This is a hydraulic weighing scale were the object is placed on a base and later water is filled into…
"This distance should be thought of not as three inches but as a foot divided into inches and eighths…
These placoid scales are found in cartilaginous fishes. They are also called dermal denticles. These…
Cyclodus gigas. "They are harmless creatures, some inches long, natives mostly of warm countries, will…
"A remarkable family of flying rodents of Africa; the scale-tailed squirrels."-Whitney, 1902
"The Steelyard is more portable then the ordinary balance. It consists of a lever, AB, moving round…
Shows the differences between the Centigrade and absolute (Kelvin) temperature scales at the boiling…
"Take a piece of ivory, or any other substance that will sink in water, and weigh it accurately in the…
An illustration of a price computing weighing machine using an even even balance and pendulum.
"Saxe-Gothea conspicua; 1. male spike; 2. anther; 3. scale of galbulus with ovule; 4. ripe galbulus."…