Sedum is the large stonecrop genus of the Crassulaceae, representing about 400 species of leaf succulents,…
"Selago distans. 1. a flower; 2. an anther; 3. a perpendicular section of an ovary; 4. section of seed…
"Self-heal. (Prunella vulgaris). The upper part of the stem with flowers. a, the calyx; b, the corolla;…
Pictured is a semi-formal garden space of annual flowers. Annuals are plants that bloom in the open…
An illustration of a disk-floret of the senecio flower. Senecio is a genus of the daisy family (Asteraceae)…
An longitudinal section view of a disk-floret of the senecio flower. Senecio is a genus of the daisy…
An illustration of a ray-floret of the senecio flower. Senecio is a genus of the daisy family (Asteraceae)…
An illustration of the gynaeceum of the senecio flower. Senecio is a genus of the daisy family (Asteraceae)…
A branch of the Canadian Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis), a shrub or small tree, showing flowers.
The Sesame (Sesamum orientale, Sesamum indicum) is a flowering plant in the Pedaliaceae family of pedaliums…
Longitudinal section of flower of Silene Pennsylvanica, showing stipe between calyx and corolla.
The orders of simarubaceae, burseraceae, meliaceae, and malpighiaceae are pictured. The flowers of these…
Model of a simple pistil, with ovary cut across and slightly opened ventrally, to show the ovules and…
Composite, or compound flower, from one of the largest botanical orders. 4, single fruit.
In the single varieties of petunia there is variety in coloring. Some are beautifully veined, striped,…
Sium sisarum. "A species of water parsnip, generally said to be of Chinese origin, long cultivated in…
"A plant of the genus Scutellaria: so called from the helmet-like appendage to the upper lip of the…
Small flax lily is the common name of phormium cookianum. The flowers are yellow with greenish outer…
Smilax is a genus of about 300-350 species, found in the tropics and subtropics worldwide. In China…
Sansevieria Zeylanica is the Latin name, but this plant is also called a Mother-in-law's Tongue. "A…
Of the Parsley family (Umbelliferae), the Maryland black snakeroot (Sanicula marilandica).
"Polygala senega of eastern North America. It sends up several stems from hard knotty root-stocks, bearing…
"Polygala senega of eastern North America. It sends up several stems from hard knotty root-stocks, bearing…
"Polygala senega of eastern North America. It sends up several stems from hard knotty root-stocks, bearing…
"2. corolla of Antirrhinum majus cut open; 3. its pistil; 4. its ripe fruit; 5. cross section of its…
Snowdrop is the common name for members of the genus Galanthus, a small genus of about 20 species in…
"Sapindus senegalensis. 1. an expanded flower; 2. a petal; 3. the ovaries before fertilisation; 4. a…
Pictured are flowers of the orders solanaceae, scrophulariaceae, bignoiaceae, and pedaliaceae. The flowers…
Also known as Polygonatum multiflorum. Consists of several peduncles and white flowers. They are commonly…
"The common sorrel is a meadow plant, slender in habit, with halberd-shaped, juicy, acid flavored leaves,…
Also known as Yucca schidigera. A flowering plant that is native to the Mojave Desert in the Western…
Also known as Yucca gloriosa. The branch of a Spanish Dagger plant, part of the agave family.
"An aromatic plant, Mentha viridis, the common garden-mint, or mint proper. It is known chiefly in gardens,…
"Aneilema crispatum; 1. a flower; 2. the calyx and pistil; 3. the capsule; 4, 5, seeds; 6. a section…
"The common spindle tree (Euonymus europaeus) is a European shrub, which bears glossy lanceolate…
"Canadian St.-John's-wort (Hypericum Canadense). a, leaf; b, seed-capsule." -Whitney, 1911
"Marsh St.-John's-wort (Triadenum Virginicum). a, flower; b, seed-capsule." -Whitney, 1911
St. Joseph's Lilies are pure pearl white. The flowers are two to three inches long. The flowers bloom…