Carolina parrot is native to Guiana, but can be found as far north as Virginia. They often travel in flocks of thirty or forty, roosting together inside of hollow trees.

Carolina Parrot

The Carolina parrot is native to Guiana, but can be found as far north as Virginia. They often travel…

Native to South America, the parakeet macaw is renowned for its powers to imitate human speech.

Parakeet Macaw

Native to South America, the parakeet macaw is renowned for its powers to imitate human speech.

The long-billed parrot (<em>nestor productus</em>) is thought to be the connecting link between parrots and cockatoos. It is native to Australia and Norfolk Island.

Long-Billed Parrot

The long-billed parrot (nestor productus) is thought to be the connecting link between parrots…

Mostly red, the purple-capped lory is a rare species known for its docility.

Purple-Capped lory

Mostly red, the purple-capped lory is a rare species known for its docility.

"Parrot is the popular name for any individual of a well-known group of birds from the warmer regions of the globe, remarkable for the brilliant, and in some cases gaudy, coloration of their plumage, and the facility with which many of them acquire and repeat words and phrases."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Gray Parrot

"Parrot is the popular name for any individual of a well-known group of birds from the warmer regions…

A south American parrot.

Amazon Parrot

A south American parrot.

A bird 6 to 7 inches in length with its middle tail feathers about as long. The male is chiefly of a crimson or flaming orange color, varied with iridescent green.

King Bird of Paradise

A bird 6 to 7 inches in length with its middle tail feathers about as long. The male is chiefly of a…

A common European species of birds.

Cirl Bunting

A common European species of birds.

A climbing bird of brilliant color, having a fleshy tongue, and a short, hooked bill toothed above.


A climbing bird of brilliant color, having a fleshy tongue, and a short, hooked bill toothed above.

A marine diving bird, allied to the auk, and having a short, thick beak like that of the parrot.


A marine diving bird, allied to the auk, and having a short, thick beak like that of the parrot.

Birds for the most part white, tinged with sulphury yellow or rose-color, and with elegant recurved crests resembling helmets.


Birds for the most part white, tinged with sulphury yellow or rose-color, and with elegant recurved…

A bird whose plumage is deeply and gorgeously dyed blue.

Blue Guitguit

A bird whose plumage is deeply and gorgeously dyed blue.

A bird about 12 inches long, with a pointed crest somewhat like a cockatoo's. Long exserted midle tail feathers, and dark plumage with white wing coverts, yellow crest, and orange auriculars.


A bird about 12 inches long, with a pointed crest somewhat like a cockatoo's. Long exserted midle tail…

A medium-sized parrot about 12 inches long. A predominantly grey bird, native to Africa.

Grey Parrot

A medium-sized parrot about 12 inches long. A predominantly grey bird, native to Africa.

A genus of tropical birds classes with the climbers. The genus includes many beautiful species, most of them being distinguished by their brilliant and gaudy plumage. They have a hooked bill and live largely in trees, in which the bill aids them in climbing.


A genus of tropical birds classes with the climbers. The genus includes many beautiful species, most…

Large colorful New World parrots. They are the largest birds in the parrot family in length and wingspan.


Large colorful New World parrots. They are the largest birds in the parrot family in length and wingspan.

A parrot having a large erectile nuchal chest.

South American Hawk Parrot

A parrot having a large erectile nuchal chest.

A small bird with a large beat.


A small bird with a large beat.

A green colored woodpecker.

Green Woodpecker

A green colored woodpecker.

A bird parrot with two long tail feathers.

Rachet Tailed Parakeet

A bird parrot with two long tail feathers.

A bird which nests in holes in the ground. About 12inches long, of a blackish color above, white below, with a black collar and gray face; the bill is a very curious bright red.

Common Puffin

A bird which nests in holes in the ground. About 12inches long, of a blackish color above, white below,…

In the males, they have a full globular crest, and the hole under parts flaming red, the back, wings, and tail a dusky brown.

Vermilion Flycatcher

In the males, they have a full globular crest, and the hole under parts flaming red, the back, wings,…

A bird with bright colors and enormous colorful bill.

Ariel Toucan

A bird with bright colors and enormous colorful bill.

A common Indian parrot.

Ring Parrot

A common Indian parrot.

A seeding bird of the cardinal family having a red breast.

Rose Breasted Grosbeak

A seeding bird of the cardinal family having a red breast.

An Australian parrot. Usually consisting of bright colors such as scarlet, green, blue, yellow, and white.


An Australian parrot. Usually consisting of bright colors such as scarlet, green, blue, yellow, and…

These singular birds have an erect compressed semicircular crest and the plumage of the male ranging from flaming orange to blood red.


These singular birds have an erect compressed semicircular crest and the plumage of the male ranging…

This painting was done by the artist, Sir Anthony Van Dyck. The original can be found in the Brignoli Palace at Genoa.

La Marchesa Adorno Di Brignoli

This painting was done by the artist, Sir Anthony Van Dyck. The original can be found in the Brignoli…

"In the last partition of the shell is the animal, covered by its mantle, which lines to walls of the partitions. The mouth of the nautilus is armed with mandibles, fashioned somewhat like a parrot's beak."

Nautilus Pompilius (Linnaeus), showing the interior of the lower cell, to which the animal is fixed.

"In the last partition of the shell is the animal, covered by its mantle, which lines to walls of the…

"The Gray Parrot, or Jaco, belongs to the west coast of Africa."

Gray Parrots

"The Gray Parrot, or Jaco, belongs to the west coast of Africa."

The blue and yellow macaw is a group of large parrots, here hanging upside down from a tree branch.

Blue and Yellow Macaw

The blue and yellow macaw is a group of large parrots, here hanging upside down from a tree branch.

The yellow-crested cockatoo is from the order of true parrots and is known for its white feathers and yellow crest.

Yellow-Crested Cockatoo

The yellow-crested cockatoo is from the order of true parrots and is known for its white feathers and…

A parrot gun.

Parrot Gun

A parrot gun.

The extinct crested parrot of Mauritius.

Crested Parrot of Mauitius

The extinct crested parrot of Mauritius.

The extinct Phillip-Island parrot.

Philip Island Parrot

The extinct Phillip-Island parrot.

The Elegant Parrot (Neophema elegans) is a grass parakeet with the synonym Euphema elegans native to Australia.

Elegant Parrot

The Elegant Parrot (Neophema elegans) is a grass parakeet with the synonym Euphema elegans native to…

Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shape. This tangram depicts a parrot fish.

Parrot Fish

Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures…

Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shape. This tangram depicts a parrot fish.

Parrot Fish

Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures…

Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shape. This tangram depicts a parrot fish.

Parrot Fish

Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures…

Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shape. This tangram depicts a parrot fish.

Parrot Fish

Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures…

Outlines of fish (shark, parrot fish, angelfish, flounder, hogfish, beta) made from tangram pieces. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. 7 figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shapes.

Fish Outline Tangram Card

Outlines of fish (shark, parrot fish, angelfish, flounder, hogfish, beta) made from tangram pieces.…

Solutions for outlines of fish (shark, parrot fish, angelfish, flounder, hogfish, beta) made from tangram pieces. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. 7 figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shapes.

Fish Outline Solution Tangram Card

Solutions for outlines of fish (shark, parrot fish, angelfish, flounder, hogfish, beta) made from tangram…

Silhouette outlines of fish (shark, parrot fish, angelfish, flounder, hogfish, beta) made from tangram pieces. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. 7 figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shapes.

Fish Silhouette Tangram Card

Silhouette outlines of fish (shark, parrot fish, angelfish, flounder, hogfish, beta) made from tangram…

"Stringops habroptilus, the Kakapo or Tarapo of New Zealand has sap-green upper parts, with yellow middles to the feathers and transverse brown markings; yellower lower surface; and browner cheeks, remiges, and rectrices. The soft plumage, the disc of feathers round the eye, and the nocturnal habits have given this bird the name Owl-Parrot." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Stringops habroptilus, the Kakapo or Tarapo of New Zealand has sap-green upper parts, with yellow middles…

"Psittacus erithacus, the Grey Parrot, which ranges across Equatorial Africa, is ashy-grey, with black primaries, red tail, and whitish naked face." A. H. Evans, 1900

Grey Parrot

"Psittacus erithacus, the Grey Parrot, which ranges across Equatorial Africa, is ashy-grey, with black…

"Cats purr, dogs bark, cocks crow, a cow lows, a donkey brays, an eagle screams, parrots talk, spiders tick, mankind laugh and cry." -Trowbridge, 1866

Animal Rebus

"Cats purr, dogs bark, cocks crow, a cow lows, a donkey brays, an eagle screams, parrots talk, spiders…

The Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus), (parakeet, shell parakeet, budgerigah, budgie, or common pet parakeet in US English) is a small parrot belonging to the tribe of the broad-tailed parrots (Platycercini); sometimes considered a subfamily (Platycercinae). It is the only species in the Australian genus Melopsittacus and sometimes isolated in a tribe of its own, the Melopsittacini, although it is probably quite closely related to Pezoporus and Neophema.


The Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus), (parakeet, shell parakeet, budgerigah, budgie, or common pet…

"Fratercula arctica. Common Puffin. Sea Parrot. Crown of head grayish-black, sharply defined against color of sides of head, separated by a slight ashy cervical collar from the dark color of the upper parts. Sides of head, with chin and throat, ashy-white nearly white between eyes and bill, with a dark ashy patch on side of throat. Upper parts glossy blue-black, continuous with a broad collar around the neck in front, not extending to the bill. A narrow line of white along border of fore-arm. Under parts from the neck pure white, the long feathers of the sides and flanks blackish. Under surface of wings pearly-gray; inner webs of primaries and secondaries grayish-brown, the shafts brown, with black ends and whitish bases. Iris brown. Eyelids vermilion-red, the excrescences grayish-blue. Basal collar of bill and first ridge dull yellowish; nasal saddle and corresponding shoe of lower mandible grayish-blue; rest of bill vermilion-red, the tip of the lower mandible and two terminal grooves often yellowish; rosette of mouth orange-yellow; feet coral or vermilion-red; claws black." Elliot Coues, 1884


"Fratercula arctica. Common Puffin. Sea Parrot. Crown of head grayish-black, sharply defined against…

Solutions for silhouette outlines of fish (shark, parrot fish, angelfish, flounder, hogfish, beta) made from tangram pieces. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. 7 figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shapes.

Fish Silhouette Solution Tangram Card

Solutions for silhouette outlines of fish (shark, parrot fish, angelfish, flounder, hogfish, beta) made…