Pictured is the upper portion of the plant, a single whorl of flowers, the corolla, and the large calyx…
"Morphology of typical monocotyledonous plant. A, leaf, parallel-veined; B, portion of stem, showing…
The flowers of monstera deliciosa are yellow and bloom in the summer. The fruit of the plant has a flavor…
The flowers heads of montanoa bipinnatifida are yellow. The shrub grows between six and eight feet tall.
The flowers heads of montanoa mollissima have yellow disks and white rays. The flowers bloom August…
The flowers of moraea iridoides resemble the iris. The flowers are white with yellow or brown spots.…
Pictured is the upper portion of the plant, a radical leaf, and a flower of moricandia sonchifolia.…
The flowers of morina longifolia are white while in bud but change to a delicate pink and ultimately…
The flowers are moringa aptera are pale yellow. The leaves are one foot or more in length. The entire…
Corolla of Morning Glory laid open, to show the five stamens inserted on it, near the base.
The flower and plant of the moschatel or Adoxa moschatellina, a flowering plant in the Adoxaceae family.
Also known as Portulaca grandiflora. A small flower, fast-growing flower that can grow up to 30 centimeters…
Mountain peony is the common name of paeonia moutan. The flowers are large and vary in color. The plant…
Mountain peony is the common name of paeonia moutan. The flowers are large and vary in color. The plant…
Muehlenbeckia complexa has green, inconspicuous flowers. The flowers bloom in August. The fruit hangs…
The flowers of murraya exotica are white and fragrant. The stems have many flowers. The fruit is roundish,…
Grape hyacinth is the common name of muscari. The comosum variety has racemes with forty to one hundred…
Mussaenda macrophylla flowers are orange and a large segment of the calyx is white. The flowers bloom…
The flowers of myoporum parvifolium are white. The flowers either grow alone or sometimes two or three…
The common name of myosotis is forget-me-not. The alpestris variety has blue flowers with small, yellowish…
Forget-me-not is the common name of myosotis. The dissitiflora elegantissima variety has large, deep…
The common name of myrica is candleberry myrtle. The californica variety has greenish flowers. The fruit…
The common name of myrica gale is sweet gale. The flowers are brownish green and bloom February to March.…
The flowers of myrsiphyllum asparagoides are greenish or white. The flowers bloom in June. The leaves…
"Eugenia tuberculata. 1. a flower; 2. the same divided vertically; 3. a stamen; 4. a ripe fruit; 5.…
The Myrtle (Myrtus) is a genus of one or two species of flowering plants in the family Myrtaceae, native…
"Myrtle is a genus of plants, natural order Myrtaceæ, consisting of aromatic trees or shrubs,…
The common name of myrtus communis is common myrtle. The flowers are white and grow alone on the stems.…
The common name of myrtus is myrtle. The ugni variety has white flowers that bloom in May. The fruit…
"Narcissus is an extensive genus of bulbous plants. The species are numerous, and from their hardiness,…
Narcissus is the botanic name for a genus of mainly hardy, mostly spring-flowering, bulbs in the Amaryllis…
Narcissus biflorus flowers are milk white. The flowers bloom in May. This variety is a supposed hybrid.
Narcissus bulbocodium conspicuus is a variety of hoop petticoat. This variety has a slightly expanded…
Narcissus bulbocodium monphyllus is a variety of hoop petticoat. The flower is white. The leaves are…
The flowers of narcissus calanthinus are fourteen to fifteen lines long. The flower is white or a pale…
Narcissus incomparabilis albidus plenus flowers have a yellow crown with pale, sulfur yellow or milk…
Narcissus incomparabilis aurantis flore-plenus is a double form. The flowers are sometimes three inches…
The flowers of narcissus incomparabilis aurantius have an orange crown with pale yellow divisons.
The common name of narcissus jonquilla is jonquil. The flowers are bright yellow and very fragrant.
The perianth of flower is white while the cup changes from lemon to white. This is a white hybrid of…
The flowers of narcissus macleai are white tinged downwards with green. The divisions are milk white.…
The flowers of narcissus odorus are bright yellow and slightly fragrant. The flowers bloom in April.
The flowers of narcissus poculiformis are white and fragrant. The flowers bloom in April.
The common name of narcissus poeticus is poet's daffodil. The ornatus variety pure white margined with…
The common name of narcissus poeticus is poet's narcissus. The flowers are white and very fragrant.…
The common name of pseduo-narcissus is daffodil. The major variety has larger flowers. The perianth…
Daffodil is the common name of pseudo-narcissus. The minor nanus variety has flowers that are between…
Daffodil is the common name of pseudo-narcissus. The minor nanus variety has flowers that are between…
Daffodil is the common name of pseudo-narcissus. Moschattus cernuus is a pale flowered variety of daffodil.