The winter plumage of a Ptarmigan, a grouse of the genus Lagopus. Usually a light reddish brown tint,…
The Australian Roller (Eurystomas pacificus) is an Old World bird in the Coraciidae family.
The common roller, which subsists on a diet of fruits and insects. It builds its nests in the holes…
Greatly resembling the common crow, the rook is approximately nineteen inches in length and feeds on…
The ruff is a migratory species, ranging from Europe to Asia. They are known for fighting with one another.
The Pin-Tailed Sandgrouse (Pterocles alchata) is a bird in the Columbiformes order.
"The broad-billed sandpiper.. [is] six and a half inches long, variegated above with black, rufous,…
Averaging about eight inches in length, the curlew sandpiper can be found in Northern Europe, Asia,…
The Spoon-Billed Sandpiper (Eurynorhynchus pygmeus) is a small wading bird in the Scolopacidae family…
The Stilt Sandpiper, Micropalama himantopus or Calidris himantopus, is a small shorebird. The Stilt…
"A duck, Fuligula or Fulix marila and related species. The common scaup inhabits Europe, Asia, and North…
"Sometimes the Scissorbill is called the Cutwater. It is about the size of a pigeon."
Melanitta americana or Œdemia nigra A large sea-duck of the genus CEdemia, belonging to the subfamily…
Common in Europe and North America, the velvet scoter is also known as the white-winged coot.
Also known as the kamichi, the horned screamer gets its name from the three inch horn on its head, as…
9. Cormorant, 10. Guillemot, 11. Puffin, 12. Sanderling, 13. Herring Gull, 14. Tern.
The origin of the name for the secretary bird is an allusion to the custom that clerks had of placing…
"Cariama cristata, the Seriemá, or Crested Screamer, extending from Pernambuco to Paraguay and…
The Red-Legged Seriema (Cariama cristata) is a predatory terrestrial bird in the Cariamidae family of…
"The great shearwater reaches a length of eighteen inches, is white beneath, and is generally distributed…
Averaging about eighteen inches in length, the greater shearwater is uncommon in Europe; it breeds on…
The Snowy Sheathbill (Chionis alba) is a bird in the Chionididae family and is Antarctica's only permanently…
Tadorna cornuta, the Sheld-Drake or Bargander, ...shews a white collar on the lower neck followed by…
"Balaeniceps rex, the Shoebill, of the White Nile, has a short crest, and is brownish-grey with blackish…
"The Egyptian shops exhibited many curious scenes. Poulters suspended geese and other birds from a pole…
Also called the broad-bill and spoon-bill, the shoveler is commonly found on lakes and rivers, where…
The shrikes are hawklike in appearance and in habits, having a hooked beak and sharp claws. They impale…
The shrikes are known to impale their prey on the thorns of bushes and hedges, (Figuier, 1969).
Found in Guiana and Brazil, this shrike draws its name from its resemblence to the magpie.
The shrikes are known to impale their prey on the thorns of bushes and hedges, (Figuier, 1969).
"The Sirens were sea nymphs who had the power of charming by their song all who heard them, so that…
"In Greek mythology, one of two, or three, or an indeterminate number of sea-nymphs who by their singing…
"The so-called green jackdaw of Asia, Cissa sinensis. The sirgang inhabits the southeastern Himalayan…
Found throughout Northern Europe, the common skua has been known to attack other birds in order to steal…
The common skylark is a small bird of the passerine family Alaudidae. In all larks, the first toe has…
"The common lark of Europe, Alauda arvensis: so called because it mounts toward the sky and sings as…
"The Skylark is one of the best known British birds, and not withstanding the tameness of its brown…
"Snipe is the name of a common family of birds. The common American snipe is about equal in size to…
The double snipe, also known as the solitary snipe and the great snipe, is found sparingly throughout…
Ranging as far north as Scandanavia, Iceland, and Greenland in the summer, the European snipe migrates…
The gray snipe is a migratory bird, found in the United States. It is also known as the brown snipe,…
Found as far north as Greenland, the common-snow bird migrates as far south as Virginia in the winter.