Horizontal section through both the upper and lower jaws to show the roots of the teeth. The sections…
The pug is a breed of small, short-haired lap dogs, probably of Oriental origin, and introduced into…
The Fox-terrier is not an old breed, only dating back about a century; but the fox-terrier's cleverness,…
To show the relation of the upper to the lower teeth when the mouth is closed. The manner in which a…
"A Tooth is one of the hard bodies of the mouth, attached to the skeleton, but not forming part of it…
Incisor and canine teeth of a horse. A, front, B, lateral, and C, corner incisor; D, canine teeth.
The permanent teeth of the right side, outer or labial aspect. The upper row shows the upper teeth,…
The permanent teeth of the right side, inner of lingual aspect. The upper row shows the upper teeth,…
"A Tooth is one of the hard bodies of the mouth, attached to the skeleton, but not forming part of it…
The temporary teeth of the left side. The masticating surfaces of the tow upper molars are shown above.…
"Temporary Teeth: A, central incisors; B, lateral incisors; C, canines;…
Diagram to illustrate the development of a tooth. I. Shows the downgrowth of the dental lamina D.L.…
A unique breed of greyhound. Humble but intelligent, the turnspit, which, despite its vulgarity, appears…
The wolf belongs to the dog family. There are three recognized species of wolf and they are generally…
"Wolf is the vernacular name of certain species of the genus Canis. The common wolf (C. lupus) has very…
"The common wolf is of the size of a large dog; its usual color is a yelowish gray: the hair strong…
"It is the size of a small wolf, with short, smooth, hair of dusky yellowish-brown color, barred on…
"The common wolf is of the size of a large dog; its usual color is a yelowish gray: the hair strong…