"These animals, often called White Ants, live in vast communities, principally in the hotter…
"The Leodice antennata has the organs of locomotion attached to each segment; they are usually…
"In some species the larvae, which are small, sluggish, oval-shaped creatures, and furnished with a…
"This tribe, which includes the various kinds of Ants, is composed entirely of insects which live in…
"The Common Barnacle, Lepas anatifera, perhaps the best-known example of the order, generally…
"A, B, C, tunnelings of the carpenter bee; E, the carpenter bee; D, a partition; F, teeth, magnified"…
"The working bee, for collecting wax, enters a flower, the stamens of which are loaded with pollen.…
"The eyes, which are among the most wonderful objects in nature, are almost always of the kind called…
"The structure of the mouth in insects exhibits very remarkable modifications, and these are of the…
"The queen bee is larger and longer than the other bees; she moves in a slow and majestic manner, and…
""The working bee, for collecting wax, enters a flower, the stamens of which are loaded with pollen.…
"The secretion of wax, it would appear, goes on best when the bees are in a state of repose, and the…
"The hexagonal cells for the honey are build upon precisely that mathematical angle which affords the…
"The Leptura Mordax, or Rhagium Mordax of Europe, three-fourths of an inch long,…
"The bombadier beetle has a large oval abdomen, which secretes a caustic fluid. They live in societies,…
"The Burying Beetles are prompted by their insect to bury any small animals or pieces of carrion as…
"The insects of this tribe, called Capricorn Beetles and distributed throughout most parts…
"One of the most beautiful of the European species of trachelia is the Pyrochroa rubens, which…
"These insects are generally found in dark and dirty places about houses, in cellars, and similar situations."…
"The Elater striatus of Caenne, is an inch long, of a black color, and striped upon the back."…
"Other species, which also bore into timber in their larva state, are well known by the name of Death-watch…
"Smallish insects, generally of a black color, with the elytra rather shorter than the body, which is…
"One of the largest European beetles, the Brown Hydrophile, Hydrous piceus, which is common…
"The Dyticus marginalis, a European species very common in ponds, attains a length of more…
"The Dyticus marginalis, a European species very common in ponds, attains a length of more…
"The hercules beetle is a native of Brazil, sometimes attaining a length of five inches." — Goodrich,…
"Received its specific name on account of the fondness exhibited by its curious larva for bacon." —…
"The Popular-tree Golden bug, chrysomela populi, of a blueish-green, has a strong odor, and…
"Many of the dung beetles, among which the Sacred Beetle of the Egyptians, Scarabus Aegyptiorum,…
"Is nearly twice as long as the hercules beetle, its color being of a brilliant brown." — Goodrich,…
"The common European species, Cincindela campestris, may be found flying and running around…
"The common European species, Cincindela campestris, may be found flying and running around…
"The typographic beetle recieves it's name... from the circumstance that the burrows formed by it in…
"The Giant Buprestis, B. gigantea of guiana, is two inches long, and its body is of a green…
"The Apollo butterfly, P. Apollo, is found in the damp meadows of the high Alps; the wings…
"The Galatea Butterfly, P. Galatea, A Euoprean species, called The Half-Mourning Butterfly,…
"The Peacock-butterfly, V. Io, has the edges of the wings denticulated; above they are of a…
"The Priam butterfly, Papilio priamus, is a native of the Eastern Archipelago; its wings are…
"Butterfly, Grub or Caterpillar, and Pupa or Chrysalis" — Goodrich, 1859
"The Sybil Butterfly, P. Sybilla, sometimes called the Mourning Butterfly, is a common…
"The Troilus Butterfly, Papilio Troilus, is a superb insect, the wings denticulated, black,…
"The trilobite's general form is shown in the annexed figure of the Calymene Blumenbachii;…
"The Blue Carabus, C. cyaneus, is an inch and a quarter long, the body oval, flat, and above…
"In illustration of the savageness of this race, the author of the "Jardin des Plantes" tells us of…
"The Inquisitor Carabus, C. inquisitor, has the same form and manner as the [Sycophant Carabus]:…
"The Cassida gibbosa of Brazil, three quarters of an inch long, is one of the larger species…
"If the guide stops a moment all the followers halt; if he continues the route, they all hasten after…
"If the guide stops a moment all the followers halt; if he continues the route, they all hasten after…
"The Cheese-mite, Acarus domesticus, and others are parasitic upon or beneath the skin of man…
"In America the cicadas have the general name of Harvest-flies; they are also often improperly…
"In the common European Cock-Chafer, Melolontha vulgaris, they are of considerable length,…
"Blattina includes the Cockroaches, the most noted species of which, the Black beetle or Common…
"The larvae are very similar to the perfect insects, both in appearance and habits. Many of them feed…