Close-up illustration of scalpriform incisor of a beaver. It is "chisel-shaped; having the character…
Vertical section of canine tooth to illustrate the various parts and structures.
Canine teeth of left side, labiial (A) and lateral (B) aspects. C, temporary canines.
Vertical transverse section of the dental sac and pulp of a kitten. Labels: a, dental papilla or pulp;…
Section of a portion of the dentine and cement from the middle of the root of an incisor tooth. Labels:…
Part of section of developing tooth of a young rat, showing the mode of deposition of the dentine. Labels:…
Enamel fibers. A, fragments and single fibers of the transversely striated enamel, isolated by the action…
Enamel prisms. A, Fragments and single fibers of the enamel isolated by the action of hydrochloric acid;…
Longitudinal section of enamel, treated with acid, showing disposition of ranges of enamel prisms (p,…
"Side view of second upper molar tooth of Anchitherium (brachyodont form)." — Encyclopedia Britannica,…
"Side view of skull of horse, with the bone removed so as to expose the whole of the teeth. PMx, premaxilla;…
"Dentition of Hyaenodon leptorhynchus. The posterior molar is concealed behind the penultimate tooth."…
Horizontal section through both the upper and lower jaws to show the roots of the teeth. The sections…
Right half of lower jaw, with the corresponding teeth. The letters and numbers point to the various…
Right half of upper jaw (from below), with the corresponding teeth. The letters and numbers point to…
This illustration shows a section of a tooth of a typical Labyrinthodont. Labyrinthodont, or Stegocephali…
Ossification of superior maxilla. A, outer side. B, inner side. C, under side. Labels: a, nasal process;…
The molar teeth of a human, horse and dog. The first image to the left in a molar tooth of a horse.…
Longitudinal section (A) and transverse section (B) of a human molar tooth. Labels: c, cement; d, dentine;…
Triturating surfaces of molar teeth of right side. The upper margin of the figures corresponds to the…
Vertical section of a molar tooth. Labels: a, enamel of the crown, the line of which indicate the arrangement…
"The Savart wheel consists of a heavy metal toothed wheel that may be put in rapid revolution by pulling…
"...a variety of calcite, crystallizing in scalenohedral forms; so named from a fancied resemblance…
To show the relation of the upper to the lower teeth when the mouth is closed. The manner in which a…
1. Dentition (teeth) of man. 2. Dentition of hyena. 3. Dentition of pig. 4. Dentition of Patagonian…
The adult teeth. Labels: 1, 2, The cutting teeth (incisors). 3, Eyetooth (cuspid). 4,5, Small grinders…
Well formed jaws, from which the alveolar plate has been removed to expose the developing permanent…
The teeth of a 6 and a half year old child. Label: I, the incisors; O, the canine; M, the molars; the…
"A Tooth is one of the hard bodies of the mouth, attached to the skeleton, but not forming part of it…
Incisor and canine teeth of a horse. A, front, B, lateral, and C, corner incisor; D, canine teeth.