The Limpkin (Aramus guarauna) is a bird in the Aramidae family that is found in the Caribbean, Central America, and southern Florida.


The Limpkin (Aramus guarauna) is a bird in the Aramidae family that is found in the Caribbean, Central…

The common linnet of Europe is a small, active bird that feeds primarily on seeds.

Common Linnet of Europe

The common linnet of Europe is a small, active bird that feeds primarily on seeds.

An illustration of an eagle with prey in its claws.


An illustration of an eagle with prey in its claws.

The loon is a diving bird. Its peculiar cry, sometimes resembling a hysterical laugh, has given rise to the expression, "crazy as a loon."


The loon is a diving bird. Its peculiar cry, sometimes resembling a hysterical laugh, has given rise…

The Lory is a climbing bird distinguished by the fact that the feet have four toes each, of which two are turned backwards and two forwards.


The Lory is a climbing bird distinguished by the fact that the feet have four toes each, of which two…

Mostly red, the purple-capped lory is a rare species known for its docility.

Purple-Capped lory

Mostly red, the purple-capped lory is a rare species known for its docility.

"Agapornis- A genus of small African parrots, including the love-birds, sometimes made the type of a subfamily Agapornithinæ."-Whitney, 1902

Love Birds

"Agapornis- A genus of small African parrots, including the love-birds, sometimes made the type of a…

A love-bird (one of the genus <em>psittacula</em>), noted for its short, square tail.


A love-bird (one of the genus psittacula), noted for its short, square tail.

In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but are oblong and flattened in shape, and connected with a series of air-receptacles scattered through various parts of the body. Shown is a section of a bird lung, magnified. Labels: 1, A bronchial tube that ends in a sac (caeca). 2, Division of the bronchial tubes that branch out among lobules. B, A plexus of capillary vessels.

Section of the Lung of a Bird

In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but…

In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but are oblong and flattened in shape, and connected with a series of air-receptacles scattered through various parts of the body. Shown is the right lung of a goose. Labels: 1, A bronchial tube which divides into two tubes that open into the abdominal air-receptacles (2).

The Right Lung of a Goose

In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but…

Lyre-bird, an Australian bird, the male of which has the tail feathers arranged to look like a lyre.

Lyre bird

Lyre-bird, an Australian bird, the male of which has the tail feathers arranged to look like a lyre.

Also known as the Superb Menura, the lyre bird is noted for its distinctive tail feathers. The male of this species has a pair which curve upwards in an "S" shape, giving it a resemblence to the ancient musical instrument it draws its name from.

Lyre Bird

Also known as the Superb Menura, the lyre bird is noted for its distinctive tail feathers. The male…

Macaw claws.


Macaw claws.

The blue and yellow macaw is a group of large parrots, here hanging upside down from a tree branch.

Blue and Yellow Macaw

The blue and yellow macaw is a group of large parrots, here hanging upside down from a tree branch.

The head of a macaw, with a large, convex bill.

Head of a Macaw

The head of a macaw, with a large, convex bill.

Native to South America, the parakeet macaw is renowned for its powers to imitate human speech.

Parakeet Macaw

Native to South America, the parakeet macaw is renowned for its powers to imitate human speech.

A domesticated red and blue macaw, perched above a pair of dogs.

Red and Blue Macaw

A domesticated red and blue macaw, perched above a pair of dogs.

A group of macaws, a species of parrots native to South America.


A group of macaws, a species of parrots native to South America.

<i>Scytalopus magellanicus</i>. "A genus of South American formicarioid passerine birds, of the family <i>Pteroptochidae</i>. <i>S. magellanicus</i> is curiously similar to wrens in general appearance and habits, though belonging to a different suborder of birds." —Whitney, 1889
<p>This illustration features a darkly colored bird sitting on a branch with small leaves.

Magellanic Tapaculo

Scytalopus magellanicus. "A genus of South American formicarioid passerine birds, of the family Pteroptochidae.…

The magpie builds its nest in a high tree or a lofty hedge. It is omnivorous, but prefers meat, such as small game.


The magpie builds its nest in a high tree or a lofty hedge. It is omnivorous, but prefers meat, such…

The Australian Magpie (Cracticus tibicen) is a bird in the Artamidae family of crow-like birds. It was also known as the synonym, the Black-Backed Piping-Crow (Gymorhina tibicien).

Australian Magpie

The Australian Magpie (Cracticus tibicen) is a bird in the Artamidae family of crow-like birds. It was…

An illustration with a man and a child watching birds fly overhead while standing on a rock.

Man and child

An illustration with a man and a child watching birds fly overhead while standing on a rock.

A man with birds, from the Middle Ages.

Man with birds

A man with birds, from the Middle Ages.

An illustration of a man holding a staff with an eagle perched atop.

Man with Eagle

An illustration of a man holding a staff with an eagle perched atop.

The man-of-war bird (also known as the frigate-bird or frigate-pelican) is noted for its extraordinary powers of flight.

Man-of-War Bird

The man-of-war bird (also known as the frigate-bird or frigate-pelican) is noted for its extraordinary…

The White-bearded Manakin, Manacus manacus, is a small passerine bird which breeds in tropical South America. It is found from Colombia, Venezuela and Trinidad south to Bolivia and northern Argentina.

White-bearded Manakin

The White-bearded Manakin, Manacus manacus, is a small passerine bird which breeds in tropical South…

The European house-martin, which has an affinity for living in the vicinity of man.

European House Martin

The European house-martin, which has an affinity for living in the vicinity of man.

The House Martin (Delichon urbicum), sometimes called the Northern House Martin or Common House Martin, is a migratory passerine bird of the swallow family which breeds in Europe, north Africa and temperate Asia; and winters in sub-Saharan Africa and tropical Asia. It feeds on insects which are caught in flight, and it migrates to climates where flying insects are plentiful. It has a blue head and upperparts, white rump and pure white underparts, and is found in both open country and near human habitation.

House Martin

The House Martin (Delichon urbicum), sometimes called the Northern House Martin or Common House Martin,…

The Purple Martin (Progne subis) is the largest North American swallow at 20 cm length. Adults have a slightly forked tail. These "aerial acrobats" have speed and agility in flight, and when approaching their housing, will dive from the sky with their wings tucked at great speeds.

Purple Martin (Female)

The Purple Martin (Progne subis) is the largest North American swallow at 20 cm length. Adults have…

The Purple Martin (Progne subis) is the largest North American swallow at 20 cm length. Adults have a slightly forked tail. These "aerial acrobats" have speed and agility in flight, and when approaching their housing, will dive from the sky with their wings tucked at great speeds.

Purple Martin (Male)

The Purple Martin (Progne subis) is the largest North American swallow at 20 cm length. Adults have…

"Argent, a martlet, gules. MARTLET. An imaginary bird said to be without legs; it is used both as a charge and a difference." -Hall, 1862


"Argent, a martlet, gules. MARTLET. An imaginary bird said to be without legs; it is used both as a…

A martlet is a heraldic charge depicting a mythical bird, similar in appearance to the swallow, but with short tufts of feathers in the place of legs (swifts have such small legs that they were believed to have none at all).


A martlet is a heraldic charge depicting a mythical bird, similar in appearance to the swallow, but…

"Fourth Son, the MARTLET. The differences used by armorists at the present time are nine in number. They not only distinguish the sons of one family, but also denote the subordinate degrees in each house." -Hall, 1862

Martlet Difference

"Fourth Son, the MARTLET. The differences used by armorists at the present time are nine in number.…

The heraldic charge borne by the fourth eldest son in a family.

The Martlet

The heraldic charge borne by the fourth eldest son in a family.

The meadowlark does not travel in flocks. It eats grains and is characterized by a dark band cross its yellowish chest.


The meadowlark does not travel in flocks. It eats grains and is characterized by a dark band cross its…

Known in Virginia as the old-field lark, the meadow-lark is a migratory bird that feeds on insects and seeds.


Known in Virginia as the old-field lark, the meadow-lark is a migratory bird that feeds on insects and…

Meadowlarks are birds belonging to the genus Sturnella in the New World family Icteridae. This genus includes seven species of largely insectivorous grassland birds. In all species the male at least has a black or brown back and extensively red or yellow underparts


Meadowlarks are birds belonging to the genus Sturnella in the New World family Icteridae. This genus…

Measuring about nineteen inches long, the hooded merganser is common in North America, its head adorned with a half-circular crest.

Hooded Merganser

Measuring about nineteen inches long, the hooded merganser is common in North America, its head adorned…

With sharp claws, penetrating vision, and enormous strength, it is easy to understand that these birds inspire terror wherever they go. (Figuier, 1869).


With sharp claws, penetrating vision, and enormous strength, it is easy to understand that these birds…

With sharp claws, penetrating vision, and enormous strength, it is easy to understand that these birds inspire terror wherever they go, (Figuier, 1869).


With sharp claws, penetrating vision, and enormous strength, it is easy to understand that these birds…

The merlin, a small type of falcon, easily domesticated.


The merlin, a small type of falcon, easily domesticated.

"The letter C marks the point where the vessel to be exhausted is attached." -Century, 1889The Merlin (Falco columbarius) is a smallish falcon that breeds in northern North America, Europe and Asia. In North America it was once and sometimes still is colloquially called "pigeon hawk" though it is not very closely related to true hawks.


"The letter C marks the point where the vessel to be exhausted is attached." -Century, 1889The Merlin…

The Common Miner (Geositta cunicularia) is a passerine bird in the Furnariidae family of ovenbirds.

Common Miner

The Common Miner (Geositta cunicularia) is a passerine bird in the Furnariidae family of ovenbirds.

Found in Java and Sumatra, the mino-bird posses a remarkable ability to replicate human speech.


Found in Java and Sumatra, the mino-bird posses a remarkable ability to replicate human speech.

The partial skeleton of a moa, an enormous flightless bird once native to New Zeland, now extinct.

Moa skeleton

The partial skeleton of a moa, an enormous flightless bird once native to New Zeland, now extinct.

Mockingbird, a singing bird of the thrush family closely related to the catbird.


Mockingbird, a singing bird of the thrush family closely related to the catbird.

The Virginia Mockingbird is endowed with a perfection of voice far exceeding any other bird in creation, (Smiley, 1839).


The Virginia Mockingbird is endowed with a perfection of voice far exceeding any other bird in creation,…

A flock of mocking-birds attacking a rattlesnake in a tree, which was threatening a nest.

Mockingbirds Attacking a Rattlesnake

A flock of mocking-birds attacking a rattlesnake in a tree, which was threatening a nest.

Also known as the waterhen, the moorhen lives around rivers and lakes, feeding on worms, insects, mollusca, and seeds.


Also known as the waterhen, the moorhen lives around rivers and lakes, feeding on worms, insects, mollusca,…

"A considerable number of insects belonging to Sphingina have transparents wings. Among them is the humming-bird moth, <em>Sesia pelasgus</em>, often seen at evening in our gardens during the moths of June and July hovering like a humming-bird over the flowers and sucking their nectar with its long tube." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Hummingbird Moth

"A considerable number of insects belonging to Sphingina have transparents wings. Among them is the…

An illustration of a mother and two children sitting at a dinner table with a large turkey in front of them.

Mother & Children at Table with Turkey

An illustration of a mother and two children sitting at a dinner table with a large turkey in front…

An illustration of a mother holding a child to look at a bird in a cage.

Mother Holding Child to Look at Bird in Cage

An illustration of a mother holding a child to look at a bird in a cage.

The mound-bird, also known as a brush-turkey, a species native to Australia.


The mound-bird, also known as a brush-turkey, a species native to Australia.

The megapodes, also known as incubator birds or mound-builders, are stocky, medium-large chicken-like birds with small heads and large feet in the family Megapodiidae. Their name literally means large foot and is a reference to the heavy legs and feet typical of these terrestrial birds. All are browsers, all but the Malleefowl occupy wooded habitats, and most are brown or black colored. Megapodes are superprecocial, hatching from their eggs in the most mature condition of any birds. They hatch with open eyes, with bodily coordination and strength, with full wing feathers and downy body feathers, able to run, pursue prey, and, in some species, fly on the same day they hatch.


The megapodes, also known as incubator birds or mound-builders, are stocky, medium-large chicken-like…

Scene from the story, "The Mouse, The Bird, and The Sausage."

Mouse and Bird

Scene from the story, "The Mouse, The Bird, and The Sausage."

"Scissirostrum dubium is a species of starling in the Sturnidae family." -Whitney, 1911

Finch-Billed Myna

"Scissirostrum dubium is a species of starling in the Sturnidae family." -Whitney, 1911

Nandu or "Rhea Americana, the so-called American Ostrich... is found from Bolivia Paraguay, and South Brazil to the Rio Negro, if not further; it is brownish-grey with blackish crown, nape, and breast, white thighs and abdomen, and yellowish neck. " - A. H. Evans, 1900


Nandu or "Rhea Americana, the so-called American Ostrich... is found from Bolivia Paraguay, and South…

A group of birds of the order natatores, whose webbed feet are well adapted for propelling them on and below the water in search of food.


A group of birds of the order natatores, whose webbed feet are well adapted for propelling them on and…

A nest, containing four speckled eggs.


A nest, containing four speckled eggs.

An illustration of a hummingbird nest with two week old hummingbirds.

Hummingbird Nest

An illustration of a hummingbird nest with two week old hummingbirds.