"Polyborus auduboni. Common Caracara. General color blackish, the throat, neck all around, and more or less of fore back and breast whitish, spotted and chiefly barred with blackish; upper and under tail-coverts and most of the tail white, the latter very numerously barred with blackish, of which color is the broad terminal zone; the shafts white along the white portion of each feather. Basal portion of primaries likewise barred with whitish. Bill variously pale colored; cere carmine; iris brown; feet yellow; claws black; soft parts drying to a dingy indefinable color." Elliot Coues, 1884


"Polyborus auduboni. Common Caracara. General color blackish, the throat, neck all around, and more…

A Rose-breasted Grosbeak (lower) and a Northern Cardinal (upper) sit on branches among the flowers. "Zamelodia ludoviciana. Rose-breasted Song Grosbeak. Adult male with the head and neck all around and most of the upper parts black, the rump, upper tail-coverts and under parts white, the breast and under wing-coverts exquisite carmine rose-red; wings and tail black, variegated with white; bill white; feet grayish-blue; iris brown. Female above, streaked with blackish and olive-brown or flaxen-brown, with median white coronal and superciliary line; below, white, more or less tinged with fulvous and streaked with dusky; under wing-coverts saffron-yellow; upper coverts and inner quills with a white spot at end; bill brown." "Cardinalis virginianus. Cardinal Grosbeak. Cardinal Red-bird. Virginia Nightinggale. male, adult: Rich red, usually vermillion, sometimes rosy; pure and intense on crest and under parts, darker on back, where obscured with ashy-gray, as it is also on upper surfaces of wings and tail; the feathers of the wings fuscous on inner webs. A jet-black mask on the face, entirely surrounding the bill, extending on the throat. Bill coral-colored; feet brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

A Northern Cardinal and a Rose-breasted Grosbeak Sitting on a Branch Among the Flowers

A Rose-breasted Grosbeak (lower) and a Northern Cardinal (upper) sit on branches among the flowers.…

"Figure shows Scutellate laminiplanter tarsus of a cat-bird. A tarsus so disposed as to its podotheca is said to be scutellate - scutellate before (fig 37), or behind, or both, as the case may be. ." Elliot Coues, 1884

Scutellate Laminiplanter Tarsus of a Cat-bird

"Figure shows Scutellate laminiplanter tarsus of a cat-bird. A tarsus so disposed as to its podotheca…

"Cat-Bird. Slate-gray, paler and more grayish-plumbeous below; crown of head, tail, bill, and feet black. Quills of the wing blackish, edged with the body-color. Under tail-coverts rich dark chestnut or mahogany-color" Elliot Coues, 1884


"Cat-Bird. Slate-gray, paler and more grayish-plumbeous below; crown of head, tail, bill, and feet black.…

Fringilla coelebs. Chaffinch. A small finch with edges of the tail being white, white bars on wings, rump green, under parts reddish, and a bluish-gray cap.


Fringilla coelebs. Chaffinch. A small finch with edges of the tail being white, white bars on wings,…

"Bill shorter than head, slender, straight, depressed at base, compressed at end, notched. Wings long, pointed, the tip formed by the 2d-4th quills, the 1st spurious, scarcely or not one-fourth as long as the 2d. Tail much shorter than wing, square. Tarsi booted, but with 4 scutella below in front; long and slender, much exceeding the middle toe and claw; lateral toes of about equal lengths, very short, the tips of their claws not reaching the base of the middle claw; claws little curved; feet thus adapted to terrestrial habits." Elliot Coues, 1884

Stone Chats

"Bill shorter than head, slender, straight, depressed at base, compressed at end, notched. Wings long,…

"Fig 66 - Head of a chick, second stage, after five days of incubation, section in profile; x6 diameters. cvl, cv2, cv3, first, second, and third cerebral vesicles; 1, place of the first nerve, the olfactory; 2, place of second nerve, the optic; ic, internal carotid artery, running into skull at what was originally the pituitary space, now an opening bounded in front by the anterior, acl, behind the posterior, pcl, clinoid walls; nc, notochord; oc, occipital condyle, thence to pcl being the original parachordal cartilage, here seen in profile; eo, exoccipital; eth, ethmoid, with ps, its presphenoid region posteriorly, and pn, pre-nasal part; this whole plate afterward developing into parts of the nose and the partition between the eyes; pa, palatine; pg, pterygoid region; pa and pg reference lines are in the chick's mouth; mk meckelian cartilage (lower jaw); ch and bh, ceratohyal and basihyal parts of the hyoid or tongue bone." Elliot Coues, 1884

Chick Head

"Fig 66 - Head of a chick, second stage, after five days of incubation, section in profile; x6 diameters.…

"Skull of chick, third stage, viewed from below, x6 & 2/3 diameters. pn, prenasal cartilage, running behind into the septum nasi; on each side of it the premaxillary, px, of which the (inner) palatal and (outer) dentary processes are seen (the upper nasal process hidden); mx, the maxillary, developing inner process, the maxillo-palatine, mxp; pa, the palatal, well-formed, articulating behind with rbs, the sphenoidal rostrum, its thickened under border, the parasphenoid; this will bear the vomer at its end when that bone is developed; j, jugal, joining mx and qj, the quadrato-jugal, joining j and q, the quadrate; mx to q, the jugal bar or zygoma; pg, the pterygoid, making with pa the pterygo-palatine bar, joining q and px; bt, the basitemporal, great mat of bone from ear to ear, underflooring the skull proper, as rbs, a similar formation, does further forward; ic, outer end of carotid canal, to run between the bt plate and true floor of skull, and enter brain cavity at original site of pituitary fossa; ty, tympanic cavity - external opening of ear; as, alisphenoid, bounding much of brain-box anteriorly, and orbital cavity posteriorly; psc, posterior semicircular canal of ear, in opisthotic bone, which will unite with the spreading eo, exoccipital, which will reach the cobdyle shown in the middle line, above the foramen magnum, fm, completed above by so, supra-occipital; 8, foramen lacerum posterius, exit of pneumogastric, glosso-pharyngeal and spinall accessory nerve; 9, exit of hypoglossal nerve, in basi-occipital." Elliot Coues, 1884

The Skull of a Chick Stage Three

"Skull of chick, third stage, viewed from below, x6 & 2/3 diameters. pn, prenasal cartilage, running…

"Skull of chick, second stage, in profile, brain and membranes removed to show cartilaginous formations, X4 diameters. eth, ethmoid, forming median nose-parts and inter-orbital septum; developing lateral parts, as ale, aliethmoid, als, aliseptum, aln, alinasal, pp, partition between nose and eye; pn, prenasal cartilage; ps, presphenoidal part of midethmoid; 2, optic foramen; as, alisphenoid, walling brain-box in front; pf, post-frontal, bounding orbit behind; pa, pg, palatine and pterygoid; q, quadrate; so, supra-occipital; eo, ex-occipital; oc, occipital condyle, borne upon basi-occipital, and showing nc, remains of notochord; these occipital bound the foramen magnum, and eo expands laterally to form a tympanic wing, circumscribing the external auditory orifice behind and below; hsc, psc, horizontal and posterior vertical semicircular canals of ear; fr, st, fenestra rotunda and fenestra ovalis, leading into inner ear, latter closed by foot of the stapes; mk, ch, bh, bbr, cbr, ebr, parts of jaw and tongue." Elliot Coues, 1884

The Skull of a Chick Stage Two

"Skull of chick, second stage, in profile, brain and membranes removed to show cartilaginous formations,…

"Ripe chick's skull, longitudinal section, vied inside, x 3 diameters; after Parker. px, premaxillary; aln, ali-nasal cartilage; en, septo-nasal; n, nasal bone; l, lacrymal; pe, perpendicular plate of ethmoid, ps, prespeenoidal region; as, alisphenoid; f, frontal; p, parietal; sq, squamosal; so, superoccipital; eo, exoccipital; oc, occipital condyle; st, the cross-like object, the stapes, whose foot fits fenestra ovalis; q, quadrate; pg, pterygoid; qj, quadrato-jugal; jugal; pa, palatine; mx, maxillary. In the mandible: d, dentary; su, surangular; a, angular; ar, atricular; iap, internal angular process; pap, posterior angular process. 2, optic foramen; 5, foramen ovale, for inferior divisions of the 5th nerve." Elliot Coues, 1884

Ripe Chick's Skull Profile

"Ripe chick's skull, longitudinal section, vied inside, x 3 diameters; after Parker. px, premaxillary;…

"Ripe chick's skull, longitudinal section, vied inside, x 3 diameters; after parker. In the mandible are seen: mk, remarks of meckelian rod; d, dentary bone; sp, splenial; a, angular; su, surangular; ar, articular; iap, internal articular process; pap, posterior articular process. In the skull: pn, the original prenasal cartilage, upon which is moulded the premaxillary, px, with its nasal process, npx, and dentary process, dpx; sn, septo-nasal cartilage, in which is seen nn, nasal nerve; ntb, nasal turbinal; the reference line crosses the cranio-facial suture, the face parts and cranial parts being nealry separated here by the nick seen in the original cartilaginous plate; eth, ethmoid; pe, perpendicular plate of ethmoid, which will spread nearly throughout the dotted cartilaginous tract in which it lies, to form nearly all the interorbital septum; transverse thickening (in some birds) below the reference line eth will form the pre-frontal, or orbito-nasal septum; iof, inter-orbital foramen; ps, pre sphenoidal region, just above which is the orbito-sphenoidal region; 2, optic foramen; as, alisphenoid, with 5 foramen for division of the 5th (trifacial) nerve; f, frontal; sq, squamosal; p, parietal; so, superoccipital; asc, anterior semicircular canal; sc, a sinus (venous canal); ep, epiotic; eo, exoccipital; op, opisthotic; po, prootic, with 7 meatus auditorius internus, for entrance of 7th nerve; 8, foramen nfor vagus nerve; bo, basioccipital; bt, basitemporal; ic, canal (in original pituitary space; ) by which carotid artery enters brain activity; ap; basipterygoid process; ap to rbs, rostrum ofhte skull, being the parasphenoid bone underflooring the basisphenoid and future perpendicular plate of ethmoid." Elliot Coues, 1884

Ripe Chick's Skull

"Ripe chick's skull, longitudinal section, vied inside, x 3 diameters; after parker. In the mandible…

"Crown and nape, with chin and throat, black, separated by white sides of the head. Upper parts brownish-ash, with slight olive tinge, and a rusty wash on rump. Under parts more or less purely white or whitish, shaded on the sides with a brownish or rusty wash. Wings and tail like upper parts, the feathers moderately edged with hoary-white." Elliot Coues, 1884

Black-capped Chickadee

"Crown and nape, with chin and throat, black, separated by white sides of the head. Upper parts brownish-ash,…

"Upper part ashy-gray, with scarcely a shade, and only on the rump, under parts similarly grayish-white, without a rusty tinge, the middle of the belly, the rest more heavily shaded. Wings and tail with comparatively little whitish edging - tail at least with no more than that of P. carolonensis. Sides of the head and neck white; top of the head, and the throat, black. A conspicuous white superciliary stripe in the black cap, usually meeting its fellow across the forehead." Elliot Coues, 1884

Mountain Chickadee

"Upper part ashy-gray, with scarcely a shade, and only on the rump, under parts similarly grayish-white,…

"Pseudogryphus californianus. California Condor. Adult: Blackish, the feathers with browner tips or edges, quite gray or even whitish on the wing-coverts and inner quills; primaries and tail-feathers black; axillars and lining of wings white; bill yellowish, reddening on cere, and skin of the head orange or reddish; iris said by some to be brown, by other carmine." Elliot Coues, 1884

California Condor

"Pseudogryphus californianus. California Condor. Adult: Blackish, the feathers with browner tips or…

"Fulicia. Coot. Bill and frontal plate much as in the Gallinultes. Body depressed; the under plumage thick and duck-like, to resist water. feet highly natatorial' toes, including the hinder, lobate, being furnished with large semicircular membranous flaps. The Coots are eminently aquatic birds, swimming with ease, by means of their lobate feet, like phalaropes and grebes; but this ability results from very slight modification of a structure shared by the Rails and Gallinules. There are about ten species, of both hemispheres, distinguished, among other characters, by the size and shape of the frontal shield. That, for instance, is of an exotic species, much larger than that of Fulica americana, and differently shaped. One species is remarkable for having the forehead singularly carunculate; the others closely resemble our common species." Elliott Coues, 1884

Coot Head

"Fulicia. Coot. Bill and frontal plate much as in the Gallinultes. Body depressed; the under plumage…

"Phalacrocorax bicristatus. Red-Faced Cormorant. Frontal feathers not reaching base of the culmen, the bill being entirely surrounded by naked red skin which also encircles the eyes, somewhat carunculate, forming a kind of wattle on each side of the chin; base of under mandible blue; feet black, blotched with yellow. Crown with a median bronzy black crest, and nape with another, in the same line. In the specimens examined, a large white flank-patch, but few if any white plumes on neck. Plumage richly iridescent, mostly green, but violet and steel-blue on the neck, purplish, violet, and bronzy on the back and wings, the feathers there without definite dark edgings." Elliot Coues, 1884

Red-faced Cormorant and Nest

"Phalacrocorax bicristatus. Red-Faced Cormorant. Frontal feathers not reaching base of the culmen, the…

"Phalacrocorax bicristatus. Cormorant. The knee-joint of a Cormorants. F, femur; P, patella; T, tibia; Fb, fibula

The Knee-joint of a Cormorant

"Phalacrocorax bicristatus. Cormorant. The knee-joint of a Cormorants. F, femur; P, patella; T, tibia;…

"Phalacrocorax bicristatus. Red-Faced Cormorant. Skull showing sto, occipital style or nuchal bone; The style is somewhat tilted upward from its natural position." Elliot Coues, 1884

Cormorant Skull

"Phalacrocorax bicristatus. Red-Faced Cormorant. Skull showing sto, occipital style or nuchal bone;…

"Phalacrocorax bicristatus. Red-Faced Cormorant. Sternum and the shoulder from the skeleton of a Cormorant." Elliot Coues, 1884

Cormorant Sternum and Shoulder

"Phalacrocorax bicristatus. Red-Faced Cormorant. Sternum and the shoulder from the skeleton of a Cormorant."…

"Phalacrocorax dilophus. Double-crested Cormorant. Tail of 12 feathers. Gular sac convex behind. No colored gorget. Glossy greenish-black; feathers of the back and wings coppery-gray, black-shafted, black-edged. Adult with curly black lateral crests in the breeding season, but few if any other filamentous white ones, over the eyes and along the sides of the neck; white flank-patch not observed in any specimens examined, probable not occurring; iris green; gular sac and lores orange. Winter spec. with bill bright yellow, blackening along culmen, gular sac red anteriorly, ochrey-yellow posteriorly; legs dull black." Elliot Coues, 1884

Double-crested Cormorant

"Phalacrocorax dilophus. Double-crested Cormorant. Tail of 12 feathers. Gular sac convex behind. No…

"Molothrus ater. Common Cowbird. Cuckold. male Adult: Lustrous green-black, with steel-blue, purple, and violet iridescence. head and neck deep wood-brown, with some purplish lustre. Bill and feet black." Elliot Coues, 1884

Common Cowbird

"Molothrus ater. Common Cowbird. Cuckold. male Adult: Lustrous green-black, with steel-blue, purple,…

"Coiling of the windpipe in the sternum of Grus canadensis. Sandhill Crane." Elliot Coues, 1884

Sandhill Crane Windpipe

"Coiling of the windpipe in the sternum of Grus canadensis. Sandhill Crane." Elliot Coues, 1884

"Very generally, in cranes and swans, the trachea enters the keel of the sternum, which is excavated to receive it, and where it forms one or more coils before emerging to pass to the lungs. This curious winding is carried to the extreme in our Grus americanus, the whoopong crane, in which the wind-pipe is about as long as the whole bird, and about half of it - over two feet of it! - is coiled away in the breast-bone." Elliot Coues

Whooping Crane Windpipe

"Very generally, in cranes and swans, the trachea enters the keel of the sternum, which is excavated…

"Black and White Creeper or Mniotilta varia. Black; edges of feathers of upper parts, coronal, superciliary, and maxillary stripes, tips of greater and median wing-coverts, outer edges of inner secondaries and inner edges of quills and tail-feathers, and spots on inner webs of lateral tail-feathers, white; under parts mostly white with black streaks on sides and crissum; bill and feet black. Similar: less black in proportion to the white, being mostly white below." Elliot Coues, 1884

Black and White Creeper

"Black and White Creeper or Mniotilta varia. Black; edges of feathers of upper parts, coronal, superciliary,…

"Common Brown Creeper. Upper parts dark brown, changing to rusty-brown on the rump, everywhere streaked with ashy-white. An obscure whitish superciliary stripe. Under parts dull whitish, sometimes tinged with rusty on the flanks and crissum. Wing-coverts and quills tipped with white, the inner secondaries also with white shaft-lines, which, with the tips, contrast the blackish of their outer webs. Wings also crossed with white or tawny-white, the anterior bar broad and occupying both webs of the feathers, the other only on the outer webs near their ends. Tail grayish-brown, darker along the shaft and at the ends of the feathers, sometimes showing obsolete transverse bars. Bill blackish above, mostly flesh-colored or yellowish below; feet brown; iris dark brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Common Brown Creeper

"Common Brown Creeper. Upper parts dark brown, changing to rusty-brown on the rump, everywhere streaked…

"Certhiola flaveola. Honey Creeper. Dark brown above; long superciliary line and under parts dull white; breast, edging of wing, and rump, bright yellow; wings dusky, with a white spot at base of primaries, and whitish edging of the quills; tail dusky, tipped with white; bill and feet black; eyes blue." Elliot Coues, 1884

Honey Creeper

"Certhiola flaveola. Honey Creeper. Dark brown above; long superciliary line and under parts dull white;…

"Loxai curvirostra. American Red Crossbill. Red; wings and tail blackish, without white markings. Middle of back darker, more brownish-red than elsewhere, the feathers with dusky centres. In the highest feather, even, the red is scarcely continuous except on head and rump, where brightest; lower belly and crissum usually gray or pale. Though the shade of red is never rosy or carmine as in the last, it varies interminably. It is usually tilered or cinnabar, heightening in some cases to vermilion, in others shading to brownish-red, and often mixed not only with gray, but with olivaceous or saffron-yellowish tints. Orange, chrome or gamboge are sometimes seen." Elliot Coues, 1884

American Red Crossbill

"Loxai curvirostra. American Red Crossbill. Red; wings and tail blackish, without white markings. Middle…

"Loxia leucoptera. White-winged Crossbill. Rosy-red, sometimes carmined or even crimsoned, obscured on middle of back, paling on lower belly and crissum, latter whitish with dusky centres of the feathers. Scapulars black, this color sometimes meeting across lower back. Wing- and tail-feathers black, with white, forming two cross-bars, sometimes confluent in one large patch. Rather larger than the next, the bill thinner and more attenuate." Elliot Coues, 1884

White-winged Crossbill

"Loxia leucoptera. White-winged Crossbill. Rosy-red, sometimes carmined or even crimsoned, obscured…

"Gymnocitta cyanocephala. Blue Crow. Male: Dull blue, very variable in intensity, nearly uniform, but brightest on head, fading on belly; the throat with whitish streaks; wings dusky on the inner webs. Bill and feet black. Iris brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Blue Crow

"Gymnocitta cyanocephala. Blue Crow. Male: Dull blue, very variable in intensity, nearly uniform, but…

"Geococcyx californianus. Ground Cuckoo. Chaparral Cock. Road Runner. Snake Killer. Paisano. Most of the feathers of the head and neck bristle-tipped; a naked area around eye; crown crested; plumage course. Above, lustrous bronzy or coppery-green, changing to dark steel-blue on the head and neck, to purplish-violet on the middle tail-feathers; everywhere except on rump conspicuously streaked with white, mixed with tawny on the head, neck, and wings - this white and buff streaking consisting of the edges of the feathers, which are frayed out, fringe-like, producing a peculiar effect. Breast, throat and sides of neck mixed tawny-white and black; other under parts dull soiled whitish. Primaries white, tipped and with oblique white space on outer webs. Lateral tail-feathers steel-blue with green violet reflections, their outer webs fringed part way with white, their tips broadly white. Lower back and rump, where covered by the folded wings, dark colored and unmarked; under surface of wings sooty-brown. Bare space around eye bluish and orange. Bill dark horn-color; feet the same, the larger scales yellowish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Ground Cuckoo Head

"Geococcyx californianus. Ground Cuckoo. Chaparral Cock. Road Runner. Snake Killer. Paisano. Most of…

This Old World bird's plumage is gray or brown. They have a long tail, strong legs, and a slim body.

Common Cuckoo

This Old World bird's plumage is gray or brown. They have a long tail, strong legs, and a slim body.

"Geococcyx californianus. Ground Cuckoo. Chaparral Cock. Road Runner. Snake Killer. Paisano. Most of the feathers of the head and neck bristle-tipped; a naked area around eye; crown crested; plumage course. Above, lustrous bronzy or coppery-green, changing to dark steel-blue on the head and neck, to purplish-violet on the middle tail-feathers; everywhere except on rump conspicuously streaked with white, mixed with tawny on the head, neck, and wings - this white and buff streaking consisting of the edges of the feathers, which are frayed out, fringe-like, producing a peculiar effect. Breast, throat and sides of neck mixed tawny-white and black; other under parts dull soiled whitish. Primaries white, tipped and with oblique white space on outer webs. Lateral tail-feathers steel-blue with green violet reflections, their outer webs fringed part way with white, their tips broadly white. Lower back and rump, where covered by the folded wings, dark colored and unmarked; under surface of wings sooty-brown. Bare space around eye bluish and orange. Bill dark horn-color; feet the same, the larger scales yellowish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Ground Cuckoo

"Geococcyx californianus. Ground Cuckoo. Chaparral Cock. Road Runner. Snake Killer. Paisano. Most of…

"Coccygus americanus. Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Bill black, extensively yellow below and on the sides of upper mandible. Feet dark plumbeous. Above, satiny olive-gray. Below, pure white. Wings extensively cinnamon-rufous on inner webs of the quills. Central tail-feathers like the back; the rest black with large white tips, the outermost usually also edged with white. Very constant in color, the chief variation being in extent and intensity of the cinnamon on the wings, which sometimes shows through when the wings are closed, and even tinges the coverts. Young differ chiefly in having the white ends of the tail-feathers less trenchant and extensive, the black not so pure; this state approaches the condition of erthrophthalmus, but does not match it." Elliot Coues, 1884

Small Yellow-billed Cuckoo

"Coccygus americanus. Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Bill black, extensively yellow below and on the sides of…

"Coccygus americanus. Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Bill black, extensively yellow below and on the sides of upper mandible. Feet dark plumbeous. Above, satiny olive-gray. Below, pure white. Wings extensively cinnamon-rufous on inner webs of the quills. Central tail-feathers like the back; the rest black with large white tips, the outermost usually also edged with white. Very constant in color, the chief variation being in extent and intensity of the cinnamon on the wings, which sometimes shows through when the wings are closed, and even tinges the coverts. Young differ chiefly in having the white ends of the tail-feathers less trenchant and extensive, the black not so pure; this state approaches the condition of erthrophthalmus, but does not match it." Elliot Coues, 1884

Yellow-billed Cuckoo

"Coccygus americanus. Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Bill black, extensively yellow below and on the sides of…

"Numenius arquatus. Eurasian Curlew. European Curlew. Bill of very variably length, always longer than head, probably always exceeding the tarsus, sometimes more than length of entire leg; slender, curved downwards, the tip of the upper mandible knobbed and overhanging the end of the lower; obsoletely grooved nearly to end. Gape of mouth extended beyond base of culmen. Feathers reaching about equally far on sides of each mandible. Wings and tail ordinary; latter barred in color. Legs rather stout; tibia largely denuded below; tarsus much longer than middle toe and claw, scutellate in front only, elsewhere reticulate. Toes short and thick, fattened underneath, broadly margined on sides. Of large and medium stature, and plump form. Coloration variegated; rufous usually prevailing. Sexes alike; changes of plumage not pronounced." Elliot Coues, 1884

Eurasian Curlew

"Numenius arquatus. Eurasian Curlew. European Curlew. Bill of very variably length, always longer than…

"Numenius hudsonicus. Hudsonian Curlew Jack Curlew. General tone of coloration scarcely rufous, the under parts, and the variegation of the upper, being whitish or ochraceous. No white on rump, tail, or lining of wings. Top of head uniform blackish-brown, with well-defined whitish median and lateral stripes (as in phaeopus, but neither longirostris nor borealis). Upper parts brownish-black, speckled with whitish, ochraceous or pale cinnamon-brown, in same pattern as in longirostris, but the dark in excess of the light colors, and these never strongly rufescent. Tail ashy-brown (not rufous), with numerous narrow blackish bars. Primaries fuscous, marbled or broken-barred with pale color (pattern as in longirostris, tone not strongly rufous). Lining of wings and axillars rufescent, but spotted or barred throughout with dusky. Under parts soiled whitish or somewhat ochraceous, only obscurely rufescent on crissum, if anywhere; the jugulum and fore-breast with dusky streaks which, as in other species, change to arrow-heads or incomplete bars on sides of breast and body. Bill blackish, some part of lower mandible pale; feet dark." Elliot Coues, 1884

Hudsonian Curlew

"Numenius hudsonicus. Hudsonian Curlew Jack Curlew. General tone of coloration scarcely rufous, the…

"Numenius longirostris. Long-billed Curlew. Sickle-bill. Plumage very similar to that of the Godwit, Limosa faeda: prevailing tone rufous, of varying intensity in different specimens, usually deepest on the lining of the wings, which are little varied with other color. Primaries varied with rufous. Top of head variegated with blackish and rufous or whitish, without distinct pale median and lateral lines. Upper parts brownish-black, speckled with tawny or cinnamon-brown, each feather having several indentations or broken bars of this color; rufous prevailing on wing-coverts. Tail-feathers and secondaries cinnamon-brown, with pretty regular dark bars throughout. Under parts rufous or cinnamon of varying intensity, usually deepening to chestnut under the wings, fading to whitish on throat; the jugulum and fore-breast with dusky streaks which tend on the sides of breast and body to arrowheads or more or less complete bars; lining of wings, axillars, and crissum, mostly unmarked, though some spots may appear. No white on rump, tail, or wings. Bill black, much of under mandible pale-flesh-color or yellowish; legs dark. Little variation in plumage with sex, age, and season. Chicks hatch in whitish down, thickly blotched above with brownish-black; the bill straight, an inch long." Elliot Coues, 1884

long-billed Curlew

"Numenius longirostris. Long-billed Curlew. Sickle-bill. Plumage very similar to that of the Godwit,…

"Fig. 40 Phalanges of Cypseline foot, where the ratio is 2, 3, 3, 3 of Caprimulginae." Elliot Coues, 1884

Phalanges of Cypseline Foot

"Fig. 40 Phalanges of Cypseline foot, where the ratio is 2, 3, 3, 3 of Caprimulginae." Elliot Coues,…

"Fig. 24. - Pterylosis of Cyoselus apus, drawn by Coues after Nitzsch; right hand upper, left hand lower, surface. 1 spinal tract; 2. humeral; 3. femoral; 4. capital; 5. alar; 6. caudal; 7. crural; 8. ventral." Elliot Coues, 1884

Pterylosis of Cypselus Apus

"Fig. 24. - Pterylosis of Cyoselus apus, drawn by Coues after Nitzsch; right hand upper, left hand lower,…

"Adult, in summer: Slaty-plumbeous, paler below, inclining on the head to sooty-brown. Quills and tail-feathers fuscous. Eyelids usually white. Bill black; feet yellowish." Elliot Coues, 1884

American Dipper

"Adult, in summer: Slaty-plumbeous, paler below, inclining on the head to sooty-brown. Quills and tail-feathers…

"Bill shorter that head, slender and compressed throughout, higher that broad at the nostrils, about straight, but seeming to be slightly recurved, owing to a sort of upward tilting of the superior mandible; culmen, notched near the end; gonys convex. Nostrils linear, opening beneath a large scale partly covered with feathers. No rictal vibrissae, nor any trace of bristles or bristle-tipped feathers about the nostrils. Plumage soft, lustreless, remarkably full and compact, water-proof. Body stout, thick set. Habits aquatic." Elliot Coues, 1884

European Dipper

"Bill shorter that head, slender and compressed throughout, higher that broad at the nostrils, about…

"Alle. Sea Dove. Size small. Bill very short, stout, and obtuse, as well as high at base, the sides of both mandibles turgid, the edge of the upper much infected; culmen very convex; rictus ample, decurved at end; gonys straight, very short, the mandibular rami correspondingly long, and widely divaricated; nasal fossae short, wide, deep, partly, patly feathered. Nostrils sub basal, more nearly circular than in any other genus excepting the next." Elliot Coues, 1884

Sea Dove Bill

"Alle. Sea Dove. Size small. Bill very short, stout, and obtuse, as well as high at base, the sides…

"Starnaenas cyanocephala. Blue-headed Quail Dove. Crown rich blue bounded by black; a white stripe under the eye, meeting its fellow on the chin; throat black, bordered with white. General color olivaceous-chocolate above, purplish-red below, lighter centrally." Elliot Coues, 1884

Blue-headed Quail Dove

"Starnaenas cyanocephala. Blue-headed Quail Dove. Crown rich blue bounded by black; a white stripe under…

"Zenaidura carolinensis. Carolina Dove. Mourning Dove. Wild Dove. Upper parts, including middle tail-feathers, grayish-blue shaded with brownish-olive, the head and neck ochrey-brown overlaid with glaucous-blue, the sides of the neck glittering with golden and ruby iridescence; a violet-black spot under the ear-coverts. Under parts glaucous-purplish, changing gradually to ochraceous on the belly and crissum, to bluish on the sides and under the wings, to whitish on the chin; the purplish tint spreading up on the sides and front of the head to blend with the glaucous-blue. Black spots on some of the scapulars and wing-coverts, most of which are colored to correspond with the back, the larger ones being rather bluish-plumbeous. Lateral tail-feathers plumbeous-bluish, crossed with a black bar, the outer four on each side broadly ended with white. Bill black; angle of mouth carmine; iris brown; bare skin around eye livid bluish; feet lake-red, drying dull yellowish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Carolina Dove

"Zenaidura carolinensis. Carolina Dove. Mourning Dove. Wild Dove. Upper parts, including middle tail-feathers,…

Columba palumbus. European Ring Dove. Wood Pigeon. Plumage is gray with a pinkish-purplish breast and white on wing and neck.

European Ring Dove

Columba palumbus. European Ring Dove. Wood Pigeon. Plumage is gray with a pinkish-purplish breast and…

"Dafila. Pin-tail Ducks. Tail (in adult male) narrow, cuneate, when fully developed nearly as long as wing, the 2 central feathers long-exserted, linear-acute: in female and young the tail merely tapering, with acute feathers; tail-feathers 16, including the long middle pair. Bill shorter than head, longer than tarsus, nearly parallel sided, widening a little to the end, the nail small, the narrow nostrils high up in basal third of bill. Feathers of cheeks sweeping in strongly convex outline along side of upper mandible, beyond those on side of lower mandible. Wing acute, the 1st and 2d primaries subequal and longest, rest rapidly graduated. Neck unusually long and slender, and form less "stocky" than that of most ducks. Sexes and young very unlike in color, even to the wing-markings, as well as in shape of tail. Bill and feet dark. Under parts white or whitish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Pin-tail Duck Head

"Dafila. Pin-tail Ducks. Tail (in adult male) narrow, cuneate, when fully developed nearly as long as…

"Fig 27. - Bones of the right wing of a duck, Clangula islandica, A, shoulder, omos; B, elbow, ancon; C, wrist, carpus; D, end of principal finger; E, end of hand proper, metacarpus. AB, upper arm, brachium; BC, fore-arm, antibrachium; CD, whole hand or pinion, manus; composed of CE, hand proper or metacarpus, excepting d2; ED, or d2, d3, d4, fingers, digits, digiti, h, humerus; rd, radius; ul, ulna; sc, outer carpal, scapholunare or radiale; cu, inner carpal, cuneiforme or ulnare; these two composing wrist or carpus. mc, the compound hand-bone or metcarpus, composed of three metacarpal bones, bearing as many digits - the outer digit seated upon a protuberance at the head of the metacarpal, the other two situated at the end of the bone. d2, the outer or radial digit, commonly called the thumb or pollex, composed or two phalanges; d3, the middle digit, of two phalanges; d4, the inner or ulnar digit, of one phalanx d2 is the seat of the feathers of the bastard wing or alula. D to C (whole pinion), seat of the flight feathers called primaries; C to B (fore-arm), seat of the secondaries; at B and above it in direction of A, seat of tertiaries proper; below A, in direction of B, seat of scapularies (upon pteryla humeralis), often called tertiaries. The wing shown half-spread: complete extension would bring A B C D into a right line; in complete folding C goes to A, and D to B; all these motions nearly in the plane of the paper. The elbow-joint and wrist are such perfect hinges, that, in opening or closing the wing, C cannot sink below the paper, nor D fly up above the paper, as would otherwise be the effect of the pressure of the air upon the flight-feathers. Observe also rd and ul are two rods connecting B and C; the construction of their joining at B and C, and with each other, is such, that they can slide lengthwise a little upon each other. Now when the point C, revolving about B, approaches A in the arc of a circle, rd pushes on sc, while ul pulls back cu; the motion is transmitted to D, and makes this point approach B. conversely, in opening the wing, rd pulls back sc, and ul pushes on cu, making D recede from B. In other words, the angle A B C cannot be increased or diminished without similarly increasing or diminishing the angle B C D; so that no part of the wing can be opened or shut without automatically opening or shutting the rest..." Elliot Coues, 1884

The Bones of the Right Wing of a Duck

"Fig 27. - Bones of the right wing of a duck, Clangula islandica, A, shoulder, omos; B, elbow, ancon;…

"Camptolaemus labradorius. Labrador Duck. Pied Duck. Adult male: Bill black with orange at base and along edges, and grayish-blue along the ridge; iris reddish-brown; feet grayish-blue, with dusky webs and claws. Head and upper neck white, with a longitudinal black stripe on the crown and nape. Neck below ringed with black continuous with that of upper parts, then half-collared with white continuous with that of scapulars. Below, from this white, entirely black, excepting white axillars and lining of wings. Above, black, except as said; the wing-coverts and secondaries white, some of the latter margined with black; some of the long scapulars pearly-gray; primaries and their coverts and tail-feathers brownish-black. Female: Bill, eyes, and tail-feathers brownish-black. Bill, eyes, and feet as in male; several secondaries white, forming a speculum, but no white on wing-coverts or scapulars; axillars and lining of wings mostly white; inner secondaries edged with black; general color dappled brownish-gray, paler and more ashy or plumbeous on wing-coverts and inner secondaries." Elliot Coues, 1884

Labrador Duck

"Camptolaemus labradorius. Labrador Duck. Pied Duck. Adult male: Bill black with orange at base and…

"Oidemia perspicillata. Surf Duck. Sea Coot. Adult male: Bill as above, singularly variegated in color, mostly white in pinkish, and orange, with a great round or squarish black spot on side near base; iris pale yellow; feet orange, with dusky webs. Plumage glossy black, duller below; no white on wings, but a triangular white patch on forehead, pointing forward, reaching to or beyond opposite eye, and another on nape, pointing downward. Young male resembles female, before the bill acquires distinctive shape and color. Female blackish, not tumid, feathers of culmen restricted, not reaching opposite nostrils; feet dark, tinged with reddish, the webs blackish. Plumage sooty-brown, below silvery-gray; side of head with much whitish, chiefly in two patches, loral and auricular; no frontal or nuchal white." Elliot Coues, 1884

Surf Duck

"Oidemia perspicillata. Surf Duck. Sea Coot. Adult male: Bill as above, singularly variegated in color,…

"Oidemia perspicillata trowbridgii. Trowbridge's Surf Duck, With the bill longer, exceeding the head, and o slightly different shape; feathers falling short of nostrils; gape 2.75; white frontal patch small, its posterior border anterior to a line between eyes, instead of reaching or passing beyond this." Elliot Coues, 1884

Trowbridge's Surf Duck

"Oidemia perspicillata trowbridgii. Trowbridge's Surf Duck, With the bill longer, exceeding the head,…

"Anus boscas. Mallard. Wild or Domestic Duck. Green-head. Bill greenish-yellow. Feet orange-red. Iris brown. Head and upper neck glossy-green, succeeded by a white ring. Breast purplish-chestnut. Lower back, rump, and tail-coverts glossy-black. Tail-feathers mostly whitish. Under parts from the breast, and scapulars, silvery-gray, finely undulated with dusky; crissum black. Speculum violet, purplish and greenish, framed in black and white tips of the greater coverts, and black terminal border. Feet and wings in the male, Bill blackish, blotched with orange, especially at base, tip and along edges. Entire body-colors with dusky-brown and tawny-brown; the tone paler and in finer pattern on the head, neck, and under parts than on the back." Elliot Coues, 1884

Wild Duck

"Anus boscas. Mallard. Wild or Domestic Duck. Green-head. Bill greenish-yellow. Feet orange-red. Iris…

"Aix sponsa. Wood Duck. Summer Duck. "The Bride." Adult Male: Bill pinkish-white, with lake-red base, black ridge, tip, and under mandible; iris and edges of eyelids red; feet orange, with black claws. Upper part of the head, including crest, glistening green and purple; a narrow white line over eye from bill to occiput, and another behind eye to nape, these white lines mixing in the crest. A broad white patch on the throat, forking behind, one branch mounting head behind eye, the other passing to side of neck. Sides and front of lower neck and fore breast rich purplish-chestnut, prettily marked with several chain of angular white spots. A large white black-edged crescent of enlarged feathers in front of the wing. Under parts pure white, the sides yellowish-gray vermiculated with black and white wavy bars; the enlarged flank-feathers broadly rayed with black and white; the lining of the wings white barred with grayish-brown, of which color is the crissum. Upper parts generally lustrous with bronzy-green and purple; scapulars and inner secondaries velvet-black, glassed with purple and green; a green speculum, succeeded by white tips of the secondaries; primaries frosted on outer webs near end. Adult female: Little or no crest, but lengthened feathers on nape; no enlargement or special colorings of feathers about the wings. Bill dusky: feet yellowish-dusky. Head and neck gray, darker on crown, the chin and parts about bill and eyes white. Fore neck, breast and sides of body yellowish-brown, mottled with dark gray, the breast spotted with brown, the belly white. Upper parts dark brown with considerable gloss; wings as in the male, but the velvety-black reduced." Elliot Coues, 1884

Wood Duck

"Aix sponsa. Wood Duck. Summer Duck. "The Bride." Adult Male: Bill pinkish-white, with lake-red base,…

"Dafila acuta. Pin-tail Duck. Sprig-tail. Bill black, with grayish-blue edge of upper mandible; feet grayish-blue; claws black; iris brown. Head and neck above rich dark brown, glossed with green and purple; side of neck with a long white stripe running up from the white under parts; back of neck with a black stripe passing below into the gray color of the back; the lower fore-neck, breast, and under parts usually, white, the sides finely waved with black, the crissum black, white-bordered. Fore back finely waved with narrow bars of black and white or whitish; the scapulars and long tertiaries firmly striped lengthwise with velvety-black and silvery-gray. Lesser wing-coverts plain gray; greater tipped with reddish-buff, framing the speculum anteriorly; this is of coppery-or purplish-violet iridescence, framed posteriorly with black sub-tips and white tips of the secondaries, internally with silvery and black stripes. Tail-feathers gray, the long central ones blackish; sides and roots of tail varied with blackish and buff. It is thus a very handsome duck in full plumage, aside from the trim and clipper-like build." Elliot Coues, 1884

Pin-tail Ducks

"Dafila acuta. Pin-tail Duck. Sprig-tail. Bill black, with grayish-blue edge of upper mandible; feet…

"Cochlea, X3. a, external, b, internal, cartilaginous prism; c, membranous zone; d, saccular extremity of the cochlea, or lagena; e, vascular membrane; f, auditory nerve, its middle fascicle penetrating the internal cartilaginous prism, to reach the membranous zone by its terminal filaments; g, auditory nerve, its posterior fascicle, running to the most posterior part of the lagena; h, filament to ampulla of posterior or inferior vertical semicircular canal." Elliot Coues, 1884

Eagle Cochlea

"Cochlea, X3. a, external, b, internal, cartilaginous prism; c, membranous zone; d, saccular extremity…

"Section of the cochlea, X3. a, vestibular surface of external cartilaginous prism, extending into d, the lagena; c, section of the membranous zone; e, Huschke's process of the fenestra, which, with the margins of the cartilaginous prisms, affords attachment Treviranus; i, canals in posterior wall of the lagena, by which the nervous filaments enter its cavity." Elliot Coues, 1884

A Section of an Eagle's Cochlea

"Section of the cochlea, X3. a, vestibular surface of external cartilaginous prism, extending into d,…

"Membranous labyrinth of Haliaetus albicilla (White-tailed Eagle), X2.  a,b, cochlea; b, its saccular extremity (or lagena); c, vestibule; g, its utricle; d, anterior of superior vertical semicircular canal; e, external or horizontal semicircular canal; f, posterior of inferior vertical semicircular canal; h, membranous canal leading into aqueduct of the vestibule; k, vascular membrane covering the scala vestibuli; opposite this, at i, are seen the edges of the cartilaginous prisms in the fenestra rotunda; from the edges of these cartilages proceeds the delicate membrane closing the opening of the cochlea (not shown in the fi.)" Elliot Coues, 1884

The Inner Ear of a White-tailed Eagle

"Membranous labyrinth of Haliaetus albicilla (White-tailed Eagle), X2. a,b, cochlea; b, its saccular…

"Part of the superior vertical semicircular canal, showing its ampulla (which is the dilatation of the base of any semicircular canal), nerve of ampulla, artery connective tissue of the perilymph, X3, a, that part of the vestibule (alveus) next to the ampulla; b, the idlatation of the ampulla at its vestibular opening; c, where it passes into the canal proper; d, the canal, furnished with connective of the perilymph along its concave border and sides, as appears clearly at the sections e and f; g, nerve of the ampulla; h, artery of the connective tissue, running beneath it, remote from the wall of the duct." Elliot Coues, 1884

Eagle's Ampulal

"Part of the superior vertical semicircular canal, showing its ampulla (which is the dilatation of the…

"Membranous labyrinth of Haliaetus albicilla (White-tailed Eagle), X2.  a,b, cochlea; b, its saccular extremity (or lagena); c, vestibule; g, its utricle; d, anterior of superior vertical semicircular canal; e, external or horizontal semicircular canal; f, posterior of inferior vertical semicircular canal; h, membranous canal leading into aqueduct of the vestibule; k, vascular membrane covering the scala vestibuli; opposite this, at i, are seen the edges of the cartilaginous prisms in the fenestra rotunda; from the edges of these cartilages proceeds the delicate membrane closing the opening of the cochlea (not shown in the fi.)" Elliot Coues, 1884

The Inner Ear of an Eagle

"Membranous labyrinth of Haliaetus albicilla (White-tailed Eagle), X2. a,b, cochlea; b, its saccular…

"Haliaetus leucocephalus. White-headed Sea Eagle. "Bald Eagle." "Bird of Washington". Adult: Dark brown; quills black; head and tail white; bill, eyes, and feet yellow. Three years are required for the perfection of the white head tail of the "bald" eagle. The first year, the young are "black" eagle; very dark colored, with fleecy white bases of the feathers showing here and there; bill black; iris brown feet yellow. The next year, they are "gray" eagles, and usually larger than the old birds, the largest known specimens being of this kind." Elliot Coues, 1884

Bald Eagle

"Haliaetus leucocephalus. White-headed Sea Eagle. "Bald Eagle." "Bird of Washington". Adult: Dark brown;…

"Fig. 6- scissors, knives, and forceps, 1/2 natural size." Elliot Coues, 1884 These items may be used to seize and draw out a membrane or embryo from the egg.

Scissors, Knives, and Forceps Used for Egg Blowing

"Fig. 6- scissors, knives, and forceps, 1/2 natural size." Elliot Coues, 1884 These items may be used…