A branch of the Canadian Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis), a shrub or small tree, showing fruit.
A branch of the Canadian Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis), a shrub or small tree, showing flowers.
"Mr. Seymour's form approaches more nearly to the French method than any other practised in England,…
Also known as Salix sitchensis. The branch of a Sitka Willow tree, native to northwestern North America.
Smilax is a genus of about 300-350 species, found in the tropics and subtropics worldwide. In China…
"Sapindus senegalensis. 1. an expanded flower; 2. a petal; 3. the ovaries before fertilisation; 4. a…
Also known as Yucca gloriosa. The branch of a Spanish Dagger plant, part of the agave family.
"The common spindle tree (Euonymus europaeus) is a European shrub, which bears glossy lanceolate…
"Euonymus europaeus. 1. a section of a fruit; 2. a seed enveloped in its aril; 3. a perpendicular section…
The Birth of St. George is a drawing that was created by artist C.M. Gere. It seems to depict a farmer…
The Woodland Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) is a flowering plant in Rosaceae, the rose family.
"2. flower of Stylapterus sp.; 3 a. anther in front; 3 b. ditto behind; 4. anther between two lobes…
Also known as Rhus vernix. It is a woody shrub or small trees that can cause skin irritation when touched.…
Also known as Hicoria minima. The branch of a Swamp Hickory tree, which produces pear-shaped nuts.
Also known as Yucca treculeana. The branch of a Texas Bayonette, a species of perennial shrubs in the…
This shrub has oval leathery leaves and small white flowers. It is a common landscaping plant.
Plant member of the lily family, known for a lump of pointed leaves and flowering stalk.
Shown are the Urticaceae, Loranthaceae, and Olacaceae orders. Urtica, banksia, protea, phoradendron,…
A well-known climbing shrub, which consists of climbing plants with woody stems, simple or compound…
A shrub that is native to Europe, northwest Africa, and western Asia. It reaches up to 13 feet in height,…
Also known as Juniperus flaccida. A large shrub or small tree native to central and northern Mexico,…
Also known as Alnus rhombifoiia. The branch of a White Alder tree, native to western North America.
"Eriostemon myoporoides. 1. a complete flower; 2. the ovary, seated in a cup-shaped disk, surrounded…
"Ament-A kind of inflorescence consisting of unisexual apetalous flowers growing in the axils of scales…
The branch of a Yucca faxoniana, a species of perennial shrub native to the southwest United States.
The branch and fruit of a Yucca mohavensis, a species of plant from the agave family.
The branch of a Yucca Radiosa, a species of perennial shrub from the agave family.