"The berry is a succulent, syncarpous fruit, in which the seeds are immersed in a pulpy mass, formed…
Illustrated is a short cluster garden blackberry. The fruits are glossy, large, and juicy.
Wild blackberry is the common name of Rubus allegheniensis. It is a long cluster variety. The fruits…
Illustrated is a cluster of berries on a budded greenhouse plant. These berries are swamp blueberries.
"Branch of Common Bramble. a.-- Flower; b.-- Fruit. Bramble, the name commonly applied to the bush with…
"A genus of annual, subshrubby plants, order Solanaceae, with a wheel-shaped corolla, projecting and…
"Flower-stock, Leaves, and cluster of Berries of the Common Elder (Sambucus nigra)." — Chambers'…
A small red tart berry commonly used in baking (muffins and cakes). It is native to North America and…
"Cranberry (Vaccinium palustris): a, part of stem and branches, with roots, leaves, and flowers; b,…
Illustrated is the common cranberry, vaccinium macrocarpon. It grows wild only in North American. The…
"A plant of the same genus with the Bramble, and very nearly allied to it, but having weaker and more…
Dewberries are trailing blackberries. The bartel variety grows wild from New York to Kansas and southwest.
The branches of the gooseberry plant help shade each other to protect the fruit. A scorching sunshine…
A piece of heavy equipment used to level and smooth cranberry or other similar fruits to the desired…
"A species of the genus Ilex, which contains about 175 species distributed throughout the world. They…
A greenish-red plant with laciniate-cut leaves. In the spring, edible crimson berries are produced and…
The loganberry is a result of the cross between a wild blackberry and a red raspberry. The fruit is…
Illustrated is a field of loganberry as grown in Oregon. Extensive plantings are found all over western…
The Mulberry contains masses of simple fruits belonging to different flowers, compacted together,(Gray,…
"Shows the head of a thyrsus composed of the leaves and berries of the ivy, and surrounded by acanthus…
A shrub that is native to Europe, northwest Africa, and western Asia. It reaches up to 13 feet in height,…
"The strawberry weevil in certain seasons has prevented the development of more than a half crop of…