In French gymnastics, exercises with simple wants and sticks are in great favor, as imparting grace…
"The Early French Forcing is the leading variety for hot-bed culture. The plants have but a very small…
Fort Duquesne (originally called Fort Du Quesne) was a fort established by the French in 1754, at the…
A depiction of Benjamin Franklin in the French royal Court, where he was well-received.
The French Architectural frame constructed in 1529 was a lozenge panel (diamond shaped).
"An assemblage of the most illustrious personages in France in the year 1696, when compared with the…
(1838-1882) French Republican statesman and prime minister that after the surrender of Napoleon III…
A silhouette is "a profile portrait in black, so called after Etienne de Silhouette, French minister…
The guillotine was a device used for carrying out executions by decapitation. It consists of a tall…
A French Catalan general during the First World War. He defeated the Germans at the First Battle of…
(--) French major general that led troops for the American Revolution
La Salle, a famous French adventurer who navigated the Mississippi down to the Gulf of Mexico.
The Marquis de Lafayette, a French citizen who fought on the side of the Americans during the American…
(1757-1834) French statesman, soldier and general who helped with the American revolutionary forces.
A French military officer who served as a general in the American Revolutionary War, as well as the…
The French Renaissance Leaf design tend to look more formal. This design was found in a church in Epernay…
The Cross of the Legion of Honor is a decoration composed of a star of five double rays, with a wreath…
A French-Italian cardinal who served as chief minister of France from 1642 until his death in 1661.
A French revolutionary. He favored a constitutional monarchy built on the model of Great Britain.
A French writer, director and actor. He was born on January 15, 1622 and died on February 17, 1673.
An illustration of Napoleon; Napoleon Bonaparte, later known as Emperor Napoleon I, was a military and…
This Medieval textile pattern is a richly embroidered French silk tapestry. It is a 15th century design…