A scops-eared owl feeding on a small rodent. It is common in Central and Southern Europe.
The white owl (also known as the snowy or ermine owl), found in the colder latitudes of the world. Its…
The European oyster-catcher is about eighteen inches in length, commonly found along the sea-coast.…
"And he spake to them many things in parables, saying, Behold, the sower went forth to sow; and as he…
Parakeets can be found in the wild in Florida. They are members of the parrot family. They have a soft,…
The alexandrine parakeet is a long-tailed species, originally brought back from India by Alexander the…
Usually living around small mountain streams, large spiders have been known to attack and eat the vrested…
The Carolina parrot is native to Guiana, but can be found as far north as Virginia. They often travel…
Somewhat larger than the common cross-bill, the parrot cross-bill largely resembles its habits.
"Parrot is the popular name for any individual of a well-known group of birds from the warmer regions…
The long-billed parrot (nestor productus) is thought to be the connecting link between parrots…
Found in California, the California partridge averages aproximately nine and a quarter inches in length,…
The common partridge of Europe, or gray partridge, is found throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa. Its…
The red-legged partridge (or Gurnsey partridge) averages thirteen inches and length and is found in…
"The red-legged partridge with wings fully extended as in rapid flight."—Pettigrew, 1874
An assortment of passeres, one order of birds. The legs, feet, and talons are generally smaller than…
Resembling a starling, the rose-colored pastor can often be found living in the vicinity of livestock,…
This modern pattern is a Japanese design made out of silk. It is a repeating pattern of a bird.
The bloody pavao (coracina scutata) is a mostly black bird, which gets its name from the blood…
The males of the peacock species are known for their magnificent plumage. For this reason they have…
The males of the peacock species are known for their magnificent plumage. For this reason they have…
The pectoral arch of a bird. Labels: sc, scapula; co, coracoid bone; f, clavicle, terminating below…
The common white pelican measures about five to six feet in length, with a wingspan of approximately…
"The Crested Pelican or (Pelecanus crispus) is white with rosy or salmon tinge, the primaries being…
The jackass penguin gets its name from its strange cry, which is said to resemble the braying of a donkey.
Also known as the pantagonian penguin, the king penguin is found in the far southern latitudes of South…
"The Little Penguin, adapted exclusively for swimming and diving. In this quaint bird the wing forms…
The Southern Rockhopper Penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome) is a bird in the Spheniscidae family of penguins.
Petrels resemble gulls, except in having the nostrils open as two parallel tubes on the top of the beak.
Distributed throughout the northern regions of the Atlantic, the fulmar petrel prefers to nest in the…
The storm Petrel "of the Mediterranean and North Atlantic from Greenland to South Africa, which breeds…
The smallest of the web-footed birds, the stormy petrel averages only about six inches in length.
"Petrel is a popular name for certain small oceanic birds of dusky plumage, nocturnal in habit, widely…
Preferring aquatic environment, the females of the gray phalarope species are slightly larger than the…
"Phasianus colchicus, Pheasant, ...has a white collar and slaty lower back with dark green barring;…
"Feather from Argus Pheasant. (a,d, main stem; d, calamus; a, rachis; c,c,c, vanes cut away on right…
The common pheasant of Europe is prized as a game bird, and prefers to make its home in marshes, thickets,…
Native to Sumatra and India, the argus pheasant can measure up to five feet in length.
Also known as Hastings' tragopan, the horned pheasant is native to the northern reaches of the Himalayas.
The Black Phoebe (Sayornis nigricans) is a small bird of the Tyrant Flycatcher family (Tyrannidae).