Longitudinal section (A) and transverse section (B) of a human molar tooth. Labels: c, cement; d, dentine;…
Triturating surfaces of molar teeth of right side. The upper margin of the figures corresponds to the…
Temporary molar teeth (A, first; B, second) of left side. Triturating surfaces of crowns also shown.
Vertical section of a molar tooth. Labels: a, enamel of the crown, the line of which indicate the arrangement…
Open mouth showing palate and tonsils. It also shows the two palatine arches, and the pharyngeal isthmus…
"Dental Branch of One of the Divisions of the Fifth Pair of Cranial Nerves, supplying the Lower Teeth.…
"Dental Branches of One of the Divisions of the Fifth Pair of Cranial Nerves, supply the Upper Teeth."…
"Milkand permanent dentition of upper (I) and lower (II) jaw of the dog, with the symbols by which the…
"A circular wheel, with teeth on the circumference, by which it can be moved or its motion stayed."…
"a. shank for fixing the implement to a bench; c. punch, hinged to a base b and e; and pressed upward…
A saw-set is an "instrument used to wrest or turn the teeth of saws alternately to the right left so…
Pristis pectinatus. "1. An elasmobranchiate or selachian fish of the family Pristidae, having the snout…
Pristis pectinatus. "1. An elasmobranchiate or selachian fish of the family Pristidae, having the snout…
This illustration includes numerous types of saws: a. Circular saw (right-hand and left-hand saws have…
Screw-and-Worm gearing is a type of gearing in which the velocity ratio is independent of the radii…
"A, Palate process of upper jawbone; B, zygoma, forming zygomatic arch; C, condyle, for forming articulation…
The base of the skull. "The lower jaw has been removed. At the lower part of the figure is the hard…
"...a variety of calcite, crystallizing in scalenohedral forms; so named from a fancied resemblance…
"System of Wheels.—As the wheel and axle is only a modification of the simple lever, so a system…
The series of small bones attached to the jaws of animals, or human beings, which serve the purpose…
The hard, bony structures situated in the mouth or near the entrance to the pharynx of vertebrates,…
To show the relation of the upper to the lower teeth when the mouth is closed. The manner in which a…
Teeth of a carnivorous animal that lives on flesh alone. The front teeth are designed for tearing, while…
Temporary teeth in a child aged about 4 years. The permanent teeth are seen in the process of formation…
Teeth of a frugivore (fruit-eating animal). Animals that live on soft fruits do not need such grinders…
Teeth of an herbivore, showing the rough surface of some of these teeth. Herbivores have no tearing…
The image on the left are the teeth of a carnivora or flesh-eating animal. The teeth on the right belong…
1. Dentition (teeth) of man. 2. Dentition of hyena. 3. Dentition of pig. 4. Dentition of Patagonian…
Half of the teeth of the upper jaw. a,a, are the two front cutting teeth. d,d,d are…
The adult teeth. Labels: 1, 2, The cutting teeth (incisors). 3, Eyetooth (cuspid). 4,5, Small grinders…
The deciduous and permanent teeth, shown as they are placed in the jaw with portions of bone removed…
The first step in the development of teeth consists in a downward growth from the Rete Malpighi or the…
Well formed jaws, from which the alveolar plate has been removed to expose the developing permanent…
The teeth of a 6 and a half year old child. Label: I, the incisors; O, the canine; M, the molars; the…
"A Tooth is one of the hard bodies of the mouth, attached to the skeleton, but not forming part of it…