"The Anoplotherium commune was of the height of the wild boar, but its form was more elongated;…
"The Anoplotherium gracile was of elegant proportions, resembling in size and form the gazelle,…
An illustration of the pelvis of a spiny anteater. "m, marsupial bones; il, ilium; p, pubis; s, sacrum."…
Anteaters are the four mammal species of the suborder Vermilingua commonly known for eating ants and…
"The Prong-horn Antelope inhabits the W. parts of North America, from 53 degrees N. to the plains of…
"Bat, one of the group of wing-handed, flying mammals, having the fore-limb peculiarly modified so as…
The head of the chin leafed bat. "Bat, one of the group of wing-handed, flying mammals, having the fore-limb…
The head of the flower-nosed bat. "Bat, one of the group of wing-handed, flying mammals, having the…
The head of the Hammer-Headed Bat (Hypsignathus monstrosus). Also known as the big-lipped bat, it is…
The Brown Long-Eared Bat (Plecotus auritus) is a mammal in the Vespertilionidae family of evening bats.
"Bat is the common name of all animals of the class mammalia which are furnished with true wings, and…
They are generally quite robust, and consist of many strong flying forms with relatively long and narrow…
The pug-nosed bat. "Bat, one of the group of wing-handed, flying mammals, having the fore-limb peculiarly…
The Spectral Bat or False Vampire Bat (Vampyrum spectrum) is a mammal in the Phyllostomidae family of…
An illustration of two polar bears standing on icebergs with large icebergs surrounding them.
"Is of a reddish-fawn color, with black horns, shaped like the tines of a fork. "— S. G. Goodrich,…
The Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus) is a large even-toed ungulate native to the steppes of north…
The one-humped or dromedary camel is an ungulate distinguished by the hump on the animal's back.
The Dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius) is a large even-toed ungulate. It is often referred to as…
"Caracal, a species of lynx; a native of Northern Africa and Southwestern Asia. It is about the size…
An illustration of a cat wearing a bow around its neck and reading a book.