A branch of the Canadian Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis), a shrub or small tree, showing fruit.

Canadian Serviceberry

A branch of the Canadian Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis), a shrub or small tree, showing fruit.

A branch of the Canadian Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis), a shrub or small tree, showing flowers.

Canadian Serviceberry

A branch of the Canadian Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis), a shrub or small tree, showing flowers.

"Mr. Seymour's form approaches more nearly to the French method than any other practised in England, but the direct channel of the sap is not suppressed. It will be seen that the bearing shoots are all on the upper side of the mother branches, and that these bearing shoots are wholly reproduced once a year." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Seymour's Fan

"Mr. Seymour's form approaches more nearly to the French method than any other practised in England,…

Also known as Salix sitchensis. The branch of a Sitka Willow tree, native to northwestern North America.

Branch of Sitka Willow

Also known as Salix sitchensis. The branch of a Sitka Willow tree, native to northwestern North America.

Smilax is a genus of about 300-350 species, found in the tropics and subtropics worldwide. In China for example about 80 are found (39 of which are endemic), while there are 20 in North America north of Mexico[1]. They are climbing flowering plants, many of which are woody and/or thorny, in the monocotyledon family Smilacaceae, native throughout the tropical and warm temperate regions of the world. Common names include catbriers, greenbriers, prickly-ivys and smilaxes. "Sarsaparilla" (also zarzaparrilla, sarsparilla) is a name used specifically for the Jamaican S. regelii as well as a catch-all term in particular for American species. Occasionally, the non-woody species such as the Smooth Herbaceous Greenbrier (S. herbacea) are separated as genus Nemexia; they are commonly known by the rather ambiguous name "carrion flowers"


Smilax is a genus of about 300-350 species, found in the tropics and subtropics worldwide. In China…

"Sapindus senegalensis. 1. an expanded flower; 2. a petal; 3. the ovaries before fertilisation; 4. a vertical section of a ripe drupe, showing the embryo." -Lindley, 1853


"Sapindus senegalensis. 1. an expanded flower; 2. a petal; 3. the ovaries before fertilisation; 4. a…

The botanical name for plants that belong to the pittosporaceae.

Heterophylla Sollya

The botanical name for plants that belong to the pittosporaceae.

Wormwood from North America which is used in brewing beer.

Shrubs of Southernwood

Wormwood from North America which is used in brewing beer.

Also known as Yucca gloriosa. The branch of a Spanish Dagger plant, part of the agave family.

Branch of Spanish Dagger

Also known as Yucca gloriosa. The branch of a Spanish Dagger plant, part of the agave family.

"The common spindle tree (<em>Euonymus europaeus</em>) is a European shrub, which bears glossy lanceolate leaves, and in late spring clusters of small greenish flowers, followed by fruits which become beautifully rose colored."—Finley, 1917

Spindle Tree

"The common spindle tree (Euonymus europaeus) is a European shrub, which bears glossy lanceolate…

Fruit of the spindle tree.

Spindle Tree Fruit

Fruit of the spindle tree.

"Euonymus europaeus. 1. a section of a fruit; 2. a seed enveloped in its aril; 3. a perpendicular section of a seed." -Lindley, 1853

European Spindle

"Euonymus europaeus. 1. a section of a fruit; 2. a seed enveloped in its aril; 3. a perpendicular section…

The Birth of St. George is a drawing that was created by artist C.M. Gere. It seems to depict a farmer finding the infant St. George laying on a blanket behind a shrub. St. George became a venerated Christian Martyr.

The Birth of St. George

The Birth of St. George is a drawing that was created by artist C.M. Gere. It seems to depict a farmer…

The Woodland Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) is a flowering plant in Rosaceae, the rose family.

Woodland Strawberry

The Woodland Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) is a flowering plant in Rosaceae, the rose family.

"2. flower of Stylapterus sp.; 3 a. anther in front; 3 b. ditto behind; 4. anther between two lobes of calyx." -Lindley, 1853


"2. flower of Stylapterus sp.; 3 a. anther in front; 3 b. ditto behind; 4. anther between two lobes…

Also known as Rhus vernix. It is a woody shrub or small trees that can cause skin irritation when touched. When burned, inhalation of the smoke may cause a rash to appear on the lungs.

Poison Sumac

Also known as Rhus vernix. It is a woody shrub or small trees that can cause skin irritation when touched.…

Also known as Hicoria minima. The branch of a Swamp Hickory tree, which produces pear-shaped nuts.

Branch of Swamp Hickory

Also known as Hicoria minima. The branch of a Swamp Hickory tree, which produces pear-shaped nuts.

Also known as Yucca treculeana. The branch of a Texas Bayonette, a species of perennial shrubs in the agave family.

Branch of Texas Bayonette

Also known as Yucca treculeana. The branch of a Texas Bayonette, a species of perennial shrubs in the…

"Russian Thistle." -Bergen, 1896

Russian Thistle

"Russian Thistle." -Bergen, 1896

A sharp, woody shoot from the stem of a tree or shrub.


A sharp, woody shoot from the stem of a tree or shrub.

This shrub has oval leathery leaves and small white flowers. It is a common landscaping plant.

Pittosporum Tobira

This shrub has oval leathery leaves and small white flowers. It is a common landscaping plant.

Plant member of the lily family, known for a lump of pointed leaves and flowering stalk.

Yucca Treculeana

Plant member of the lily family, known for a lump of pointed leaves and flowering stalk.

Shown are the Urticaceae, Loranthaceae, and Olacaceae orders. Urtica, banksia, protea, phoradendron, and liriosma are flowers of these orders that are illustrated here.

Urticaceae, Loranthaceae, and Olacaceae Orders

Shown are the Urticaceae, Loranthaceae, and Olacaceae orders. Urtica, banksia, protea, phoradendron,…

A South American palm that produce a seed for the which the plant is named.

Vegetable Ivory

A South American palm that produce a seed for the which the plant is named.

A well-known climbing shrub, which consists of climbing plants with woody stems, simple or compound leaves, small green flowers, and round berries.


A well-known climbing shrub, which consists of climbing plants with woody stems, simple or compound…

A shrub that is native to Europe, northwest Africa, and western Asia. It reaches up to 13 feet in height, and is covered in small oval leaves and yellow flowers. The fruit produced on this shrub is sour, but edible, and rich in Vitamin C.

Berberis Vulgaris

A shrub that is native to Europe, northwest Africa, and western Asia. It reaches up to 13 feet in height,…

Also known as Betula fontinalis. A species of birch native to North America.

Branch of Water Birch

Also known as Betula fontinalis. A species of birch native to North America.

Also known as Juniperus flaccida. A large shrub or small tree native to central and northern Mexico, as well as the extreme southwest of Texas.

Branch of Weeping Juniper

Also known as Juniperus flaccida. A large shrub or small tree native to central and northern Mexico,…

Also known as Alnus rhombifoiia. The branch of a White Alder tree, native to western North America.

Branch of White Alder

Also known as Alnus rhombifoiia. The branch of a White Alder tree, native to western North America.

"Eriostemon myoporoides. 1. a complete flower; 2. the ovary, seated in a cup-shaped disk, surrounded by a calyx; 3. the ripe fruit, separated spontaneously into its component carpels." -Lindley, 1853

White Star

"Eriostemon myoporoides. 1. a complete flower; 2. the ovary, seated in a cup-shaped disk, surrounded…

"Ament-A kind of inflorescence consisting of unisexual apetalous flowers growing in the axils of scales or bracts ranged along a talk or axis."-Whitney, 1902


"Ament-A kind of inflorescence consisting of unisexual apetalous flowers growing in the axils of scales…

A flowering vine belonging to the Wisteria genus.

Wisteria Shrub

A flowering vine belonging to the Wisteria genus.

A branch of Yucca arborescens, a species in the agave family.

Branch of Yucca Arborescens

A branch of Yucca arborescens, a species in the agave family.

The branch of a Yucca faxoniana, a species of perennial shrub native to the southwest United States.

Branch of Yucca Faxoniana

The branch of a Yucca faxoniana, a species of perennial shrub native to the southwest United States.

The branch and fruit of a Yucca mohavensis, a species of plant from the agave family.

Branch of Yucca Mohavensis

The branch and fruit of a Yucca mohavensis, a species of plant from the agave family.

The branch of a Yucca Radiosa, a species of perennial shrub from the agave family.

Branch of Yucca Radiosa

The branch of a Yucca Radiosa, a species of perennial shrub from the agave family.

Plant belonging to the orchid family.

Zygopetalum Machaii

Plant belonging to the orchid family.