Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the body. Labels: a, the neural tube, with its upper enlargement in the skull cavity at a'; N, the spinal cord; N', the brain; ee, vertebrae forming the solid partition between the dorsal and ventral cavities; b, the pleural, and c, the abdominal division of the ventral cavity, separated from one another by the diaphragm, d; i, the nasal, and o, the mouth chamber, opening behind into the pharynx, from which one tube leads to the lungs, l, and another to the stomach, f; h, the heart; k, a kidney; s, the sympathetic nervous chain. From the stomach, f, the intestinal tube leads through the abdominal cavity to the posterior opening of the alimentary canal.

Longitudinal Section of Body

Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the body. Labels: a, the neural tube, with its upper enlargement…

"<em>A</em>, a muscle which aids in pushing the food down the esophagus; <em>B</em>, esophagus; <em>C</em>, section of the right bronchus; <em>D</em>, two right pulmonary veins; <em>E</em>, great azygos vein crossing the esophagus to empty into the superior vena cava, <em>F</em>, thoracic duct; <em>H</em>, thoracic aorta; <em>K</em>, lower portion of the esophagus passing through the diaphragm; <em>L</em>, diaphragm as it appears in sectional view, enveloping the heart; <em>M</em>, inferior vena cava, passing through the diaphragm and emptying into the right auricle; <em>N</em>, right auricle; <em>O</em>, section of the right branch of the pulminary artery; <em>P</em>, aorta; <em>R</em>, superior vena cava; <em>S</em>, trachea." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Lateral section of the chest

"A, a muscle which aids in pushing the food down the esophagus; B, esophagus; C,…

"This is the name applied in anatomy to designate the transverse muscle which, in man and the mammalia generally, separates the cavity of the thorax or chest from that of the abdomen or belly." &mdash; Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"This is the name applied in anatomy to designate the transverse muscle which, in man and the mammalia…

"This is the name applied in anatomy to designate the transverse muscle which, in man and the mammalia generally, separates the cavity of the thorax or chest from that of the abdomen or belly." &mdash; Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"This is the name applied in anatomy to designate the transverse muscle which, in man and the mammalia…

View of the diaphragm; 1, cavity of the thorax; 2, diaphragm separating the cavity of the thorax from that of the abdomen; 3, cavity of the pelvis.


View of the diaphragm; 1, cavity of the thorax; 2, diaphragm separating the cavity of the thorax from…

Diaphragm in the state of its greatest ascent in expiration; 2, muscles of the abdomen in action forcing the viscera and diaphragm upwards.

Diaphragm During Expiration

Diaphragm in the state of its greatest ascent in expiration; 2, muscles of the abdomen in action forcing…

Diaphragm in its state of greatest descent in inspiration; 2, muscles of the abdomen, showing the extend of their protrusion in the action of inspiration.

Diaphragm During Inspiration

Diaphragm in its state of greatest descent in inspiration; 2, muscles of the abdomen, showing the extend…

The diaphragm, seen from above.

Diaphragm Viewed from Above

The diaphragm, seen from above.

The diaphragm, viewed from below.

Diaphragm Viewed from Below

The diaphragm, viewed from below.

The diaphragm, viewed from in front.

Diaphragm Viewed from Front

The diaphragm, viewed from in front.

The diaphragm, which is the principal muscle that act sin breathing. Here you have the cavity of the chest, <em>Cc</em>, laid open, the ribs being cut away in front, and the heart and lungs taken out; <em>DD</em> is the diaphragm. It is fastened to the spinal column behind, to the breast-bone in front, and to the lower ribs all around its side. It is not flat, but arched upward.

The Diaphragm

The diaphragm, which is the principal muscle that act sin breathing. Here you have the cavity of the…

Diaphragm of the diaphragm and it's placement in the chest. Let <em>a</em> represent the spinal column, <em>b</em> the front wall of the chest, <em>Cc</em> the cavity of the chest, and <em>Ca</em> the cavity of the abdomen. At <em>d</em> is represented the diaphragm. As you can see from the figure, as the fibers of the diaphragm are shortened the space in the chest increases which is what takes place during inspiration. On the contrary, during expiration the diaphragm is pushed upward as shown in this figure so the room in the chest is lessened and air is forced out.

The Diaphragm

Diaphragm of the diaphragm and it's placement in the chest. Let a represent the spinal column,…

"Diagram illustrating the Manner in which the Image of an Object is inverted on the Retina." — Blaisedell, 1904

Diagram of the Eye

"Diagram illustrating the Manner in which the Image of an Object is inverted on the Retina." — Blaisedell,…

Posterior view of the liver and diaphragm in situ. Labels: a, left lobe; b, right lobe; c, quadrate lobe; d, spigelian lobe; d', spigelian ligament; just above in the right kidney; e, left lateral ligament; f, right lateral ligament; g, broad ligament; h, hepatic duct; i, piece of the duodenum opened to show, k, opening of the ductus pancreaticus minor, and l, Eminence of Vater; m, vena porta; n, posterior vena cava; o, notch for esophagus.

Liver and Diaphragm of a Horse

Posterior view of the liver and diaphragm in situ. Labels: a, left lobe; b, right lobe; c, quadrate…

"The Cervical and Thoracic Portions of the Sympathetic Nerve and their Main Branches. In the center of the figure, running almost vertically, is shown the right pneumogastrix nerve. To the left may be seen a chain of ganglia of the sympathetic nerve, running along the vertebrae. The distribution of some smaller ganglia and nerve branches in the neck and chest regions are also shown." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Sympathetic nerve

"The Cervical and Thoracic Portions of the Sympathetic Nerve and their Main Branches. In the center…

Diagram of the peritoneum, a serous membrane covering all the contents of the abdominal cavity. Labels: D, diaphragm; L, liver; S, stomach; C, transverse colon; D, transverse duodenum; P, pancreas; I, small intestines; R, rectum; B, bladder.

The Peritoneum

Diagram of the peritoneum, a serous membrane covering all the contents of the abdominal cavity. Labels:…

Left pleural sac in a subject hardened by formalin injection, opened into by the removal of the costal part of the parietal pleura. The lung has also been removed so as to display the mediastinal pleura.

Pleural Sac

Left pleural sac in a subject hardened by formalin injection, opened into by the removal of the costal…

Diagram to show the changes in the sternum, diaphragm, and abdominal wall in respiration. Labels: A, inspiration; b, expiration; Tr, trachea; St, sternum; D, diaphragm; Ab, abdominal wall. The shaded part is to indicate the stationary air

Changes during Respiration

Diagram to show the changes in the sternum, diaphragm, and abdominal wall in respiration. Labels: A,…

Sagittal section through left shoulder and left lung.

Sagittal Section Through Shoulder and Lung

Sagittal section through left shoulder and left lung.

Sagittal section through left shoulder, lung, and apex of the heart.

Sagittal Section Through Shoulder and Lung

Sagittal section through left shoulder, lung, and apex of the heart.

The lower half of the thorax, with four lumbar vertebrae showing the diaphragm from above. Labels: 1,2,3, central tendon; 4,5, muscular part.

Lower Half of the Thorax

The lower half of the thorax, with four lumbar vertebrae showing the diaphragm from above. Labels: 1,2,3,…

Diagram of the Body opened from the front to show the contents of the ventral cavity. Labels: d, diaphragm; h, heart; lu, lungs; st, stomach; li, liver; si, small intestines; c, large intestine

Ventral Cavity of the Body

Diagram of the Body opened from the front to show the contents of the ventral cavity. Labels: d, diaphragm;…