Narcissus tazetta intermedius flowers are lemon yellow. Each scape has one to five flowers.
The common name of narcissus tazetta is polyanthus narcissus. The flowers are fragrant and about one…
Narcissus triandrus flowers and are about nine to ten inches long. The flowers are pure white and bloom…
"Nelumbium is the typical and only genus of the order Nelumbiaceæ. The species are remarkable…
Nelumbium is known as the sacred or water bean. The luteum variety has yellow, fragrant flowers. The…
Nemophila insignis flowers are sky blue with a white eye. The flowers bloom in spring and summer.
Nemophila maculata flowers are white with a violet purple blotch on each lobe of the large corolla.…
The flowers of nepenthes rafflesiana are yellow and brown. The pitchers are greenish yellow with brown…
Nerine undulata flowers are flesh colored with wavy outlines. The scape is one foot high and has many…
Nerium oleander album plenum is a variety of oleander. The flowers are large and white.
"Branch of Procris splendens; 2. cluster of male and female flowers; 3. a male flower about to expand;…
Nicotiana acutiflora is a variety of tobacco. The flowers are pure white. The flowers bloom from June…
Nicotiana suaveolens is a sweet scented variety of tobacco. The flowers are white and fragrant. The…
Common tobacco is the common name of nicotiana tabacum. The flowers are rose colored and downy on the…
Nictotiana wigandioides is a variety of tobacco. This variety is a greenhouse shrub. The flowers are…
Nigella has many common names including devil-in-the-bush, fennel flower, and love-in-a-mist. The damascena…
Nigella has many common names including devil-in-the-bush, fennel flower, and love-in-a-mist. The sativa…
The corolla of the nolana paradoxa flower is funnel shaped. The flowers bloom in summer. This plant…
Nothoscordum fragrans flowers are white with a bar of very pale lilac on the outer side of each division.…
"Myristica fragrans. 1. a flower; 2. a column of stamens; 3. a section of a female showing the ovary…
Pictured are the orders of Nyctanginaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Aizoaceae, and Portulacaceae. Flowers of…
Nymphaea lotus is a synonym of nymphaea thermalis. The common name is Hungarian lotus. The flowers are…
Nymphaeaceae is an order of aquatic herbs including the water lily family. This order has eight genera…
Also known as Quercus cerris. A greenish-white tree with a dark gray bark. The flower produced is a…
Pictured are flowers from the order of ochnaceae. The flowers pictured are (1) ochna, (2) gordonia,…
Odontoglossum cervantesii flowers are one to two inches across. The flowers are rosy lilac barred at…
Odontoglossum cirrhosum flowers are milk whitet with deep purplish violet dark spots on the sepals and…
Odontoglossum crispum flowers have pure white sepals and petals and a yellow lip. The lip is spotted…
Odontoglossum hallii flowers are pale yellow with large, chocolate brown patches. The flowers are about…
Odontoglossum rossii flowers are one to two inches across. The petals are pure white with a few spots…
The common name of oenthera is evening primrose. The acaulis variety has white flowers fading into red.…
Oenothera amoena rubicunda is a variety of evening primrose with rose flowers with four crimson spots.…
The common name of oenothera biennis is common evening primrose. The lamarckiana variety has larger…
Oenothera exima is a variety of evening primrose with white flowers that are four inches in diameter.…
Oenthera Lady Albemarle has distinct, showy crimson flowers. It is a dwarf variety.
Oenothera missouriensis latifolia flowers are large and yellow. The leaves are broad.
Oenothera speciosa is a variety of evening primrose with white flowers that become reddish as they fade.…
A pink flower that typically blooms in the Spring. The plant has been used for centuries as a medicinal…
Pictured are the flowers and fruits of the orders oleaceae, loganiaceae, gentianaceae, and apocynaceae.…
Olearia gunnia flowers are white and bloom in September. The branches are hoary. Pictured is a flowering…
Omphalodes verna flowers are blue with a white throat. The flowers bloom March to May. The plant grows…
Pictured are flowers from the orders onagraceae and haloragidaceae. The flowers of these orders that…
Oncidium crispum flowers are one to two inches across. The flowers are a bright, rich, copper color…
Oncidium excavatum flowers are golden yellow and they are spotted and blotched at the base with rich,…
Oncidium luridum flowers are usually a dull yellow or olive green color splotched with brown.
Butterfly plant is the common name of oncidium papilio. The flowers are pale, golden yellow barred with…
Oncidium serratum flowers are usually rich, bright brown with a yellow border. The margins are crisped…
The sepals and petals of oncidium varicosum flowers are pale, dull green with dull brown. The lip is…
Ononis rotundiflora flowers are rose and grow on three flowered stems. The flowers bloom in summer.…
The common name of onosma is golden drop. The stellulatum tauricum variety has yellow flowers that are…
Optunia brachyarthra is a variety of prickly pear. The flowers are very small. The prickles grow in…
Optunia multiflora is a variety of prickly pear. The flowers are yellow and bloom in summer. The branches…
Optunia rafinesquii is a variety of prickly pear. The flowers often have a red center and numerous petals.…