Pictured is abronia umbellata. The common name of abronia is sand verbena. The umbellata variety has…
Abronia Umbellata are mostly native to California and are recognized by their showy blossoms in dense…
Abronia Umbellata grow well in light, sandy soil in a fully exposed position. The limbs of the flower…
"Abutilon macropodum. 1. an unexpanded flower; 2. the stamens and styles; 3. a ripe fruit, consisting…
Abutilon megapotamicum has a drooping habit. The flowers are two to three inches long. The flowers are…
The common name of abutilon is flowering maple. Abutilon is also sometimes called Chinese bellflower.…
The acacia armata shrub is eight to ten feet wide and seven to eleven feet tall. The fruit is ripe is…
The common name of acacia calamifolia is broom wattle. It is a tall shrub with slender, erect branches.…
The common name of acacia verticillata is whorl-leaved acacia. It is a spreading shrub or small tree…
Pictured are flowers of the orders acanthaceae, myoporaceae, phrymaceae, and plantaginaceae. The flowers…
The common name of acantholimon is prickly thrift. The glumaceum variety is six inches tall with small,…
The acanthorhiza aculeata tree grows thirty to forty feet tall. The tree is spiny at the base. The flowers…
The orders of aceraceae, hippocastanaceae, and sapindaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated…
The Achillea filipendulina plant grows between four and five feet tall. The flowers are yellow and grow…
Achillea millefolium variation rubrum has red flowers. It is a variety of yarrow or milfoil.
The Pearl variety of Achillea ptarmica is a full double variety. It is one of the most popular of all…
The flowers of Achimenes grandiflora are very large and distinctly red tinged. The leaves are mostly…
Achimenes longiflora flowers are violet-blue and whitish beneath. The flowers grow alone on each stem.…
"Bixa orellana. 1. a pistil and two stamens; 2. a cross section of the ovary; 3. a ripe fruit. 4. a…
"Acicarpha spathulata. 1. section of an entire flower; 2. perpendicular section of ripe fruit." -Lindley,…
The flowers of Acidanthera bicolor are creamy white and blotched chocolate-brown within. The flowers…
The flowers of Acineta barkeri are yellow striped with red-brown. The pseudobulbs has a cone shape,…
The Winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) is a European plant in the Ranunculaceae family of buttercups.
A plant which produces numerous flowers with oblong white petals. The leaves and stems are slightly…
The common name of Aconite autumnal is autumn aconite. The stem is three to five feet tall. The leaves…
The common names of Aconite napellus are true monkshood and officinal aconite. It is the most poisonous…
The common name of Aconite uncinatum is wild monkshood. The flowers are blue and the leaves are thick,…
Actinide argot is a high climbing shrub. There are three or more white flowers. The fruit is greenish…
The leaves of Actinoepis coronary are opoosite, except for the upper ones. The flowers are some of the…
The ada aurantiaca is an orchid that is an orange-scarlet color. Each flower is streaked with black…
Ada aurantiaca has pseudobulbs that are two to three inches long. The petals and sepals of the flowers…
Lphioglossum (adder's-tongue) is a genus of about 25-30 species of Ophioglossales in the family Ophioglossaceae,…
Each adonis aestivalis flower has five to fifteen petals. This variety can reach one foot in height.…
The common name of Adonis vernal is spring adonis. The flowers are large with 10-15 petals. The flowers…
Aechmea miniata variety discolor has purple leaves or leaves that are violet-brown on the back.
The leaves of Aerides odoratum are six to eight inches long and up to two inches broad. The flowers…
Aesculus georgiana is a shrub that grows six feet tall. The flowers are red and yellow. The shrub flowers…
African marigold is the common name of tagetes erecta. These marigolds are employed for summer bedding.…
The common names of agapanthus umbellatus are African Lily and Lily-of-the-Nile. The flowers are blue…
Pictured is Agave americana as commonly grown in greenhouses. It is the yellow margined form.
The leaves of Agave americana are smooth, gray, and lance shaped. The plant has moderately large gray…
The inflorescence of agave attenuata is five to ten feet long. The flowers are paired, about two inches.
The flower of the agave densiflora is a yellowish red color and about two inches long. Thirty to forty…
Littaea geminiflora, or the Twin-Flowered Agave, showing the flower and the whole plant.
The leaves of Ageratum houstonianum are heart shaped at the base. The flowers are blue.
"Agrimony (Agrimonia Eupatoria) showing branch, flowering spray, and fruit."-Whitney, 1902
Pictured are the flower and bud of Agrimonia euphoria. The common name of the plant is common agrimony.…
The flowers of Akebia quint are purple and fragrant. The flowers appear in early spring.
A popular fern with variagated fronds that are straw-colored. It thrives on acidic soil.
Alismaceae is an order of herbaceous marsh plants with milky juice. Butomaceae is an order of aquatic…
Allamanda cathartica variety hendersonii is tall, vigorous, and free flowering. The leaves are large,…
"Allaria officinalis. a, upper part of stem, with leaves and flowers; b, extremity of a branch, in fruit."…