Also known as Juniperus sabina. A species of juniper native to central and southern Europe, as well…
"Scale-insect. Oyster-shell bark-louse of the apple (Mytilaspis pomorum); male. a, ventral view with…
"a, Scales of Chionaspis pinifoliae upon pine-leaves, natural size; b, scale of male, enlarged; c, straight…
Also known as Quercus coccinea. The branch of a red oak tree native to the eastern United States.
An illustration of a school and the school's guild chapel with tree in front of it.
Also known as Pinus sylvestris. The cones of this tree have a dense hue, and are between 1.5 inches…
The type of an order of trees or brushes known as the Pandancae or Screw-pine order. They are natives…
Also known as Pandanus utilis. It is a tropical tree with an edible fruit. It is native to Madagascar…
Also known as Coccolobis uvifera. A branch of a Sea Grape plant, native throughout tropical America…
Also known as Alnus maritima. The branch of a Seaside Alder, native to the United States.
Also known as Ulmus serotina. A branch of a September Elm tree, native to a select few states in North…
A branch of the Canadian Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis), a shrub or small tree, showing fruit.
A branch of the Canadian Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis), a shrub or small tree, showing flowers.
Also known as Hicoria ovata. The branch of a Shagbark Hickory tree, native to the eastern United States.
Also known as Quercus breviloba. The branch of a Shallow-lobed Oak tree, native to the southern United…
Also known as Hicoria laciniosa. The branch of the Shellbark Hickory tree, native to the midwestern…
Also known as Quercus imbricaria. The branch of a Shingle Oak tree, native primarily to the midwestern…
Silver wattle is the common name of acacia decurrens variation dealbata. The tree is fifty or more feet…
"Halesia tetraptera. 1. its fruit; 2. a perpendicular; 3. a transverse, section of it." -Lindley, 1853
Also known as Pinus monophylla. The pine cone of a Single-leaf Pinyon.
Also known as Picea sitchensis. The pine cone of the largest species of spruce trees.
Also known as Salix sitchensis. The branch of a Sitka Willow tree, native to northwestern North America.
"An abatis formed by felling trees toward the enemy, leaving the butt hanging to the stump, the branches…
"Sling the Monkey is a capital game, and can be played anywhere where there are trees. One player who…
Also known as Ulmus fulva. The branch of a Slippery Elm tree, native to eastern North America.
"Four to five feet long; color yellowishgray, cleaning with a pale golden hue, and dotted with whitish…
"Sapindus senegalensis. 1. an expanded flower; 2. a petal; 3. the ovaries before fertilisation; 4. a…
Also known as Malus angustifolia. The branch of a Southern Crabapple tree, native throughout the Southeastern…
Also known as Quercus virginiana. The branch of a Southern Live Oak tree, native to the southeastern…
Also known as Magnolia grandiflora. The branch and flower of a Southern Magnolia plant, native to the…
Also known as Yucca schidigera. A flowering plant that is native to the Mojave Desert in the Western…
Also known as Yucca gloriosa. The branch of a Spanish Dagger plant, part of the agave family.
Spanish fir is the common name of Abies pinsapo. Illustrated is the verdure from top to base.
Also known as Quercus falcata. The branch of a Spanish Oak tree, naive to the eastern coast of the United…
The Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus, breeds over most of Europe and Siberia, and allied forms occur in…
"The Lime-tree sphinx, Sphinx tiliae, has the wings denticulated and angular; it is nocturnal,…
"The common spindle tree (Euonymus europaeus) is a European shrub, which bears glossy lanceolate…
"Euonymus europaeus. 1. a section of a fruit; 2. a seed enveloped in its aril; 3. a perpendicular section…
An illustration of a square and triangles within the square. This is an example of a problem that can…
Also known as Torreya taxifolia. A plant found in the Southeastern United States.
Stone pine and parasol pine are the common names of pinus pinea. The tree grows between fifty and sixty…