An ancient articulate from the Paleozoic time, Pacops bufo from the Hamilton group.
A mollusk radiate from the Paleozoic time, Pentamerus oblongus, a brachiopod from the Clinton group.
A mollusk radiate from the Paleozoic time, Cyclonema cancellata from the Clinton group.
An ancient mollusk from the Paleozoic time, Goniatites Marcellensis from the Hamilton group.
An ancient mollusk from the Paleozoic time, Goniatites Marcellensis from the Hamilton group.
A mollusk radiate from the Paleozoic time, Platyceras angulatum from the Niagara group.
A mollusk radiate from the Paleozoic time, Pterinea emacerata from the Niagara group.
An ancient radiate from the Carboniferous Age, the Actinocrinus proboscidialis.
A mollusk radiate from the Paleozoic time, Rhynchotreta cuneata from the United States and Great Britain.