"States that: A body when immersed in a fluid loses exactly as much of its weight as is equal to the…
"From one end of a scale-beam, suspend a cylindrical metal bucket, b, with a solid cylinder, a, that…
Scales are made with different divisions for different purposes. For machine, structural and architectural…
"A representation of a common form of the delicate balances employed in physical and chemical researches.…
"The most accurate method of determining the specific gravity of a mineral is by the use of a chemical…
A weighing apparatus somewhat resembling the steelyard, but differing from it by having the fulcrum…
"A form of balance in which the weight of the body under examination is measured by the stretching (torsion)…
"Noted for being completely covered in horny scales. It is common on all the coasts of Europe and Greenland."…
"Scales from the wings of a butterfly, Vanessa antiopa, highly magnified. 1. from border of anterior…
When the caliper cannot be removed from a thickness, a filler can be used. The distance must be subtracted…
The transfer caliper is provided with a false leg which is set so that the caliper may be opened and…
"Draw three-inch square. Draw lines AB, BC, DE and EF at 30 degrees. Divide lower side into seven equal…
Illustration of blueprint used by highway engineers to widen the pavement on the inside of the curve…
"Cupressus sempervirens; 1. a scale of a male cone with pollen; 2. a scale of a female cone with naked…
"Place a known weight (say 100 g.) in the scale-pan, and to this weight add the weight of the clevis…
"Through the center of the space draw a horizontal and a vertical line, measuring on these lines as…
Lepidopus caudatus. "1. A fish of the family Lepidopodidae, Lepidopus caudatus,of the Mediterranean…
"Under Louis XV, and Louis XVI, the sou was struck in copper, and had an intrinsic value of two deniers…
A scene from Hawthorne's "Grandfather's Chair." A young girl is on a large scale, being weighed for…
"The type of instrument which resulted from Russian labors. The brass tube, strengthened at the bearing…
"A fish known chiefly by scales, fossil remains of which are found in Old Red Sandstone." — Williams,…
"Determines the specific gravity of any given liquid. A hollow ball, C, rises to a graduated scale while…
This illustration shows a portion of Lepidodendron. Lepidodendron is the generic name of a large and…
Illustration of an ordinary steel-yard being used as a lever. F represents the fulcrum. Weight P is…
"A balance, a pair of scales. The principal parts of this instrument were: 1. The beam. 2. The two scales,…
The Universal Drafting Machine is used in a large drafting room. It combines the functions of T-square,…
A young colonial woman's dower being paid in shillings according to her weight.
The graduated plumb and level is a type of plumb bob with a scale. It is used to level horizontal or…
Illustration of a hydraulic machine. "A principle known as Pascal's Law states that pressure exerted…
"Arrangement of scales in the Roach (Leuciscus rutilus). L, Lateral line; t r, transverse line; a, transverse…
Pristis pectinatus. "1. An elasmobranchiate or selachian fish of the family Pristidae, having the snout…
Pristis pectinatus. "1. An elasmobranchiate or selachian fish of the family Pristidae, having the snout…
The scale bugs, or bark lice, are very injurious to trees: some of them are among the worst pests of…
"A common scale-beam, used for weighing, is a lever, suspended at the centre of gravity, so that the…
A system of ordered marks at fixed intervals used as a reference standard in measurement