"The Popular-tree Golden bug, chrysomela populi, of a blueish-green, has a strong odor, and…
British Golden-rod is a member of the large composite genus Solidago, which is chiefly North American.…
"In illustration of the savageness of this race, the author of the "Jardin des Plantes" tells us of…
Also known as the common eagle of Europe, (A. fulvus) these large eagles nest on the inaccessable…
"Six to eight inches long, its general color being red varied with green." — Goodrich, 1859
Illustration of the High Priest, most likely Aaron, in the Holy of Holies, holding the Ten Commandments.…
Familiar in orchards of the United States, the Baltimore oriole is also known as the golden oriole and…
Also known as the kinglet, the golden-crested regulus is found throughout Europe and is noted for its…
"Four to five feet long; color yellowishgray, cleaning with a pale golden hue, and dotted with whitish…
Also known as White's thrush, the golden thrush is native to Japan and Savabut migrates to Southern…
The golden-winged woodpecker is known for burrowing its own holes into live trees to use as a nest.