A shrub that is native to Europe, northwest Africa, and western Asia. It reaches up to 13 feet in height, and is covered in small oval leaves and yellow flowers. The fruit produced on this shrub is sour, but edible, and rich in Vitamin C.

Berberis Vulgaris

A shrub that is native to Europe, northwest Africa, and western Asia. It reaches up to 13 feet in height,…

"One to three feet high; flowers erect, orange yellow, spotted black, well open and very beautiful. Each bulb throws up from three to four flowering stems. Native of Japan and blooms in August."—Heinrich, 1887


"One to three feet high; flowers erect, orange yellow, spotted black, well open and very beautiful.…

A type of flower.


A type of flower.

"Cheiranthus cheiri; 2. its stigma; 3. the same with one valve off; 4. a cross section of a seed; 5. a diagram to illustrate the position of the parts of the flower." -Lindley, 1853

Aegean Wallflower

"Cheiranthus cheiri; 2. its stigma; 3. the same with one valve off; 4. a cross section of a seed; 5.…

Also known as Betula fontinalis. A species of birch native to North America.

Branch of Water Birch

Also known as Betula fontinalis. A species of birch native to North America.

"Pistia Stratiotes. 1. A spathe with its 2 flowers; 2. a section of a seed-vessel; 3. a seed; 4. the same cut perpendicularly." -Lindley, 1853

Water Cabbage

"Pistia Stratiotes. 1. A spathe with its 2 flowers; 2. a section of a seed-vessel; 3. a seed; 4. the…

"Water Cress (Nasturtium officinale)." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Water Cress

"Water Cress (Nasturtium officinale)." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

This illustration shows a water crowfoot, with broad, floating leaves, and much-cut, submerged leaves.

Water Crowfoot

This illustration shows a water crowfoot, with broad, floating leaves, and much-cut, submerged leaves.

An illustration of water hemlock including the root and fruit.

Water hemlock

An illustration of water hemlock including the root and fruit.

Also known as Quercus nigra. The branch of a Water Oak tree, native to the southeastern United States.

Branch of Water Oak

Also known as Quercus nigra. The branch of a Water Oak tree, native to the southeastern United States.

"Stratiotes aloides. 1. a flower and spathe; 2. a flower split open; 3. a fruit in its spathe; 4. a section of the fruit; 5. an embryo." -Lindley, 1853

Water Pineapple

"Stratiotes aloides. 1. a flower and spathe; 2. a flower split open; 3. a fruit in its spathe; 4. a…

"Hydrophyllum canadense. 1. a flower; 2. a pistil; 3. a perpendicular section of the ovary; 4. a cross section; 5. Section of seed of H. virginianum." -Lindley, 1853

Bluntleaf Waterleaf

"Hydrophyllum canadense. 1. a flower; 2. a pistil; 3. a perpendicular section of the ovary; 4. a cross…

Also known as Myrica cerifera. A small tree native to North America. It is commonly used for candle-making, as well as a medicinal plant.

Branch of Wax Myrtle

Also known as Myrica cerifera. A small tree native to North America. It is commonly used for candle-making,…

Grafting is a horticultural operation which consists in placing together the two cut surfaces of different plants in such a way that they shall unite and become an organic unity. The rooted plant which is to receive the graft is called the 'stock'; the cutting which is to be applied to the stock, and to obtain its nourishment from it, is called the 'scion'. This illustration shows the Wedge method of grafting.

Wedge Grafting

Grafting is a horticultural operation which consists in placing together the two cut surfaces of different…

An illustration of dyer's weed.

Dyer's Weed

An illustration of dyer's weed.

Also known as Juniperus flaccida. A large shrub or small tree native to central and northern Mexico, as well as the extreme southwest of Texas.

Branch of Weeping Juniper

Also known as Juniperus flaccida. A large shrub or small tree native to central and northern Mexico,…

"Weinmannia Balbisiana. 1. its ovary." -Lindley, 1853


"Weinmannia Balbisiana. 1. its ovary." -Lindley, 1853

Also known as Juniperus occidentalis. Native to the western United States.

Branch of Western Juniper

Also known as Juniperus occidentalis. Native to the western United States.

Also known as Thuja plicata. An evergreen coniferous tree native to western North America.

Branch of Western Redcedar

Also known as Thuja plicata. An evergreen coniferous tree native to western North America.

Grafting is a horticultural operation which consists in placing together the two cut surfaces of different plants in such a way that they shall unite and become an organic unity. The rooted plant which is to receive the graft is called the 'stock'; the cutting which is to be applied to the stock, and to obtain its nourishment from it, is called the 'scion'. This illustration shows the Whip method of grafting. This method is also known as Tongue Grafting.

Whip Grafting

Grafting is a horticultural operation which consists in placing together the two cut surfaces of different…

Also known as Alnus rhombifoiia. The branch of a White Alder tree, native to western North America.

Branch of White Alder

Also known as Alnus rhombifoiia. The branch of a White Alder tree, native to western North America.

Tacca integrifolia or White Bat Plant is a flowering plant cultivated as ornamental plants.

White Bat Plant

Tacca integrifolia or White Bat Plant is a flowering plant cultivated as ornamental plants.

Also known as Abies concolor. Native to the mountains of western North America.

Pine Cone of White Fir

Also known as Abies concolor. Native to the mountains of western North America.

Also known as Quercus alba. The branch of a White Oak tree, native to eastern North America.

Branch of White Oak

Also known as Quercus alba. The branch of a White Oak tree, native to eastern North America.

"Eriostemon myoporoides. 1. a complete flower; 2. the ovary, seated in a cup-shaped disk, surrounded by a calyx; 3. the ripe fruit, separated spontaneously into its component carpels." -Lindley, 1853

White Star

"Eriostemon myoporoides. 1. a complete flower; 2. the ovary, seated in a cup-shaped disk, surrounded…

Also known as Juglans cinerea. A species of walnut native to the eastern United States and southeast Canada.

Branch of White Walnut Tree

Also known as Juglans cinerea. A species of walnut native to the eastern United States and southeast…

"Apodytes dimidiata. 1. a flower; 2. a corolla spread open; 3. a pistil; 4. section of an ovary; 5. section of ripe fruit." -Lindley, 1853


"Apodytes dimidiata. 1. a flower; 2. a corolla spread open; 3. a pistil; 4. section of an ovary; 5.…

An arrangement of leaves or other parts in which they cme off several at the same level around the stem.


An arrangement of leaves or other parts in which they cme off several at the same level around the stem.

"Ament-A kind of inflorescence consisting of unisexual apetalous flowers growing in the axils of scales or bracts ranged along a talk or axis."-Whitney, 1902


"Ament-A kind of inflorescence consisting of unisexual apetalous flowers growing in the axils of scales…

Also known as Quercus phellos. The branch of a Willow Oak tree, native to eastern North America.

Branch of Willow Oak

Also known as Quercus phellos. The branch of a Willow Oak tree, native to eastern North America.

A window with a plant-stand and a hanging basket.

Window with Plant-Stand and Hanging Basket

A window with a plant-stand and a hanging basket.

Also known as Ulmus alata. The branch of a Winged Elm tree, native to the southern United States.

Branch of Winged Elm

Also known as Ulmus alata. The branch of a Winged Elm tree, native to the southern United States.

"Pyrola chlorantha. 1. a pistil; 2. an anther; 3. seeds; 4. a seed much more magnified; 5. a section of the nucleus showing the embryo." -Lindley, 1853

Green-Flowered Wintergreen

"Pyrola chlorantha. 1. a pistil; 2. an anther; 3. seeds; 4. a seed much more magnified; 5. a section…

Also known as Hamamelis virginiana. The branch of a Witch Hazel shrub, native to the eastern United States.

Branch of Witch Hazel

Also known as Hamamelis virginiana. The branch of a Witch Hazel shrub, native to the eastern United…

Plants simple, extremely minute, appearing as grains on surface of water.


Plants simple, extremely minute, appearing as grains on surface of water.

Plants floating just below water surfacel plant body made up of a clump of short filaments.


Plants floating just below water surfacel plant body made up of a clump of short filaments.

The Woodwaxen or Dyer's Greenweed (Genista tinctoria) is a flowering plant in the legume family, Fabaceae.


The Woodwaxen or Dyer's Greenweed (Genista tinctoria) is a flowering plant in the legume family, Fabaceae.

"The caterpillar of which, commonly known as the tobacco-worm in the Middle States, is very destructive to the leaf of the tobacco-plant, when the worm is young, by eating holes in the leaves, thus spoiling them for use as wrappers for cigars, and when old by devouring the whole of the leaf itself." -Watts, 1874

Tobacco worm

"The caterpillar of which, commonly known as the tobacco-worm in the Middle States, is very destructive…

A low composite herb.

Wormwood Plant

A low composite herb.

Xanthorrhaea hastilis is a flowering plant native to Australia also referred to as Xanthorrhoea resinifera and the common name Blackboy.

Xanthorrhaea Hastilis

Xanthorrhaea hastilis is a flowering plant native to Australia also referred to as Xanthorrhoea resinifera…

Leaves smaller, rigid; small yellow flowers gathered in dense heads at top of naked stalk, each subtended by a scale-like bract.


Leaves smaller, rigid; small yellow flowers gathered in dense heads at top of naked stalk, each subtended…

Also known as Betula lenta. The branch of a Yellow Birch tree, native to eastern North America.

Branch of Yellow Birch

Also known as Betula lenta. The branch of a Yellow Birch tree, native to eastern North America.

Also known as Liriodendron tulipifera. A branch of a Yellow Poplar tree, native throughout North America.

Branch of Yellow Poplar

Also known as Liriodendron tulipifera. A branch of a Yellow Poplar tree, native throughout North America.

A traditional yellow onion.

Danvers Thick Yellow

A traditional yellow onion.

"Xyris operculata; 1. a flower seen in front; 2. a style, stigmas and stamens." -Lindley, 1853

Yellow-Eyed Grass

"Xyris operculata; 1. a flower seen in front; 2. a style, stigmas and stamens." -Lindley, 1853

"Taxus baccata loaded with male flowers; 1. a male flower; 2. an anther; 3. a female flower; 4. a vertical section of an ovule; 5. a ripe fruit; 6. of a ripe seed, showing the embryo." -Lindley, 1853

European Yew

"Taxus baccata loaded with male flowers; 1. a male flower; 2. an anther; 3. a female flower; 4. a vertical…

"Saxe-Gothea conspicua; 1. male spike; 2. anther; 3. scale of galbulus with ovule; 4. ripe galbulus." -Lindley, 1853

Prince Albert's Yew

"Saxe-Gothea conspicua; 1. male spike; 2. anther; 3. scale of galbulus with ovule; 4. ripe galbulus."…

"A plant may be operated on wherever the stem has become firm and woody; the top will not fail to make a fine young specimen plant, which migt be removed in the course of abot twelve months, while other shoots would no doubt be obtained from the old stem, which, with its head thus removed, might be removed to quarters where steadying if the stem were loaded with a pot or box of soil, as at a in the figure." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"A plant may be operated on wherever the stem has become firm and woody; the top will not fail to make…

A branch of Yucca arborescens, a species in the agave family.

Branch of Yucca Arborescens

A branch of Yucca arborescens, a species in the agave family.

The branch of a Yucca faxoniana, a species of perennial shrub native to the southwest United States.

Branch of Yucca Faxoniana

The branch of a Yucca faxoniana, a species of perennial shrub native to the southwest United States.

The branch of a Yucca macrocarpa, a species of agave plant.

Branch of Yucca Macrocarpa

The branch of a Yucca macrocarpa, a species of agave plant.

The branch and fruit of a Yucca mohavensis, a species of plant from the agave family.

Branch of Yucca Mohavensis

The branch and fruit of a Yucca mohavensis, a species of plant from the agave family.

The branch of a Yucca Radiosa, a species of perennial shrub from the agave family.

Branch of Yucca Radiosa

The branch of a Yucca Radiosa, a species of perennial shrub from the agave family.

The Yucca aloifolia also known as the Aloe Yucca or Spanish Bayonet.

Aloe Yucca

The Yucca aloifolia also known as the Aloe Yucca or Spanish Bayonet.

A leaf of the Zamia, a tree from the Mesozoic time.

Zamia Leaf

A leaf of the Zamia, a tree from the Mesozoic time.

"Leaves of Zamias." -Lindley, 1853

Zamia Leaves

"Leaves of Zamias." -Lindley, 1853

Leaves with narrow bases.


Leaves with narrow bases.

Plants belonging to the Zinnia genus, commonly cultivated for bright flowers.


Plants belonging to the Zinnia genus, commonly cultivated for bright flowers.

Pistullate spikelets borne above staminate in inflorescence; leaves not cutting.


Pistullate spikelets borne above staminate in inflorescence; leaves not cutting.

Pistullate and staminate spikelets intermixed; leaves with scabrous, cutting margins.


Pistullate and staminate spikelets intermixed; leaves with scabrous, cutting margins.