Stem of a potato plant.


Stem of a potato plant.

The sticky portion of the pistil, usually terminal, upon which the pollen is deposited.


The sticky portion of the pistil, usually terminal, upon which the pollen is deposited.

A wide-creeping fern with reddish-brown scales. The fronds of this fern are approximately 2 feet in length, and 1 to 3 inches broad.

Polypodium Stigmaticum

A wide-creeping fern with reddish-brown scales. The fronds of this fern are approximately 2 feet in…

"Stilbe Pinastra. 1. a flower; 2. the same cut open; 3. a perpendicular section of an ovary." -Lindley, 1853


"Stilbe Pinastra. 1. a flower; 2. the same cut open; 3. a perpendicular section of an ovary." -Lindley,…

Low, brittle shrub with wood lighter than cork; green parts with a milky sap.


Low, brittle shrub with wood lighter than cork; green parts with a milky sap.

Also known as Torreya taxifolia. A plant found in the Southeastern United States.

Branch of Stinking Cedar

Also known as Torreya taxifolia. A plant found in the Southeastern United States.

An appendage at the base of the petiole of a leaf; normally occuring in pairs.


An appendage at the base of the petiole of a leaf; normally occuring in pairs.

Stellaria holostea is an ornamental plant also known as Addersmeat or the Greater Stitchwort.

Greater Stitchwort

Stellaria holostea is an ornamental plant also known as Addersmeat or the Greater Stitchwort.

The Sedum acre or Goldmoss Stonecrop is a creeping plant native to Europe.

Goldmoss Stonecrop

The Sedum acre or Goldmoss Stonecrop is a creeping plant native to Europe.

"1. Chara vulgaris; 2. a portion of a branch with a nucule and globule; 3. the globule more magnified; 4. the spiral tubes of the latter; 5. a nucule cut open; 6. a nucule in germination." -Lindley, 1853

Common Stonewort

"1. Chara vulgaris; 2. a portion of a branch with a nucule and globule; 3. the globule more magnified;…

"In botany, a runner; a weak, creeping shoot sent out from the bottom of the stem, and rooting and forming new plants at the nodes, as in the strawberry." -Whitney, 1911

Strawberry Flagellum

"In botany, a runner; a weak, creeping shoot sent out from the bottom of the stem, and rooting and forming…

An illustration of a strawberry plant with fruit.

Strawberry Plant

An illustration of a strawberry plant with fruit.

"A terminal plant on a runner as taken from the ground." —Fuller, 1910

Young strawberry plant

"A terminal plant on a runner as taken from the ground." —Fuller, 1910

"3. perpendicular section of a flower of Fragaria indica (Duchesnea indica); 4. the same section of its half ripe fruit, showing the torus covered with carpels; 5. a single carpel of it; 6. one of its achaenia cut open to show the seed inside." -Lindley, 1853

Mock Strawberry

"3. perpendicular section of a flower of Fragaria indica (Duchesnea indica); 4. the same section of…

"2. flower of Fragaria vesca; 3. a section of it." -Lindley, 1853

Woodland Strawberry

"2. flower of Fragaria vesca; 3. a section of it." -Lindley, 1853

The strobilus (spike) of a hop plant.

Hop strobilus

The strobilus (spike) of a hop plant.

"Details of the fructification of Struthanthus. 1. flower magnified; 2. section of calyx, ovary, and style; 3. fruit invested by the adnate calyx; 4. section of ditto after the calyx is removed; 5. an embryo with 4 cotyledons." -Lindley, 1853


"Details of the fructification of Struthanthus. 1. flower magnified; 2. section of calyx, ovary, and…

"2. flower of Stylapterus sp.; 3 a. anther in front; 3 b. ditto behind; 4. anther between two lobes of calyx." -Lindley, 1853


"2. flower of Stylapterus sp.; 3 a. anther in front; 3 b. ditto behind; 4. anther between two lobes…

"Styrax suberifolium. 1. a flower; 2. corolla and stamens; 3. pistil." -Lindley, 1853


"Styrax suberifolium. 1. a flower; 2. corolla and stamens; 3. pistil." -Lindley, 1853

"Styrax leiophylla. 1. a flower natural size; 2. ditto cut open; 3. stamen seen in front; 4. ovary, with half the calyx removed; 5. longitudinal section of ovary; 6. transverse ditto; 7. ripe fruit; 8. longitudinal section of seed." -Lindley, 1853


"Styrax leiophylla. 1. a flower natural size; 2. ditto cut open; 3. stamen seen in front; 4. ovary,…

Somewhat heart shaped.


Somewhat heart shaped.

Shaped like an awl.


Shaped like an awl.

"Root suckers are young shoots from the roots of plants, chiefly woody plants, as may often be seenin the case of the elm and the plum. The shoots when used for propagation must be transplanted with all the roots attached to them, care being taken not to injure the parent plant. If they spring from a thick root it is not to be wantonly severed, but the soil should be removed and the sucker taken off by cutting away a clean slice of the root." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Suckering Iron

"Root suckers are young shoots from the roots of plants, chiefly woody plants, as may often be seenin…

Sugar Cane is probably a native to India, but is now extensively cultivated throughout the tropical and warm temperate zones, of both hemispheres, in the West Indies, Southern United States, Guinea and Brazil, Mauritius and Bourbon, Bengal, Siam, China, Java, and the neighboring islands.

Sugar Cane

Sugar Cane is probably a native to India, but is now extensively cultivated throughout the tropical…

"Drosera rotundifolia. 1. a flower; 2. a perpendicular section of the ovary; 3. a perpendicular section of a seed." -Lindley, 1853

Common Sundew

"Drosera rotundifolia. 1. a flower; 2. a perpendicular section of the ovary; 3. a perpendicular section…

Of the Composite family (Compositae), the brown-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia triloba).

Brown-Eyed Susan

Of the Composite family (Compositae), the brown-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia triloba).

Also known as Quercus michauxii. The branch of a Swamp Chestnut Oak tree, native to the wetlands of the southern and central United States

Branch of Swamp Chestnut Oak

Also known as Quercus michauxii. The branch of a Swamp Chestnut Oak tree, native to the wetlands of…

Also known as Populus heterophylla. The branch from a Swamp Cottonwood tree, native to warm regions of North America.

Branch of Swamp Cottonwood

Also known as Populus heterophylla. The branch from a Swamp Cottonwood tree, native to warm regions…

Also known as Hicoria minima. The branch of a Swamp Hickory tree, which produces pear-shaped nuts.

Branch of Swamp Hickory

Also known as Hicoria minima. The branch of a Swamp Hickory tree, which produces pear-shaped nuts.

Also known as Quercus laurifolia. The branch of a Swamp Laurel Oak, native to the southeast United States.

Branch of Swamp Laurel Oak

Also known as Quercus laurifolia. The branch of a Swamp Laurel Oak, native to the southeast United States.

Also known as Betula lenta. A species of birch native to eastern North America.

Branch of Sweet Birch

Also known as Betula lenta. A species of birch native to eastern North America.

A type of flower.

Sweet Pea

A type of flower.

Sweet pea tendrils.

Sweet Pea

Sweet pea tendrils.

Also known as Magnolia virginiana. The branch of a Sweetbay Magnolia plant, native to the southeastern coast of the United States.

Branch of Sweetbay Magnolia

Also known as Magnolia virginiana. The branch of a Sweetbay Magnolia plant, native to the southeastern…

A leafy vegetable grown primarily for its edible roots.

Swiss Chard

A leafy vegetable grown primarily for its edible roots.

"Symplocos laxiflora. 1. expanded flower; 2. corolla cut open; 3. a stamen; 4. longitudinal section of ovary; 5. transverse ditto; 6. ripe fruit; 7. longitudinal section of ditto." -Lindley, 1853


"Symplocos laxiflora. 1. expanded flower; 2. corolla cut open; 3. a stamen; 4. longitudinal section…

"Synaphea dilatata. 1. a flower; 2. one of its lobes; 3. the ovary and style and stigma." -Lindley, 1853


"Synaphea dilatata. 1. a flower; 2. one of its lobes; 3. the ovary and style and stigma." -Lindley,…

Also known as Pinus contorta, var. murrayana. The pine cone of a Tamarack Pine tree, native to the Cascade Range, Sierra Nevada, and surrounding mountain ranges.

Pine Cone of Tamarack Pine

Also known as Pinus contorta, var. murrayana. The pine cone of a Tamarack Pine tree, native to the Cascade…

"Tansy is a genus of Compositæ, numbering about 50 species of strong-scented herbs, often shrubby below, with alternate usually much-divided leaves, and solitary or corymbose heads of rayless yellow flowers. The genus is represented in North America, Europe, North and South Africa, temperate and cold Asia. Common tansy has long had a reputation as a medicinal herb, causing it to be much grown in gardens in the past."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Tansy is a genus of Compositæ, numbering about 50 species of strong-scented herbs, often shrubby…

A pink flower with corolla white tubes. It is a hybrid greenhouse Rhododendron.

Rhododendron Taylori

A pink flower with corolla white tubes. It is a hybrid greenhouse Rhododendron.

Tea consists of the dried leaves of a number of evergreen shrubs, natives of China or thereabouts. Tea is cultivated in China and India, as far north as latitude 45. It appears to thrive between 25 and 33 N. Latitude. It is extensively cultivated in Malacca, Java, and various portions of the English possessions in India. Tea was introduced into Europe by the Dutch in 1610.

Tea Plant

Tea consists of the dried leaves of a number of evergreen shrubs, natives of China or thereabouts. Tea…

"Paronychia capitata. 1. a section of a flower; 2. of the ovary; 3. ripe seed; 4. a section of it." -Lindley, 1853

Algerian Tea

"Paronychia capitata. 1. a section of a flower; 2. of the ovary; 3. ripe seed; 4. a section of it."…

This perennial plant belongs to the sempervivum; commonly used as an ornamental plant.

Sempervivum Tectorum

This perennial plant belongs to the sempervivum; commonly used as an ornamental plant.

A slender-fronded fern with pinnae that are narrower than those of a regular Pteris serrulata, and has saw-edged leaves. They are commonly found in China.

Pteris Serrulata Tenuifolia

A slender-fronded fern with pinnae that are narrower than those of a regular Pteris serrulata, and has…

Grafting is a horticultural operation which consists in placing together the two cut surfaces of different plants in such a way that they shall unite and become an organic unity. The rooted plant which is to receive the graft is called the 'stock'; the cutting which is to be applied to the stock, and to obtain its nourishment from it, is called the 'scion'. This illustration shows Terminal Herbaceous grafting.

Terminal Herbaceous Grafting

Grafting is a horticultural operation which consists in placing together the two cut surfaces of different…

"Tetratheca hirsuta. 1. the stamens; 2. the pistil, with one of the cells laid open." -Lindley, 1853


"Tetratheca hirsuta. 1. the stamens; 2. the pistil, with one of the cells laid open." -Lindley, 1853

Also known as Yucca treculeana. The branch of a Texas Bayonette, a species of perennial shrubs in the agave family.

Branch of Texas Bayonette

Also known as Yucca treculeana. The branch of a Texas Bayonette, a species of perennial shrubs in the…

Also known as Ulmus crassifolia. The branch of a Texas Cedar Elm, native to to south central North America.

Branch of Texas Cedar Elm

Also known as Ulmus crassifolia. The branch of a Texas Cedar Elm, native to to south central North America.

Plants white-powdery above; plants extremely large, usually over 1 m.


Plants white-powdery above; plants extremely large, usually over 1 m.

"Thesium pratense. 1. a flower; 2. the same laid open; 3. half an unripe fruit; 4. placenta and pair of ovules; 5. half the ripe fruit and seed." -Lindley, 1853


"Thesium pratense. 1. a flower; 2. the same laid open; 3. half an unripe fruit; 4. placenta and pair…

The Southern Globe Thistle (Echinops ruthenicus) is a species of thistles in the Asteraceae or daisy family.

Southern Globe Thistle

The Southern Globe Thistle (Echinops ruthenicus) is a species of thistles in the Asteraceae or daisy…

"Armeria vulgaris. 1. calyx and stamens; 2. section of corolla; 3. pistil; 4. ovule; 5. embryo." -Lindley, 1853

Sea Thrift

"Armeria vulgaris. 1. calyx and stamens; 2. section of corolla; 3. pistil; 4. ovule; 5. embryo." -Lindley,…

A species of palm native to southern Florida and Cuba.

Branch of Thrinax Keyensis

A species of palm native to southern Florida and Cuba.

An evergreen coniferous tree found throughout North America and Europe.

Branch of Thuja Occidentalis

An evergreen coniferous tree found throughout North America and Europe.

"A composite (Coreopsis sp.). A, B, E, views of the inflorescence or head; C, a ray-flower; D, section through the head; F, a disc-flower in bud; G, disc-flower just opened; H, older disc-flower, the stigmas reflexed; I, disc-flower with corolla removed." -Gager, 1916


"A composite (Coreopsis sp.). A, B, E, views of the inflorescence or head; C, a ray-flower; D, section…

A timothy plant grown from a single seed - a bunch grass.


A timothy plant grown from a single seed - a bunch grass.

Variation in timothy heads. No two are alike.

Timothy heads

Variation in timothy heads. No two are alike.

A type of flower.

Toad Flax

A type of flower.

Corolla of Toad-Flax, with similar corolla spurred at the base.


Corolla of Toad-Flax, with similar corolla spurred at the base.

"Toddalia floribunda. 1. a flower; 2. a pair of carpels, one of which shows its ovule; 3. fruits; 4. a perpendicular section of one of them." -Lindley, 1853


"Toddalia floribunda. 1. a flower; 2. a pair of carpels, one of which shows its ovule; 3. fruits; 4.…