Pictured are the orders of plantanceae, rosaceae, and leguminosae. The flowers of these orders that…
"The Wall-pocket Basket filled with grasses, ferns, and flowers, makes a very neat ornament to hang…
Ripe pod of Claytonia or Spring Beauty, cut across, and splitting into three valves (Gray, 1858).
"Phytolacca decandra. 1. its flower; 2. its stamens and pistil; 3. a section of a seed." -Lindley, 1853
"Seguiera floribunda. 1. a flower; 2. a perpendicular section of an ovary; 3. samaras." -Lindley, 1853
"Modes of discharging pollen. I, by longitudinal slits in the anther-cells (amaryllis); II, by uplifted…
"Punica granatum; 2. perpendicular section of the ovary; 3. cross section of it near the base; 4. near…
Also known as Punica granatum. The fruits are red and have the ability to grow through droughts. They…
A dwarf form of the Rosa centifolia, having small flowers and leaves. The flowers are rose-purple with…
Shown are flowers of the pontederiaceae, juncaceae, liliaceae, and amaryllidaceae orders. These flowers…
A dense shrub with evergreen leaves and purple flowers, and is used as an ornamental plant. Honey produced…
"Romeria refracta. 1. its stamens and pistil; 2. a cross section of the ovary of Eschscholtzia californica;…
"Zannichellia palustris. 1. A flower; 2. a cluster of ripe ovaries; 3. an ovary opened to exhibit the…
"Scabious succisa, the primrose scabious, is a common European plant, which bears purplish-blue…
"Ludwigia Jussiaeoides. 1. a flower with two sepals and all the petals cut off; 2. a calyx and inferior…
There are several varieties of auricula that vary in color. There are five classes of auricula:green-edged,…
"The prunella, or self-heal, is a genus of hardy perennial, herbaceous plants belonging to the order…
Purslane-flower in section; calyx, petals, stamens adnate to lower half of ovary,-perigynous.
Also known as Campanula rapunculus. "A hardy biennial, cultivated for the use of its fleshy roots in…
"Ranunculus, buttercup, crowfoot; the typical genus of the order Ranunculaceæ. Known species about…
A large genus of about 600 species of plants, including buttercups and spearworts. They are mostly bright…
"Raspberry (Rubus idaeus, order Rosaceae), being fertilized. A, Flower. p, p, Petals. a, a, Anthers.…
Of the Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae), the yellow rattle (Rhinanthus Crista-Galli).
Red-Hot Cat-Tail is the common name of acalypha hispida. This shrub is cultivated for its long red spikes…
"Ribes rubrum. 1. perpendicular section of a flower; 2. cross section of the ovary; 3. seed; 4. a perpendicular…
The common reed of the American and European reed swamps, growing from 5 to 12 feet high with leaves…
"About two feet away from an air thermometer, place an inverted flower pot. Midway between the two,…
A flower that is native to eastern North American. It is either blue or white with leafy stems.