"The plumage in the Calyptomena viridis of the Indo-Malay countries is bright green, with large black…
"Pyrrhula cassini. Cassin's Bullfinch. Above, clear ashy-gray; below, cinnamon-gray; rump and under…
" The Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis), with its black, chestnut, and white plumage, that becomes…
"Colius capensis, or Cape Coly, has two stripes of black on the back enclosing one of white, the bare…
"Hypocolius ampelinus, Grey "Coly-Shrike", the plumage is soft, with characteristically stiff shafts…
"Certhia familiaris, the Tree Creeper, the coloration of both sexes is brown, black, rufous, buff, grey,…
"Cinclus aquaticus, Dippers, the colour above is normally greyish-black or brown; the lower parts are…
"Terpsiphone paradisi, Paradise Flycatchers, have fine crests, shorter in the female; while fleshy wattles,…
"Grayish-blue, bluer on the crown, hoary on the rump, the forehead black, continuous with a black superciliary…
Alcedo Ispida. European Kingfisher. Small bird, upper parts blue-green; under parts orange; rump and…
The Crex pratensis, Land-Rail, or Cork Crake, is mostly brown with the upper parts spotted, a blue-green…
"The Pica rustica, or Magpie, extends through the Palaearctic Region, and reaches Formosa and North…
"The colours in Sitta caesia, (Nuthatch) which ranges over nearly all the Palaearctic and Indian Regions,…
"No black cap or white stripe on head. Upper parts dull ashy-blue; under parts sordid or muddy whitish.…
icterus baltimore, Baltimore Oriole, are glossy black, with yellow, bay, or orange patches-especially…
"Pitta brachyura, the Indian Pitta, has plumage that exhibits vivid scarlet, blue, and green tints,…
"Philepitta, peculiar to Madagascar, which have bare orbits surmounted by a green caruncle in the male,…
"Aegialitis hiaticola, the Ringed Plover, Sand-Lark, or Stone-runner, mistakenly called the "Ring-Dotterel"…
"Our Ruticilla phoenicurus,the Redstart, is grey, with brown wings, chestnut breast, rump, and lateral…
"The Lanius excubitor, Great Grey Shrike, lax plumage is either black, grey, and white, or is varied…
"Sky-Lark. Upper parts grayish-brown, the feathers with darker centers; under parts whitish, tinged…
"Passer domesticus, House Sparrow, The sexes may be similarly coloured or very different, the hues being…
"Rhamphocoelus brasilius, the Brazilian Tanager, ...are chiefly small in size; the sexes are commonly…
"Timelia maculata, the Babbling Thrush, sexes are commonly alike, the plain rufous coloration being…
"Wood Thrush. Upper parts, including the surface of the closed wings, tawny-brown, purest and deepest…
"Parus major, the Great Titmouse, are olive, brown, or grey, varied with black, white, chestnut, or…
"Todus viridis, Tody, has coloration that is green, with a red throat, yellowish-white or pinkish under…
"Mniotilta varia, the Black and White Warbler, The general coloration is olive-green, grey, or slaty-blue,…
"Both sexes of our irregular winter-visitor the Waxwing (Ampelis garrulus) are silky greyish-brown,…
"Pyromelaena flammiceps, the Weaver-birds, the coloration of these rather small birds is most striking,…
"Troglodytes parvulus, Wren, the coloration is ordinarily brown, with a great tendency to barring; spots,…
"Winter Wren. Above brown, darker before, brighter behind, most of back, together with tail and inner…