The skull of the Indian Elephant. (i) tusk-like upper incisors; (m) lower jaw, with grinding molars,…
"The only kind of antilope found on this continent. It differs from all the other members of the tribe…
"This elephant differs from the African species, not only in size and in the characters of the teeth…
"Top and side views. The cartilaginous cranium shaded, is supposed to be seen through the unshded canial…
"Skull of lizard with Acrodont Dentition. One of those lizards which have the edge of the jaw, without…
"Skull of a member of the family Alligatoridæ, or some American member of the Crocodilidæ."-Whitney,…
"The most remarkable species is the Death's Head Moth, Acherontia Atropos, a large kind,…
"The Death's-head Moth is the European Acherontia Atropos, a hawk-moth with markings on the thorax resembling…
"The Death's-head Moth is the European Acherontia Atropos, a hawk-moth with markings on the thorax resembling…
"The Gorilla is a celebrated anthropoid ape, generally belived to come nearer than any known one to…
"A, frontal bone; B, parietal bone; C, temporal bone; D, sphenoid bone; E, malar bone; F, upper jawbone;…
"A, Palate process of upper jawbone; B, zygoma, forming zygomatic arch; C, condyle, for forming articulation…
"Showing how the Bones of the Skull may be artificially deformed by "head-binding." From the photograph…
"Any piece of felt; more especially, a skull-cap of felt, a hat. These seems no reason to doubt that…
"The Petasus differed from the pileus or simple skull-cap in having a wide brim: the etymology of the…
"Thor, the thunderer, Odin's eldest son, is the strongest of gods and men, and possesses three very…
A class of mammals allied to the monkey, and found mainly in Africa, southern Asia, and the Philippines.…
An animal resembling the large seals, but it has dental affinities with the ungulates. Its skull is…
This illustration shows the skull of a tapir. Tapirs are large browsing animals, roughly pig-like in…
The platypus is a small, half-aquatic mammal endemic to the eastern part of Australia, and one of the…
This illustration shows the skull of a rattlesnake. ar, articular portion of lower jaw; de, dentary…
This illustration shows the special development of tongues of woodpeckers; a, skull of flicker, showing…
A moth with markings on the back of its thorax very closely resembling a skull. Usually measures 4 to…
The term applied to the psychological theories of Gall and Spurzheim, founded upon 1, the discovery…
A bone in the human skull that consists of two portions, a vertical portion and a horizontal portion.…
A bone in the human skull that consists of two portions, a vertical portion and a horizontal portion.…
Bones situated at the sides and base of the skull. Each consists of five parts: the squama, the petrous,…
A bone situated at the base of the skull in front of the temporals and basilar part of the occipital.
A bone situated at the base of the skull in front of the temporals and basilar part of the occipital.
A bone situated at the base of the skull in front of the temporals and basilar part of the occipital.
"Pectoral girdle and fin of a Teleost. br.o., branchial ossicles; c, coracoid; cl., clavicle; f.r.,…
"The skull of a cod. b, branchiostegal rays born on c.h., the ceratohyal bone; d, dentary portion of…
A front view of a Hochelagan skull, surrounded by the outline, on a larger scale, of the Cromagnon skull.
The outer outline is that of the skull found in the cave of Cromagnon, in France, belogning, as Dawson…