Orchids contain over 6000 species. Their greatest display is in the tropics, where many of them are…
A diagram of the various parts of pollen of orchid. po- Pollinia; c- Caudicle; vd- Viscid Disk; vg-…
Also known as Orchis morio. A depiction of the pollination of an orchid, where a hive bee is sucking…
"2. Cycnoches ventricosum; 4 and 5. C. Egertonianum (Swan Orchid); the others intermediate forms." -Lindley,…
A class of herbaceous plants or shrubs, including about 2,000 species, and generally distributed throughout…
The common name of phalaenopsis is moth orchid. The amabilis variety has white flowers with yellow streaks.…
The common name of phalaenopsis is moth orchid. The esmeralda variety has rose colored flowers one and…
The common name of phalaenopsis is moth orchid. The schilleriana variety measure more than two and a…
Roots which never reach the ground are produced by certain plants whose seeds, lodged upon the boughs…
The Tuberous Grass Pink (Calopogon tuberosus) is an orchid native to the eastern United States from…
The Tuberous Grass Pink (Calopogon tuberosus) is an orchid native to the eastern United States from…
"Vanilla is a genus of epiphytal Orchideæ, natives of tropical America and Asia. They are distinguished…