The common names ofAplectrum hyemale are putty root and Adam-and-Eve. The pods are oblong and pointed.…
"Cacao, or cocoa, is the chocolate tree, and also the powder and beverage made with it obtained from…
Native to countries around the Mediterranean. The pods are often called locust-eans, are supposed by…
Section lengthwise of flax seed cut half away, bringing contained embryo into view.
Section of a flax-seed magnified and divided flat-wise: turned round, so that the stem-end (caulicle)…
Section through a flax seed turned edgewise, showing the thickness of the cotyledons, and the minute…
Also known as a carob tree or Ceratonia siliqua. It is a flowering shrub or tree native to the Mediterranean…
Pictured is a garden variety of pea with flowers and pods in different stages of development.
A tropical tree of the legume family, whose pods are used in the production of food and drinks.